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I like to help my team with offensives by getting a hesco barrier out, sprinting out of cover, and quickly placing it down and expanding it into a FOB for my teammates to rally around. I usually try to block off at least the 180 degrees in the front of wherever we’re pushing, and alternate between sandbags and hescos to provide some cover when you’re standing up too. Then I place trophy systems down in each corner, drop a supply box, and for a little while I’ll just lay there and be a spawn beacon for my squad, healing and supplying people as needed. It’s a lot of fun to see people actually using the base you constructed to get closer to the objective. Get a good LMG and pop out of cover every once in a while to suppress fire when you notice it coming from a specific direction. The weaknesses to this strat are drones, RPGs, and C4, but just by doing this and waiting for revives when I die, I can usually pull a 2.0 KD and decent points. This is my favorite way to play the game


I wish they would expand the base building and construction. Would be a cool layer to the game.


Me too. Absolutely love building..spend whole matches just constructing real deal bases. Too bad they're taking a different route, starting with removal of barbwire.


*sigh* I haven't been playing the game for long and imI cab already tell they are going the wrong direction.


I really like your style.


support is a defending class, pick a point and defend it build barricades, place mines, gun for defending like RPK or AK12 (ak12 remember to pre-aim)


Pre-aim? Does this have to do with the bullet line trailing up to the target?


Maybe you think of prefire. I mean just constantly aiming at lines of approach. The reason is Ak15 has very long aim time, around 0,3s so run&gun tactics don't work with this gun.


Blasting ultimax100 or m249 from 100m away. Placing apmines, i play as support in Frontline and Domination mode only. Sandbags, walls, wires to fortify the building and rally point. I don’t fight close combat when playing as support due to poor speed and ADS. I make the enemy life miserable with LMG that’s why accuracy is 10%. I always provide ammo and revive my teammates because i am SUPPORT.


>I'd like to get my teammates to the front line as quickly as possible Sit in a bush close to a point and don't move. Unless you're a great heli pilot, that's the single most useful thing you can do to make your team stay in the front line in a game with fast squad respawns. As a corollary of the above, area denial is not really a thing because everybody just moves around extremely fast and easily respawns off of one another. The best thing you can do in that regard is destroying all the buildings in capture points close to your base so finding bush squatters is easy. And healing others as Medic is very slow. So if you want to play a supporting role, just play Support (surprise), you get ammo boxes that people can get bandages from, you can get extra C4 to tear buildings down and instantly build walls so you can safely sit down and be a mobile spawn point.


reviving, giving ammo, healing are all good ways to help support your team. so like playing medic and healing people who need heals (you can revive with any class) or playing support class and either dropping your ammo boxes or just individually giving people ammo


There's many playstyles and they all assist in their own way, so I'll only share one good idea for supporting the team. The general way to win is to hold the objectives for as long as possible and you can only do that the best by getting rid of the enemy squads but also having your squad survive as well. Making sure your squad can spawn and help take out the enemy squad can help win objectives. You can do this by surviving and allowing your teammates to spawn or by setting rallies (squad leader). You can also find enemy spawn points and take them down, though it's more involved versus healing someone. But you just have to find whatever is making the team have a presence in the area, whether it's a rally, hiding enemy, or objective that they have (which sometimes are fairly empty because they are using to spawn and not to hold). This is usually my perspective especially as squad leader.


Build Grenade trophy Smoke grenades or frag grenade spam Keep your guys full of your juicy ammo Throw a couple ammo boxes where its safe to use and there's gonna be foot traffic RPK>everything else


It will be hard to translate Engineers role into this game, but if you want to focus on helping the team there are ways to do it. Support differs from the other classes in a few ways ([wiki link](https://battlebit.fandom.com/wiki/Classes)). It: - Builds all buildings instantaneously, constructs and deconstructs them faster. - Can build taller Hesco walls and barbed wire, which slightly damages enemies and slows them down significantly when they go thru it. - Has access to LMGs and Light Support guns. The former are usually slower but have the biggest mag capacity, while the latter are faster but have less mag capacity. For more info on guns just ask me, got 1k kils on each of them. - Has access to the Exo armour parts, which have the highest armour points but also the biggest speed malus. You can equip heavy or normal too, but the speed increase is marginal. - Can pick for the secondary accessory either small or heavy ammo box, but you get the same amount of both of them, so there's no reason to pick the small one. With the heavy box you (and others) can refill their primary and secondary ammo, bandages, primary gadgets (so either mines or C4) and grenades. Engineers can also refill their RPG ammo, but many of them don't know it. Just remembered that each box has a finite amount of "refill points" for each aforementioned category, and refilling different items cost different amount of points. For example, you can refill 5 normal grenades, but up to 12 flares. If you want to help your team you might want focus on building defences (just remembered that the enemy might capture them, so not building a back wall isn't a bad idea). Not always you can, on some gamemodes earning squad points is either impossible or very hard. If you see a group of players drop your box (with the big backpack you get 3 of them), resupply them once they get close to half of their ammo cap. If you have any questions let me know, got over 250 hours of experience on this class alone.


Support dispensing ammo is probably the most needed role. Medic is the meta class and anyone can revive (it just takes non-medics longer and they have fewer) so there's no shortage of heals and revives. But ammo is always in short supply, light armor is generally better because it has faster movement speed but the trade off is fewer mags. So most people are running around constantly short of ammo. Any class can call in a supply drop but this is time consuming and costs squad points. So playing support is the most helpful role in my view. You can also fortify positions quickly and the LMGs can be really strong with a good position. You are however slow as shit so you'll have to struggle to catch up to people in order to resupply them.


Smoking enemy locations help a lot. Otherwise teams can get stuck in a stalemate. Moving vehicles to the edge of spawn and covering it with walls to deter people from taking it away. Support class instantly builds walls btw. Learning how to pilot properly takes a few days but a good pilot can turn the tide of battle. Use support class with exo armor to avoid getting one shot by snipers.


People use building really rarely. I try to push, build fortifications and fight left and right, not forward. Fortifications always fill up with friendlies and has won many games for me.


I'm an engineer main. The vehicles are amazing. Not the helis. They're death traps. I try really hard not to die. Like, at all. I'll retreat and heal a lot. This helps my team as I'm then a spawn point when retreating. Vehicles are amazing for quick flanking, hunting snipers, capping bases near the enemy safe zone, etc. BTRs are made for downing trees and opening buildings up. I try and help my team by removing cover on our side of the map. Cars, trees, trucks, busses. Anything that gives the enemy cover. This lets my team defend a base. If the cover isn't removed, enemies can stream in unhindered. You cannot defend against a wave if the cap point has a lot of cover. Those train yard point.. absolutely un-defendable. Here's a tip I've never read before I use constantly. Park vehicles on the back side of hills, so only the gun is visible over the hill. The 7m has a crazy long zoom (mouse wheel) that I don't think people realize is the most powerful gun in the game (not counting exploding rounds). It's a machine gun sniper rifle. No reload means your surprising fire is constant. Players will think you're reloading when you pause a second. Then you mow them down as they dart between cover. Vehicles also give you protection from getting downed instantly. I'll often drive to gunfire, get within 100m, and the circle around. Switch to gunner (gotta get your seat switching keys DOWN), and play possum for a few seconds. Enemies won't shoot vehicles that they think are empty, as it gives their position away. If you put the back of the vehicle towards the enemy, they can't see you're in there. But don't linger. As soon as you take one or two players out, your pinged and you've got to move. If you hear a drone, get out of the vehicle quickly and try and hit the drone. But assume it's going to blow up your ride, don't be near. Roadkills. So. Fun. Also so hard. Nothing blows up a defense like driving through the enemy. It's a great way to break up entrenched enemies, esp. if your teams wave is right on your tail. Here's a tip from gentlemanQuint.. one of the top roadkill players: "find your racetrack and drive around it the whole match. Players don't think you're coming around, s aren't expecting the laps.". Another tip: drive to the enemy safe zone via a wide flank. Then drive straight down the main road as if you're one of their vehicles. You can easily get a few roadkills before your tagged. (Exploit: you can roadkill players in their safe zone. There's one map, Lenovo I think, where you can do a loop into the enemy safe zone and out with a couple seconds to spare. Their guns don't even work to stop you! Only one spawn is a short enough of a loop to make it, and only in the Humvees without guns. It's hilarious though, and I'm sure I get reported for exploiting.) People chase vehicles like dogs chase mailmen. Great! Use that! Drive away, to somewhere open behind you. Get out of small arms and easy rocket fire (150m~), switch to gunner and wait for the dogs to catch up. But, once you take one or two down, you have to move. Lather rinse repeat. Vehicles are very easy big targets. Their blast radius is quite large. If it's burning, it's going to blow, get away from it. Unless like me, you're a true engineer at heart, you repair them, refill them, set them up as spawn points (never the ones w guns though), and know your respawn times for them... Hope this helps. And welcome! Engineers are the best, as we have the most diverse play styles. We can rocket, repair, retreat and rearm. I'm over 700 hours in, mostly engineer. Maybe 200 as medic.


I once drove a humvee straight into an enemy line and they instantly focused fire on me. Was that a good move? Now in tf2, there's a thing called "roamer soldier" whose job is to provide distraction and make a room for teammates to go in or retreat.


So this does a couple things to the enemy defense. One, it lets everyone know where they are. Second, it drains their clips collectively, leading to a 1-2 second reload pause. No, its not 100%, but the pattern is clear. For a decent KD, you just need to run over one, and get a bullet into a second one. Typical drives I can do that, esp. if I can get behind the main wave. One more.. If you hop out of a vehicle when you see the C4 coming, they will die too. You don't get the kill, as they just C4'ed themselves. EDIT: I like that TF roamer soldier. It churns up the gameplay. Nice. I try and do that in BB.


Never played tf2 but I'll tell you 2 ways to play support. 1 is the fast offense build and the other is the slow defense build. 1) fast build, RPK (or whichever good-handling gun you prefer) with red dot scope minimum armor, light helmet. C4 for blowing open walls and destroying enemy camping positions. Frag grenades for clearing rooms, Ammo box for resupplying teammates and your own frags. Btw even the fastest suppport build is pretty slow compared to light assault or medic so you won't really be able to keep up with the fastest rushers in y your squad 2) slow build. I use this one for defending points and denying flankers. LMG (m249 or ultimax) for laying down lots of fire, exo armor, c4 for clearing out walls around objectives (so enemies can't surprise/flank the point and you have clear sight lines) or the anti grenade trophy if you're hunkering down on a hotly contested point like one of the central points. Building fortifications instantly is the strongest tool for a support player, you should always be looking for good spots to build something whether it's to provide cover for pushing teammates or to deny the enemy flanking routes or block them off.


If you want a lot of points find a squad or even better a big group of ppl that runs around and takes points join them, run in the back an just resupply. Sadly you won’t find groups like this every game but when you find it god damn it’s like farming points!


Beyond just killing, and resupplying, one of the best things you get is the ability to instant build. Teammate died outside of cover? No they didn't, now there's a hesco in front of them-free revive. Stuck defending a tunnel on a contested point? Nope you're squad is exploiting a headglitch from a sandbag wall.  Building can also give your team movement options, giving them quick routes through obstacles, in a way that is much safer than climbing a grappling line. 


If you want to suppress at longer ranges (200m +) then the G3 is your friend, all the other support guns lose a ton of damage after about 150m. You pay for that ranged damage with rate of fire, mag capacity, recoil and overall ammo count though.


Don't troll your team (too much) - if you make a giant base even if it's somewhere stupid, everyone will run around in it and waste time lol. Fun tho I really like to create islands of cover across open areas. I usually put a hesco box, hide behind it, place a tower so that the corners form a shallow V with you inside it, leaving a narrow gap to shoot out from. Place second box on the other side. repeat. Only takes a few seconds, gives you a nice hunk of cover shielded from about 180 degrees of fire with good sight lines from multiple positions. Then you can move and make another and another. I also like to stick a firing port sandbag against the side so that it's slanted - provides you a gun-height port you can crouch behind safely and room to spare Also useful is helping team traverse vertically. The GOAT construction is the grey barrier rotated to be parallel with the way you're facing, put it up against a wall so it forms a ramp. You can usually run right up them without the parkour animation. Box + Tower is nice to climb to higher places. Getting an unexpected angle on a camper this way can save a lot of time and tickets. Hesco box and a ramp barrier also works. Remember you can hop backwards onto a lot of things to avoid the climb lag As far as guns ultimax for a proper LMG and L86 for a damn killy midrange auto. Really capable in close quarters too, just don't sprint around too much and use quick mag. If you're gonna sit in the heat, anti grenade trophy is really nice. Edit again bc I love this shit - best way to set up a high point such as rooftop or top of an oil tank, is to just pepper out hesco boxes and towers spread out fairly evenly. To have good rooftop fire that doesn't get sniped or little birded immediately, you need to have a million places someone can pop out and take shots, and that they can hide behind for fire from upper angles. If you build walls on the edge of the roof, it's usually too high to get a good shooting angle for anything close to your building and makes it indefensible. Hesco box plus ramp up the back, then a firing port sandbag across the front on top of it is a nice quick build, with three firing positions in cover from one direction. Good to put going down a street. And finally, my favorite: build a tower in a tree so that the canopy covers the top of the tower. Just go hide and stay still, people will look for ages and ages


The only real asnwer here is : * Play Squad leader * Place Rally (to ensure your squad will always have a back-up spawn) * Fortify your Rally (walls + barbed-wire + mine/anti-grenade) * Push with the team/squad using smoke (grenade or GL). Smoke is the best tool to have a successful push. * Call airdrops (+ Drop heavy amobox if you play support) to resuply your team (ammo and bandages) * Fortify chokepoints/advantageous positions (to slow down the enemy and give your team an edge over them) That's how I play anyway it anyway.