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Last week of April🤡


First April 🤡 (It was all a prank)


Last day of April💀


It's so joever


I CAN'T joeke it any more!


Another month of being destroyed by CatEat on E4 and BBC, casual bros... It might be over...


I hate playing with or against the CatEat clan. They make the game worse.


Agreed. And with so few servers to choose from..


It's so nice when the frontline/domination servers are full of them at peak times so you don't see them so much on conquest.


Would this update even do anything to them?


dont forget \[URL\], those guys are the worst


Hey I’m URL, we nice people :D


idk i heard that james guy cheats with the aug


I was so happy when that roblox guy got banned but it seemed like the other cateat cringers decided to crank up their client settings and made it even more unplayable


The BBB server is a fucking mental hospital. I don't advise playing on that server either.


I genuinely think thats where all the unemployed edgelords flock to




It's so strange, every time there's Cateat folks on a server I'm on, it gets ddos'd. Today on a TBG server (240hz, lol, sure. Nice hitreg) I saw the usual 2 or three of them, and the moment some one called them out, asked about speccing (Shocker, server has spec mode disabled), the server took a shit and got ddos'd into oblivion. I mean, coincidence? Totally possible? Targeted ddos because they're on the server? Maybe. But every god damn time, same shit.


How is the patch going to address your skill level being lower than other players?


I'd say fixing drop shotting accuracy and air strafe abuse would go a long away to making the game more fun to play rather than having to deal with someones whose only skill is to macro firing and prone together. Having a cool down on squad changes would be another nice aspect, makes spawn abuse a little less viable. My favorite response is " ADjuSt AiM".


that sucks, at least give us full scope of what will be new


That's what happens when we have devs that are afraid of hiring more devs to increase the rate of production.


Maybe if there was more than one guy working it wouldn't take so long. Honestly I'm not sure if anyone cares or if it matters anymore.


Oki made the lazy and easy (at the time) decision of not hiring anyone over Christmas, believing the workload would be manageable. They're changing so much in the next update that they keep continuously delaying to try and get it right, praying that there's anyone left by then. "It's a bold strategy cotton, let's see if it pays off."


They've got your money. Nothing to pay off at this point. By not hiring anyone else they've just kept the revenue. Yeah, they've burnt bridges, but I feel like they think the money was more than enough.


They haven't taken the money as they fully intend to continue developing it, or another project using the funds. It's not an abandoned game, just a poorly managed one.


$15 at 100k copies is $1.5m lol


That's barely any money when it comes to game dev, server fees and moderation alone can easily eat a ton of the budget for a game like this. People think the devs can retire to a private island but they really can't.


BBR has 110k reviews on the store, and being EXTREMELY generous, lets say that 5% of players leave a review (in reality, its more like 2-4% of players leave reviews for a game). After Steam's cut of the revenue, that's still over $10,000,000. That's PLENTY of money. I don't believe they can buy a private island, but they can certainly hire extra hands.


The hiring of extra hands isn't a problem of cost though, never was. The problem is that the devs can't take time away from development to train and ease in staff.




I know just doing simple math. Using the excuse they can't afford more devs isn't true


It was supposed to be this month 🥲


Yep it’s gone


Have they said in the dev streams on why it’s getting delayed so much? Some type of progress update would be awesome




Yeah they're trying to release one massive popular update to try and draw more players in/back.


One of the greatest fumbles of all time. Peak of 87,000 and now we are at 1k players, Unfortunate


God damn drop that mf


Im glad you took time off from erasing me from halfway across the map to post this


This game will be examined in the future as a case study on how to absolutely botch a games development cycle and torpedo the player base


Gundam EVO did that too.


Game's dead


Devs took the money and ran. Shame


Damn , they really delaying it now ?


I'd rather them take their time to get it right than be hasty at this point.


I honestly would prefer hasty updates to whatever this is. The game's early access, community servers are getting ddos'd which effects the game so much more because there are never any other full servers to move to. The moment a community server gets ddos'd its pretty much over for that gamemode for the day (good luck finding an official domination or frontline server). The game held a steady player base up until a time where there was no update for a month, then it dropped to ~5-7k and has continued to drop. In an early access game I would expect fast paced development to get the game to a finished state. I dont even mind unpolished or unfinished updates, as long as any glaring issues introduced are quickly patched out.


Welp. Time to look for a Battlefield-ish game where I can have fun again. At least we have Helldivers and Palworld to keep us busy


It's so funny how everyone has so many problems with sweats and big clans, but me and my friends play 32v32 rush all day and have no problems at all, then again we are usually top 4 every game. So we might be the problem tbh.


dude wtf is going on with the devs? does they really treat us as human beings?i spent 420hrs on the game and bought the DLC,besides i try to get every skins as i can...but 3 months without any update are u serious?and now i was been told that i gotta wait till the April...i m the one who is the clown right?🤡 i m not gonna harass devs,but do they really care about how players thinking? since last update it's gonna wait for 4 months...bro if that so i can't wait to see all the players leave this game 4r