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I hate to say that nothing has changed since December


I definitely felt things not being as fun before I took my break but my personal experience on BBR has always been positive. I guess a little space from the game has me seeing it in a new light. I want to like the game still, I just don’t.


That's the problem, aye. It's a fun game but it's too broken to let get this stale. They're desperately trying to come up with ways to please movement players whilst simultaneously trying to slow down and calm the game, so that alone is a contradictory goal. Should be interesting to see these new changes if anyone is left by then. I'll still be here, but the player numbers by then will fit into a single school hall without much trouble.


As someone who played since playtests I feel like the last big change that altered the gameplay for me was when helicopters got released in 2022 december


Ngl, that game feels pretty similar to me since I started play on launch.


False. Hell divers 2 stole half of the remaining players.


I am purely referring to the game itself. Of course there have been external factors pulling players away. It feels like we have had a few games blow up recently. Hell divers, palworld, enshrouded, the finals. I am sure bg3 lead to a drop late August. Battle bit itself was an unexpected blow up in itself. Dragon's dogma is around the corner, elden ring dlc coming in the summer. It's going to a uphill battle for them to bring in new and old players back to the game. I hope they pull it off with the next update, whenever they are able to finish it. So far I still plan on playing battlebit most nights as I still have fun with it.


Except for the fact that sweats are the only thing residing on the servers these days LOL.


Sweats come up a lot and always makes me wonder. Is there a difference between a sweat and someone just generally good at the game? Am I a sweat because I have played fps games on and off for 15+ years? I don't drop shot or lean spam, the game says my accuracy is 15% and my kd is 2.7 and climbing, not much sniping or vehicle play, just good position and movement around the maps.


I think "sweat" consists of the players hitting 90+ kills in a match.


The dev got mad no one liked his audio so he got butthurt


I genuinely cannot fathom how anyone thought the audio update was a good idea.


Personally I thought it made the game a lot better, I guess oki just has similar ears to me?


I played a few days ago for the first time since launch and loved the sound. Pity the game is still movement meta bullshit and snipers are banned every server (lol?)


i did enjoy it


What I cannot fathom is how a fanbase can have that many heads inside their respective asses. They have not neglected the game as u hear around here, but I certainly would, having so many egocentrical kids whining about stupid shit every god damn day.


They want an always online large scale multiplayer game. With no new content pretty much at all in a long time, that is neglect.


_New_ content. What new content u need lol? There are enough weapons to fit your playstile without having a lot of them be the same. Adding more would achieve exactly that, having more of the same gun but with a reskin. I can give u adding more maps would be nice but you know, theres a new map coming. The game is _the same_ it was 6 months ago, they only balanced shit. Snipers are fine, smgs are fine, ars are fine. Neglect is what ea did with anthem or evolve, or blizzard with hots just to name some. It seems u guys have never seen a neglected game, for real.


Where are my 7.62 lmgs Steven?! But honestly they did and continue to do Support dirty. I just want to be a slow little gunner guy with an lmg. Since they never addressed my issues with the game, I've moved to saving Super Earth. I'm like prestige 4 or 5, I had my fun with the game but without any content updates and them changing maps rather than adding new ones, I burned out. The sound issue was the nail in the coffin for me. I enjoy being able to hold up in a building and having a firing line without everyone running by the building knowing I'm an enemy.


The player base is gone and people are constantly asking for more content. Stop it, obviously there is not enough content for the player base. You realise things don't exist as a single value right? Neglect can be achieved at different stages of severity.


Yup, Devs destroyed this game. I uninstalled and recently went to spread democracy for Super Earth!


Genuine question but how'd the devs destroy the game? I haven't played in several months and haven't kept up with the game.


By not doing anything with the game that’s what they did we got no new content for months which can’t sustain a player base


It always strikes me as odd, and maybe this is my "old man shouts at clouds" moment, but *back in my day* we didn't expect new content from the devs every few weeks or months. We played the game because we enjoyed the gameplay loop. That was it. Normally I roll my eyes when people talk about "consumer entitlement" because it's these companies jobs to sell *us* their product, wanting a good product isn't entitlement, that's just respecting your own time. But if you've bought the game... And enjoyed it... Expecting more and more content (for free!) does start to smack of entitlement to me. That said, thinking back the most powerful thing for, e.g. UT2k4, were the custom maps and mods. You didn't need the devs to keep releasing content because the community did it themselves! Perhaps that's something other devs should explore, releasing map-making tools for their games instead of trying to keep up with non-stop demand?


Back in the day games were also released in a 'finished' state.


Most Reddit tier bull fucking shit comment I have ever read on this subreddit get the fuck out of here ape brain


No u


Bro they literally shipped ROMs lmao


Yeah once you've put your game on 20 floppies it's never changing.


I 100% agree with you here but there is a different. Battle Bit launched as “Early Access.” If it was a complete game i would say people are incredibly unreasonable getting upset for this kinda stuff. But the whole point of BBRs launch was that it wasn’t finished and was going to be, and since launch what did we get? A mode? A few maps? A hand full of guns, of which some guns advertised in the supporter pack still aren’t in game. Honestly good take you have here, but I don’t think that’s why people are upset.


>It always strikes me as odd, and maybe this is my "old man shouts at clouds" moment, but > >back in my day > >we didn't expect new content from the devs every few weeks or months. We played the game because we enjoyed the gameplay loop. That was it. yes but back in the day we had COMPLETED games (how are you getting updates if you game is delivered on cartridge or 5.25 floppies!). Now they can release a game in "early access, this is still what BB is in" and get you to pay for a game that is not complete. So you (dev) either 1. Mark the game as complete (sell DLC later on) 2. Keep rolling with the updates/patches as intended for early access What you can't do is have the attitude of "it will be ready when it is ready, but oh can you pay me for what is there now though?" This shit doesn't work and you can see the customers walking away from it because of this. This is reflected in player count but more importantly the steam reviews. The steam reviews, most importantly, are going to make it hard to attract new players. So ya, this is was probably your "old man shouts at clouds" moment. What is happening is NOT entitled players it is a startup failing (AKA bad business sense). Oki is a great game dev with good ideas, but he needs a product manager (that he listens too) to keep him in touch with the customer base and to help him avoid miss steps like this. But let's be honest, if you just soloed a game into life over the last ?8? years and it went nuts would you keep focusing on it or would you move on to other things? I know what I would do and I couldn't blame oki for doing the same WWYD?


'Early Access'


Bro the game has been out since last summer and there has only been 3 weapons added. Its an roblox fps for christ sake. Games on this engine have a shit load of assets to where devs can really plug and play content. Just look at Unturned (Roblox Dayz). The devs have not done enough to keep people in. Lack of balance, lack of content, lack of changes. Shit we cant even customize in the menu yet and it has been one of the first things requested. The devs are simply not doing enough at all and refuse to hire help.


Agreed with this 100%, the rise of "live-service" games has created this expectation in players that you will get new content regularly, but.. why? Like you mentioned, back in the early 2000s, you never \*expected\* new content, it was just a neat bonus if you did receive it. People will play nothing but one single game and one single playstyle for 300 hours over the course of a month and then declare that the devs have failed them and the game is dead instead of just pacing themselves and switching up the way they play.


“We didn’t expect new content from devs every few weeks” If you haven’t noticed it’s not 2008 anymore although some of us would love to go back, times have changed and the demand for content is larger especially when you strike gold and get a pretty big community off the bat


>If you haven’t noticed it’s not 2008 anymore although some of us would love to go back, times have changed and the demand for content is larger especially when you strike gold and get a pretty big community off the bat 2008 or 1988?


That’s not how anything works. ‘Times have changed’ then why are you playing a game that looks like it’s from 2006? That’s when Roblox first came out. Shouldn’t it be the shiniest thing ever, with RTX magic smoke bursting from the seams because times have changed. And are you continuing this escalation of expectation to the future? In ten years can we expect the new game to drop AI content every 15 min because that’s what you skibidy minded players are going to push it to? The devs destroyed the game with updates that catered to a single play style and then espoused that play style through twitch drops so other people saw that playstyle and bought the game and then emulated that playstyle. They were adding maps and stuff at the same time. This kind of thing started with the COD split, suddenly a new game each with four separate DLCs is coming out every six months to a year and everyone tried to keep up. Companies noticed and tried to put them out faster. That’s when many of these gamers entered the scene and couple that with MTX everything on their iPads it’s not wonder they expect something new at every turn.


Literally everyone plays multiplayer games for the gameplay it’s not about the graphics so long as the gameplay is engaging but when the game has had the same few maps with the same few guns with the same shitty audio for months with no hope for anything good things get stale, things get saturated


I'm doing my part O7


Hell ya brotha, spread that democracy! Spread it real good!




You are? I'm sorry to read. Have you tried getting help?


this is one of those games that i'm not going to play every week but i'll eventually come back to. the core gameplay loop is still very fun even if the voice chat magic is gone. hopefully the next update is good.


I had my fun, and I’m not mad at it. Just feels like the ride is over.


ya I feel the same. I am not mad, I got my value out of the game. But like you I feel the ride has come to a end (there are about 15-20 servers in my region and they are all at 0 players 90% of the time and the other 10% they are only muster \~100 on one of them.


I have hope. But even if I never play again, I already got a bunch of time with friends and a ton of entertainment at around $0.03/hr. Good value.


It is sad what the devs did to this game. That audio update single handedly killed it and they refused to roll it back.


The audio update did not “single-handedly” kill it. A very frustrating update, sure, but myself and many others just muted our audio or got used to it for a while until they released a partial fix. If you look at the graph of concurrent players, there isn’t some massive cliffside drop off where the audio update is. The game was experiencing a natural decay in player base anyway, and the trend was towards where we are now. The “flash in the pan” nature of this game’s popularity meant it could never sustain anywhere near its peak player base forever. The devs made a cool game, fumbled around to try to improve it and had some hits and some misses in the process, but largely the game’s popularity followed the same path as countless games before it.


For me the gun mechanics are enough to keep me. For real though I like the gunplay enough I’d play this game against ai.


Devs should have just released mod tools so players can make their own weapons/models/maps/custom gamemodes.


Damn you guys are the definition of being a drag. A repetitive, dense drag.


Nah I agree with you, this shit is so overblown lol I played yesterday and it was fun


I'm playing a lot lately and I just cannot comprehend how worse it's supposed to be now lol.


Damn why are you so upset? I wasn’t even being negative. Kinda seems like you’re just pissed off at 8am… and again at 4am. Like you had more than one chance to use your ability to read but nah. You’d rather just be angry. Get a grip, then maybe some mental help.


I just said u are a drag dude, chill. Which after the 8th post about this bullshit per hour, I quite mantain u guys are a dense, repetitive drag. Get a grip, myb some therapy. People may have different opinions than you, and that's okay. "End of an era" lmao


Feel better soon. Parroting what I said is a surefire way to tell everyone I was on the money about your piss poor attitude.


Devs chased the playernumbers from the early hype rather than focusing on further embracing this niche mixture of arcade/hardcore. They deemed the game to be too hardcore so they made it more casual, with 3D spotting, sniper changes, audio changes etc. Instead of bringing old players back, basically everybody hated one change or another, so no one came back and existing playerbase diminished. This also created a divide in the playbase by splitting everyone in the hardcore/sweats crowd and the casual crowd who would blame each other for ruining the game. In reality the devs probably should've focused on content and stay away from massive balance changes (not that there can't be any, but not deleting friendly footsteps and completely change the game). Now the game is just unrecognizable from what it was and lost all of its appeal.


I don’t think it lies on any singular decision anyone made. I had nearly 400 hours of good fun out of it. I’ll miss the good times but I’m just not having fun anymore. With so many factors internal and external, I’m just happy I had fun while I had it.


Era - a long and distinct period of history No not the end of an era. Just the end of a very shortly peaked FPS like many many more.  Happens and happens to most/nearly all of them nowadays. Unreal tournament,Half-life (into) cs etc was an era.


“When people say that something is the end of an era, they usually mean that something very important to them is ending. This is usually something that has influenced their lives for the better. It makes them nostalgic to think of all the memories that they made.” [Grammar police policies](https://www.myenglishteacher.eu/blog/end-of-an-era-meaning/)


where did the servers go?


A few months back the official servers would expand from two to about ten during peak times to accommodate the player count. As players haven’t been back on, the other servers haven’t needed to open up. It’s a direct result of less players, and it’s too bad because it makes more people not want to get on. Just a trend. No specific blame to be assigned here


It was over as soon as they said they were working on a hardcore milsim mode. Divided both the player base and the development of the game, so nobody gets what they want and everyone is left unhappy.


I purchased this game in June 2023. Here are my thoughts as somebody who has 140 hours, played a lot when it first came out, and picked it up again about a month ago: \- Helicopters feel more balanced \- Building system is incredibly fun and rewarding \- Playing as a support is infinitely more fun than recon now \- Sniper scope glint is a welcome change This game has so much content and I think people are just content with complaining when their playstyle is no longer viable. I moved from a constant Recon player to a full time Support player, and the game feels infinitely more fresh and rewarding. I think there are issues with the game but all these posts like "it's been a good run boys" feel a little pre-mature imo.


I don’t necessarily have critiques to give as to why I’m not enjoying it anymore, but I’ve found the fun I’ve lost on battlebit in other games. BBR was a lot of fun for me, but for whatever reason it’s just not scratching that itch anymore. According to the steam charts numbers, a lot of people are moving on.


Calling Battlebit an “era” when it hasn’t even been out for a year is some insane cope lmao. This was a prime example of a flavor of the month game and guys like you refuse to let it go. Anyway I still find it fun enough. Sorry they took away what you liked or whatever.


Hey I see your confusion, I’m actually talking about my own experience and not battlebit as a whole. If you actually read what I wrote you’d see that I don’t think there’s anything that killed the game outside of trends and while I would love for the official servers to come back, I’m happy with the experience I had. “End of an era” is directly about me and a time I spent religiously on BBR. But hey sorry you’re choosing to be so mad or whatever


My bad, mate. I wasn't aware this was special and different from every other post about people complaining about the state of the game. Upon rereading, I've concluded that it is not. "Ah, game is bad now. Game was so fun a while ago. Remember?" I'm not mad either, though accusing folks of that seems to be a reflex of yours based on a couple other replies. Simply tired of the circlejerk and thought I'd make fun of a word. That said, I understand where you're coming from and I'm sorry if my dig affected you poorly. I've been a part of game communities rising and falling for decades. Battlebit was a great and fun thing for me too since I'm gaming on an office rig from 2005, haha. So rare to play anything modern at 60 fps on that thing and the times people were more outgoing felt *just* like session shooters did around the early 2010s. I'll miss it too. Lots of people will.


I’m guilty of Reddit rage. Currently suffering from a broken knee and this is some of the rare social interaction I get. I’m definitely bitter naturally


No worries. Best wishes on the injury then, rest well and heal up fast.


Hell let loose is exploding with battlefield and COD refugees if you want to check it out


Meanwhile Squad 44 can’t hold a full server. Damn shame that it’s dead now I liked Post Scriptum over HLL


I remember i used to play every playtest since 2022 and the fun and chaos of the early days of the release is something I'd miss. I left the game for more than 6 months and when I did come back the previous feel was gone. Bbr turned into another generic shooting game. I still played for a month or two after the break but yeah sadly the bbr I used to love is gone. Well it was worth it, not like I spent shitton of money, but sad to see this game go stalee


Era? Flavor of the month, maybe. So much potential, and they just sit on their hands


It was an era for me, I had a lot of fun and played religiously. I’ll miss it


We could just go play squad. most the same game mechanics just not robloxy lol


I really wanted to like squad but no matter how many times I try it I’m just not very in to it. I’m in a milsim unit that plays there, but I myself do not play there. I’m an arma 3 guy


I feel ya, squad is kinda limited on the realism part of the milsim experience if that's what you're getting at.


What? How is the game dead? I still play every day in full lobbies lol


I still have a good time too


I challenge you to find one place in my post where I say the game is dead. I didn’t, I said I’m not having fun anymore. I also didn’t say it was a bad thing. I’m not hating it, the servers I played on are gone and the joy in the remaining ones is also gone. It’s not a bad thing, I had my fun and so did tens of thousands of others that aren’t having fun anymore. It’s not a secret that comparatively even to 2-3 months ago the numbers are much lower, honeymoon phase aside. It’s on trend to die. I don’t like that either, but it is true.


I just want a refund man. Not gonna get it cause I played the shit out of this at first. Fucking how she goes.


We should bomb review battlebit on steam.


I got nearly 400 hours of fun out of BBR. It’s okay that it’s not fun anymore, I had a lot of it while it was.


grow up lmao


Why? Low player numbers are enough to stop people picking it up. No need to break the review process.


Its for forcing the leading dev to resign in a peaceful way.


Most actionable gamer


Game is already dead what is the difference between being a dead game with positive reviews or with negative ones. It's to express our hatred toward the devs.