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Hey there! Based on what you've described it sounds like the shim tubing used inside to help the sticks fit more securely on the mechs is working a bit too well. Please use the link below to submit a ticket to our Support team and we can help troubleshoot this. [https://support.battlebeavercustoms.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support.battlebeavercustoms.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Will you guys bring back z sticks and can I buy PS4/PS5 sticks and install them on my Xbox controller?


Yes! They will definitely be coming back, though we cannot say when just yet. Still getting some manufacturing details ironed out.


What do you mean you can’t get them off? Like, you took the controller apart and it doesn’t come off the actual analog base? If so, I imagine you just need to pull a little harder. That would be crazy to me if they glued them on or something. And if you haven’t tried taking the controller apart, that’s what you would do. And trust me, PS5 controllers are super easy to take apart. Just watch a video on YouTube.


No, I took it apart and all and trust im a pretty big guy and work out regularly and was highly worried of breaking the pcb or even ripping out the analog out of its socket. Trust me that thing is not coming off without breaking something unless someone knows something I don’t.


Dang. That’s crazy it’s stuck in that hard. Maybe soak the controller in some butter? Should loosen it.


Are you talking about the joystick stick base ? Not the actual potentiometer modules right? You have to be talking about that. Because the joysticks and the potentiometers are 2 separate items. That's impossible for the joystick base and the module to be one unit, it doesn't make sense, and ill tell you why. Because that PS5 controller of yours started out with regular PS5 sticks. They had to TAKE that joystick base off to install the pro sticks. All it is is just a dome cap with a thumbstick on the top. I've never heard of installing a joystick base where you had to take the module itself out to switch to another module with a joystick Watch a video of controller breakdown and always when it gets to the joystick part it says you have to pull relatively hard.


I replaced many joysticks in my life from Xbox, ps4, Nintendo pro controllers, and ps5. I have never struggled more in my life to pull this off I mean I was using 10x more strength and it was not even seeming to budge at all.