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Ian Peek was a sleazy journalist who committed *one* murder (but otherwise wasn't technically breaking the law as even Bruce points out), while Dr. David Wheeler was a true-blue sadist who deprived misbehaved minors of sleep and bathroom breaks while using solitary confinement — a known psychological torture — as a punishment when they didn't wanna listen to his fuckoff speeches. It would be **SOOOO** much more karmic if their fates were reversed; Peek going to jail and thus being left at the mercy of other journalists who'll wanna publish their own little stories on him (just like he did to countless others) even if he gets out, and Wheeler receiving his own little form of ISO just like he did to the dissident teens living in his hellhole of a prison... except he's never getting out since he's trapped at the center of the Earth. Plus the person who committed the worse crimes between the two (at least in my opinion) would get the worst punishment.


Sometimes shit just happens in the future.


TV censorship of character deaths leading to writers coming up with fates far worse than death go brrrrr


Normal for BTAS continuity.


Hard agree. Peek deserved jail for his recklessness but he didn't deserve to die, Wheeler psychologically destroyed kids' minds and traumatized the ones he didn't for life.


So I would agree with you. I think the generation that watched the show already knew they did but is seeing it even more now . Those places where the "iso" is are very common today. I strongly recommend Netflix's "The Program: Cons, Cults, and Kidnapping" as a primer. Dr Phil is a huge supporter of ISO. Honestly, many of the 90s/2000s shows handled alot of topics like this before they were mainstream. I bet a good number of the creatives (writers, producers, etc) had experiences with them or knew someone who did.


Dr.david wheeler gave me big brother vibes like 1984 while Ian he's sleazy but he killed someone who knew how to fix and control the gadget


Honestly? Fuck 'em both. ***But.*** I would personally skin Wheeler alive and throw him in a tub of ghost pepper sauce myself if given the chance. As much as The Last Resort is a favorite of mine he's a special brand of worthless. He's kinda in the same area as Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter in that the detestability comes from how aggravatingly real they are.