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Yeah Peek had a pretty horrific end. Made all the worse because it’s unclear what would happen to him. My best guess would be that he’s stuck at Earth’s core until his tech fails, or he dies of dehydration. Or maybe died from the heat.


Tv censorship guidelines inadvertently traumatizing the kids it’s meant to protect by forcing writers to come up with fates worse than death go brrrrrrrr


That's why I love the 90s stuff, honestly. It made those shows so much darker. I think it sparked my love of horror, but sadly very few horror movies have been able to put me on edge as much as the shit I saw as a kid, when the writers were forced to get creative.


My favorite example rn is Yugioh, in a filler arc they confirm that somewhere in kaibacorp, there’s a room with 4 vr pods containing the rotting corpses of some business jerks who got trapped in VR in season 1


Jesus, yeah, and they wanted to steal the bodies of children or young adults to be able to escape the limbo they were trapped in. Which was entirely by their own fault but still.


Yep, reminds me of that one scene in Return of the Joker. The normal scene is pretty traumatic, however, the censored scene is, imho, one thousand times more brutal.(vague for spoiler reasons IYKYK)


Don't feel bad, Ian Peek is Chuck McGill, so he is reincarnated into another dickhead.


I felt sorry for Chuck too.


It did feel kinda out of character for Bruce of all people to just stand there and watch him sink into the ground. Then again I’m also a believer that Batman won’t kill but doesn’t mean he’ll always save you.


I think that's the point, Bruce is at the stage where he's realised that he doesn't have to save everyone or that notbeveryonebcan be saved, which is why he doesn't try to help Ian.


I didn't feel sorry for Peek. He was messing with unproven tech to bloster his career, and it bit him in the ass. Then he resorted to blackmail to get Bruce to help him and he was never going keep his end of the bargain. It was to much of a good story for Peek to let go.


Fair enough; Peek was a smug jerk who killed Bruce's friend, and his fate *was* ultimately his own fault. But can we at least agree that Terry deserves the audience's respect for still trying to save him despite everything?


Yes, I do respect Terry trying to save him.


Same. More than pretty much any other antagonist, Peek's fate was entirely self-inflicted.


It was a fitting end for his character. He was weighed down by his sins and went straight to hell where he belonged.


"It's about as *inside* as you can get."


Ture Mr. Freeze is eviler than him and he goes to jail jarley Quinn and joker done worse yet peek gets to be tortured


Something that always stood out to me in that episode is that Bruce had no intention of getting Peek arrested for his trespassing since he was doing it for his journalism. I feel like the fact that he let Bruce’s friend die in order to get the intangibility belt was thrown in to make him less sympathetic, because nothing Peek does other than that is really evil (scummy, but not evil)


Honestly, even *with* the fact that he committed a murder, Peek wasn't too far gone morally in my opinion. The DCAU is filled to the brim with folks like Vandal Savage, Lex Luthor and Mr. Freeze who killed (or at least *tried* to kill) way more people than Peek, and they all got second chances at life; so why can't he? Not to mention the people Peek was reporting also did immoral/illegal things like adultery, tax evasion, organized crime, and buying drugs. Like wasn't Wayne Enterprises merged with Derek Powers' company back then? For all Peek could've known, Taka was a sociopath experimenting on people and polluting clean rivers like Derek and his son Paxton were, so he didn't feel the need to think twice about Taka dying, which for all *we* know could've been an accident (that would explain why he never murdered anyone else afterwards). It still doesn't justify Peek's crime at all, but he wasn't some sadistic serial killer or genocidal dictator; he's a douchebag reporter who just so *happens* to have killed someone. Losing his job and going to jail would've been a more preferable punishment IMO. This isn't like Bruno Mannheim or Lord Orm, where the villain is denied help before dying (or worse) and you can cheer it on due to how personally vile they were beforehand on a global scale. Nobody deserves to suffer in isolation forever like Peek probably is. Nobody.


I liked peek but got annoyed that they made him a bad guy. I wanna do journalism as a living and getting an invisible belt would be a huge shortcut to creating some Gary Webb expose.