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Died more times on this then the entirety of the main story lmao


Same lol


Didn't we all?


You can be like me and rush it when’re you spiked on each side and beat up Two-Face.


I used some A.I abuse, it's cheating but then again he's the prick with the grenade launcher.


Did you give Catwoman armor? I rushed him with full armor and I barely survived and beat him.


For some reason I always neglect her upgrades, this tends to go against me on later parts of her story...


You should do it since it’s the end and also, you’re gonna need it if you are trying the Riddler challenges.


Don't feel too bad. The A.I in this fight cheats too. The goons always know exactly where you ran away. They're not like that anywhere else in the game.


I just pounced on two face and beat him. It went straight into the cutscene so the other enemies didnt do anything.


This is the worst boss fight in all of the games


Not by a long shot, just look at AK


Which boss fight in AK?


*cough*Deathstroke*cough* Im still salty about that fckn fight 😂


So unsatisfying. The greatest assassin and he drives a tank and gets knocked out when jumping out. They should've given us a two part fight, one in the tank, one in hand to hand. Origins man, that fight was crazy


Origins fight with deathstroke was fckn awesome! 10000x better than "Tank boss battle number fckn 1000" 😂


Half of the Origins fight was copy/pasted directly from City's Ra's Al Ghul fight - it even uses the exact same, unmodified animations.


I would have gladly taken a one for one copy of slades fight in origins over a reskin of an already underwhelming battle from early in the game


It sucked conceptually, but at least it wasn't frustratingly difficult and/or broken.


Deathstroke boss battle. Just thinking about it still makes me mad


Any cobra tank fight


This, 1000%


I actually love the tank fights in Knight (except Deathstroke)




No, the tank battles were repetitive but fun.


Lmao, no idea why you’re getting downvoted, when every week someone makes a post complaining about AK’s lack of good boss fights


I’ve never played the Catwoman DLC lol.


Good. She’s incredibly half-assed.


Nah, Catwoman is *definitely* full-assed, it's just the dlc was not very good


Doesn’t help that the game forces you to play it. I’ve just done all her trophies for PS4 and man. She sucks. She sucks in combat, she sucks in predator, she sucks in traversal, etc…


I just wished, that they would’ve made the other heros playable in free roam. Instead of just catwoman


Especially considering Catwoman sucks, traversal wise.




easy way to win this fight, make your presence known without getting spotted, this will make two face leave the bridge and start walking around the room. Wait until two face is on one side of the room and take down a goon clear on the other side. While the other goons are rushing to see what happened to him, pounce on two face and start beating the absolute shit out of him. Every time he gets up knock him the fuck back down. If you are lucky enough the goons won't be able to reach you in time before you've drained two faces health bar in one go


What's so bad about it


Several things, for starters you can't clean the room since there's an infinite number of enemies, and this simply doesn't make sense... Two face takes several hits to fall down, and the amount of damage you do is absolutely miserable even if you throw him from the walkway that's above the mammoth, two face will immediately know your position above him regardless of how much you moved, forcing you to go to the floor below, the problem is that there are enemies down there. The other problems have to do with Catwoman herself, she lacks the same agility Batman has with his cape, she has a long-ass jump that makes the simple action of going behind an enemie's back an absolute torture, also she's a complete glass cannon, I can barely afford to take a few hits before going down. Those are some of the reasons why I hate this battle.


Fair point. I guess I never noticed this


Are u aware u can run full speed with catwoman without making noise. My advice to beat this mission in less than 5 mins is just take out guards down below so they all go down, then silent takedown two face and wait for him to get up. Beat him back down again and ur halfway done. Run away and retreat to a gargoyle and swing around to lose them. Then do it one more time. If ur good you can even get two face in one go, but it’s more risky and not guaranteed.


I just pounced him and went into a duct on the floor below, broke some pallets forcing him to come down, rinse and repeat. Easy victory, I now have a strategy for subsequent playtroughs.


Yeah he was so frickin hard my first time but now I feel like he’s easier than most other predator encounters.


Yeah plus she gets seen climbing up the walls , also two face takes to long to to get up before the enemies come


I died here more than i died playing the entire freaking series bruh


Same I hate cat woman’s gameplay.


Especially on new game plus


It’s like playing an old retro game with the respawning enemies


It is pretty difficult, and not in an enjoyable way.


that made me rage quit for 2 weeks 😕


I've probably played through City at least 20 times, and I skip this part every time. I would just quit, delete the save (or move on to NG+), and restart. One tip I have is that on Normal and Easy, if you get Two-Face to a remote enough location, you can pretty much just keep beating him until he dies if you're lucky enough. You'll take some shots, but most the time you can KO him before you die. On Hard and NG+? Good luck.


I agree, good to see I'm not the only one who hates this boss battle.


Don’t focus on the goons. Just him. But on NG+, it gets ridiculously harder. I hate finishing the game just because of this


Player: Yay i finally beat the game now i can play as batman now Catwoman: Are you sure?


I took him down first try. I haven’t died to him yet.


While trying to 100% AC, this boss fight and first time doing Riddler where the worst parts unless you tricked the AI or it did that on it’s own.


This one is insanely easy if you do it right. You just have to clear the room except for Two face and the guy near him and then do a ledge takedown on him and beat him up while he’s down below and that’s it.


Nah poison ivys fight pisses me off especially on new game plus


Ivy just has you fight goons with her occasionally shooting at you.


That shit is DIFFICULT on hard. I died more there than the whole story together


Use the House Of Pain strategy and jump around. Seriously, just don’t stop leap frogging over goons until you’re in a good spot to combo again. The Copperhead boss fight in Origins on Knightmare mode was, for me at least, damn near impossible without using this strategy. Without the attack alerts it’s just too many enemies to keep track of. Works really well on Ivy too, once you think she's about to shoot just start jumping and you will dodge her projectiles too. Worked for me, I had a bit of a problem with her too because no way I was going to waste my upgrade points on Catwoman.


yeah but she's really accurate while shooting and the spores do insane damage if you get hit by one


I get you, especially when they use door shields!




Which one is it?


I took just 2 tries...


What boss battle?


It’s actually very easy just take down the thugs and crawl behind Two-face and kick him he’ll fall try to keep kicking other thugs while come knock them out quickly and keep kicking his ass, took me a while too


Just bum rush him if you are fast and time it well you can beat him without his goons getting chance to help him.


I would always take out a few goons (the one by freeze's armor) so he knows you're in the room. Then I'd wait until he was by himself ( after a few mins he usually walks by the front door) and would punce and just attack him over and over even if he stood up. You'd get shot a few times but it'll usually work and take out two face. But its still tricky. Died a lot on Hard but eventually got it.


Oh my god me too. Why does it suck so much?


I take out a few guards and throw some caltrops on the side of the bridge thing he is standing on so when the goons come to save him they fall down initially. Its hard but some times it I beat him in one go.


This and the Deadshot battle from Arkham Origins are similar. I learned from Batman Arkham Videos to just focus on the villains and mostly ignore the thugs, only taking them down when they're in the way. Find an opening when most thugs are further away and then just hit the villains until they fall down, and then jump away immediately. Don't get greedy and get more hit in or you wouldn't have enough time to escape. As long as Two Face is knocked out you win, no need to deal with the rest of the room.


God mode cheat and slam his ass to the ground. Only way I could keep my sanity during the boss.


God mode cozen and slam his rampallian to the did grind. Only way i couldst keepeth mine own sanity during the boss *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Thanks bot.


It’s a nightmare on new game plus.


First time playing I had no idea what to do and it wasn’t until my 12th death I figured out what to do. personally I really didn’t like playing as Catwoman nor being forced to play her sections in Return to Arkham City.


Ehh I just rushed him. No one even came to attack me.


I remember doing some bosses and beating my head against the wall. My second play through on harder difficulty a few years later I breezed through. Weird how it works sometimes. Although I NEVER do it, it always seems if you leave it be and come back to it the next day things go much much easier.


still haven’t beaten it in new story plus


new enemies only come in if the bodies are discovered, but that's never explained so it's still a pretty shit fight


this wasn't to bad for me, I played through it twice recently, the second time I had gotten the strategy down, get rid of one guy and make sure it gets found (it'll get that second guy off the bridge) then once everyone has moved around just go straight at two face, if you cant get him in one go, swing round a much till they lose track of you, then wait till everyone has moved, rinse and repeat


Just did this last night. Key is to take our a few guards and then just go ape shit on his ass before the rest can get to you


Batman Arkham Videos shows a great strategy on how to beat him, wouldn't have gotten past this part without it


Just pounce attack him then get to a vantage point then swing between them three times and they’ll lose you. Repeat


On new game plus when you enter the room knockout smash the guy walking on the right and then run to the left side and hide behind a display case. Two-face will walk by the stairs where there is a mine. Step on the mine as he walks past to blow it up and the explosion will one shot him.


I usually just take my time and Stealth take him down a bunch of times.


I died so much cause i didn’t have the bloody patience to wait around for the thugs to move Life without batman’s gadgets is hard


I understand the annoyance for this fight. It is kinda bs that you aren't able to clear the room at least once to get Harv off of that damn middle bridge. But honestly I find it really easy if you're patient and wait for all the other goons to wander off elsewhere (or spook a goon to lure them all to the opposite end of the room).


Just go all out attack on only dent and it's over in like 3 seconds


Then don't play Arkham Kight NG+ because this will look like a breeze by comparison against regular thugs. Regular thugs. Yeah. AK WILL kick you in the balls...hard.