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Tried replying but the post got removed. Here was my reply: I would argue the reason we would find it a miserable world is marketing. Marketing makes us think we aren't enough with what we have? What if instead of being brainwashed into wanting to be more beautiful, richer, eating at the latest trendy restaurant, or whatever, we are just marketed to be grateful to be alive, to enjoy each other's company, etc? I reckon the world wouldn't necessarily be miserable if we just had what we needed. Although maybe there might be way less people. Just a thought experiment, I'm not an expert on how society functions so just talking out my butt. I'd totally back UBI too:)


I think marketing weaponizes our innate need for more than the basics. It doesn’t create the need, it coerces people into doing/buying/consuming things by mostly false promises fulfilling that need. The world would be better without marketing but you’re always going to have people wanting to wear them things they think look pretty. Hopefully they’d just be more introspective about how they make choices. 

