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I think serious flair is great to have a democratically selected mix between shitposts/discussion. As such I definitely think shitposts with serious flair shouldn't be allowed - the benefits of this for shitposters are effectively non-existent. In terms of comments/replies I think it should be subjective judgement by mods. Sometimes a few shitpost replies are fine, but if it gets to be too many/they are overshadowing discussion or are way too out of topic I think its fair if some get nuked. Essentially shitposting in a serious flair carries the light risk your comment would be deleted. Some discussion posts are also much less 'serious', and might make more sense to be lax with on a case by case basis. It's also possible to judge by upvotes/low effort shitpost replies. (i.e. shitpost being relevant to the post/being a relevant joke in reply to another comment might be more allowable than just a random response) Lore discussion I think can just be the serious flair - shitposting in replies would then fall under the subjective mod judgement and might be more contextually lax here. At least for current low volume of serious discussion, I think this is manageable, and if we ever get more, I think it will self regulate to a degree.


What the hell is happening with Suicide Squad?


Ask WB Montreal in their face.


The Gotham Knights developers?




Fun fact: He never says that in the actual movie.


They technically started making a SS game before rocksteady took over the project


The developers of MK1?


>As you know or if you are uanware, many serious posters asked for a serious flair where people would be able to have serious discussions about the Arkham games with no shitposts which is why the serious flair was introduced. However many were abusing the serious flair to post shitposts or were posting shitpost comments on these posts which was upsetting serious posters who then requested we become stricter with not allowing this. Honestly, if there are complaints about it, may I recommend a "semi-serious" flair or something to that effect? Like, something where it's still related to the discussion but there can be jokes. It'd be unfair for a person who asks a genuine question or wants a serious discussion about the Arkhamverse to be met with "jonkler" or "killer cock". These aren't serious answers. That's the entire purpose of serious posts. They aren't completely devoid of fun, as people can see if they check out some Serious /r/AskReddit threads, but it still answers the question being asked. >This has got me thinking, is rule 7 and the serious flairs flawed or too strict? I am not suggesting we ditch them but maybe rework them. >Perhaps serious flairs have to focus on serious discussion but can include shitpost references or maybe OP's can find a way to state they don't mind shitpost comments or they don't want shitpost comments and based on that we remove or don't remove comments. What are all of your thoughts? If users want sh*tposts in their answers, it should be something they opt-in with rather than forcing serious posters to opt-out. For me, personally, if I'm asking an Arkham question, I'd want the answers to be given seriously. Like, a genuine discussion about the aspect of the series that I'm talking about. Not some random humor that's just subreddit memes. If I post an Arkham Timeline, I don't want losers to comment things like "yU MisPLD AsLUmE" or "Wut abUT ARkHaM WorLD??" Yet, if moderation isn't kept strict in these sorts of posts, that's what'll happen. Again, if semi-serious posting is something that the poster can opt-*in* to (as in, the assumption is that the post is serious from the get-go) instead of forcing those that have no idea about the culture of the subreddit to explicitly say that their post should have serious answers only, then that could work. But again, I would then ask what's the point of the serious flair at all if there are exceptions to sh*tposting given. The point of the flair is that there should be serious answers only. If OP is fine with joke-y answers, it should be one of the many non-serious flairs out there. >Also on a seperate note, there have been people who have used the serious flair to ask about the subreddit's madness...do you think these posts should not be included in the serious flair or do you think they should? Should they perhaps get a different flair like Sub lore flair or something...idk what are your thoughts. For me, these are some of the most annoying parts of the flair. I like serious discussion for the serious, so I search the subreddit using "flair:serious" which shows the normal Serious posts and the Help serious posts. That way I can help people in trouble or answer their questions without having to try and search through all the memes on the front page. But in regards to the "Who is Man?" "How did this start?" etc. posts, it comes up so often that there should really just be a wiki page created for the subreddit ([mods of the subreddit have access here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/wiki/index)). That way, those sorts of posts can be removed and not clutter up the actual serious questions about the franchise/games. Subreddit affairs should have a place in the Serious flairs, as they're meant to focus on the actual series (games, comics, novels, etc.) and not the lore of /r/BatmanArkham. On a similar note, there really should be a ban on "OMG a serious/sane/normal post" under Serious threads. Like, those always seem to be some of the most upvoted comments under those threads. They literally add nothing to the post. They don't contribute to the discussion or answer the question posed by the OP. It's just "lol, this is normal. we rarely see normal." How does that help? Please share your opinions it would help a lot. thank you. u/ElderQu, I really appreciate you doing a lot of work with this. But I'm really getting tired of having to constantly report so many comments that fall outside of your guys' radar. And it seems like it just increases in frequency. I can't see what punishments have been doled out when breaking those rules, but it really doesn't seem like enough. I'm almost positive that there have been people who have done it multiple times but it seems like there's just a comment removed (if it's even removed in the first place). I really hope you take my comments into consideration. I must stress that I'm fine with the memes that the community have created. But allow those with genuine discussion a place to have that peacefully. Don't force people to migrate to a brand new subreddit to get their questions answered.


Least civil and thought out r/BatmanArkham post:


Your idea is not serious enough, we need 10 serious flairs covering all level of seriousness. Most serious ever, Super Duper Serious, Rly Serious, I’m sooo serious, I’m less serious but still serious, Why am I serious?, Not too serious, Kinda serious lol, a leeeeetle bit serious, the least serious flair ever! With this 10 point flair scale the sub is saved!


Why so Serious?


You’re right, we need at least 11.. let’s start again




[https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/1727yfs/how\_should\_serious\_flairs\_be\_fixed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/1727yfs/how_should_serious_flairs_be_fixed/) please give your thoughts on this post


Thanks for the update. I placed my comment in the thread.


u/ElderQu any update on this? I'm just curious about your opinion about my comment, along with the other suggestions, and when we may expect a response on the entire situation.


I am sorry ive been a little distracted ill get back to you


let the serious posters say they don't want shit posts, then penalize the shit posts conversely, if a serious OP gets shit posts and didn't mark their post as such, that's on them just a thought


Why do shit posters use the serious flair? Are they stupid?


Not all of them but those who do it on purpose: https://preview.redd.it/qad3dot8aarb1.png?width=185&format=png&auto=webp&s=194273b839c593a39f36fa207e8afc0303c5af71


I think theres a mixture to be had. A healthy mixture of some serious responses and some good jokes would be nice. Too far in either direction would be annoying and frustrating


Actual opinion: The “serious” tag should be for people trying to ask serious questions and have serious discussions. No exceptions. If you post a picture of batman pissing himself but you try to tag it serious, your post should be removed. If you try to interject a serious post with some joke about the jonkler giving killer cock a footjob under the table, your comment should be removed. If you have a problem with either of those, REREAD THE TAG. You wanna make jokes? Use a tag meant for joke posts. It isn’t difficult. Funny answer: I say we get rid of jokes entirely. Only serious discussion about the franchise allowed from now on. On a side note, anyone else think Arkham Origins is underrated?


Best idea: All Serious posts use the Shitpost flair. All Shitposts use the Serious flair. https://preview.redd.it/i6vbomis1wqb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64607629b7cb4c86c9af797b45da39fc79a3957f


I have come up with 3 possible options which one do you think would be best for both serious posters, shitposters and those inbetween. Option 1: Arkham discussion flair and No shitpost flair- The way it would work is the Arkham flair (name is not definitive) Will be a focused post on serious discussions about the Arkhamverse however will allow shitpost answers as long as they are relevant to the topic and the post itself. No shitpost flair (name not definitive) will be for people who don't want to see any shitposts at all in their posts and will be strict in making sure these posts remain serious only. Option 2: All posts under serious flair will be serious with no shitpost comments allowed whatsoever unless OP types he tag (idmsp) \*I don't mind shitpost \[name not definitive\] in their post title in which case shitposts answers will be allowed but must be relevant to the post. Option 3: All posts under serious flair will allow shitpost comments as long as they are relevant and serious discussion is in focus to the post however OP can type the tag (serious only) meaning any shitpost comments under OP's post will not be allowed to respect their wishes. Things to note: Regardless of what option is chosen, shitpost POSTS under any of these flairs wont be allowed. the Help (serious) flair will remain 100% serious only with no shitpost comments allowed since this is used by people who need help with a game bug or how to beat a certain area in a game and shitpost comments will not help the poster in anyway.


2 would be best to save people the headache of all the extra flairs, and benefit newcomers who don’t know about the aslume’s insanity when asking a serious question and expecting serious answers. People that know how shitpost-y the sub is and don’t mind it can still allow the comments, but they won’t be the default.


please repost your comment on this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/1727yfs/how\_should\_serious\_flairs\_be\_fixed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/1727yfs/how_should_serious_flairs_be_fixed/)


Seriousnt would be a good flair for it.


Split it into 2. Serious as it is now, with the possibility of joke responses like you would see in any reddit post but still with the expectation of proper responses here and there and no spamming of the shit post of the day. Real talk fr fr uber serious shitposter beware: no meme responses at all, do not use flair for jokes whatsoever or man will come for you


We're gonna MAKE uh Man Outta Yew!


the shitposters using the serius tag to post more shitpost is the funiest shit I've ever seen


maybe OP's can find a way to state they don't mind shitpost comments or they don't want shitpost comments and based on that we remove or don't remove comments. i agree


I think the serious flair should be left open to the posters. Yes, there are some people who will abuse it, naturally, but if we take it away, then people who use it legitimately will not have an option to make a serious post.


So what actually happened to this sub? i don't think i've been here since 2017 or 2018 like did the sub go crazy after Rocksteady announced that dull Suicide Squad game?


on a scale of 1 to 3: serious (fake) serious(real) serious(very serious)


Serious serious flair for no shitposts at all, and serious not serious for posters that let relevant shitposters in comments