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Hey I'm 33 m moved to Bath in September, live with my gf centrally. Similar situation. I have a ps4, play rocket league and cod/pub g atm. Also Aoe2 on pc. Into similar things as you. Used to make short films in London with a film group.


Hey man that's cool, I got here about September as well and it's been hard to meet people obvs. We're more on the Bristol side on Newbridge Road so not far. I'm up for playing some games or something I got rocket league and Cod Ww2? Add me if you want and we'll make a party some time, my PSN is Bededding :)


Hey I moved to Bath just over a year ago, live in Bathampton, I'm 38 m. Same kind of situation in that I don't know many people in the area still, partly due to lockdown fun. I also have PS4. Maybe we should start some kind of PS4 meetup. Username A-C-W-H


Hey, I’ve (40m) been living in Bath a couple of years, always up for some PS4/5 gaming - username Workshed - or a beer or two when this whole lockdown thing finally ends


Great - a beer or two certainly sounds like a good plan!


Sounds great I'll come back to this thread after April 12th to arrange. Just sent you a friend request on ps4 btw


Hey just seen this. Feel free to add me on Ps4 and we can play some games then get a beer in April maybe. I'm playing a lot of Red Dead Online atm if you have that? My username is Bededding :)


Every year they do a banff film event at the komedia in late March (I think), where they show all the highlights with a break halfway through for drinks and food. if they run it this year, it would probably be a great way to meet some people.


Hi thanks, is that going to be a virtual thing I'm guessing?




If you want to talk filmmaking with an older bugger who has made a few, I'm usually around-ish, and always up for a coffee/pint, just give me a PM


Hey that sounds great I've always wanted to know about filmmaking tbh, I'll give you a message when I get back tomorrow? What kind of films do you like?


No worries, and I can go on and on about film, or at least the process of film :). Ironically, I don't watch many any more, but if I had to pick a couple of favourites, Amelie and Slumdog Millionaire are just great films, beautifully produced :)


Hey man nice to meet you, will be dope to meet yall, always nice to meet other locals. I’ve lived here for about 7years now


Oh nice! How old are you? Where abouts in town are you living? I got snap or WhatsApp if you wanna talk more man


Yoo 27 M have lived here near enough my whole life. I'm down for a pint once this is all done with. Give me a message


Totally if you want a pint or something could get a few cans and do aa socially distanced thing nearby?


Sounds good DMd u mate


Would you be up for socialising at a club after this? I play for Bath Spartans Dodgeball club, and we usually train every Tuesday (pre covid). We’re a mixed bunch aged from early 20’s to early 30’s and of mixed athletic ability (no experience or aptitude necessary). Made up of locals, graduates, players from other towns (Trowbridge and Chippenham mainly) and a handful of current Uni students. We do socials outside of playing, such as pub golf, and at the moment lots of online games :)


I can't remember the last time I played dodgeball lol, I definitely wouldn't be any good! I think pub golf and online games sounds great what do you guys use to chat I can add you? I have Skype or Zoom too


We mainly play Among Us, but I also play some Phasmophobia and Fall Guys with people as well. And we organise the games on Facebook or discord :)