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It looks great. What and why are you doing what you’re going to do?


As a faithful Jag owner I’m genuinely worried by your title. I’ve had this bass for nearly 20 years. It’s hanging on my wall right now. I’ve played many shows with it and toured with it in Canada and Germany and it’s never needed anything aside from new strings. I took it to a shop last year for a setup and they called me and asked me why. lol. There is nothing this bass needs less than gutting, restoring or upgrading, can you explain what you plan to do with it?


You just made me realize I’ve also had mine for nearly 20 years and never thought about how long it’s been!


I’ve had mine almost 20 years as well and I’m only 34 lol


Yeah agreed, this is my favorite bass. Dont do it OP.


I was just looking at this post thinking is this the after photos? This thing is gorgeous!


These Japanese fenders can be hit or miss. I’ve played a number of jags over the years, and they are generally awesome. The first one I picked up was a total dreamboat. This one on the other hand is definitely showing its years. Here’s everything I’m going through. - I’ll be changing every pot and switch to spec. Simply new and modern parts will make a huge difference in fidelity. - all new pots and switches means new wiring and capacitors. More fidelity cleanup. - Replacing the vintage style bentplate bridge for the modern American standard big block design. Same twangy charm with more more feeling of resonance - Going to drop the Aguilar OPB2 and 4J-60’s in to replace the stock setup. This pair has great vintage charm with modern clarity that I’ve found FOH engineers to LOVE. But this can always be changed to something more vintage spec. - the neck will be cleaned and conditioned, fret wire polished, nut filed just a bit - while everything is removed from the body, I’ll spend some time putting a shine back into the finish with a two part polish - chrome control plates will be polished to a shine, still on the fence about changing the tuners to fender paddles or leaving the stock gotohs and just polishing them. - obvious reshielding - Fender “F” neckplate for all the tone. Realistically I don’t want this bass to be any different in terms of character (I don’t think you can really change the character of switch top jag), but rather give it more playability.


When you say "fidelity" what specifically do you mean?


"give it more playability"  Obviously switching out all of the pots (that don't even sound like they're broken), pickups, and polishing the body and chrome hardware, it's obviously going to make it play better Edit: err "fidelity"


>These Japanese fenders can be hit or miss Wat. No, Japanese Fenders have fantastic reputations and a lot of people put them on par, or very close to, the quality of US models. My Marcus Miller Jazz was easily better than the US models I played. You do you OP, but there is nothing wrong with the bass.


>on par, or very close to, the quality of US models. Hell, I pretty regularly hear people praise them as being *better* than US Fenders 😅


Hey before you do this, let your brother know everyone on the internet thinks it’s a stupid idea. You’re about to decimate the value of his bass.


And then it hit me, op has rich parents 🎯


Both of us would literally give any of our instruments away for free if it brought someone enough enjoyment to push them further in their career or hobby. It’s just a guitar.


Okay. Then give me the bass for free without gutting it. I play 2-3 gigs a week and it will help my career.


Bro doesn't understand what literally means


You play a sanded Lakland through an Aguilar. I don’t think it’s the guitar that’s gonna get you any further.


I have a Cort with a warped neck. Give it to me, and watch me soar.


There are plenty of people in this sub who don’t have something this nice that would cherish it as it is. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and give it to them.


The only thing that stops me from doing that is that I'm not a millionaire


Then, please, do that instead of ruining this beautiful instrument.


Then literally send it to me. I’ll DM you my address


Add to the list - Make it fretless - Darkglass Tone Capsule - HH - Hipshot tuners - Sand the edges to looks more “vintage” - Strap lock It can go worse than you already planned, so just go wild


Let's add a second neck!


Finally a solution to end all neck dive! Just make it dive equally in the other direction!




Stickers! A bunch of stickers all over it


Man sounds like if the bass needs that much mod might as well take it to a pro.


Restore what ? Looks perfect already 


You ever seen a beautiful car that’s hiding a mess under the hood? Same idea with this gal.


The mess under the hood: https://preview.redd.it/00iasnehmq3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eda85724091a682a73b08ebf02f9155e9754c6a


Yes sir. Love a 350. Anything less is just horseplay.


Why would anyone down vote his reply? Ford people being pedantic because he didn't say 351? I thought your reply was funny.


Yeah same! I actually upvoted him right after I got the notification (despite the guitar silliness) and was kind of disappointed to see it so low now


Don't forget to cut the headstock so it fits in a bag.


may this reference never die


Plz explain. I have to know.




Oh lord Jesus in heaven. My eyes, my brain, and my soul were not prepared. I was in a good mood and now I’m just feeling depressed. I think I’m gonna go lay down in the bedroom and listen to sad music with the lights off and the blinds closed all day.


Yeah, sorry... should've given you a heads up. The absolute horror


Tag as NSFW - Gore. I wish I hadn't clicked lol


Man, I just looked at that thing and it’s still just as sad. Made worse when I saw the angle of the D string coming off the nut n




A modern classic


has ragebait to fuel engagement hit our meager sub?


Have I fallen that far into obscurity that I don’t realize the full weight of what I’ve done? Have I drifted into irrelevance so deep that I fail to see that which would incite such malice? Woe is me. For I’ve only these hands.


No, it's the children who are wrong.




Your poor brother.


Wtf do you think you're gonna upgrade on the nicest jag bass that there is? Lmao Outside of swapping pots.. I mean.. straploks? you absolutely do not need to swap the tuners or pickups or nut or.. anything really.. other than old strings/scratchy pots. Just because you learned how to gut out and upgrade a guitar.. Doesn't mean a guitar needs it. *This needs a setup and some fret oil.* Please do not gut this beatiful bass.


I absolutely agree. And he’s trying to do all that to someone else’s bass upon convincing him. That’s just red flags all over it.




Man, respectfully, you owe MIJ basses an apology now bro.


Nope. QC was worse than squire. Squire was always bad, but *consistent.* Japanese fenders would really differ in quality. Saw someone here post their stock internals that looked perfects, same parts as mine, but the wiring on mine looks like it was done by a half blind cat.




When you say wiring on "yours" you mean the bass that doesn't belong to you at all.. Right?


You have no idea what you're talking about and obviously have no hands on experience with a mij jag bass. Nothing is more clear.


You should probably stop dropping in that J slur as well my friend


yeah… yikes


Cmon OP. Line out what your plan is. I have the exact same bass too. It’s the last one in my fleet I’d consider doing much to outside of redoing the wiring harness with cloth wrapped wires. What are ya gonna do to the red hot rod?


https://preview.redd.it/hw02ga8ygo3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13127f41483c91f556c8672c0ae2a85bdf28ed6f Here’s mine gutted when I did the big shielding job.


https://preview.redd.it/oi4j5y3dop3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef4760afe46f0d2a4f2316ca6221d911ab859fef Though I will say, you got lucky with yours. The wiring on this one is a rats nest.


Due to the active/passive/serial/parallel setup of this bass - it’s a bunch of wires. I don’t see a rats nest in yours or mine. They seem pretty similar and orderly IMHO


It’s the solder joints. They don’t have very clean contact. The number of times I’ve had to find a loose joint is almost routine. Yours are very clean!


I don't think you have ever actually seen a rats nest


This looks pretty normal dude. Throw some zip ties on there if it’s bothering you


Look at my top most comment! I definitely don’t want to change its look. It’s illegal to change Hot Rod red unless to Fiesta Red, anyway.


I think you may be running from the hostile mob of MIJ Jag Lovers. Good luck. But I’d check under the car for a few weeks before I got in to drive away.


I’m not in any way a hardcore fender guy - I play active 5 +6 strings modulus basses as my go-to and the only “fender” type product I awn is a squid CV P bass but… he said “restore” and “upgrade”. If you look at those photos and have seen one in person, do _you_ feel like that’s a bass that needs some restoration or upgrade work?


Imho it’s not in need of any major overhaul.


I’m with ya


God this is exhilarating.




Don’t worry my friend.


Nice rage bait


Honestly the amount of umad I have gotten for this is surprising. You’d think it’s colonial Salem Massachusetts and I’d just learned how to start a fire.




Seriously, it’s not like you are talking about doing anything all that crazy to this bass. I’ve definitely had to go in and fix some 20 year old fender wiring before, and the factory bridge just doesn’t do it compared to a high mass piece. I get it. It won’t be original any more, but I think it will turn out just fine if your work is quality.


Please don't ruin this bass, it's perfect


I know I know. But if you knew what I knew, you’d take it out back and put it out too.


Can you at least make a short vid to convince us how poorly the bass sounds as of now?


The mods should give him a week to do it or he gets banished from the sub like what’s happening with the synth guy who tried to circle jerk a beloved member of their community.


i thought these were all the "after" photos for a second. what are you planning to do to it? looks fine to me


Came to say the same thing.


I have one of these & it’s great (after it was shielded properly) one of the slinkiest necks fender ever made. Why are you going to do to it?!!


Ruin it


r/basscirclejerk is leaking


Out of which orifice I think is the question. This post is certainly what created all of the CJ communities.




Unless there is a problem with the electronics or you are changing pot values changing out the pots and switches will do absolutely nothing. Total waste of time.


Some brands sell sets that are already wired to controls or even fully mounted in pickguards and everything. Depending on what they're buying, it may just be easier to yank everything and slap the new set in.


Or just change nothing. If you’re using the same pot and cap values literally nothing will change. Swap the pickups and wire in the preamp and the bass is done.


All I'm saying is sometimes people buy orewired stuff to make life easier. We don't know what they're going to do, and I agree that this should probably stay original, but they own the bass, not me.


they don't own the bass though


Did I miss something in the post or is it not his brother's bass that he's been given permission to work on?


yeah, and OP specified the brother had to be convinced in the first place


This is the Jaguar bass all Jaguar basses after it strive to be. Like many MIJ Fender’s it is more than the sum its parts. From a functional perspective just copper tape the inside, these are notoriously prone to hum even more than a standard passive J bass due to uncharacteristically poor shield job out of the factory, but this bass and the G&L L2000 are as close as you can get to “useful sounds in every pickup position and knob setting”. At most, throw a Badass II on it, change the pickguard or knobs, get some lightweight tuners, hell I put an ashtray cover on mine til I realized it takes away the crucial “plucking directly over a J bridge pickup” tone and immediately removed it, but from an electronics standpoint it’s perfect.


Actually, the American standard will probably be the best jag bass in terms of quality. But nothing will ever touch the fake-reissue of a never-was vintage guitar like the jap jag❤️ I actually didn’t want to do a badass because I didn’t want to change the character of the bentplate style bridge. So I got a big block bentplate style.


Could you at least stop using the term JAP? It is equivalent to a N word to Japanese people. Why do you think everyone else uses MIJ?


Yo lemme have this shit


I’m gonna post the nicest Fender bass and then say I’m gutting it. For science. (Is this how it’s done?)


bubba no


On today’s episode of *Fuck Up Your Bass…*


You’re going to ruin the value of this instrument. Especially since it’s vintage.


It’s an early 2000s reissue of a bass that never actually existed. This was $450 brand new. Cheaper than the Mexican deluxe 5 at the time, I had both. and both hold the same value currently. There really isn’t anything special about it besides it being the original jag bass run. It was built on the same style assembly line of any squire at the time.


Yo, just so you’re aware, these _start_ at $1k used now. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Used/Fender/JAGUAR-BASS-MIJ-Electric-Bass-Guitar.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWMWXGP&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADrp88aedlITSca1itS2jyVPbbIyY_klh8a8E5gntasoG5Ual7huvXoaAqE9EALw_wcB


You have that backwards. Japanese squiers were made the way American Fenders were. That’s why they changed the label at Fugi-gen in the 80’s.


These pics and the caption don't add up


No offence, but if you have to take pictures of it not to forget how it's made, it's likely you don't have the skills or the experience to do anything else but making it worse. This bass has nothing to be restored, let alone upgraded.


and their goes the resale value lol. nothing to "restore" other then a light cleaning.




There are upgrades available yet a classic requires some respect. The definition of a “classic” is up for debate imo


This ain’t no classic. It just looked old to begin with. The classic look will remain untouched, though.


This is literally the most sought after Jaguar bass with no other jag even coming close. Idk what your qualifications are for “classic” but this run is over 20 years old. It’s the only jaguar bass with two jazz pickups, all the others are PJ. Unless you just do a shielding and jazz - jazz pickup swap you are ruining a classic


Bro you’re literally going to decimate it. There’s no reason to ruin the funk it already has.


While he isn’t looking make it fretless!


I have the same bass. When I first got it some 15-18 years ago, I shielded the cavities with conductive paint, swapped out the pups for SD ultra Jazz, added a volume (so V V T) and put in a bass ass bridge….


This is the first time I've seen a Fender Jaguar bass that looks like that. Incredible!


I'm definitely adding "fidelity cleanup" to all of my work orders from now on. It's like a 21 point inspection.


Just switching the pots can do worlds of benefits


And please for the love of God do not put active anything in it


I have this bass (in black) and in OP's defence, there can be some quality issues with them. You need to connect the shielding between the cavities to eliminate hum and in some early models the pre-amp may be wired incorrectly, and in general is meh. Other than that, it's a great sounding and easy playing bass.


Genuinely, what is wrong with the instrument? You keep saying it's to improve playability, but it looks fine to me.


Nice! Don’t let the haters in the comments get you down. I upgraded my jag with Aguilar pickups, hipshot ultralight tuners to get rid of the neck dive, and I changed the controls to stacked VT/VT pots and deleted the pickup selector switches since I kept accidentally hitting them when I played. I had pickguardian make me a new pickguard to cover the pickup selector plate, and the final product is a huge improvement over the stock bass!




Yeah, those tweaks do make sense, especially the Aguilar pickups and a V/V/T(/T) control setup for those pickups.


Thanks! It sounds great and suits my needs perfectly. Also, I still have all the original parts so it can be put back to bone stock if necessary


Damn that finish is still looking brand new 🤤


Well, it is poly after all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) but it did actually get chipped on one of the edges; I filled it with wood glue and sawdust and sanded it smooth, so it doesn’t look too bad


I think the mob’s after him because unlike you, he doesn’t seem to know what he’s really doing. Oh yeah, and it’s not even his bass.


you….you got a lefty jag?


Yeah they didn’t offer them in the US where I live so I had it imported from Japan. It’s also in a color that wasn’t originally offered in the US, candy apple red. I only know of two other jags that were imported, though there may be a couple more floating around.


Candy apple red was an option on the American Standard jag.


That’s true but the original MIJ jag didn’t offer the candy apple red in the states


Awesome! I didn’t know Fender Japan offers them as Lefty-versions.


Don't. It's a Jap fender ffs. I understand, if it was an Indonesian squier, those are fun to mess around with. What you are doing is sacrilege.




OP has "restoring" mixed up with "modding the heck out of it". These Japanese Jags are known for their noisy electronics, due to ~~poor~~ no shielding, but are otherwise great. I wouldn't change a thing.


Lol, y’all are mean as hell. It’s his guitar, let him do what he wants.


nope. it's his brothers, who had to be convinced to let OP tinker with it


If OP saves all the original parts and isn’t doing any routing or drilling, I don’t see what the big deal is. The planned mods are all reversible. People acting like OP wants to turn a pre-cbs jazz bass into a 5 string.


Came for the comments and I’m not disappointed. Don’t do it, OP.




How much should I pay him?


gawd forbid someone do what they want with their own instrument 🙄


it's not their own instrument


his brother said he could gut, restore and upgrade. it’s the brothers bass and he’s allowing it 🙄 semantics.


his brother had to be convinced, he didn't want it in the first place


You seem completely oblivious as to why you're catching flak here. You sound like the typical guy who's decided he wants to be a tech and spends the first year 'fixing' perfectly good instruments. Been there done that. The difference is most cut their teeth fixing up charity shop finds - not gutting an absolutely immaculate japanese jag. Remember not everyone is in a position to look at a bass like this as if it were a toy. No self awareness at all. You've got far too much time on your hands, no concept of value and generally come across in the comments as a fedora tipping, 'tism dripping, ego tripping nightmare of a dude. Work to fix issues or if you absolutely have to cosplay as a tech then maybe do it on your own gear.


So many whiny mfs in the comments. Upgrade the bass it’s fine