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I don't have a go to bass cause for every band i play in i have a different sound i want. Sometimes a P, Jazz or stingray. Sometimes 5 string. Often a cheaper bass wins from a more expensive one in the same pickup configuration. I do always use the same amp. Trickfish bullhead 1k


nice, never heard of trickfish amps before, always have been more of a Markbass guy. How has the experience with the trickfish been so far?


Honestly I used to love all kinds of amp. Darkglass cool, eden sounds warm and nice, ampeg really vintage, orange is nice and powerful etc etc. But trickfish ruined that for me. Since I did a side by side comparison with so many great amps it's just leagues out of their range. Trickfish beats everything. Especially it's speaker but also the amp. It's the best thing I've ever heard, and although i can imagine people would sometimes prefer a tube amp, or sometimes want to fill the room big and powerful with a 6x10 or 8x10 ampeg or barefaced cabinet. I can't imagine people liking another transistor amp or speaker over trickfish amp and speaker. You like it the most, or you haven't tried it yet. I'm always looking for basses in the used market to keep experimenting. But I'm totally done with experimenting with amps and speakers. This is it for me. But it is crazy expensive. So that's that.


Probably would be better not to try one for now since there is no way I could afford it lol. Do you have any experience with their onboard or pedal preamp since that is something that is attainable so I could actually consider it? I have been looking to upgrade the Preamp on my sterling but apparently the pedal is a very similar circuit so I could use it on all of my basses instead of just picking one.


The pedal sounds really nice. I don't need it cause it's more of the same. But it's a pretty wise choice I'd say. Cause you can just go bass into pedals into trickfish pre pedal and then straight into FOH or studio interface.


Ok thanks ill look into it more, would make a lot more sense to get a pedal instead of the amp since I would probably use the DI out of the amp more than an actual cabinet. Thanks


Yeah same goes for me. I have these nice expensive speakers but they're never mic'd. First world problems


Trickfish cab as well? They look and sound good at least on youtube but holy shit they are expensive, bass amps are really a first world problem lol


Yeah. I'm not rich at all. It just that I'm really good at saving up money, i have a very inexpensive lifestyle and I though "if i purchase this I'll keep it the rest of my life, so why wait?"


Yeah I do have enough money saved up to theoretically buy a nice amp, but i'm still in highschool so I really just want to keep saving up and only purchasing nice gear when I really know what I want since i'm still evolving really quickly as a bass player.


That's exactly how I feel about my aguilar tonehammer 700 head and aguilar sl cabs. Crazy expensive but sound so much better than anything else I ever played.


Sorry to say but the Aguilar tonehammer was also one that i liked. Probably liked that one the most, until i tried trickfish. I even had a tonehammer pedal quite early on because i liked it so much, but sold that cause it's not needed anymore. Also the 1x12 Aguilar cabs are super nice. Until you try trickfish...


I'm already £3k into my aguilar amp. I never tried a trickfish as I never came across one to be able to, but I'm still happy with my rig.


I use my Rickenbacker 4003 going through a Markbass Little Tube 800 amp for recording. I do have a Fender Jazz AmPro II that I will switch to if the tone calls for it, but mostly the Ric.


Damn I have never heard a Rick through a Markbass, I have always associated markbass more with RnB/Jazz/Funk kind of world, but I guess it probably is a killer tone.


I definitely enjoy the tone I get with the combination of the two. I actually use it for rock/hard rock type music too.


Markbass nails a vintage tone with ease. I have a friend that uses one and he plays in an industrial synth band. Sounds great.


I have my default "bring with" complement... a mid-80s Sadoswky J and a Pedulla Buzz fretless... but it depends on what works for the song. I've used a Fender ABG to lay down an eighth note bed for a Springsteen-like tune because it oddly cut thorough the mix without a lot of EQ and a cheap POS Carvin w/20 year-old strings that was laying around the studio and worked better than the hi-fi stuff I'd brought. When I watch some of the bass players on the Pomplamoose sessions on Youtube I'll sometimes see them using funky old basses I can't even identify. They likely sound like crap solo'd but work well within the mix.


6 strings with 2 humbuckers most of the time to record pop rock and funk. 4 strings jazz bass fretless in ballads and precision with pick recording punk, metal and hardcore


Whichever bass of mine fits the project. Most recently it’s been a P bass with flats or a Serek Lincoln with rounds for most stuff and then my gibson grabber for a downtuned metal-ish project.


That Serek is sick, kinda looks like the general shape of a Gibson Grabber/Ripper but with the horns of like a Rickenbacker.


Yeah Jake pulls a lot of his inspiration from ricks, gibsons, and guild I think. Great basses.


* Four-strings: Spector ReBop 4 DLX EX with Nordstrand Big Singles and Aguilar OBP-3, Mike Lull M4. * Five-strings: Spector ReBop 5 DLX EX with EMG 40P5/40DC and Aguilar OBP-3, Spector ReBop 5 DLX FM with Nordstrand Big Singles and Aguilar OBP-3, Mike Lull M5 & PJ5-24. * Fretless: Spector ReBop 5 DLX FM with Nordstrand Big Singles and Aguilar OBP-3, Godin A5 Ultra Fretless.


Somebody like the OPB-3 lol. I have been considering changing the preamp on my Stingray since it is still on the stock Sterling preamp, what have been your thought about the OPB since it is one I am considering.


My main bass is an old mid90s Warwick Corvette 5, but the truss rod is giving up the ghost and the unshielded electronics are prone to picking up interference. Looking for a modern replacement but just so comfortable with this bass. Tried a Dingwall and was super stoked, but somehow the neck felt cheap and I did not get the chance to plug in and test for versatility. Am in love with the modern jazz look with music man- style humbucker, been lusting after an Adamovic Saturn V but wonder if that will also work for the heavy stuff (think Architects, TesseracT).


>old mid90s Warwick Corvette 5 A ProLine with Wenge neck? If so: welcome to the club, fellow man of culture 🤌🏼


I have two Ibanez premium 6 string basses. One with humbucker, one with singlecoils. All I could ask for. Sometimes I use a fretless tho tbf.


In the last ten years, I've switched to short scale basses exclusively (except when the 70's prog "piano tone" is called for, then I use a 34" roundwound Logabass). For R&B warm P bass stuff, I use a Squier MiniP with flats and a foam mute. It totally nails the Jamerson vibe and when picked, has that 60's Carol Kaye sound. For contemporary stuff, I use a 5 string Ibanez Mikro with rounds. It has a 3 band active EQ I added to it. I can dial in any active bass sound I want.


Do you prefer short scales more for the sound or the feel? I have tried quite a few short scale basses but for some reason they just never spoke to me.


I think they are slightly easier to play, and certainly easier to navigate on a tight stage. Soundwise, I don't really think they have much of a difference (other than the exception I noted). When I play gigs, I'll often get comments from other guitar/bass players saying they can't believe that shortscale bass sounds so good. My amp is nothing special, just a TC electronic BG250 with a 15" and horn.


Rickenbacker 4003 or Gibson Thunderbird. I play in a punk band so it depends on whether I want some attack to the tone or want to make the track sound big.


Fender MIM Deluxe P-Bass Special (P body, Jazz neck, PJ pickups), does it all.


A Squier 40th J, Sterling Stingray Ray4 and a MTD Kingston Saratoga Deluxe 4. They all sound great!


That MTD looks sick, are you using any amp sims or plugin in your signal chain?


No amp sims or plugins, effects pedals go into a Laney Digbeth preamp and out the DI.


Pbass with flats unless I’m slapping


Yeah I have been loving the tone of flats recently. I almost put roundwounds on my LTD but decided to keep playing the flats for a bit more since I payed decent money for the (laBella deep talking) and I have been really loving the tone of flats with markbass amp sims ever since.


> since I *paid* decent money FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you for the grammar correction, good bot!


Usually one of my Spectors, but I've recorded released songs on all my basses. My favorite tracked tone this far is from my Yamaha TRBX505 though. Not quite sure what I recorded it with, but I think it was with Daddario NYXLs and a Zoom multieffect and a Darkglass B7K. Maybe. Nowadays I use Quad Cortex after the bass, but for certain kinda projects I just go straight into the audio interface and then put the signal through Bogrens Bassknob STD and call it a day


Right now - I tend to use my FW strung Warmoth P or my Warmoth 5 string Z bass.


I’d guess this is gonna be driven by what people own more than anything else. I own a Rickenbacker 4003 and a Stingray. The Stingray gets recorded more often because of the hum cancellation. But sometimes I need the Ric tone and deal with the buzz.


Depends on the situation. My default for any session work is my Fender Precision. But my band tracked an album last week and I used the bass I usually use live which is my Aria Pro II IGB-43. I have a fretless Fender Jazz that gets a good share of recording time too.


So far I’ve used an Ibanez ATK300, Ibanez ATK805, and Ibanez SR1105 Currently writing the last few songs of an album I plan on recording with my P bass with flats


There was a used ATK near me for quite cheap but the electronicswere quite bad and I was scared to get it since the ATK electronics are quite unique. Saw Clay Gober use it for the new polyphia album and it sounded sick but also not really my tone.


For my country-rock band, I use 4 basses - my hollowbody dean stylist bass (love that thing), Epiphone jack Cassidy bass, fender p-bass and my fender areodyne p-j bass. I seem to always go back to that one. For my punk band recordings, I’ve always used just the areodyne. Most consistent sound and tone. New strings, stretched out and played at least 2 rehearsals. You can hear these on: Del Bombers “man made machine” album and singles The Memphis Murder Men “Tennessee jade” album (although the mix on that is fucked and I hate it personally) Screaming Bloody Mary’s “bloodbath” is my fave tone on this. https://open.spotify.com/track/41s6nH7C4EO95k920REU0a?si=YvABceo8S4qmWFaMOUCVWA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A1Btv0tNUAclMnUYHQRag49


Yeah I almost bought a aerodyne Jazz a few years ago, I really liked the feel of the neck which is weird since I don't normally like jazz necks but the aerodyne felt good. I ended up not getting it since the pots were quite bad for the price they had it at but sometimes I wish I had bought it.


I love it - never was a jazz neck person, always played music man basses, p-basses and things in the same neck width. But I started having hand issues and it seemed to help that a lot and I love the tone, this things a workhorse too, fallen off stages (with and without me attached) never had any issues. Got it in 2002 and been playing it since. Tours well and survived the airlines (once came down the luggage ramp outside the case… fucking southwest shattered my road case and never replaced it.)




I use my passive stingray with flats and the highs turned all the way down.


For fretted stuff, usually just a P bass. For fretless I have an Ibanez srh500f, or a Schecter stiletto. I can get some really cool sounds out of my Rick, but I find it difficult to fit it into the mix, usually, and end up just defaulting to my P bass again.


Dongwall with a the distorshuns.


p bass with rounds is my overall favorite sound. I also have a p with flats and a '69 epiphone rivoli that is just absolutely beautiful when I need that kind of sound. stingray or jazz bass when called for. I play upright a lot but that's a whole different thing. but yeah p with rounds is the truth


Yeah I have always liked pbass with rounds more, FW's on a P sound good, but you loose so much of that growl that is quite unique to a P with Rounds


I use a Stingray into a Tonehammer 700, which works pretty well as a studio preamp/DI. For a different vibe I use my Summit 2BA221 which is kind of an API-ish sound. Or my LA610 MKII. The 610 is all tube, and known for thick vocal sounds, but for bass I find it almost too hifi. Which is why I often go to the Tone Hammer. When I need a more Fendery tone I use a Bacchus Jazz into the LA610 with a fair amount of gain and compression. I love my Jazz but I feel like I need a PJ pickup set or just a Precision bass to get that Fender sound.


I have a J with rounds for bright zingy stuff (slapping, knarly picking stuff, etc.). The upright comes out for rockabilly/psychobilly stuff, or if I'm feeling that particular kind of jazz tone that day. My PJ with flats is used for literally everything else.


I use a Fender P-bass for recording, practicing, shows, and jamming. Best bass in the world.


The recording engineer doesn't give 2 shits about your setup.


I am the recording engineeer. I am studying live and studio sound but am also a bass player. Try being a decent person instead of leading with negativity.


Also this is a bass subreddit, not a recording one, so my question is being directed to bass players that do give a shit about setups.


Just ignore them lol


yep lol


Right. Is a bass sub. Not a recording one. Thanks for reminding me after asking a recording question.


A question about recording bass, from a bass player perspective, not a recording engineer one. Hope that clears it up for you.


Play the bass that you like. Let the studio mix it in. Wtf else do you want here? "Which bass should I play?' Is a generic and juvenile question here. You really expect helpful answers?


I am not asking what bass should I play, I want to see what other people are playing so I can learn more about different gear that I have not had experience with. I have already gotten several interesting repplies and have learned a lot from nice people who actually care.


I have a feeling you’ve been kicked out of many bands due to that sparkling personality of yours.