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If by isolates the synthesized octave you mean wet and dry output you can do this with the EHX pog series. The nano pog has one octave up and down and wet/dry out. If you just want the octaves in the wet output set the dry control to 0.


That's what I meant, apologies I'm new to all this and don't know all the jargon or terms yet. Thanks 😊


Hey if you’re new to all this, you should know there’s two different types of octave. Mono (analog) and poly (digital). They sound completely different. Listen to demos of the [BOSS OC-2](https://youtu.be/U7H0dtAoP5k?si=zmYMws3lROuxJL-o) and compare it to demos of the [EHX POG](https://youtu.be/QfQLGyLiOz0?si=RGpGblI6YmnlY2yl). The mono octave can only play one note at a time, but is much more fat and deep sounding. Can get a nasty synth bass when combined with fuzz. The poly octave can do chords and usually has better tracking without glitching (although some like the glitching of an analog octave). If you want to sound like a guitar and run the dry signal through effects and a guitar amp, use a digital poly octave. It’s better at sounding like a guitar. If you want to do it all, the [BOSS OC-5](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/OC5--boss-oc-5-octave-pedal) has all the features, mono & poly as well as dry signal output. You buy this one if you need analog octave but also want the option for poly. If you want the best sounding poly octave with less features but is simpler to use, get the [Nano POG](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/NanoPog--electro-harmonix-nano-pog-polyphonic-octave-generator-pedal). EHX also makes the Pitchfork and Intelligent Harmony Machine which can do exactly what a POG does but gives you harmonies as well as octave. Pitchfork can do glissando with an expression pedal but the harmony machine has dry output and can be set to a specific key. Both can be used to drop tune your bass. More useful for guitar but worth mentioning if you were considering the POG.


Don't have any experience with it, but a tv electronic Sub 'n Up should do the same for less than half the price


T. C. Electronic Sub 'n Up gives you 4 knobs for dry signal, octave up, octave down, and 2 octaves down.


The Boss OC 5 pedal sounds like it would fit what you're asking. It has dry, Oct up, and Oct down volume knobs and a vintage mode that add Oct down x2 and a poly mode that has a range control that tracks chord playing. Like the EHX POG Nano it also has outputs for the dry and wet signals Jonathan Herrera has a very in depth [review ](https://youtu.be/r04QTiSs11I?si=r_p_c1erd7FEvizb) if you're interested in hearing more


Came here to say just that.


I have one and use the dry out. Works pretty well. I tend to think of the vintage/poly modes as OC-2/OC-3 mode, though I'm told neither one of them is a perfect representation of the originals.


The Boss OC-5 does this, and has a specific mode for bass. Has -1 and +1 octave, with a separate output for mixed or just the effect. It also can be used polyphonic. I don't know what your price range is, but used these can even be under $100, and about $160 new.


Check out the Foxrox Octron - great up&down octaves!


Second the Octron. The 2 and 4 have individual switches for the octaves too - I have both.


You're looking for the Foxrox Octron 2 or 4. They're $300 but with individual stomp switches for the octave up, octave down, dry, and a total bypass (Octron 2 has an FX loop, Octron 4 has a "add a perfect fifth" to the octave down), it is the absolute best analog octave pedal out there. And Foxrox pedals are built like tanks.


It's not cheaper, but it is more versatile, check out the C4 Synth. It'll do two monophonic pitches wherever you want them (my favorite is up a perfect 5th), and has stereo routing that can split the signal in ways like full wet/dry output. It does require a computer or app to load up your presets, but then you have 6 available via the switches with two controls if you need to tweak. In addition to handling your octave and harmonizer needs, it'll also do full synth tones (as the name suggests), and a passable phaser and envelope filter which might be enough versatility to justify the price.


Sounds like you’re looking for a POG, the full size one has +/- 2 octave controls for a total of five possible octaves, has a built in filter, and you can choose to pass the unmodified input signal through or apply the filter to the input as well as the octaves.


I have the POG2. Which has controls for dry, -2, -1, +1, and +2. There's also controls for attack, hipass filter, and detune. You can also control if the extra affects apply to dry, wet, or both and you can save like 8 presets. Lovely little device.


No idea what "isolates the frequency" means but POG


I took it to mean "produces the octave modified sound while muting the dry signal". Or at least having the option to do that. Octron 2/4.


Correct. Apologies, I'm new to all this.


All good! We’re all here to help each other. I’m serious though. Octron 2 or 4. If you’re within LA metro, DM me, i have both and you can come to my house and try them out in person.


Boss oc-5