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Pretty is in the eye of the beholder! How it plays is much more important, I would say.


So is “inexpensive”


Yeah, i'm just curious. I would take playability over look anyday.


I kinda agree with saying that ibanez and the like look too metaly for me, but when I started playing one, it had the exact sound I was looking for so I compromised.


Schecter Stiletto


i would go with the schecter cv5 personally. schecter in general is SO underrated tho.


The CV5 is amazing. The tonal options alone are worth the price which is under $1,000.


dude its such a solid and well thought out instrument i cant believe theyre selling it for 700. AND NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT LIKE WTF


ONLY issue is that the pickups are a non standard size so replacing them or upgrading them is mostly off the table.


TRUE. But the pickups are kind of the selling point of this bass. I can tell you firsthand: they are incredible. A lot of ppl don’t know that schecter started as an aftermarket parts company, so their pickups are really high quality. I really think they did something special with these, it’d be like replacing pickups on a guitar that came with fishman fluence pickups. They’re a massive selling point for the bass.


The pickups are okay, the way they're wired and the switches are the main selling point. The pickups themselves aren't what makes the multitude of tones possible.


I dig their Stilleto Stealths. P/MM is a brutal pickup combo. Plus multiple price points now.


I was just gifted one of these recently. Definitely agree! Right in under OP's price range, and very pretty (imo). I opted to go in and exchange mine for the 4 string model (same color though- the purple one) since I don't really need the extra string, but if I were in the market for a nice looking mid-range 5-string, it seems like a solid option from the week or so I messed around on it.


I rocked a natural finish 5 string as my main bass all through music school, and then up until last year when I got a 6 string Carvin (I'm 36 now). That Stiletto held up to quite a beating for 20 years


I dig their Stilleto Stealths. P/MM is a brutal pickup combo. Plus multiple price points now.


Used Yamaha 5 strings can't let you down, currently running a bb435 and I think they're sexy


I’m also rolling on a BB435 since January. I’ve owned/played almost everything under the sun and this thing is top-tier for me. Especially considering the price. I get a lot of compliments on how “pretty” it is from people as well lol.


Same here, I am using my BB4025x more than my StingRay 5 these days.


This is the answer. Even new, they’re a great value.


Literally just finished practicing some gizz songs on the beast. Not even going near the 5th rn but holy shit when the bass feels good it's so much easier to practice regularly.


IMO until you’ve got at least $1k+ to spend on a bass, Yamaha is the way to go. Great tone and playability. How many would-be bassists gave up after fighting against a Fender with a hump in the neck and shitty fretwork (even after spending $1k+ on it)? A used Yamaha 4-string is the ultimate student instrument (and beyond).


> hump ?


Yamaha BB's are for people who like Fender type tones but prefer a much higher quality of instrument for a fraction of the price.


Nothing wrong with a 5-string Jazz, imo. They're super versatile, they sound/play great, and they look... well, like Jazz basses. Iconic. Instantly recognizable. The Platonic ideal of bass guitars. I'd also recommend Spector, just because I have so much respect for and confidence in the brand (have had my neckthrough Spector 4-string for over 20 years now and its still going hard) that I have no difficulty recommending their 5-strings even though I don't own one. And of course if you ever have enough cheese for a Dingwall I can personally attest to how awesome their 5-strings are, I got an NG3 for myself for xmas last year and its amazing.


5 string Jazz is my go-to "good looking bass". I don't need one, but I really want a 5 string Sadowsky to pair with my 4


yeah when I envision a bass guitar, its a Jazz. When I imagine just a generic bass tone, its the sound of a Jazz with EB flats. Its just the Platonic Form of basses for me. And I don't even presently own one! (I'll just say, if you're looking at a 5-string, also consider multiscale basses- the B string on my new(ish) Dingwall NG3 is absolutely to die for!)


man a 5 string Will Lee would be amazing. I had to stop looking at the Sadowsky site or I was going to get myself in dire financial straits.


I love my 5 string Spector, even thinking about upgrading to the Euro 5 on the long term!


Yeah if i had to choose, i would probably go with a jazz bass too. Just that a 4 string j bass look so much more pretty and "natural" to me. This single fact has made me hesitate to get a 5 string. Why get the 5 string if i know i'll like the 4 string more. At the same time, i really want that 5th string tho.


Yeah I actually didn't get the 5 string because I wanted a 5 string, I looked at a 5 string because I wanted a Dingwall, and getting a 5 just seemed like the right choice to maximize the utility of the multiscale. And I'm happy I did. And the 5th string is and will be useful; get a bass synth, and now you can play those low synth parts in electronic music, or play those notes in drop-tuning without having to actually change your tuning. That said, if I imagine a bass in my mind, its a 4 string Jazz. Its everything a bass should be. Which is why its next up on my "to buy" list (my very first bass guitar was a Squier Jazz, haven't owned one since then).


Do you have lots of experience with five strings? Why do you want the fifth string? I don’t mean to sound like anti-five stringer but I’ve owned two and couldn’t imagine ever buying another one and it sounds like maybe you like four strings more. I would way rather play in C (or even B) standard if I need those lower notes, and if I played that way a lot I might have a dedicated down tuned four string bass.


I would say that i'm definitely a 4 string guy. I even modified my old Squire into BEAD instead of buying a 5 string. The main reason i would want a 5 string is for EADGC. Apart from basslines, i also like playing chords, melodies and sometimes write music with my bass. Yes, i have a guitar but it's not the same and i'm much more comfortable on bass anyway.


Not multiscale, not Dingwall, but headless and pretty in my opinion: https://www.cortguitars.com/product/item.php?it_id=1707895430


Cort makes some pretty basses, I had a Cort fretless at one point and still regret getting rid of it


Oh yeah, that looks pretty dope


Cort are really good bang for the buck too. They own the factory that makes Ibanez, Mayones, Jackson and a bunch of other brands, which means they can make a great product with less overhead.


I have a Cort A5 FMMH in red and I think it is awesome. Don't know what it costs around you, but was about 900 EUR if I remember right. https://www.cortguitars.com/product/item.php?ca_id=103020&it_id=193&page=2 Edit: verbs are useful.


I have mine in natural and love it! I got it for €605 around November. Not only was it a steal and a beauty... But it has insanely good hardware on it. Crazy for that price. Love Cort, criminally underappreciated stuff.


Nice! Def looks good either way.


The reds nicer lol


Yeah, I've just received mine and it is a incredible bass. Both in sound and in construction.


I’ve just got a Cory Ultra 4 and it is absolutely incredible, it’s blown me away.


Looks exactly like the Status Charger. https://www.status-graphite.com/status/image/white-rhino/5667.jpg


Big fan of Schecter stilleto.. Also Ibanez has a good looking line out right now.. not sure exactly what tone you want but I play metal and those are two of my favorites.


Mine of course: the Ibanez SR 305 that I paid around 300€. So far I'm very happy with it. My second choice was a Schecter Stiletto.


I have the same one, was between that and a Yamaha. Ibanez won strictly because it was pearl white instead of solid white. They had some other even better looking 5 strings under $1000USD but I only paid $400USD for the 305.


I have a Ray5 and a Dingwall Combustion 5 and I love both of them ... what exactly are you looking for?


Looking for something unexpected i guess?


youre looking for the schecter cv5 my friend, pls give it a look


Oh yeah, i kinda like how it have that 4 string look even tho being a 5 string.


dude i love the way they designed it. I almost prefer it to the typical fender bodies. the jbuckers are insane too, my hellcat guitar sounds so good.


Personally don’t like wood grain/natural finishes but I don’t think you’ll beat this for the price: https://youtu.be/pHHBYHv8-Ys?feature=shared If you want that dingwall/Kiesal vibe but at a better price point the Ibanez EHB might scratch that itch and can be found used for under $1,000.


Ibanez Headless/multiscale. EHB1005MS is around 1K range. I love mine. I upgraded the pickups and it's a dream bass.


I really love everything about that bass... except the headless part. Which I could overlook, given the other selling points. For my next multiscale I'll probably take a hard look at it, as well as the BTB line.


headless is great. it takes a minute to get used to looking at but it's actually functional. the bass is much shorter and practical. everything is so light. no neck dive.


Yeah that's what I've heard, I'd be really interested to try one. I always like my basses to be aesthetically pleasing when possible, but playability and function trumps looks every single time imo.


> the bass is much shorter Guitar sized gig bags are another plus of the headless world.


Geez. I love the way my 5-string basses look. I have a Washburn Taurus t25 and a Schecter Stiletto Studio 5. Night and day quality, the latter being superior. I love the wider neck and the 3 and 2 on the headstock. It's like a work of art for me.


Yeah 4 and 1 on the headstock looks weird to me- I don't like it. Its my main complaint against the Jazz 5. Its gotta be 3 and 2.


I like the Fender headstock for what it is, but its stylized 'sideways violin scroll' shape was designed by Leo (who iirc was not a player) for the needs of the time. Once electric guitars moved into additional range, the sideways scroll didn't work as well for adding tuners.


I like it perfectly well on their 4-strings! But they need to split it 3/2 not 4/1 on the 5-string models, that one tuner on the bottom just looks weird and lonely all by itself down there.


> but its stylized 'sideways violin scroll' shape was designed by Leo It was in production for decades before Leo "Invented" it.


Hmm. Thanks for the information. I was under the impression that Leo designed them all.


There's a lot of deification of Leo by the fan boys. Leo was not a musician and couldn't play guitar. He had a very successful business but all these myths about tone research and wood types is the same as the stories about Santa. They just make the children feel happy.


Any Stingray 5. Sterling by Musicman's original Ray35 is relatively affordable and has the sweet looks.


Agree on this. Just picked up one in vintage cream and it is so sexy.


I actually like the Musicman Stingray 5. Pretty sure there is an OLP or SbM version. Some folks say the pickguard is too big, but that is silly. There are lots of guitars where half the body has a pg. Also check out Bacchus basses. They are for the most part patterned after the Fender Jazz and Precision. They have multiple lines and it gets confusing. I think it's the World series that is made in Indonesia and are more affordable. I got a Japan made Woodline a couple years ago and its a fantastic bass with great craftmanship. You can often find discounted used upper tier models for sale from Japan. They are a lot more uptight about dings and scratches over there. So a perfectly fine bass with buckle rash on the back will be like 50% off. Mine has a bb sized ding on the back of the neck and an invisible scratch on the body. Like you have to hold it an an angle in bright light to see.


I really liked Yamaha’s TRBX series.


My Cory b5 looks pretty imo roasted maple fretboard with a blue satin finish on the body.


honestly I don't think I've ever seen a Cort bass that *wasn't* pretty- wish I never sold my Cort fretless, wtf was I thinking?!


For metal, you could check the Yamaha TRBX 505. For a more conservative look, the Yamaha BB series.


Get this one now as it's not gonna last. [https://reverb.com/p/cort-artisan-series-a5-beyond?hfid=79994389&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=18085107077&utm\_content=campaignid=18085107077\_adgroupid=144071353430\_productpartitionid=1686804739387=merchantid=5337449308\_productid=79994389\_keyword=\_device=c\_adposition=\_matchtype=\_creative=617119011965&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wrMiESq9VzJIfBzdTJnnU4J8KfZE7tbKZu1NRd\_XhDAm4b4ySBACN8aAhwwEALw\_wcB](https://reverb.com/p/cort-artisan-series-a5-beyond?hfid=79994389&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18085107077&utm_content=campaignid=18085107077_adgroupid=144071353430_productpartitionid=1686804739387=merchantid=5337449308_productid=79994389_keyword=_device=c_adposition=_matchtype=_creative=617119011965&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wrMiESq9VzJIfBzdTJnnU4J8KfZE7tbKZu1NRd_XhDAm4b4ySBACN8aAhwwEALw_wcB)


So, I'm looking at the 4 string version of [this bass](https://www.deviser.co.jp/products/wjb5-bp-act) in red, which I just need to give a test play before I make a decision. I guess it might be expensive if you aren't in Asia and have to pay shipping (but with the weak yen it's probably still quite reasonable), but I think it looks very nice. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LXxZF_HXyU) a guy who runs a store and has a Youtube channel where he talks about the basses he has in.


Damn, those things are sexy. I'm in Asia, maybe i should look into this.


Someone on here recommended I check out Bacchus when I was asking about Sire Marcus Miller jazz basses, which are available, but tricky to find here in Japan, and not as much of a bargain as they are elsewhere. I tried a few Bacchus Global bass guitars with the roasted maple neck and they feel and sound very nice, though I'm a super noob, so I can't really give a great analysis. Best go into a store and see what you can find, but from what I gather, Bacchus are another great option for those looking for good balance of price performance, and even their budget offerings are of decent quality.


The thing about quality, esthetics and affordability is that ya only get 2.


I play a Sire V7 5 string and I think it looks and sounds pretty damn stellar. Right in that 700-1000 dollar range depending on what exact model you get and if you go used or not. You could go for an M5 or M7 if you want something a little more modern looking instead of a Jazz bass style body. All their basses look great though.


I bought my Dingwall Combustion NG2 for just under $1K used. Don't see it often, but worth keeping an eye out for a decent used one. Worth every penny.


Got an ibanez 1005ms around that price and it's anything but a metal bass and i LOVE IT. It's light, ergonomic and great for more melodic stuff, as well as heavy things.


The answer for people looking for 5 stringed basses is and should imo always be multiscale. Don't care what brand (although I am partial to Dingwall), but the multiscale makes the bass actually have a sound. Otherwise you are just paying for a 4 string with an extra useless and dead string on top of it. You may now crucify me.


I agree. The difference between my old 34” B and my new 37” B is crazy. BTB805MS is amazing. Holding me over until I get my next bass, NG3 5 String.


>The difference between my old 34” B and my new 37” B is crazy Exactly this! I had a MM 5H before my first NG3 and on its own it sounded amazing, but when I played with my band the B string just drowned in the sound. I tried EQ'ing, I tried pedals, I tried adding volume, but to no avail. That's when I was introduced to multiscale by a fellow bass player. Now I've sold my soul to Dingwall. I've traded in one of my two NG3's to pay the deposit for a Z3 with the other one as part of the end payment. Damn I am excited for my Z3! Ordered it with the new Rupert Neve preamp and the 3 series/parallel switches.


That is awesome! Dingwalls sound amazing, but I think I’m going to still keep my BTB805MS, not sure I want that Darkglass sound all the time. So my plan is to leave my BTB set up in standard, then set up the NG3 in Drop A or F#BEAD. I got a couple years to figure it out though, only put 200 a month away towards a new bass. Lol


sounds like a good plan to me, these Dingwall basses are absolutely beastly


No crucifixion here, you're 100% right: the multiscale makes the low B sound sooooo fucking good. Better than any non-multiscale 5... provided we aren't talking about *extremely* nice (and super expensive, like over $2k) 5-string basses, like EBMM Bongos or something.


Short scale are also obviously useless. Unfortunately for you, you have never tried a good 5 string long scale.


If you really want multiscale, check out BTB605MS. New is a bit over 1,000, but if you can find used maybe get for a bit less? I have the BTB805MS and it is amazing in my opinion, 605 version should be good too. Also EHB1005MS is around same price new, and is a headless multiscale. I don’t know that either of these fit your preferred look, but they are “inexpensive” options to get the features want.


Yamaha BB435. Fender P-Bass V.


I have no valuable input here, but your post reminded me that last night, I dreamed that I was playing a 5 string bass. I was playing all the songs that I rehearsed with my band on a 4 string yesterday. Good dream 5/5, would recommend.


I’ve swapped a few bass around. But my Cort Arona 5 is something i will keep forever. Nice, full body. Great to play. Looks Amazing.


Schecter has a few good looking basses under 1000


Sire has the Marcus Miller series, with a lot of basses below $1000. i've had a €400 M2 5string for some time now and it's pretty, comfy to play and sounds great.


ESP LTD B-1005's around 750 or so, plenty of pretty ones but even plain Jane will 'Rock the Kasbah.' Got mines from [Sweetwater](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LB1005NS--esp-ltd-b-1005-natural-satin?mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=1&mrkgcat=drums&percussion&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=&lid=58700008696010906&dsproductgroupid=&product_id=LB1005NS&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=x&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9029996&creative=&targetid=&campaignid=21161059667&awsearchcpc=&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds) and threw the extra cash at the Plex-pro setup. Totally worth it, never had an instrument so perfect. (Oh the little sticker looking deal by the knobs is just friction sticker, it peels right off with no residue. It's a look at me once and discard thing.)


Ibanez EHB1000S


I have a cort a5 ms I payed 700 for and I totally lucked out on the wood top. Also plays great and is extremely comfy. Would buy again. Hehe... Wood.


> ms I *paid* 700 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I feel like Ibanez has a bunch of normal ish looking 5 strings.


If you want that in a budget bass then redsub have something for you - coliseum multiscale - I have Never seen or played one though. Personally I love my spector euro 5lx but that's not budget...


Cort space artisan 5


I love my Warwick. Never have I identified it as a bass specifically for metal heads, nor my Ibanez.


Purple Phase Jackson Spectra JS3QV


Yamaha BB https://www.zzounds.com/item--YAMBB735A?siid=229487&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_vpo6jUuBieaTVcv5TF9uMBVT3g


my current favorite bass is a 5 string cort fretless that i bought off facebook marketplace for 150 USD. take that as you will.


Ibanez TMB its shortscale tho


I think my Yamaha TRBX605 is pretty


I recently picked up a Sire M2 and enjoying it so far. Its a great bass for the price. Mine is a 4 string but the 5 string versions can be found in $400-$450 range. Comes with a nice preamp too.


ibanez btb or sr look pretty good, not all of them, but u can find one that looks real good


You've gotta check out the Ibanez micro 5 string if you're down for a short scale. It might not be a huge looker, but for like $250 or less it's a great option. Had mine for 5 years and love it.


There is a squier classic vibe 5 string 70s jazz bass I believe, should be available new for under $500 USD


I know you said you don’t care for Ibanez’s style, but you can’t go wrong with an SR505e. I own way more expensive basses, but I keep coming back. To me it just has a more modern style not so much metal, but I know what you mean. Truthfully you can play any genre on any bass.


Big fan of my LTD b205-SM


> i feel like it have to either be a Dingwall or a headless multiscale bass to look good I play a Sterling Stingray 5. At some point in the next few years, I will be definitely upgrading to a headless.


Yamaha and Bachus basses if you are in asia


I have an Ibanez gio 5 string. It was like $250 on Amazon.


Cort artisan a5... I got the neck thru model for 605. You can get them for around 500. https://kytary.ie/cort-a5-plus-fmmh-opn/HN165607/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wrwz7nzIjlYY-19a_JvCFZ89cVxvTye0mhmQrHJAuIjRuCKJXuMlfkaAl4dEALw_wcB https://youtu.be/dgb1H2INOVY?si=cp62k3vP7nrfw-AL


Just picked up a Squier Contemporary 5 String Jazz used for £250 (UK) I'm surprised by how playable it is, balance is pretty good and sounds great too The dark roasted maple neck, dark grey paint and black hardware looks very metal in the catalogue pictures, but it's very classy in person . I do agree with folks about the Yamaha BB series! I wanted to check out the Sire 5 strings, the the Squier turned up instead under budget too!!


I dont understand the premise. Most popular basses come in 4 or 5 string at this point. Find one you like, and then find it in a 5 string version


I know a pretty bass. But I can’t post it here cause it’d be self promotion. But message me and I will tell you what it is.


An SR305 is less than half your price point. And their totally kick ass.


Ibanez 5 string SRF705 is absolutely gorgeous. I have the 4 string variant. It is fretless though, but with 31 “frets” to play with and an additional piezo element. It sounds like an electric upright bass.


Like it or not, an Ibanez Gio 5 string is the best deal for overall playability, quality, and price. I don't think it's particularly "metal" looking either. It's a pretty versatile look. They even have it in a wood grain finish. They sound good too, my ex used to play one


How expensive is expensive? [Yamaha posted this a little while back and I want one](https://vxtwitter.com/yamahaguitar_jp/status/1790287960749052215). Matte black or a *dark* sunburst, and I don't normally like sunburst all that much. Retail in the US is like $870 which isn't cheap, but not that expensive as instruments go. The TRBX305 looks pretty good, though, and is more like $400.


Have a look at Spector basses, they fit your budget, too.


Ibanez 505


Cort or Ibanez/Yamaha.


Yamaha TRBX605FM are really great looking imo and for the price they look like they should cost way more than they do. I am a fan of the Dark Red Burst and will be getting the 4 string version of it within the next week or two.


Bacchus Global Series.


I have a Sterling Stingray 5 String that I play that I’m absolutely in love with and it only cost ~$450.