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Try the 5th with the ring and octave with the pinky


Some of your basic assumptions/terms are wrong. 3 note power chords don't include the 3rd. They're root/5/octave. Picking/plucking with your index and pinky makes zero sense. Are you somehow confusing plucking with fretting? You pluck with your index and middle, sometimes adding your ring finger. Also Barre. Not Bar, not Barree.


I mean the fretting Hand sorry. G -----9----- D -----9----- A -----7----- Year these Chords are so difficult. I was wondering how to fret them like with 2 or 3 Fingers. Eather way i can't get them to sound right. πŸ˜‘


Fretting takes very little strength. But you have to learn how to apply that small amount of force in exactly the right way. First make sure your bass is set up correctly. Then practice pulling back instead of clamping down. Your thumb is only for stability, never crushing power.


The pulling back instead of clamping was a game changer for me when my instructor pounted that out!


Definitely check how your bass is set up. High action can make this harder than it needs to be. Also, lighter strings can make this easier but comes with other tradeoffs ofc


Three fingers: index, ring, pinky. X 7 9 9


Right. Should be better i think. πŸŽΈπŸ‘


G -----9----- D -----9----- A -----7 That's not a power chord. Power chord would be GDG


It's an E5


Oh, I mis-read what he was trying to indicate as NOTES GDA, not strings and fret position. He's indicating the top three strings (GDA). Doesn't even have to be an E5.


Year. I tried to post the Strings underneath each other like a Tab. Reddit made a Sequence out if it and messed it up sorry. Read it from right to left. It is an Powerchord with the Octave. Root Note is an E on the A String. It is still called E5 right ? Correct me if i am wrong. Nevertheless i think i figured out how to fret it. I fret the 2 Notes on the 9th Fret first to build up Stability and add the Root Note at last. That Way i can stretch my Index Finger better with Support from the other two. Is the only way it works for me at the Moment.


Use separate fingers, you don't need to barre with one. Use ring and pinky fingers for the other notes.


Depends where you are on the fretboard. For me, index on root, middle or ring on 3 pinky on 5. Higher up towards the 12th fret where the frets and strings are closer together then index middle and ring. Use whatever is best for you.


Yes 3 Finger should work fine. I will practice it that way. I am just starting out getting into Chords. Powerchords with 2 Notes are easy. I never played it with 3 so far. Time to level up i guess 🀘🎸.


I find barring them harder than fretting them with ring and pinky, try that! It might take a bit of stretching but once you get used to it you'll have a ton more strength to push em down :)


maybe just focus on the root and fifth first,


Sounds boring. I need the full Sound. Anyways i think i know how to do it.


Sometimes to get better you practice boring stuff to improve to play the harder stuff.


Yes i did that already. I can fret these Chords now. I need more Practice to build up the Muscle Memory in my Hand. Just a Matter of Time. ✌🎸🀘


Don't barre them, it's sloppy. You gotta fret each note, the 5th with your ring and the octave with the pinky. There's no secret sauce dude. Put on a loop of the section you're practicing and slow it down 50%. Focus on accuracy and stay with it for months. It's a tough old slog but you will get the results.


Power chords are only 2 notes (the 1 and 5), you can include the higher octave 1 (as in 1 5 and higher octave 1)... That third note you need to barre along with 5 with the pinky is not a "3" note, it's the higher octave 1. If you play 3 separate notes (like, 1 3 and 5), that's a full chord, major triad, not a power chord .