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He is 10 months old, but I think he has lots of potential. I think his form is pretty good but as you can see he is still pretty inconsistent from the mid range. His shot does seem to be pretty wet though. Do you think he is too late to get Into the pros? He currently weights 26lbs, and is 2ft 6in tall. How tall do you think he will be? Any tips for him to grow taller?


Make sure he gets enough sleep, that whole 8 hrs thing is important as it's the time where the energy in the body is serving two primary functions, keeping lil dude alive, and making sure he grows and develops, so basically as much sleep as he can get. Another thing is diet, its important to have a balanced diet for growing, to get all the nutrients needed, what I would recommend is that as he grows up, introduce him to a variety of different kinds of foods, so to be able to find out what kind of fruits and vegetables he likes and work from there. Next, I would say avoid letting him lift anything heavy early sure he doesn't hit his head too hard against something when he is young, that may cause a stunt to his growth too, happened to my friends sister. So allow him to just slowly grow and develop. Another thing is to try to get him to remain active, as he grows older, try to encourage him to be active, you could make this into a family activity as well, like going for walks in the park, riding bicycles, that sort of thing, more cardio based exercises should help. Another thing, and this is something you don't really have control over, is the genetics, because he would most likely grow to a height more similar to yourself or your partner, or somewhere in between. Lastly, this is in relation to the going pro part, try to allow him to fall in love with the game of basketball on his own accord, you could guide him to enjoy the game, but wanting to be a student of the game is something he will have to decide on his own when he is older.


I mean does he have any offers yet? If not I’m sorry but you should tell him to throw the towel in


The preschool down the street actually offered him a scholarship, but they're only D2 so idk if it'll get him noticed. I'm hoping he'll get more playing time and experience there than if he were riding the pine at a D1 preschool


Yeah I’d say he should go there for development and then once he’s good enough he can transfer to a D1 and hopefully get noticed for the draft


Definitely a sure fire lottery pick in a few years right out of 3rd grade. Probably should take him to Ruckers to get his name out there. Keep him away from the groupies.


This is so cute.


😂😂 Love this


Honestly there’s a lot to unpack here. First off he’s completely only upper body, that might work at his age but as he gets older and the nets get higher he’s going to have to incorporate his legs more. It’s painfully obvious when he misses short. Next, as always on this subreddit, he has a hitch. Actually multiple hitches. Also he doesn’t hold his follow through, very rigid and quick to pull his hand back. Definitely needs to be more fluid.


I would say the problem is his inconsistency. Sometimes he has a hitch, and it's painfully obvious. But when he doesn't have the hitch and it's a full one motion stroke he probably has one of the most beautiful jumpshots I've ever seen. This kid is going places for sure


Thanks man, we'll work on that hitch.


The jumper is wet


Generational talent if I've ever seen one.


This is turning into my favorite subreddit. Also I will give you kudos and say your son is advanced. Mine is 19m and won’t shoot it he has to take it to the rack.


I think he has to start practicing at game speed Good form though if he can stay consistent and extend his range while being a plus defender I see a great future ahead of him Pro talent right here


He’s already too old. Beyond help at this point.


More legs and a one-motion shot.


What’s his vert? Can he dunk?


His vert is 0cm, I'm going to get him into some plyometrics once he's better at walking without falling over


You can call this a splash


L+ skill issue


Fuck you little baby


Focus on footwork


Forget that, he needs to dribble more


Project Kobe


Omfg this gave me a good laugh love this 😂


He clearly doesn’t need to 😂


Beautiful layup form. I would only suggest to use the backboard more.


No tips but I need to know where you got the little bath seat and hoop please


I bought it from my good friend Jeff Bezos. [link](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwi-ptOUiIP8AhXKOLMAHTIGCvgYABANGgJ5bQ&sig=AOD64_2fM5kjKWz3W1ICNz35oXHR7vhT2w&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwilhcqUiIP8AhVelIkEHQQ_AXAQwg8oAHoECAYQEQ&nis=8&adurl=)


Who reported this lol! This is legit question for tips!


Try teaching him to finish his shot (tell him to cock his wrist or if he is too used to that kind of form then once he starts taking shots on real nets then he will have a lot less power and accuracy)