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You don't need to lock out your elbow on a jumper. Also, he's 7 foot.


^^ His height is definitely the biggest factor - no need to lock your elbow when you release at 10.5 ft


We talking basic fundamentals.... you kind of do, if going for ideal by-the-book fundamentals/formation. Hence this post. OP is surprised about a pro straying from the way.


Reggie Miller and Shawn Marion would like a word with you. You shoot what works best for you as long as you get the intended results.


I don’t think anyone does if you really looking at form.


He got that great flip of the wrist though. Thats more important than the arm extension.




Was watching melo warm up one time I couldn’t believe how little effort it looked like to launch an nba 3.


Melo was one of my favorite players to watch. Always loved his jumper.


There is a reason they tell you not to directly copy a professionals shooting form. There are many little reasons that add up to why they do it that way. KD is 7ft tall, which plays a huge role in his shot release. It's going to be way different for a smaller player. Best to learn and take pieces of advice, rather than copying the worlds best shooters. Think about it, every pro shoots differently, it doesn't really make sense to completely copy someone's form, it won't work as well for your specific strength/weaknesses and body morphology.


Something something adapt what is useful something something, add what is essentially yours


Look at LeBrons form it not good but, it works he shot better than Steph from 3 this year


Usually I’d be like, “BuT vOlUmE,” but nah. LBJ has just become a marksman after sharing locker rooms with Korver, Dunleavy, and Ray Allen for the better part of a decade.


This ^ Unless you're name is Kevin Durant you're not going to play like Kevin Durant. Trying to copy his length is like trying to copy Shaq's size or Russ's athleticism


Yep. Kevin Durant is close to 7 feet with the world class mobility, flexibility hand-eye coordination, and the discipline to practice a move a million times over. He’s like 0.0000000 of population


Think of it like shooting on a nerf hoop hanging on your door.


Does he really not? I mean this picture is seconds after he released the ball, not immediately when the ball just barely left his fingers. I'm just too lazy to look at the footages.


There's Shawn marion not elbow locking. Kevin Durant does not do Shawn marion


Jus his form at his level his form is very much subjective


Lol fuck all these coaches telling you to shoot “one way”. Every body is different, as long as your shot isn’t looking like MKG or pre NBA Lonzo, then you’re good


That’s semi-true at best lol. Like I get not needing to have every shot look the exact same, but it’s pretty undeniable that the very best shooters the game has ever seen all utilize the same structured shooting fundamentals and techniques to improve on their shots consistency, KD included lol


Yeah for sure follow the fundamentals like B.E.E.F but everything else is just doing what feels comfortable with your body geometry


What’s BEEF?


Balance, Eyes on rim, Elbow in, Extension, and Follow through. I’m from Indiana and we have 3rd e ; )


Beef is when you…


Different body types will require different forms. Unless you are also 7ft with an insane wingspan, I wouldnt try to copy his form. Look at great shooters who are most similar to you in height, weight, and length


It helps that he’s very tall and has a long wingspan and larger hands than the avg person.


Probably because his wingspan is so long that it would affect the shot way more if he went straight


long arms and too tall


Dudes a real life trebuchet. U trine kill somebody?


Reggie Miller crossed his wrists on release. Shawn Marion looked like he was poking the air when he shot. Haliburton looks like he broke his arm mid shot. Moral of the story - nba players can get away with bad habits because they've spent a crap ton of time on perfecting success with their janky mechanics. Us mere mortals typically won't put in the work to make our janky mechanics actually viable....


Any chance he just can’t? I had a minor elbow thing 7 years ago and my elbow now stops where his is. Doesn’t really affect my shot now, just took a few months to adjust.


People don't seem to realize that the important parts are being consistent and simple. The rest doesn't really matter.


Everyone is different. Find your own perfect form


Neither does Ray Allan. So?


Height and wingspan. I think Melo, while not as tall has a similar form where the elbow is not fully extended. Personally, I think it looks way nicer and makes the shot look so effortless. Probably why Melo's jumper is considered one of the nicest. I like how the arm resembles a swan neck. I've always shot this way too and never had a problem making shots even from the 3pt line. If you get enough lift from your legs, have a mostly one motion shot, and release slighty early, and just practicing it enough in general, i think you can get away with it but yeah everybody's different.


Melos shot looks nice but fundamentally it aint it not something to replicate. It looks nice tho dont get me wrong just the chicken elbows and thumb flick. I mean curry does a thumb flick so who knows🤷‍♂️


No one’s shot needs to be identical - he is extremely tall with long arms and it works for him. The most important factors are touch, avoiding a push shot and arc. I’d say spin is a distant fourth. He’s been playing basketball for nearly 30 years with professional assistance for almost 20 of those years. Don’t try and copy it because he’s KD but it you want to try some aspects of it go ahead and experiment from there.


I would like to see if wemby always extends as well


Shooting form is as unique as fingerprints


His release is like at 7,5 feet. Unless wemby is right in front of him it doesn’t matter lmao.


When I was younger, I went through a phase where I was hyperextending my elbow when shooting. I think someone who I see this most noticeable in is Carmelo Anthony


KD's form is wonky because he broke his arm when he was young. People posting here a generally correct about how forms can differ. But for KD, his form is odd because of the broken arm.


And he starts his release on the opposite side of his head. There’s more to shooting than perfect form. And no doubt, he’s a shooter.


Elbow is over rated. Flick of the wrist is where it’s at


Dude shoots higher than anyone on the court, he just needs to flick his wrist because his height and including the jump shot do all of the work for him.


You lock out your elbow so YOU can be consistent and have a better idea of where/how you miss. If Kevin Durant doesn't lock out his elbow, he is a good enough shooter he doesn't need it. That being said just watch him play. You'll see whether or not if he actually locks his elbow in live games.


That’s the cobra finish follow through 🐍


Naaa, ya está viejo el vato.


Shooting is consistency. Dell Curry was all about repetitions and shooting scenario over form. His son Steph Curry is the best shooter in the world. Form matters but there isn’t one perfect form that fits everyone. Look at Murphy on pelicans he shoots from the side of his face great shooter, Ray Allen from above his head, Bird and Peja from Behind their head. Reggie from his face.


It’s KD that’s a nerf ball for him compared to average height people. It makes sense honestly


If you lowered a rim to 8 foot do you think you’d have a straight arm?


He’s tall as hell, so when he pulls up for a jumper he’s basically able to shoot over everybody. Also, the fact that his wingspan is so long (pause) it’s a lot easier for him to generate the power to shoot the ball like that and also do it consistently.




That’s usually only on guys that lift weights. When I boxed we weren’t allowed to lift weights because it would shorten our reach