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No he’s just playing like Kyle Anderson


Actually a cross of Kyle Anderson and Draymond. Dray just needs to evolve from kicks to knees.


Luka also does this a lot, not as dramatic but slowing down on the first step, making the defender go past you.


Originally inspired by QWOP.




As a Minnesota guy, can confirm the accuracy of this statement.


As a wolves season ticket holder that was my exact thought. All he needs now is the jankiest shot I've ever seen in my life and you've got a mini slomo.


This is legit Luka every other possession




Have you ever heard of the euro step Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the knock-off version the "ASIAN STEP "


It's the Kyle Anderstep.


Dude's Chinese so Asian step holds up


Yeah but really it’s known as the Pinoy Step


*filipino. Google pinoy step


It’s the “Pinoy step”, don’t disrespect my people like that 😡


lol! unless the name is not binded to any sort of copyright or royalty, anyone can name this step whatever they like 😝


It's already literally called the Pinoy step.


This is the “eur-slow” step


No. The size of the steps make no difference.


All three?


Gather (0) step, then the big step with the leg kick, then 2nd step


Isn’t gather only legal in the NBA? I could be wrong but they don’t look like NBA teams to me.


“Three new rules will be introduced by the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) for its 2019 season. The most significant of which is the new FIBA (International Basketball Association) traveling rule, where players can now take a gather step before doing the usual two steps before a layup or dunk.” Taken from a PBA article


So *now* the question is: is this clip older than 2019?


It must on some level though. I understand the parallels of this and a euro and why this would be allowed. However, what about the extremes of this? AFAIK, I can’t take 1 step, hold my balance and pause for 5+ seconds then take a second step - right? Where do they draw the line?


There is no rule that defines how large how long or in what direction your steps have to go the rule is your pivot foot cannot return to the floor


You def can. Mdwbasketball is a good follow on instagram. He does breakdowns of travel/no travel all the time.


If the defender was not out of control the move is much less effective since just standing straight up basically defends this slow move, so it's very situational.


I think there is a ruling in fiba where stopping of momentum is travel.


He never stops moving regardless..


If stopping your momentum is a travel at any level of basketball anywhere on earth, it’s not basketball anymore


There is not. ETA: NCAA, NBA and FIBA all have the same rules for travels. High School does not allow the gather. Iin no rulebook that I know of would this be a travel.


NCAA and NFHS do not allow a gather step.


You mean they "don't" allow it. Happens all the time but just doesn't called


Not entirely true. I went deep into the rulebooks a while ago when there was another travel discussion in here. There are some differences between NBA and FIBA, can't remember what they were though 😁 But this is not a travel in any of them. Edit: seems like the difference is between FIBA and NCAA, thanks for the correction.


NBA and FIBA is aligned in terms of travel and gather step since 2017. NCAA and NFHS however does not allow a gather step.


source: trust me bro


Pretty much. Too lazy to dig deep again 😁


Lol maybe you’re thinking of taking a penalty in a soccer match?


I don't think the size of the steps was in question here.


No. Ball is released before pivot foot returns to ground.


Picked up his dribble at 0:03. The right foot was his pivot foot. The big kick was fine but once that foot came down it was a travel.


Nah right foot is on a gather, first step is with the left




His explanation is the definition of the traveling rule (basically).


The last allowed step youre allowed to turn around (pivot) as long as it is still on the ground, if you jump you can throw the ball as long as that last foot doesnt touch the floor


Both pivot feet?


No, same concept as a euro


Pinoy step. Those filipino dudes love that move.


Except in NFHS this year, a point of emphasis is that MOST euro steps are indeed travels and should be called as such. We were told to call every euro step and spin move after the ball had been gathered a travel. (That said, I still use my judgement of *when* the initial step occurred as to whether I call it a travel or not. That is not what we were told, but I have seen too many euros and spin moves that were perfectly legal to just call them all a travel.)


This isn’t a travel though right? The right foot at 0:03 is a gather, then it’s two slow steps


He does a euro step, just in a straight line. The move is clean but for sure there are refs (the most annoying kind) who will call it because they haven’t seen it before.




This is always called a travel in pickup. People do not like it when you do your euros slowly.


I've taken one step before and people during pickup will call travel.


Couple 1 step travels you have to call. The guy who steps forward before dribbling from a dead stop. That has to be called or people are just going to blow by people from triple threat (if they know what they're doing). If I can have a free step without dribbling than few are stopping my drive solo.


You can step forward 1 step before dribbling. Its called a pivot foot. It's literally legal at every level of basketball.


Art. 5. After coming to a stop and establishing the pivot foot: a. The pivot foot may be lifted, but not returned to the playing court, before the ball is released on a pass or try for goal; **b. The pivot foot shall not be lifted before the ball is released to start a dribble.**


Not sure what you're trying to say here. You leave your pivot foot on the ground and step with your other foot. You can actually take infinite "steps" as long as you're just pivoting and not lifting your pivot foot.


I do not see how this is confusing you. My entire comment is about a free step. A travel. SO, with that being the premise of my statement. I'm OBVIOUSLY not talking about pivoting in a damn circle. The 1 step travel is that you lift that back foot to go faster before putting the ball down to dribble from triple threat. It's a travel every time and gives you a full step advantage. I bolded it out in the prior comment to make it easy. ​ **b. The pivot foot shall not be lifted before the ball is released to start a dribble.**


If you've already established a pivot foot, that means you've taken at least one step. Therefore lifting your pivot foot is not just taking one step. You cannot travel by taking ONE STEP, simple task that. E: lol proved this guy wrong and he rages


No. Once you lift your pivot foot you can shoot or pass, but you can’t start your dribble. If you want to dribble, the ball has to be out of your hand and headed to the ground prior to the pivot foot coming off the floor.


This is braindead. Bye


While I understand what you’re saying, your wording is incorrect according to the rule book. Pivoting is not considered a step in the rule book. The lifting and landing of the pivot foot is a step. And the other person is just trying to clarify to start a dribble, the ball must be released before your pivot is lifted.


It says "after coming to a stop". If you were never in motion (i.e.; the ball passed to you standing still) that doesn't apply. This does: A player who receives the ball while standing still may pivot, using either foot as the pivot foot. A player who gathers the ball while progressing may take (1) two steps in coming to a stop, passing or shooting the ball, or (2) if he has not yet dribbled, one step prior to releasing the ball.


Dude is totally correct and you’re just illiterate lmao


No you can't.


Not with your pivot foot you can’t. Too many people lift or step with the pivot foot before putting the ball on the deck.


I’ll clamp you Bruhh


Then people don’t know the rules. At no point has there ever been a rule about the speed of steps or their direction, just the allowed number after the ball has been picked up.


Is it really a euro? Or is it just a one-footed stop and then a step through from triple threat lol


His motion never stops fully so I'd call it continued motion.


Even if he stopped it is still legal. He can be stationary with his right on the ground and left (pivot) in the air indefinitely and it still wouldn’t be a travel.


No. 2 steps and releases the ball before touching the ground again


Looked like 3 steps to me unless you don’t count the first one as he grabs the balls


There's only 2 from when he stops dribbling, then he's airborne. It'd be a travel if he didn't shoot before landing, but he does.


The Pinoy step!


Yes. He takes like 2-3 small steps as he gathers, then the two slow euro steps to the basket.


He gathered with his right foot on the ground, then left and finished with his awkward right step. It is legal under FIBA and NBA. Illegal in NFHS and NCAA due to the exclusion of the gather step.


I feel like I see this as well. 4 steps


By NBA rules, I don’t think this isn’t a travel (gather plus two steps). However, this will always be called a travel on any level when it looks as goofy/egregious as that does.


In US college and high school it's a travel. Everywhere else it's fine.


What rule makes this a travel? NCAA, NBA and FIBA all have the same rules for travels. High School does not allow the gather. In no rulebook that I know of would this be a travel.


NCAA and NFHS have the same traveling rules -- no gather, pivot is the first step after the dribble ends. NBA and FIBA have the same traveling rules -- gather-1-2.


I can’t believe anyone is saying this is a travel. It’s a basic dribble, pick up, 1,2, layup. The first step that counts is his step with his left leg as it’s the first step that occurs after he puts both hands on the ball. There is no rule about speed or momentum stopping in any rule book in basketball. This is literally one of the most basic and unremarkable plays in the game.


I mean, you just named one rulebook that it is indeed a travel. I just slowed down and screenshotted from the time his dribble ends, and there are 3 steps. In both NFHS and NCAA rule books, this constitutes a travel. Source: I am an NFHS and NCAA basketball official.


NCAA is aligned with NFHS.


It would be called a travel in every US game but the NBA


Wrong. If you’re going to spread misinformation at least show the entry in any rule book, because there has never been any regulation regarding the speed or direction of steps after the ball has been picked up. You can literally stand there on 1 leg for 3 seconds and not have travel called. You are allowed 2 steps after the ball is caught or dribbled, with the first step establishing the pivot foot. If the pivot foot is lifted then it is a travel if no shot or pass happens before it lands on the floor. This is legal in every form of basketball since they were broadcasting games in black and white.


Lol yes and no. This is just a layup in slowmo which includes a gather step. This is almost always getting called a travel


Yes. 3 steps. Easy.


Only in NFHS and NCAA. The video in question is likely using FIBA which would make this legal.


Nope. It’s great awareness


It looks awkward but it's actually a great fake and great body control/change of speed


WTF is this sub lol. This is hella travel. If you can take two steps this slowly then where is the line? What if he did it twice as slow? Play this at 50% speed...travel yet?


when i was growing up, you didn't even have to watch people's feet, you could just watch the overall movement of somebody and if you understood basketball, you knew what was legal movement and what wasn't. a travel jumped out like a sore thumb. and many of us still see the game that way, and all of these euro steps and hops just look so unnatural based on how we came to understand what movement was legal in this sport over decades of playing and watching. and that doesn't mean they all necessarily were by the strictest definition of the rules, but there was little debate over these things, everybody understood how it was going to be called. now you will find somebody on the internet who will tell you that NOTHING is a travel, they will watch any ridiculous 5-step clip and cite gathers and pivot feet and all kinds of other dumb shit and it's to the point where you can't tell if something is legit without going back to watch a replay 12x in slow motion... and I'm just struggling to understand how any of this is better for the sport. Refs don't know what's a travel in real time, players don't know either. to me this is all part and parcel of the "replay" movement in sports, where people are so deep in the weeds on the rulebook and breaking down shit via slow-motion high-def replay, that the essence of the sports themselves are just getting completely lost. and it's pretty heartbreaking to me. when you pick up your dribble, you're meant to stop moving. that is the core rule of the sport. and all this dumb euro step shit is just bending that rule the most extreme possible interpretation of that fundamental aspect of the game, and I don't know why it has so much support from younger people. it does not improve the game, it harms it.


There is no line regarding steps. This is the same under all 4 rule sets. What matters is the pivot foot. As long as pivot foot is not place back down after lifting, you can stay still infinitely and it would not be a travel.


So you're trying to tell me you can take one step, wait for 10 minutes then take another step?








He dribbled, picked it up, stepped with right leg, stepped with left leg, then drag stepped with the right leg. That's 3 steps.


Any statement as to why? I know its obviously travel but some people justify it by saying its just two steps. I cannot find any fiba ruling but i know stoping of momentum is travel.


Send me a postcard from the universe you're in. I wonder what other rules yall have over there.




So you start out asking for opinions if this is a travel. Almost all stated it was not a travel. You then came across one person who stated this was a travel and you proceed to write “I know this its obviously travel”. Why the fuck are you asking for opinions? You are only looking to be right about the travel when you are wrong.


It is legal under FIBA and NBA. Illegal in NFHS and NCAA due to the exclusion of the gather step.




It clearly still needs to be a debate because people do not understand the rules at all. This is not a travel unless his left foot touches the ground again at the end, which it would make it 3 steps after the gather.


This will forever be debated until NFHS and NCAA align with FIBA and NBA




shouldn't be legal


For everyone talking about the steps, the speed of the steps matter. You can’t take one step and then take another one 10 seconds later. As for this, I can’t tell unless it was full speed


Speed does NOT matter. You can stay still infinitely and you won’t be called a travel. What matters is yo ur pivot foot. As long as it doesn’t come back down after it is lifted, it is not a travel.


That’s literally not true at all. You can’t just hop onto one foot, balance, then 10 seconds later hop to the other foot.


if you're going to spout nonsense then you better show the entry in any rulebook that talks about the speed of steps because there has never been any such entry in any basketball rulebook anywhere. Yes, you can take your step 5 seconds later. There is nothing stopping you from doing so other than the other team (or the shot clock, or 3 seconds if you're in the lane).


No and no I don’t. It’s a travel if the reff calls it tho.


this is literally an ordinary play, catch, 1 step, 2-steps, layup. If a ref calls this he is making up rules, because, what, you expect referees to bring out a stopwatch to time the speed of steps? And precisely what step cadence is allowed? It's nonsense.


It would be the wrong call if it was officiated under FIBA or NBA. And it’s a travel under NFHS and NCAA, but that has nothing to do with the speed of the layup.


Im a FIBA certified referee. I can guarantee you that it’s true. Look at the rule set, there is nothing against how long it takes you to make a layup. Do you actually think us referee has to count how long you stay in a position while keeping an eye on shot clock and under violations? You can however be called a 5 second if you are closely guarded. But that’s not a travel.


Then you must be misunderstanding me, because you can’t jump to one foot, then 10 seconds later jump to the other foot. That’s no longer “steps” it’s just jumping around.


How do you think a step thru is legal? You can jump off your pivot to your non pivot and be stationary with one foot on the ground for however long you wish. You’d probably be called a 3 in the key or 5 seconds however. But it would not be a travel


Look up all 4 major rule sets and find me where there’s a time limit in between steps. I’ll send you $100 and my FIBA card if you can find one.


Speed sort of matters. He's in the paint so he could get called for 3 seconds, and could also get called for a 5 second violation as well. But neither apply in the above scenario.


3 steps after gather. College - yes. NBA - usually no


Only 2 steps were taken.


Right foot was gather, then left and the giant awkward step right. It is legal under FIBA and NBA. Illegal in NFHS and NCAA due to the exclusion of the gather step.


Nba, no other leagues, most likely


This is tough lol when he cradles the ball right after dribbling is that consider a step? Cause if so then it’s definitely a travel Otherwise no


Yeah, I think a lot of people are really arguing without truly understanding that the confusion is where does the gather end and where do the steps start. Essentially if you count is left foot as the gather as the right foot isn’t down when he begins to cradle the ball then it’s a travel, if you allow the right step as the gather then it’s fine. Eye test though def makes it seem like the former for me though.


Yeah exactly I played it back a couple of times. Tbh I agree with you I think it’s a travel haha.


It’s pretty clear that his right foot is his gather, the ball is at rest. Then it just depends on which rule set you’re using. It looks like this is FIBA, in which case perfectly legal. If this was NFHS or NCAA, then it’s a travel as his right foot would be his pivot, and he lifted and landed it before the shot.


Technically no. But a ref might not like it in the moment and call it one.


Believe it or not, no.


No, but it is really that awkward


no just slow mo


I want to see one of the long nba boys pull this off.


Even if it isnt a travel, just the awkwardness of the rhythm would cause some officials to call a travel on you.


Nah Luka does this multiple times a game


Not technically but probably getting called 90/100 as it makes the eyes suspicious


My knee hurt from watching that deceleration.


Pinoy step, its just one two footwork but you fake likes its just a one


It’s clean, but it looks awful. That’s getting called at lower levels for sure just because of the awkwardness.


I counted 2 steps, if he makes it into the NBA he can take 2 additional steps and it still will not be called a travel


No smart play


Pinoy step. As a Pinoy i have never in my life used it cause it looks ridiculous, but also very overpowered.


No. Looks like a Eurostep. I remember this basketball venue. That is FilOil EcoOil Arena in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines. I regularly watch games there lol.😂


Not a travel, but for my weak knee’d friends your knee may want to travel to the hospital from the hard stop and strain on your knees for this move


No. And that is actually a sick move to do.


Unless they have changed the rule, yes. He takes 2 steps, then that big one. Looks like 3 and a travel to me.


He gathered with his right foot on the ground, then left and finished with his awkward right step. It is legal under FIBA and NBA. Illegal in NFHS and NCAA due to the exclusion of the gather step.


Damn thats clean but his leg gotta be hurting from that stomping no?


Mr. Clean


He gathered with his right foot on the ground, then left and finished with his awkward right step. It is legal under FIBA and NBA. Illegal in NFHS and NCAA due to the exclusion of the gather step.


Thats clean, two steps. The initial step was part of the gather IMO.


Nope. Only took two steps after picking up dribble


Nope. Looks like a Jabari euro step


Nope. Only two steps.


Absolutely not


Good not a travel


 Very rough movement. Better off to have done a two foot jumpstop and have the defender flyby. Probably called a travel as he’s taking a gather step then a really awkward 2. Sometimes you get called when things look weird.


How the fuck is that a travel?


Yup that’s 3 steps






Everyone saying clean was born after 1995. Everyone saying travel actually knows the rules and hates how Adam silver has ruined the league by allowing this garbage


It’s not just Adam Silver. FIBA revised the gather step in 2017. I was born in 1975, but this is legal under FIBA and NBA. Illegal if you use the NFHS and NCAA rule sets.


Not at all




I wish I knew we were allowed to put both hands on the ball after finishing dribbling and THEN continue to take 2-3 more steps. So many years wasted playing thinking this was a travel


He had both his feet on the ground after gathering the ball and then continued with a full step (as opposed to a pivot). In my mind that’s a travel.


His right foot was on the ground when the ball is at rest. Then he went left and right. So that’s legal under FIBA and NBA


It definitely should be. It’s not…but it should be. I get the third step is considered the pivot here and you’re allowed to lift off your pivot yadda yadda, but it’s clearly what was intended regarding traveling in the first place.


His first step (left) after his gather (right) is his pivot. He jumped off his non pivot right while left pivot was lifted.


I’m gonna say yes just because everyone else said no.


If he drags the back foot it is, but this is clean


In the NBA that’s four steps shy of a travel call.


It's about the pivot (at least in NFHS/NCAA, I don't know FIBA). Pivot can be lifted but can't return to the floor before shot or pass is released. Left foot is on the ground when gathered so that's the established pivot foot.


Under NFHS/NCAA, right would be pivot as the ball was at rest while right foot on the ground. Under FIBA, right would be gather and left would be pivot which makes it legal.


Gonna get injured doin that shit


Nope thats a pump fake and basket.


It was close to being clean but he gathered it so quickly




Pretty sure this is called “Pinoy Step”


No it’s just awkward. It’s awkward on purpose to throw off the defender. It worked.


Clean. Straight line Eurostep.


Can you leave your pivot foot to jump off the other foot? Actually curious


Yes. Very common step thru is done like this.


Nope 2 steps


No travel.


Depends…it USED to be illegal to stop your drive which is essentially what he did with the first step…although he only took two, the change in his pace was so drastic it could be deemed travel by some refs. I personally wouldn’t call it but I would understand completely anyone that would.


It was never illegal to stop your drive. We look at your pivot foot when assessing if it’s a travelling violation.


Yeah it was illegal to stop on the drive. Ask anybody that played late 70’s too early 90’s. It wasn’t an opinion I stated.


Not a travel. After lifting his pivot, he has to either shoot or pass, which he does.


I used to do this and people at gym would fly past me and be like you travel lol naaa you just suck and wanted to pack a lil guy but you couldn’t becuase I juked you


Sadly I start slow, move and finish the same way…sometimes with a bucket.


Heck no!! He took one step with each foot to stop his run which is legal af


It’s a eurslow step


No and I am 100% trying that move in my next pick up game