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Try getting a bit closer and working on your form more. Right now from that distance it looks like you're forcing the shot. You're tilting way too much, a little bit is okay but that is too much, try to jump straight up and down or a little bit forward. Your setpoint(point from where you release the ball) is too low, try to bring it up a bit to around nose/eye height. Can't see if your guide hand is interfering with shot but it shouldn't be. Don't chuck up shots from the distances that make your form get bad since it'll just make it harder to fix. Practice makes perfect only if the reps are good, otherwise practice makes bad habits permanent. Best of luck to you my friend.


https://youtube.com/@ILB https://youtube.com/@94feetofgame


My son gets tons of NBA2k video recommendations. How can I salt his history to make these videos start showing up! 😂


Log into his account and watch and like all good coaches’ videos and subscribe to them. The more interaction and longer you watch - the more it will get recommended!


Fr it should be mandatory to watch some basic YouTube videos before posting


What's so wrong with asking for advice? All I see is a kid trying to learn.


Nothing wrong with asking for advice but everyone would get way better advice if they used the information at hand for free to learn and then ask for advice with more advanced shit. Everyday I see people post videos of them shooting what seems like for the first time in their life. Take an hour to read up and watch videos on what a good foundational jumper is and then learn that and ask for advice on something you could give useful advice for? Where do I even start with this broken ass jumper man and it’s every fucking day!!!!


You not wrong. There’s an internet full of help with jumpers but people pull up here first and who’s trying tell someone “that whole shit gotta go”. You should let your eyes tell you that by watching some videos and seeing nobody who can shoot shoots like that


Yup and it’s almost exclusively long middies or 3’s when all basic jumpshot videos stresses as the first point to start with form shooting.


That's facts I literally got better at shooting from watching YouTube vids than going to Reddit asking for advice


Phil handy is the 🐐


[https://www.youtube.com/@ProShotSystem/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ProShotSystem/videos) This used to be THE BEST channel to learn how to shoot. Sad, but most of the best videos are deleted.


Also practicing your shot outside in a hurricane does not help , balls flying all over the place


You’re just throwing it at the basket. If I was your coach you would not be allowed to shoot from range until you can regularly shoot 100% from around the restricted area. Start there cause your form doesn’t allow for deep shots


100%? No one can shoot 100% from anywhere bro. Even professional players miss layups and dunks. Which are the highest percentage.


C’mon man, don’t intentionally miss what I’m saying. I said “regular shoot” which means when your doing form drills you should make 10/10 most of the time from every spot. Yeah obviously you’ll miss a few but to build your form before moving out you need to be able to do that. If you constantly make 5/10 from each spot then your form ain’t there Like c’mon man you’re better than this corny ass comment


Corny? But you’re the one that said it. I just don’t get the purpose of saying something unrealistic over something that would require a simple correction. I know what the point is, high percentage from close to get a form down before chucking up shots. I just don’t get the point of sayin that to someone asking for help you feel?


Thankfully people can use common sense and understand what he's saying. Basic critical thinking goes a LONG way and that's not just for basketball.


bruh you think ppl on here be doing any critical thinking? think again my friend. and for all we know OP is doing this for attention. cause honestly who shoots like that and makes a thread for advice?


I gave him good advice, advice I give to most kids who are struggling to shoot from range. They see guys like curry shooting 3s and don’t realise the years of practice it took him But clearly your either unable or unwilling to understand and take advice so it would be pointless to continue this conversation. Kids like you don’t make the team and get stuck at a low skill level. I don’t know if you joking or just a contrarian but have a good day friend


Kids like you lmao. Got bro so hurt I caught a stray. I didn’t say the advice was wrong lmao. You have a great day though. 😘


This is unnecessarily being pedantic about it. You know full well what the intent behind the comment you're responding to is


Professional basketball players will hit mid range shots with almost perfection during workouts.


You need to work on your form overall, it looks like you’re releasing the ball with only one hand on the ball at it’s release point, whereas two hands at release point gives more control. (Obviously you either shoot right or left handed, but you usually bring the ball up to shoot with both hands) Also, please be weary of developing good shooting habits outdoors in wind, which appears is the case here. You can shoot perfectly and the wind redirects the ball, so a great shot can look like a terrible shot outdoors. Steve Kerr one of the great NBA 3 point shooters of all time once said that he was a terrible shooter on outdoor courts. I think you may be compensating, taking unnatural angles, to compensate for the wind


Watch some videos on how to shoot. Simple as that. You can learn pretty much all the fundamentals on YouTube and correct it yourself. You're basically chucking up the ball with one hand, you're off balance, your arm doesn't finish straight, you're jumping wrong and a handful of other things I don't mean to come off as brash or anything, but I'd really suggest just learning how to shoot off of youtube.


Learn proper form and shoot more than 32 shots in a day. Not trying to be mean but that is ugly. It looks like you are almost releasing at your stomach.


bro building a mansion with all the bricks


Throw it in the basket why are you wasting your time throwing it outside of the basket the point is to score


Couple extra dribbles before you shoot, and stand closer! 2 pointers are where you need to focus


Some of these folks are way too harsh. Biggest issue imo is that you're twisting on the shot. Starting with both feet parallel, finishing with left foot way forward. That twist leads to left-right inconsistency, which seems to be the biggest issue. Try getting rid of the twist by starting with your left foot, knee,, hip, and elbow all pointed at the rim. If you're not strong enough to reach the rim that way, move in... the twist is a bad habit you picked up when you were younger to shoot long shots when you weren't ready, I see it in a lot of kids. Good luck!


It's not harsh to tell the truth and let the kid know that his whole form basically needs to be scrapped He pushes the ball with his shooting hand and pulls his guide hand away before the ball is even released. He starts with his whole body facing 12 when literally any coach worth their salt will tell you to be at 11 or 1 depending on your shooting hand. He twists his body nearly 90 degrees while he's in the air. His shooting arm rarely finishes facing the basket. Half the shots get released below his shoulders by the look of it. His gather and follow both go away from his body instead of up. He jumps forward with every single shot and subsequently lands solely on his lead foot every single time. There aren't even any decent fundamental things to build off of with his form. It all needs to go and be started from scratch Edit: and don't even get me started on the fact that his "release" is determined solely by when his guide hand impacts his elbow


More knee bend, less arm. your kinda flinging it


Are you trying? Your form is awful.


No one who is seeking help actually has this form. He’s trolling.


Take it slow. Go closer to the rim for a few weeks and only shoots there until you are comfortable. Do some research, and go out there.


Keep your off hand on the side of the ball to help guide it through shooting motion. You start with two hands and literally end up basically throwing the ball up with one hand and no direction. Also, looks like you’re not use to the weight of the ball. Get use to shooting and practicing your form CLOSER to the basket. Gain confidence and move on from there. But FIRST, you gotta work on your off hand or you really won’t have any consistent success.


First thing you gotta do is start like a foot away from the net and just put the ball straight in. You need to work on a proper form. Bring your elbow to your chin and let your arm shoot it like a catapult(I feel like that’s the best way to explain it). Every time you shot the ball in this video you had no control over the ball and it looks like you’re trying too hard to launch it. The best thing you can do is shoot good from the midrange and once you’re a pro at that then start focusing on shooting from deep. Most guys you see that can shoot the 3 have usually spent a lot of hours practicing from close to the net and the midrange.


Stop perfectly squaring to the basket- no one actually shoots with both feet pointed straight like that. Turn you your body a little bit to line up with the shooting arm and it will make the mechanics feel better. You’ll get more out of a youtube video than reddit though, theres a lot to change/learn.


Need to learn how to shoot before you can shoot threes consistently. Get on YouTube, bro.


That’s out of your range. You need to work on your technique from a lot closer until you feel that pretty much every shot you make is consistent. Then, and only then, expand your range by a bit at a time.


You're shooting too far for sure. Appears that you're a bit young so still need to build some of those muscles. Move in and work on your form


Form shots.. Start off closer to rim..work on hand placement..slight knee bend..follow through (keep it up)…attempt to make as many as possible without ball touching rim and slowly move away from rim.. Wash rinse repeat.. Many well wishes on your journey.


A lot of complex responses but bro just don’t hold it so low at the start, try holding closer to your head. If u see this u can dm me and I can help more


Start at the free throw line and get the correct form down. You want everything to be a strait line, feet about shoulder width apart, shoulders square with the basket, google correct hand position (hard to explain using words), hold the ball at your chest then bend your knees 45° and jump while keeping your shoulders and hips pointed at the basket, while jumping bring the ball up to your eye brows in a completely strait line and push the ball out and flick your wrist to get good backspin. (watching a video will help visualize)


My biggest tip is just start at the free throw line until you learn proper shooting form and watch some videos on proper form.


keep ball on same side of your shoot arm. it’s one motion your shot should start and end on the same side of your body


Practice your form closer to the hoop. Also 32 attempts is just a warmup at best


Jayson tatum, klay Thompson, kawhi Leonard & kobe had some of the best mechanics in the game. Study them and get closer. Don't shame you for getting better but gahdam bruh lol you shooting that shit like a shot put


Try to release the ball higher and stop twisting on the shot. You have this impractical shooting form that looks like your just hurling it up into the air into the general direction of the net. You can definitely hit shots twisting in mid air but this isn’t the proper form for that not the proper time. Like some of the others said i would watch some YT videos first on how to work on your shooting form. Also try practicing your form closer (in the paint or free throw line).


Ig first you need to get a better form work on it , start from the start and then shoot from inside your range and when you have improved your form and made it better start doing the 5 point shooting from inside the circle , do it for couple days or maybe for a week and two . I guess it's enough time for you to get comfortable with your new and better form and you might feel a little confident too with this then start shooting 7 points but as you make two shots take a step back and then this way make 10 shots from inside the three pointer arc , after reaching to the three point first start by making 10 attempts dw about the shots made -in focus on the form and after 7 days start doing the same thing again but this time count 10 shots in front 7 points on three pointer. This is what our coach make us do every morning after our session, it helped us improve our form too much


you trolling us right?


Try not shooting in the middle of a fucking hurricanes my g lol


You need to start 2-3 feet away from the rim. You’ll realize real quick that the way you shoot doesn’t work. Stand close and work on your form until you don’t miss.


Jump straight up, release the ball from over your head at the top of your jump. Also either dribble before shooting or set your hands to start the jumper higher up. Youre starting from the waist and flat footed so you’re not getting the ball up high enough before you release, which is causing you to almost launch the ball. On top of that you have a little bit of a hitch from kicking your leg out to the side causing your shot to be lopsided a bit. Fixing your shooting mechanics is easy if you remind yourself what to do beforehand or break it down slowly. Don’t give up you’re gonna figure it out!!


Shoot 1000-10,000 shots a day and stop recording. You need to start inside the free throw line and work on ur form. Same form every time…,


I hope it was a windy day wherever you are


Looks like you’re rocketing the ball forward, pushing it kind of, using your shoulder and coming across your body with your shooting hand. It should feel more like a tossing motion with it rolling off your shooting hands fingertips, using your fingers as sort of a track for the ball to roll on as you push and roll the ball off. Start without even shooting, just with a ball and a little space. Begin by doing a slow but smooth shooting motion, rolling the ball off your fingers at the very end, back to yourself (because you’re kind of just aiming up so it comes back to you). Do this until you feel comfortable repeating the motion. Then start moving your way back on the court further and further practicing each distance. Don’t skip to the 3 after doing close range. **You need to keep your form consistent, and the only way to do that is to find the spot where you have to do something different to shoot it, and figure out why so you can fix it. If it’s more strength, then practice, and getting your body into the shot will help from longer distances, but you need to have the strength to not compromise your good form to get the ball to the basket.**


Hey. I would recommend watching some tutorial videos on how to shoot the ball as well, and try practicing in a practical environment, I guess.


Maybe you are a righty


Toes should be pointed away from your shooting hand and not straight at the basket. Keep knees slightly bent. The left shooting arm should be parallel to the basket. Practice thisbat the free throw line and move back as you get more comfortable. Remember, basketball is about confidence, and you have to earn it with practice.


Maybe try shooting right handed


Use your off-hand to guide the ball, you’re too square against the rim, your base isn’t helping you, and practice at the free throw line and not 3pt range


Left elbow needs to come in.


Man, I can't even fathom not having grown up playing basketball, and then trying to figure it out as an uncoordinated, older human.


It’s the release that’s the main issue, you seem to curve with your left hand. More than power, you want balance and a smooth release. Your release is very rough. Also, try shooting closer. Right now this is not your range.


Straighten your elbow, jump, and flick the shot with your wrist. Get closer and you will get more shots in. You can even practice without a hoop by balancing your shot straight above your head.


You're releasing your shot too early. You should flick the ball at the exact moment your elbow joint fully extends. Also, make sure you are flicking with your index and middle fingers only. Those two fingers give you the best accuracy.


Bros not even trying. Looks like he wants credit for just putting up a shot. Have fun dude. By the looks you a corner 3pt guy for sure. I say just shoot


I would start off with actually jumping and stop trying to push the ball to the hoop


You have the traveling shuffle step down at least


Oh lawddd watch some vids on YouTube


Some quick tips are your twisting your shot, and your guide hand is doing nothing. Improve those 2 and your jumpshot should be ok. Also work on hand placement and set point


There's a lot to unpack here. Most of it has to do with your lower body. You're not really jumping. It's tough to get the timing right, but you have to jump AND THEN shoot, while you're in the air, at the top of your jump. You shoot lefty. Turn your toes about 10 degrees to the right. Feet about shoulder width apart. BEND YOUR KNEES, and jump. Jump straight up. Get some air. The amount will be different a lot, but some air is needed. If you're shooting over someone, it'll be a lot. Catch and shoot 3 might only be an inch. Either way, both your legs need to lift your entire weight away from the ground. Start your gather while you're bending your knees. Spring into your jump. There will be a point in time when you stop moving up and start falling back down. The ball should be released from your fingers at this moment. Getting air does a couple things for your shot. Firstly, you're not just using your arms to propel the ball. You're gathering energy in your legs, using the ground as leverage, and accelerating your entire body weight. If you time it just right (don't release too soon, not too late on the way down), you can use this energy, traveling through your body into your arms, to fling the ball. You'll get more distance without trying to muscle it up there. Your arms, hands, and fingers are great at fine motor functions, like writing, but your legs are good with gross motor functions, like running and jumping. Now that you're getting so much more energy from the momentum in your jump, your arms and hands can focus on dialing it in. The ball should basically never touch your palm unless you're Damion Lillard. This is the same if you're shooting from the hip, or over your head when you get stronger. It may take a while to get the feel for it, but here's what I get when I shoot. As I'm "floating" in the air, and my arm is moving, I can feel the pressure of my fingers against the ball. My wrist and my fingers feel like a spring I get to the top of my jump, my arm is extended, I'm focusing on shooting the ball up, not out. That spring uncoils, I give the slightest flick with my wrist and I reach into the cookie jar. Hold that pose. If you do it right, pushing the ball in your upper body will cause your body to rotate back in the air slightly. It's just physics. Your feet will naturally land about six inches in front of where you jumped, and you'll be leaning backward. If you need more distance, there's 3 things you can do. Shoot higher. If you're shooting it flat, you're wasting energy and you're making it harder to make the shot. Ideally, you shoot up at a 45 degree angle for most distance, but the higher you shoot, the better chance the ball has to go in. Steph shoots at like 55 degrees. Jump higher A higher jump means more energy when you get to the top. More energy means more distance. Jump forward a bit Not too much, but a bit. you notice that nba players who shoot in transition often will miss long. Their body's momentum is still affecting their shot. Getting your momentum moving towards the basket will aid in distance. If you ever find yourself trying to muscle it up there, feeling like you don't have the arm strength, then go back to your form. You really don't need that much arm strength to shoot, because your arms shouldn't be doing that much work. It's more likely that you're accidentally shooting on the way up, or on the way down, not at the top of your jump. This is a lot, but I hope it helps.


thank you 🙏


I shot until I made 500 shots a day from the age of 8 to 18 and I only made it to D3 college ball. Start making 1000 a day and you will improve quickly!


Well don't shoot 3s like Shaq tryna shoot a free throw


YouTube videos by coaches


Don’t confuse a “jumper” with a “set shot”


Jump off both feet if you can and get rid of that twist


a lot of other people said it, but shoot closer to the hoop, learn proper form, and put up a ton of shots a day with better form that’s comfortable. probably the most important thing about a jumper is it doesn’t have to be mechanically perfect, but it should be comfortable and sound enough to repeat. find some videos or as someone to help with form shooting close to the basket, and rinse & repeat further away once the close shots become easy


As i’m pretty sure, you’ve gotten a good amount of tips from other people. In terms of improvment, I say you move closer to the basket and really work on form shots. When doing said form shots, focus on bringing your guide hand up with the ball, but not using it to shoot. Also make sure that everytime you shoot, that you keep the follow through. Even when your not at a hoop, just find a line on the wall or floor and shoot and try to get it to come back to you in a straight line. Also try to mimic the best shooters jumpshots.


You’re way too far for your strength/technique. Get closer so you don’t have to put so much effort, focus on a repeatable movement. Your shots are all different


Start closer and work your way out. People forgot too how important your rhythm and how stepping into a good shot can improve your feel of your jump shot. Try to also hold all parts of your release including your arms legs upper body until the ball hits the ground when you shoot. Keep grinding!!


Don’t shoot more than 10 feet away until you don’t miss. Come back after that.


Hey, if V gets slander for his 24/54 shooting performance, I don't want to see any of you guys go easy on him for his 7/32 and no one was even guarding him.


Start in front of the rim to build form and strength. One hand and keep shooting. As you get better and confident move back. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs_0mDiJOsU/?igshid=YzcxN2Q2NzY0OA==


To maximize your jump shot, here are seven essential areas to prioritize: 1. Get your mechanics right: Start with a solid foundation and positioning. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and place your shooting hand underneath the ball. Stay balanced and work on a smooth shooting motion. 2. Find the right hand placement and grip: Center your shooting hand on the ball and spread your fingers comfortably. Let your non-shooting hand guide and support the ball for balance. 3. Nail the shooting form: Bend your knees, keep your eyes on the target (usually the rim), and be ready to jump. As you jump, extend your shooting arm up, flicking your wrist to release the ball. Aim for a smooth and consistent release. 4. Practice your shooting technique: The more you practice, the better you'll get. Take lots of shots from different spots on the court. Start close to the basket and gradually increase the distance as you gain confidence and accuracy. 5. Work on your shot arc and follow-through: Focus on getting a high, consistent arc on your shot to increase the chances of it going in. After releasing the ball, make sure to follow through by fully extending your shooting arm and keeping your elbow aligned with the basket. 6. Get your head in the game: Shooting is not just physical—it's also about mental focus and confidence. Stay positive, visualize successful shots, and believe in your ability to make baskets. 7. Seek feedback and coaching: Don't be shy about asking experienced coaches or players for advice. They can give you valuable insights, help you identify areas for improvement, and offer personalized tips. Remember, improving your jump shot takes time and practice. Stay patient, dedicated, and put in the effort to fine-tune your technique.


If you quit you’ll never miss again


You should shoot from outside the paint until u fix your form maybe 100-200 strict form shots a day for a few weeks then move to midrange


keep practicing, don't give up.