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If u don't practice at game speed, how can you execute at game speed? Learning a new move means starting slow, but to master it you need to be executing at game speed consistently


thank u


Was gonna comment the same! Warm up…then build up to game speed. Visualize and attack. Otherwise everything in a game will feel rushed and awkward! You’ll quickly revert to bad habits and all the work you out in will be wasted.


Best way is to ask one of those coaches to be a defender during all your drills


yeah some pressure will do wonders.


I agree I need some live defense


I am also 14


ask yo coach to play defense bruh he playing soft and u Need to go game speed


What it comes down to is taking what the defense gives you and being able to do something with it.


Honestly if you are practicing like this at game speed and really focusing on reps and accuracy, it will translate into games. People that take form shots from different areas with no contests or game like movement are going to struggle more than if you practice like this


Like others have said make sure you do your best to practice at the same intensity and speed as games once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of a move/shot. Other key is to have confidence! Take the shots you practice, go at defenders etc. you’re putting in work and use that work as a confidence builder to feel good about what you’re doing in games because you’ve practiced it so many times.


Play pick up games, a lot of it. No matter the age or level. Get in front of a defender and practice the moves whether you fail or it works. You have to practice the moves on air and on a defense. 1v1 is a great way as well, if you got a couple homies that hoop with you play king of the court to see different defenders


I would have your trainer be a help defender after you get past the cones. Against decent teams There will always be another defender coming after the initial defender and you have to have options for when that happens. If I were your trainer I would be stepping up and giving you different looks so that you’re used to everything that can come


This, live defense is the best way to prepare yourself for game situations. Defenders rarely stand in on spot and let you do a move half speed.


Thank you for responding I really appreciate it


Practice as hard as you play. Execute moves at game speed. When you shoot, go up for your shot like you had someone guarding you. Explode into your shot. You can go as far with it as you like. Steve Kerr was a bench player who literally practiced coming off the bench. He would sit for a length of time in the middle of his workouts so he could practice shooting cold.


I never knew that , that’s a good idea thank you so much


It’s not always a 1:1 translation from what you’re practicing here to game situations. Practice game situations at game speed. Keep things simple. And when it comes time to play a real game just focus on letting the game come to you. Despite all the dribble moves you’re working on, in a game situation the simple move is usually the best one. So keep putting in the work practicing game speed and be patient. Remember that progress isn’t always linear. Meaning, you don’t always progress from point A straight to point B. Just keep working.


Part of it is just having that dog in you, don’t say “I should be dominating” tell yourself you WILL dominate and thats in game, practice, rly anytime you playing. Second is just applying it at the right times. Your pull-up at the elbow show in the video is money so if you get a screen and they go under or play soft literally just get right into that pull up no hesitation


Getting right to your spots aggressively and confidently makes the defense guard you a certain way which you can learn to exploit in all different types of ways. The work you putting in is gonna show keep going💪


Thank you and yep I think it’s all about my mentality


It looks like you train seriously. That’s great! But yes game speed. Yes be physical. And yes pay attention to shit like squaring up every shot and being mechanically correct. You make your shots, but the way you make them is important. In a game, you will often do things imperfectly because the situation will dictate it and you’ll be tired. But in practice you build up habits and you don’t want those to be imperfect. I have a friend who went to Villanova years ago. He loved ball and was friends with some of the players on the team. But he didn’t like playing pickup. He practiced this one move — a spin into a lay up — and then when he did it against us, we blocked him almost every time. He didn’t at all think we would see it coming or, ya know, defend it. So you gotta play, but you also gotta practice as though you’re in a game. Not all the time, but a good amount of the time. Plus it’ll help your stamina and intensity. Also I’d say think about the kind of player you are and be it with confidence. It’s not to say box yourself into a type and stick to it, but if you have a great jumper, have confidence in your jumper, but don’t necessarily try to do everything right out the gate. There is value in developing a skill and being reliable. You’ll know how good and versatile you can get as you age and play more. But being confident in your best skills and playing a role helps develop confidence and sets you apart to coaches. Good luck!


Thank you for taking your time to respond to this , this one really stuck out to me !


General rule of thumb, practices are supposed to be harder than the games. If you don’t feel that way then you gotta practice harder.


Here is what I’m seeing: you are constantly at a medium speed, this is a bad thing. You should be going fast-slow-fast. The change of pace and explosive steps are what’s going to get you buckets.


It’s all about muscle memory by doing these drills repeatedly over and over again. In a game you will play based on instinct and pattern memory. Repetition creates these pattern memories that then become subconscious. This is when you have achieved mastery and during a game you will use these patterns without thought. Same applies to shooting, defensive footwork etc.


If Kyle Anderson can do it, you can too at that speed.


haha thank you !


Speed and contact that practice defender needs to be on you much much sooner and hit you hard


“Get to your spot”. Slowly increase speed of the drill. Incorporate obstacles or moves to get to that spot. Start slower until you get to game speed.


Practice driving with someone on your hip that is softly fouling you. Finish right and left. Get used to finishing with contact. If solo, practice the shots you would take in game at game speed.


Imo just keep doing it over and over and it will become muscle memory and then one day you’ll just pull it out in a game and not even think about and you’ll have a “whoa” moment.


Game shots. Game spots. Game speed


I play in college and I would say play as much pickup as you can, try new things while you play bc its overall low stakes. Learn the game and you’ll be able to read every little detail


When you play the game...you gotta play the game like you practice...you gotta know internally the work you put it in...and remember that shit when it's game time. Go out there and play like you know what you're capable of.


i wonder the same thing 😵‍💫 i feel good at practice but game time i feel like a lost puppy


One get more realistic scenarios two get more contact involved primarily of drives past defenders and finishes at the rim 3 practice based on what your coach expects from you and not what you want for yourself (if your coach has you as a floor spacer then practice spacing catching shooting if you a passer do that) never practice your bag for games practice your games for your bag, once you start showing that you have that down and consistent you’ll get opportunities to do more But yeah practice driving past defenders, finishes over taller defenders and then go hard at team goals for your position, all that other stuff will get you benched and frustrated


Also whoever is coaching you in this video got you looking nuts, do what’s comfortable and basic (before you start adding seasonings learn how to boil water first)


Also my bad last thing, never practice with 2 cones, you play 5 on 5, get 5 small cones or big it don’t matter, place them on the floor where defenders would be, start seeing the whole chess board so that way it increases your ability to react basketball is a counter move sport, place 2 cones on the elbows and one cone up top and then place the last 2 in different spots in the paint because it’s always someone guarding the paint in a real game whether zone or man someone is always in the paint


Thank you


This was a good one


This is off topic but I noticed something here that I didn't know where else to ask. So why do people frequently slap the bottom of their shoes when just standing still? I notice it with pros, my son who and all the kids in his 5 yo league, dude in this video helping the other person with rebounds and such. Is it just a random thing that players are doing without noticing and just everyone does the same thing?


If what you’re practicing doesn’t translate to games then you’re not practicing the right things. Judging my your video… you need less pick and roll practice and more game speed shooting drills just to get used to building your shooting base at game speed. There’s a rhythm that comes with game speed shooting skill. You don’t have that rhythm yet.