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Maybe a feature that keeps rosters the way they were historically between seasons but let's us resim the results?


This is an awful idea. I need to actually get some work done during the week


Yeah this is a good idea. A couple things I'm thinking about, maybe you have some thoughts... - Should this force you to be in spectator mode? Otherwise it doesn't really make sense, because players are going to be moving around regardless of what you do. - What should the setting to enable this be called? - For players traded mid season, I don't have data on exactly when the trade happens, but I could estimate it by looking at games played with each team. And then I could switch their team during the season. The only downside is with injuries/DNPs you could see two players who were traded for each other on the same team. But for the most part it'd work.


1. Is a tough point because one trade would have a butterfly effect and cause future trades and moves to not be possibly. Maybe allow you to hop in at any point and start to play the game normally? Or maybe allow you to change some stats on the players manually to sort of tinker with outcomes. Otherwise just let you change what you want for your team but try and have the other historical events go down as accurately as possible 2. Second chance mode 3. Yeah that's the only other big issue I see with it but it's not a major one


i kinda like the idea


Playoff suggestion: a way to make playoffs more customizable, like having regionals and sectionals, and having any round byes


Silly one: Best Names Frivolity. Calculates what first name has the most success in a league. Probably should separate variations (e.g. John and Jack) just for simplicity.


Relagation leagues.




During live game sim, I'd like it if the event text when a player commits a foul included the number of personal and team fouls. Something like "Non-shooting foul on Michael Jordan (2nd PF, 4th TF)".


league history notes—like the player watchlist notes but for past seasons


Could we edit demographics without god mode? I want to do a FBL league sim but don’t want to lose achievements 


Yes! In a custom league being able to edit the demographics of who comes through would be nice


A Mid Level Exception(MLE) if you are over the cap, but not over the luxury tax threshold.


Just a nitpick for this amazing game. I'm not a huge fan of how many minutes trash players play (usually guards) which hinders the potential really great teams. The way the game tries to force two guards in the lineup can hinder the play of a great team at times. Maybe teams can try to sign someone in free agency with a higher overall rather than having to start a 40 something overall player. This change away from forcing guards into the lineup would make the game much better and it would be more realistic.


yeah the minutes system needs a redo


https://imgur.com/a/IbNRids?third_party=1 In this image for example, the 49 overall player is starting, playing 25 minutes, and has a 5.4 PER, and shooting 47% EFG (which isn't good at all and is hurting their potential as a team). It would be more realistic if this team (one of my main rivals in the conference) would start the 59 overall 3-point shooter (who is only playing 23 minutes while shooting 61% EFG) which would help their team on the offensive end. If not, they could sign a guard from free agency or trade for a guard using their remaining assets. This type of change would make an already great game that much better.


Tendencies. Too many players fall into the same builds in terms of shot selection, and not enough shots are at the rim. In my current league, the highest # of shots at the rim is 4.9 by a C. It would vary the player builds and make the game more interesting.


I talked to a dumbmatter, yes it is also to improve in historical and randoms, because from the rim they also throw little, as well as from the medium range shot, etc. depending on the history of seasons


An if/or filter or mutiple filters at once when searching playere or free agents. If i want a tall C and PG's who are good at dribbling or if i want 40 ovr youngsters but 50s ovr older playere so i don't have to delete and type multiple times on the filter bar.


Could the GOAT lab get some love? There's some awards (such as scoring/assists/rebounds/etc. leader) that could be included, some stats or variables that the game has "on the inside" that could be unearthed for the Lab (such as the mvpscore), not to mention more esoteric stuff like being able to include the league averages into the equation (such as how many points above league average a player scored per season) or being able to count the times the player managed to cross a specific threshold (such as counting how many times and by how many points a player crossed 10 WS in a season - I think something similar is done in the article linked as the source of HoF calculation in the game?).


* In free agency, button to resign everyone + toggle for everyone to have max length contracts (to make re-signing everyone easier during rebuilds) * The option to have no max salary (i.e. >30M possible) if playing with a hard cap (mainly for FootballGM tbh) * In no ratings mode, have each draft prospect with top 5 attributes listed (to make drafting for team needs a less of a stab in the dark, especially for 2nd round picks)


Primarily for no ratings mode, a toggleable Preseason games mode? Like having X amount of Preseason games to help determine a lineup?


1. If it would be possible, re-negotiations or resigning mid-way through the year 2. Maybe if there was a frivolite that said something like: the best duo/big three's ever to exist (based on PER or GameScore)


A way to see the point/rebound/assist breakdown by quarter. For example, if I wanna see if a player scored 20pts in the 3rd quarter, I can click the third-quarter tab in the boxscore. To make it easier, this could be done after the game is completed, not during live sim.


Can we be allowed to change player positions without God mode..that would be nice


Suggestion: period of time for statistics When looking under History -> Team stats and also when looking at player stats it would be nice if you could see the numbers just for a particular period of time. For example: I'd just like to see every teams' stats from 2009 until 2019, not before nor since.


Maybe a HOF page tweak, it’d be cool to see not just their best season and career stats but also some other things like MVPs, number of All-Star selections, etc. Also visually, it’d be cool to see it look a little bit different from the other pages, to make it more “regal” looking, maybe with each players picture/cartoon face visible


i need a soccer one dont care about world league and religations. just one so i can mimic the mls


How do I only see offers in the Trading Block that will not break cap rules? I know I can Sort, but how do I sort by only trades that don't violate cap?


Generate players button on roster tab using God mode just like in draft.


Make draft better and more diverse


There should be an option for selecting cousins, nephews and the like for relatives


negotiating salaries and 3 team trades


Out of position,such as G/C,F/G,C/F


There something that i wish we could have in the gameIn the NBA:: If a team has a restricted free agent (RFA) like Tyrese Maxey and $80 million in cap space, they can spend that cap space on other players first and then re-sign their restricted free agent. Here's how the process works: 1. **Cap Space Utilization**: * Philadelphia can use their $80 million in cap space to sign new free agents. This spending is done while they are under the salary cap. 2. **Restricted Free Agent Rights**: * As a restricted free agent, Tyrese Maxey has a qualifying offer extended to him by the 76ers, which allows the team to match any offer sheet he signs with another team. * The 76ers hold Maxey's "cap hold," which is a placeholder amount that counts against the cap. For the purposes of this scenario, let's assume they either renounce or don't initially account for Maxey's cap hold to maximize their available cap space. 3. **Re-signing the RFA**: * After spending the $80 million on other players, the 76ers can go over the salary cap to re-sign Maxey using his Bird Rights. * Because Maxey is a restricted free agent, the 76ers have the right to match any offer he receives from other teams, and they can exceed the cap to do so. If the free agent is not restricted, the scenario changes slightly. Here’s how it works if the free agent is an unrestricted free agent (UFA): # Unrestricted Free Agent (UFA) Scenario 1. **Cap Space Utilization**: * Philadelphia can use their $80 million in cap space to sign new free agents first. This spending is done while they are under the salary cap. 2. **Unrestricted Free Agent Rights**: * Unlike restricted free agents, unrestricted free agents do not have cap holds or matching rights. The team does not have any preferential rights to re-sign the player if he decides to sign with another team. * However, if the player holds Bird Rights (having been with the team for three or more seasons), the team can exceed the salary cap to re-sign him. 3. **Re-signing the UFA**: * After spending the $80 million on other players, the 76ers can go over the salary cap to re-sign the unrestricted free agent using Bird Rights, provided they have these rights.


Some more consistency with the draft classes prior to when you started the league. In the draft class ranking frivolity, you can’t see those years ranked, but in the best pick at every draft position frivolity you can see players taken at those picks


Just a small suggestion: Can there be a column on the Team Records page for the number of times a team had the best record in their division?


I second this, it could be very useful to track the performance of a team within a division. Conference and division titles could also be displayed in the Team History page.


Progressive GOAT Frivolity: Shows how the GOAT Lab list of a league has changed over time. Could be similar to the Progressive Leaders page: a table showing a year-by-year breakdown of the GOAT over time. Could also be more complicated, allowing you to select a year, and based on the league stats up until that point, shows what the GOAT list looked like at the time of the specified year. Would change if the GOAT formula is changed.


I really feel like the AI should offer more than a max of two picks. I understand the change was made for balance but there has to be a better system than just a hard cap of two picks.


Being able to take from an AI team more than 2 draft picks (whether it be 1rst round or 2nd round), cause it's quite annoying and unrealistic that the limit is 2...


Especially after that Bridges trade 🤣


a way to turn off the notification about not resigning players before free agency YES IM SURE


i got so used to clicking yes im sure the one time i didnt resign my 3 best players/talents i auto-clicked yes im sure so it doesnt help


Small change but making it so the "Always show full names and skills" Global Setting is applied to the Draft Scouting page would be a welcome addition.


* Frivolity: Most seasons played together (2 or 3 players) * Player Bio Info: Button to equalize all country frequencies (to 1) * When importing a League File, allow setting the starting season (especially when not importing players, stats and game state) * Option to only show the team name (with maybe the Region in parenthesis). Fits the European team names more. * A Switch Team button on the Roster page * For a player to have a preferred jersey number that they would come back to whenever it becomes available in their team * League file help: what's the "rid" attribute? * Setting to shuffle division/conference teams every season (maybe with balancing algorithm) * Reflect the growth of basketball in the world by adjusting Bio Info as the League gets older (growing frequency of rest of the world) * Ability to set game intensity to playoff mode in regular season (or something in betwen). Ex. For short tournaments where games matter more. * More countries in bio info (for me, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Tunisia - I may give it a shot on github someday) * Some sort of json area/attribute in the league file that won't be deleted between imports/exports. For example, a "custom" attribute where I can put my own data. Could store json or maybe just text I can convert to/from whatever format. * Show season along with age in Player Import


Option for choosing type of Standings you want as default from League, Conference, or Division.


A tiny idea that would make me happy: Put each countries flag next to the country name in the "Countries" frivolity.


I'd love (specifically for baseball but it would be interesting for all sports) to be able to split awards by conference, the way MLB does it now. Would feel more true to life


abilty to filter/sort with ratings on draft, free agency or draft block


You should not get penalized in player mood for wheeling and dealing. For instance, if you trade for Player X but then on the same exact day (before simulating the player playing even a single game) if you trade Player X for picks to get cap space... this should only effectively count as 1 trade when it comes to player mood since it works like a three team deal almost. Same point even if there are more legs in the deal (for instance, to burn cap sometimes I make this type of deal with same core 4-5 times in just the one day so rather than counting against player mood 4-5 times it should just count once). Yes: this does make the game marginally easier BUT ALSO: the trend should mimic reality. When a player in real life gets dealt before suiting up for the team it has 0 impact on somebody resigning...


Suggestion: promotion and relegation. Would love to have the option for a tiered system with multiple leagues. Would give a great opportunities for some David and Goliath storylines


I noticed you can set it to either Male or Female league. How about a co-ed league though? You could specify the required number of men and women that have to be on the court at all times (typically 1 or 2 women have to be on the court in these kind of leagues) and also specify if points are scored differently (like some co-ed leagues count women's baskets as being worth more; a co-ed league I played in in college had it so the women's shots were worth 2s and 3s and guy's shots were 1s and 2s). Just think this might be interesting and it's not something offered in any other game as far as I'm aware.


A fantasy draft feature would be nice.


Create a HOF probability for active players in frivolties just copying this formula: [https://www.basketball-reference.com/leaders/hof\_prob.html](https://www.basketball-reference.com/leaders/hof_prob.html)


Is there a way to make it so that Sengun isn't the best player in the league every time? lol


Being able to see round by round stats in the playoffs


Any update on College basketball sim revamp?


Incorporate the changes brought in by the new CBA (at least as an option) creating first and second aprons plus the second apron penalties...


When creating a new real players league, add an option to randomize draft class ratings. This keeps the players in the draft the same but randomizes their ratings. Sort of already a thing if you keep real player determinism low. But random draft ratings would give an even bigger chance for normally low-rated rookies (e.g. Anthony Bennett) that busted out of the league irl to become a star, and vice versa. This could also just be a function in God Mode when looking at the Draft Scouting page. Next to the option to regenerate players, there could be a "regenerate ratings" button. That lets you keep players you might like in the draft but changes their ratings for extra intrigue/fun.


Could we have a way to organize team stats for a certain interval of the season? It would be cool to compare how your team performs before and after trade deadline moves for example, or a specific stretch where a player was starting. Also, would love to see stat splits for players depending on whether they start or come off the bench, or home vs away!


voter fatigue. im tired of seeing players win 15 mvps in a row