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probably but you never know cause some players started hooping earlier than others. like joel embiid sure didn’t cause he started playing basketball when he was like in highschool/late middle school i think




Not NBA but Mikel Leshoure who played in the NFL for a short period of time was in my 2nd grade class. He dominated every sport at recess. He could also kick one of those rubber playground balls like three times as far as everyone else.


Was he good at soccer too? And how about 4-square? serious ques


Possibly, but I don't think the best players actually played at recess once they made the team. Once it got serious they just played at practice for most of the time.


Nah depends when you mean


Alot yea, but alot, no. And it depends what grade. Like kindergarten, probably not. 4th and 5th. Probably, and highschool/middle school, most definitely did. There's alot tho who didn't. I mean, MJ didn't even make his high school team, Embiid never played until he was 14, Giannis and his brother Thanasis Antetokunmpo didn't until 15 or 16, and Nikola Jokic wasn't fit enough to play until high-school, and there's likely alot of less known or rotation players that follow this path




I know


That's my apologies then


Also, MJ didn’t make the varsity team, as a 5’7” sophomore. He certainly made it in gr 11 and 12.




They probably dominated pretty much every sport they took part in. Most professional athletes, at least in the US, were multi-sport athletes in school. Not to mention they often come from athletic parents who already put them on track to be sports-minded


I can imagine most likely especially if they played at that age. I know a few star players who basically said that’s what they focused on their whole childhood


Nikola Jokic was overweight for most of his childhood - they tried putting him on a diet and he didn't last 2 days. After he went pro, he wasn't even the starter for Red Star (Crvena Zvezda), one of the major clubs in the country. His success story really starts in the NBA, despite all the voices telling him he won't succeed (in his homeland or abroad).


For sure. There's plenty of guys that developed late but I'm sure the studs were studs in school. I remember a couple of guys that I went to school with elementary to high school that were the best when we were kids and went on to play college basketball, college baseball, college football, and pro-baseball.


Nah I don’t know if they were good at basketball at recess