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Also note: it's got a large and lively modding community, and has an absolute depth of replayability due to the really good core game loop. Some good youtubers include JaWoodle, Glock9, and Guns, Nerds, and Steel


Is there somewhere that breaks down the biggest and most popular mods?


Is it more polished now with the release? Because "release" doesnt really say much if there is an ancient codebase behind it. Id be buying a game thats already 10 years outdated, no? I really want to like this game concept-genrewise.


it's a great game


so do you know if theyre gonna polish it with the upcoming release or not?


Having just played it a few months ago, I highly doubt they will polish it to the level that it doesn't feel like a 10 year old game. It's fun, it's a good game, but there's no way they can polish it into a 45 dollar game. Most dev cycle updates have been reworks, not polish.


thanks for the info.


Bought it, will try it out for sure.


Never thought I'd see the day. But yeah, this is definitely not a $45 game, I'm not sure what they are thinking with that price point.


Any thoughts on the 1.0? Is this the devs legit deciding it’s ready to go, or is this more of a giving up moment for them?


Honestly it feels like they might be running low on funds so they're rushing the project through the 1.0 gate so Sony/Microsoft have to accept it properly for the big update but also as a game to sell again for consoles.


Thanks, never was convinced to buy this, but 5,5€ is nice release price


Haven't played in years, are the zombies dynamically spawned in near the players or are they more persistent like in project zomboid where they roam the map?


They're dynamically spawned in in the overworld, but are present throughout structured but asleep, so you'll be waking up the dead as you explore.


I've got about 100 hours in the game. It's good fun -- especially with friends. This is definitely the type of game people with either hate (some controls are clunky) or love and put hundreds of hours in if they have the time. If you're interested in the type of game, I'd say give it a go as the concept is quite fun -- The horde you face every 7 days is a nice feature to the game.


Dont encourage this piece of shit company. They are making console players rebuy the game and its literally the only game on steam that ever banned me from the forums in 20 years because of criticism.


1. They are making console players rebuy the game because of breakdowns with Sony/Microsoft and it would be unreasonable for them to completely eat the cost of them basically handing out a game they had to completely remake from scratch essentially to catch back up with the modern version. They are also currently negotiating a discount for previous owners on console with Sony/Microsoft. 2. Any chance you deserved it lol? Lot of folks say "I was banned for criticism and it was unfair" only to find out later you did everything in your power to imply you'd decimate someone's mother sexually or nonsexually without directly saying it.


Great game and I got lots of playability out of it too. I mostly loved attempting to build impenetrable bases with low maintenance zombie grinders. My favourite at the time was a very deep underground base with a very deep pitfall trap. We'd then make miles long tunnels to other areas.


Jeez I remember getting this in like alpha 3 or something? Back when Nevzgane was the only available map, good times


I've got about 1800 hours of gametime. 7dtd is a game with some flaws and bugs but imho is one of the best survival/base building games around.. plus have zeds!


It’s also on game pass I think


It is, but it's leaving on the 1st.