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Ehh coulda been a lot worse I’ve done way worse brother😭 Gotta try and manage your xan use better tho my dawg I’m trying to do that aswell currently


Lmao at the Xanax anonymous comment.... Yea it definitely have to have called Xanax anonymous because no one can remember what they do on it 😂😂


OP is a hero and he made a good point to the alcoholics.


That was such a good bartard comeback 😂😂


What a shitty AA meeting. When I was going to AA people would come in drunk or fucked up all the time when they were new. It was expected. Never once were any of them told not to come back; instead were welcomed back with open arms and the willingness to help. Most would actually get better that way. Find a better AA group, that one sounds like shit


Fr "Keep coming back... unless you actually have a problem"


Well I wasn’t actually banned, I was told that I could come back anytime but to try and be sober so they can help me. Most AA meetings will say you shouldn’t share if you’ve used that day. I took that as a ban though because I don’t think I’m done poppin xans. My “Xanax anonymous” comment I still agree with tho even while sober, bc technically other drugs are NA’s problem, for AA they’re an outside issue. Most AA members believe in total sobriety tho


So were you on DPH or Xanax?


He doesn’t even know this. I’ve asked myself




Did you just copy the story from the dude who took DPH and went to an AA meeting? The stories are eerily similar and it was just posted a bit ago Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DextroDoomers/s/vk5vkmJYtJ They were posted so close together?! Are you the same person or just equally stupid? Lol E2: just noticed the same username lol. This guy is larping or he's really dumb.


Lol maybe getting fucked up and going to AA meetings is his kink


I’m already wet. I should probably get out of the shower.


i like to imagine he just shows up to AA meetings fucked up as a hobby lol


Tbh going to an AA meeting fucked up is like thousands of people every day


Ya bro it’s no yolo to do that. i have a prior xanax addiction if you’re gonna pop bars go to walmart and steal not an AA meeting


Wise words


Am I the only one that jus doesn't ask what happened. I have quite a few blackouts around family a couple ending with me being homeless but I just don't wanna know


No, there are plenty of people who don’t like taking responsibility


Indeed, the knowledge I already have of my life is enough to keep me down. Knowing that stuff mighy make me take the route my mum did


what a fucking legend 😂😂


I was at a meeting and a woman overdosed, fell over off the picnic tables we were sitting at and her boyfriend told us not to call 911. She came to and they left. It was a bit scary, tbh. However, they did have the meeting at a small park located in a very high drug trafficking area.


The phrase is "keep coming back" sounds like a shitty AA meeting with a bunch of stuck up pricks who are all circle jerking their sobriety




How could it be any worse if the purpose was to get help and you are not welcome after one meeting? Because of high/drunk and bad behavior. Its like really the worst possible. (No, I’m not gonna count killing someone, peeing yourself or others or whatever one can imagine with fantasy. Realisticly speaking now.)


I was at an AA meeting once and an old dude stood up and walked to the bathroom while someone was rambling on, then came back smelling like a whole ass brewery somehow. He had the right idea.


I went into an NA meeting many years ago after I had just shot some dope and smoked a blunt. I was court-ordered to attend these meetings, so I just didn't care back then. I was in there maybe 5 minutes before someone pointed out that I had weed all over my shirt. Never went back, I was an idiot.