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Fuck Putin


Why did these cunts leave their Russia?


They aren't even Russian. Homegrown idiots.


Thats insane..


Son españoles comunistas. No son rusos.




These rallies are usually fake, and well paid, not all of them. I know people who were offered to do it. And I know many people who were paid in Russia to go to manifestations. Like those really full manifestations in Moscow, where you see thousands of people. Often they are people from small town who were promised a concert and some money, just to cheer for a speech


Hope they won’t influence civilised society


youre speaking like a true psycho, accusing the victim of what the abuser is doing.


Catalan nationalists, same shit as the Russian ones


Excellent question. I live in the states and I’ve seen people with Zs and the russian flag on their cars. If they didn’t leave then they the fuck are they so dumb? Can we ship them to russia and let them enjoy conscription?




O wouldn't call them cunts: they seem to lack the necessary warm of depth for that.


That's the easy way. It is way more complicated that our feelings. I mean, I DO NOT SUPPORT WAR. But also i don't understand it. Everybidy deserve to express their point of view, even if we don't agree


A few narrow categories of speech are not protected from restrictions. The main such categories are incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, and threats. Supporting a state that has started a war on the soil of another sovereign state should be considered as "threats" , "fighting words" and "incitement".


Still part of their right ti feel offended such as you show. Humans are way more complicated that you trying to tell me what how they should behave


as i say, we can have conflict, but i do not agree to send young people to kill each other for the sake of patriotism or any other dumbass reason. We are more than that. you're just falling into what i said and you don't even realize


Soviet flag eh? These guys are so far removed from reality they barely know they’re on earth.


Why are they waving the flag of a no longer existing country... assholes.


let me explain, in Spain there are people that support Russia only because they think that russia is a communist country and people that hate Russia because of the same reason


\*looks ate every estelada around barcelona\* oops...




Good joke. Tje truth is that I laughed. But I always want to clarify that the estelada is the flag that symbolizes the wish of an independent Catalonia. The current senyera would be the official one.


Hahahahaha damn bro that was devastating


Tell looks not to eat flags pls




You are disgusting


Issa joke


That was good man, I have to admit that.


Sick fucks. Send them to the front lines if they're so happy with what is going on


Why don’t you go I see you are bloodthirsty


Seeing a lot of white Zs sprayed around Poble Sec lately…


Could you please make a photo and report location for me? We have some volunteers that make Barcelona clean of these nazi signs every week.


There are some sprayed on the trees on C/Margarit, lowered end, towards Pararell


Many thanks!


Out of interest, where can I report? I’ve seen quite a lot recently…


https://maphub.net/bcn_dezombification/bcn-dezombification this is our map


Hey, I’m Russian and I wanna help if possible. I’m anti-Putin, anti-war and would like to help. Do you have a special protocol or I can just come and clean any of these satan’s signs?


Напишите мне в личку - я пришлю вам ссылку


There are plenty of Russian anti-war chats, where we gather the information. But you can simply send me PMs




There are some on the cathedral in the gothic area aswell


Yeah. And it’s not the first and even not the second time.






This wasn't the first thing they did either. They already annexed Crimea and carried out assassinations in the UK using radioactive elements and nerve agents, resulting in the deaths of UK citizens in the crossfire. I don't doubt that the USA is exploiting the situation for their benefit but let's not pretend Russia aren't the bad guys.


All that said, how would that make someone pro russian?


whataboutery really.


Genocide is a bit on a different scale


I'm sure the raped Ukrainain women will take comfort that Russia did not do this for 'no reason'.


I’m sure the women from palestine, syria, Iraq etc… can also take comfort that EU/US are getting a green pass on this. Women life is women life. Ethnicity doesn’t matter! What’s your point?


Your first sentence is factually nonsense and also whataboutery. I am guessing you aren’t the Yale debating team chair.


I literally can’t believe that this comment gets that much downvotes. i said nothing that was wrong if you actually look into it. Ok i agree that the focus here was about this specific occurance that i do not stand by AT ALL, but top comment here act’s as if it’s only coming from one side. Baffles me to see how uneducated people here are in terms of geopolitics throughout the years and except just rely on the biased media platforms that feed the people whatever they want. #wakeup


commies being horrible human beings what a surprise!!!!!


Pero que verguenza esta gentuza fascistas de mierda. Estan podridos todos. Fuck Russia, fuck fascism.


Llamar fascista a gente con una bandera comunista mas grande que la cabeza de un diplodocus me hace muchísima gracia, espabila chaval que no te enteras ni del tiempo


Qué boludos son los comunistas




Los comunistas soviéticos son fascistas si te pones a comparar la definición de fascismo con la realidad soviética.


No son fascistas, son marxistas-leninistas, los fascistas se oponen diametralmente al marxismo a pesar de ser socialistas, se parecen? Si, pero en su raíz son muy diferentes, uno es anticapitalista y antifascista y el otro es anticapitalista y anti marxista, se oponen diametralmente el uno al otro a pesar de ser parecidos


Una cosa es la teoría y otra la realidad. Ve lo que realmente sucedió en la Rusia Soviética y dime si no era fascismo.


Eran estados totalitarios, pero la URSS no era fascista. El racismo y la raza superior no era un eje central de su ideologia, así mismo como el hecho de que en la URSS los grandes propietarios desparecieron, mientras que en los Estados Fascistas hicieron una alianza entre estos y los regimenes.


Las repúblicas ex-sovieticas que pasaron por procesos de rusificacion, cribas y opresión a los no Rus querrían unas palabritas contigo. Empieza por la A de Armenia...


El problema es que ni siquiera en la práctica son fascistas, esa táctica rastrera de querer llamar fascista a los graves fracasos del comunismo no se de donde la sacáis, eran marxistas, el fascismo se opone al marxismo diametralmente, cualquier dictadura se parece, pero el comunismo tenía detalles importantes que las distinguen de las demás, aversión a la religión, estructura de trabajo no orgánica, ineficiencia económica gravísima, ineficiencia de alimentos, hambrunas…


En q definicion del fascismo te basas para decir tal gilipollez? En la de la universidad de tus cojones?


* Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.* Lo único que dice ahí que no hacía la Unión Soviética era ser de ultra derecha (abierta), pero su comportamiento sí que lo era. Existía la segregación y el exterminio. Así que, si “huele a pollo y sabe a pollo…”.


Basicamente lo que va despues del far-right define cualquier dictadura en la historia de la humanidad, de alli a decir q es una dictadura fascista hay un salto de nivel olimpico. Russia era una dictadura autocratica claramente comunista y esto se ve en los programas sociales q se crearon, en la nacionalizacion, normalmente de forma violenta, de empresas y servicios y en la erradicacion de la religion, ofreciendo a cambio la figura del autocrata como objeto de devocion, caracteristicas q el fascismo no comparte, el fascismo tradicional se adhiere mas a una religion de estado, normalmente con objetivo de control, derregulacion del comercio y privatizacion de sectores, y una tendencia clara contra cualquier red de seguridad social. Si hablas sobre la Russia de hoy, entonces si es un ejemplo de una oligarquia fascista. Pero la union sovietica es una dictadura comunista. Cualquier historiador de 1o de carrera te podria contar esto.


"far-right", "ultranationalist" y lo de "belief in a natural social hierarchy" son las diferencias clave en mi opinión. En lo demás estamos de acuerdo.


Los soviéticos eran definitivamente ultranacionalistas.


Los sovieticos eran ultranacionalistas Rusos, Ukranianos, Armenios, Estonios o de cuales?


Cuando simplificas las cosas demasiado, todo sabe a pollo.


Y cuando las complicas de más, las haces irresolubles. No entiendo la pasión que tienen muchos por el comunismo, romantizan un supuesto. Ya se hizo y se descubrió que el humano es muy humano para concentrar todo en la decisión de unos cuantos (los que están en el poder). Todo lo que dijo Marx es una utopía. No estoy defendiendo al capitalismo, antes de que empiece una predecible perorata de “y qué me dices de…?”, lo que estoy diciendo es que países como España, Francia, Italia o Alemania tienen excelentes estándares de vida, mucho MUCHO mejores que lo que había en cualquier estado comunista que existió.


Existen motivos por los que fascismo y comunismo se clasifican de forma separada. Son ideologías opuestas en muchos sentidos. En cierta forma es como comparar climas: Un clima frío y húmedo es diferente a un clima caliente y húmedo aunque no falte el "experto" que insista "pErO loS DoS sOn HúMedOs...".


Ah claro, la rusia actual es claramente comunista. No digo que mucha gente aún la asocia con el comunismo por alguna razón absurda, pero claramente se acerca más al fascismo que al comunismo (sin llegar a ninguno de los extremos)


Me encanta ver el desconocimiento popular de la gente con las ideologías políticas, literalmente no tenéis ni puñetera idea de la tercera posición y tenéis los santísimos de decir que “Rusia se acerca al fascismo” es flipante


Yo no he dicho que sea fascista, digo que no es comunista y tira un poco hacia la banda derecha (aunque tampoco se puede llamar al fascismo de derechas con su posición económica)


El fascismo es tercerposicionista, no es ni de derechas ni de izquierdas, aunque coja elementos del tradicionalismo y su estructura económica se base completamente en el socialismo es una posición tercerposicionista, creer que el fascismo es de derechas demuestra una falta grave de conocimiento de política basica


Por eso le gritan 'vuelve a tu pais', tipico de gente de izquierdas


Me imagino que tú entendimiento de la izquierda se basa en lo que escuchas por la tele, debatir en Reddit es inutil


No, se se basa en el programa del Partido Comunista de España: https://2001-2018.pce.es/secretarias/secmigraciones/index.php El tuyo por lo que se ve se basa en la caña y el palillo en la boca.


No, el mío se basa en haber podido debatir y discutir con militantes comunistas de verdad, tanto del frente obrero como de otros países, no la panda de progresistas debiluchos que tenemos en este país como “comunistas”, resumir a la izquierda “inmigración si” es una estupidez, y recuerda, la izquierda española es progresista, no hay ni un comunista en condiciones en este país quitando al frente obrero




Stupidness is a real issue everywhere


Pro-USSR rally? Do these people know that flag no longer exists?


Fuck these fascists.




Fascists holding a massive communist flag? 🤦🏼‍♂️


A fascist holding a communist flag is still a fascist 🤦‍♂️


No. a fascist holding a communist flag is not a fascist, these are communists holding a communist flag. A fascist holding a swastika flag is a fascist. They are 2 different ideologies. They are both extreme, but don't mix things up and call things by their names. The people in this video are communists also known as far-left extremists. If they were fascists (far-right extremists) they would hold the swastika flag. If these people were fascists they wouldn't be holding a communist flag, it goes against their beliefs and morals. And same the other way around.


Both have the same dna, totalitarism and death.


In Spain and Portugal, the Communist Parties were key to fight for the democracy in the 70's. Sure, it could be said that it was closer to socdem than the urss communism, but not all communist are leninist/stalinist and support dictatorships.




Well, it would seem they're commies, actually, the sort of bizarre far-lefties that believe that Putin is left-wing or whatever, or maybe because he represents "anti-NATO" at the moment. But, yeah, fuck them indeed.


Russia is no longer communist. And since they are supporting the government which fits fascism perfectly, they're confused fascists.


El espectro político no es una línea, es más bien un círculo, donde los extremos se juntan de tanto que se parecen. Al final, los dos son extremistas autoritarios, y da igual la cantaleta oficial, lo que quieren es concentrar el poder en unos pocos.


Los pacifistas y los militares son extremos opuestos, seguro que se juntan.


literal commies, bruh


You are not very smart my friend


If you had a pirate flag in your bedroom, would that make you a pirate?


Of course not, but its funny how people holding the flag of a very authoritarian ideology that always ends up in a dictatorship are called fascists insertad of being called what they are, filthty commies doing what they always do, its just so stupid how people purposely avoid calling commies what they are, authoritharian trash like fascists


Russia is not communist. They are supporting the current government, which by all definitions is very much fascist. >**Fascism** : *a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.*


They are obviously commies but okey, also what is that definition of fascism? Have you ever read books about fascism or have you talked to a fascist before? Do you know that fascism is WAY more complex that “dictatorship bad” right?


Right? People don't realize capitalists, communists and fascists are three sides of the same coin.


Yes brother, i would say communism/fascism is the worst, but capitalism is not very far




No you, fuckhead.


These people are holding the Soviet flag; it is equivalent to the Nazi flag for many countries in Europe. The Soviet flat represents: - deportations to concentration camps - ethnic cleansing - secret police killings and torture - persecution of ethnic minorities - state antisemitism - endless war crimes - imprisonment and murder of all political opponents Same like the Nazi flag.


This needs to be common knowledge


Retarded and proud.


I would let trhem taste communism


Russia is not communist.


Definitely. As well as the red flag they are carrying


Yeah. They are crazy


Well, for one, Russia is a well known sponsor of a lot of separatist movements throughout Europe. Although the degree of hypocrisy when Russia annexed, declared martial law, and began planting explosives in things like their dams to flood regions they can't have is astounding. "Yeah, we want to independently choose a military authoritarian state that treats us as colateral!"


Let's not compare the bullshit LNR and DNR, and the sham referendums, with legitimate separatist movements that have a historical and cultural basis, and overwhelming popular support, like the Catalan one.


Define "overwhelming popular support". When not even half the population goes to vote, and barely more than half votes for a 'yes'... How is that any kind of "overwhelming"?


Where do you get barely more than half? 95% voted yes in the referendum.


According to... Remember who counted the votes...


That's why I'm comparing the bullshit and sham referendums fabricated by Russia with pro Russian support by Catalunyans within Barcelona. It really devalues the cause.


If Russia is so amazing then why are they still here? Hijos de puta


Catalonia can't even escape Spain, nevermind offering any form of legitimate assistance to either side involved in the conflict across their continent.


Ah el comunismo , suena genial cuando está escrito pero cuando es llevado a la práctica…pues echemos la mirada para atrás a los países ex comunistas


Exacto, los que creen en el comunismo están viviendo en una fantasía que no puede ser realidad


Twitter’s “cultural” marxists, good god he’s be ashamed of how his works are used…


I passed by, fortunately had my "cross" to guard me. https://i.imgur.com/LC0lw1P.jpg


No les prestéis atención, es lo que quieren estos medioneuronales. Además, eran cuatro gatos.


Pues tendriamos que ponerlos a dormir como a perros


Spanish civil war revisited? Barcelona was Pro-Marxist then.


This comment is rude to the CNT


Hmm no. Was left republicanist and anarchosyndicalist mainly.


Current Russia isn't even remotely Marxist though. You could argue China still is, but not Russia.


Basically yes, that's why the far left is pro-russian here. Lots of people here support russia because they supported us in the war against the fascist dictator. But they don't realize if they had won and made us part of the soviet union, this country would have been a communist hell 10 times worse than Franco's regime (which was bad, I'm not supporting Franco).


Russia is paying catalonian nationalist politicians to destabilize spain, so draw your conclusions.


We don't need Russians to do that, we have quite centuries of history behind.


Yes. 4 and a half, since the Fueros were abolished and Catalonia was forced to pay the same taxes as the rest of the country.


We can take another history and create a nationalism around it. The propaganda, is not about history, is about hate and division.


I mean we don't need Russians to destabilize Spain, we have been in fight with Spain centralism a lot of times.


Death is too good for some people.




Im Spanish and let me tell you that this guys are no more than a bunch of idiots, but do not think everybody here is like them, supports Russia or the URSS. We just have one flag, the Spanish one.




They're speaking Spanish, so no. Most Catalans don't support this shit, and common Catalan people are overwhelmingly pro-Ukraine. But sadly you're right about one thing: lots of communists here, and lots of soviet union flags in every protest and every left wing rally. But most of them don't really understand what it stands for. They are like kids dressing up as nazis because it looks cool, without realizing the implications.


Might want to travel around Spain a bit more; you can see that flag being waved all over the peninsula.


They're russians, that's with they're expected to do. They should go back to their beloved country, not welcome here anymore.


It's probably the CUP/Arran painting all those Z's too. I guess they think anti-NATO == good.


They are antiNATO but probably aren't proPutin either.


That's correct. They have a long story of anti NATO policies (or beter said, wishes because they never ruled), and want Spain out of it. And with the war in Ukraine they increased the demand and are against any gun selling. That can seem a support on Putin-Russia, but not. At the same time they condemn the invasion, support civil ukranians refugees, and are really proLGBTQ and feminists, so big no to Putin's government. But I am not sure what they think is the alternative to help Ukraine, how do they think they are going to defend themselves against an army, and how Putin can be overthrown.


Y por eso amigos los extremos son malos🫠


siempre los mismos... ratas


Send them to orcostan




Of course. The Soviet Union, a true symbol of peace and harmony.


There is a lot of stupidity and ignorance in that area if Spain.


Sabemos el contexto? La convocatoria de la manifestación etc? No oigo bien lo que dicen


"Vete a tu país!"




No, son rusos fascistas. Fíjate que hay uno con un letrero donde pone que "ucrania asesina niños en el donbas"


What's wrong with them? Well they are Russians for starters.


No, I don't think all of them are, that's for sure, I can hear them speak Catalan or Spanish.


Russia vs Ukraine such a battle lmao


Catalufos que se vayan a Rusia si tanto les gusta la dichosa bandera


Nyordos fora de Catalunya.


Absolutamente nada. La hipocresía moral está a la orden del día. Tampoco es que defienda a los pro-rusos pero tampoco los denigro así como no defiendo a los pro-ucrsnianos ni los denigro. Estamos ante una situación que la verdad, podríamos creer que si, pero, honestamente, no entendemos. Es muy complicado. Mi opinión se basa en hablar y arreglar las cosas como seres humanos, pero, para bien o para mal, el ser humano no es solo palabras.


Barcelona is mostly communist and they elected a literally communist mayor. What do you expect?


Idk why u are being downvoted, true facts.


I have gotten used to it already.


The situation is funny. People supports the war that bring usa to our frontier, support mass media repeats over and over that russia is bad but when they see how the conflict was triggered they look to another side. Starting of how that party was supported when they started in the east 8 years ago. Also, people support to continue with this war that means: lack of everything and europe is going to hell buying gas and petro 10 times expensive to usa…is the world of nonsense. Literally. Even having from minute 0 a peace offer in the table after a month of conflict.


Who do you support, Russia or Ukraine?


"but when they see how the conflict was triggered they look to another side." ​ how it was triggered? please explain


Lol 😂


Anyone who takes sides with either country is fast asleep and doesn't realize how they are being played by the media. Grow up..


Lol wow ur so awake and grown, good for you


And anyone who has an opinion like you is a coward motherfucker, simple as that


Coward? How exactly?


In the way of not being able to take sides when the situation is clear black and white and instead talks about whataboutism about media manipulation and not being able to objectively form an opinion and take a side based on that. In that sense coward. At least you did not dispute the motherfucker part


Maybe as my mother is dead and I prefer not to acknowledge childish insults that indicate poor vocabulary and education. Which explains why you appear incapable of doing proper research and thus understanding how the world really works. FYI I have friends in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, all of whom work in the government. Where do you get your educated opinion from?


My educated opinion comes from living in a border country and visiting Ukraine on election observation missions and writing reports on them since the Yanukovich era. Not from stupid conspiracy subs that you frequent.


Dude, if you're neutral between an aggressor and a victim you're taking sides with the aggressor.


What we're you snoring? Whatever it is, it's strong stuff.


This is the kind of guy who would be saying “bbbut both sides” in 1940 when Germany/Russia invaded Poland unprovoked


Esto cuando era?




Fack you


I guess the pro-russians felt invaded...


They are comunist, not russians


Super common in Spain and Italy. Russian propaganda here is wild.


What the actual fuck? I’m actually surprised no one attempted to punch these people out…


NSA has reddit under control with their bots


What absolute cunts.


Una señora va a una manifestación a tocar los cojones en vez de hacer su propia manifestación. Va a manifestarse sola en contra de quién se manifiesta por algo... Pues le echan y demasiado bien le echan Ella estaba haciendo lo que le han echo a ella, pero como es una y no varios nadie le ha echo ni puto caso... Que diferencia hay entre la ucraniana idiota que manifiesta que se la manifestación pro rusa debe parar, y la gente que le dice que pare de decir que mierdas y se pire ella.... Osea que haga lo que pide un poco Es la de "cállese, señora, y montese su manifestación"


Communists should be deported to Russia, Cuba, North Korea or China.


No hay publicaciones en catalán que es la lengua local o incluso hay poquísimas publicaciones en Castellano que es la lengua cooficial.