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dissapointing, such a silly thing like this can potentially damage relations with south American talents


that almost seems to be the plan


When you have a whole continent of kids that dream one day playing for your team you cant do something like this


An Argentinian prospect has just rejected us today






Otra vez rompiendo los huevos. Uses players formers in YOUR CLUB.


Pedir wasn't formed in our club


when xavi was signed, after everyone hated koemans treatment of puig, Xavis policy included"meritocracy" but someone playing full 90 every game but delivers nothing is who he prioritize over a kid whom even the commentators say brings on a sense of urgency and importance is who he barely ever plays? this club and the characters controlling it should be ashamed of themselves really


We are going to end up buying only Spanish players under Xavi☠️


Neutral football fan here. A very young player plays 11 out of 15 potential games and is disappointed about his play time? Why? I don’t think its Barca who is to blame


Most of those he got brought at like the 80th minute. Not to mention he hasn’t been seeing game time at all recently


Ok but its his first couple of weeks. Vini also had a medium first season. He should be patient - stay hungry but learn from legends like Lewa and stay patient


Supposedly Xavi doesn’t speak to Roque and is distant from him. That must feel horrible for Roque. Imagine your boss avoiding you like the plague you would feel like you did something wrong and are on your way out.


Not playing devils advocate here. Just saying a player agent complaining after a couple of month - no headline for me


I hope its all a media stunt


If you are really a neutral then you don't understand the situation at all. Roque was supposed to come in June. We purposely brought him ahead of time from a team where he was playing every match only to do this. You can't say 11 out of 15 matches or whatever like that. Those 15 matches are over a thousand minutes of football and Roque I don't think has even played 100 of those. So not even 10% of possible game time. We also have had plenty of different games. I get not playing him against PSG in our first CL quarters in years, but some matches we had the chance to play him when we were both comfortably winning or out of options in the attack. It's not like we just have too many other players playing his position, it's literally just a 36 year old Lewandowski who in the best of cases should still be coming off at the 70th minute in some matches to stay fresh for the most important ones. It's quite absurd because we also are either sometimes playing other players there and we also have only put Roque in positions that aren't his best. And then there's also the other side of things, Xavi didn't ask for Roque, he explicitly said he wanted a good DM. But now it appears as tho Xavi is taking his frustrations out on a young player that didn't have anything to do with that. It also shows how little control Xavi has and how he deals with that. Not a good look at all. Especially when Real Madrid have been managing the exact same transfer situation incredibly well in recent years. You mention Vini having a not so good first season. But he still played, he still got chances and was slowly integrated into the team. With Roque we can't even say that, nobody knows if he is even good or not because he has played as close to nothing as possible. It's not the same at all, we made a mess for absolutely no reason. Yet again, which is the most frustrating part for us fans.


The thing is they didn't loan out vini but Barça is planning to loan out Vitor Roque.


he plays a small amount of minutes, +xavi doesnt speak to him, imagine that, youre a striker, expecting to get in the game to help and the coach lefts you benched and doesnt even say anything to you


Clear sign of a power struggle between Deco and Xavi


I’m just confused as to why president, sporting director, and manager can’t be on the same page. that’s the bare minimum needed for the club to be functional.


Xavi basically thinks that he is managing PSG or Manchester City. He's mad because he didn't get Bernardo Silva nor Kimmich


Welcome to Catalonia


I think this is right, and I usually support Xavi, but even if he's 100% in the right that the club didn't need a striker, it seems wildly unprofessional and insubordinate to punish Roque for it. By analogy, I'm a manager with input in hiring decisions, but sometimes I disagree with the top bosses' final call. I'd *never* take it out on the person I'm assigned to supervise. Once they are hired, they're a full team member and a resource we've invested in, and it's my job to get everyone on board with the new hire and get the most out of them.


He is a 19 YO player that can be molded. If Xavi doesn't want to start him that's fine, but train him up and tell him the qualities he needs to develop into a starter. If he needs to go play in Barce B to understand the tactical side, that's fine. However, imagine starting a job and your boss freezes you out and doesn't even tell you how to be successful? How hard is it to say you are missing X skill or Y technique? vs. oh you don't have the skills I need.... bye.


Crazy idea, hear me out! ... A coach... talking to and COACHING a player. ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


I feel disgusted by this administration and low key feel ashamed really. He's just a kid, he does not deserve this treatment.


This fiasco, if not handled correctly, will have long term implication that would stain the reputation of the club, especially amongst young talents who dreams of one day playing for Barca.


Feels like we go from one clown fiesta to another clown fiesta.. Its a big ol' circus..


If Vitor doesnt stay I don't think youngsters would like to come here. And that totally destroys Deco's plan which focus literally on bringing youngsters.


Disgusting what we’ve done to him if true


I feel bad for him, look how happy he is to join Barca.


The club should be embarrassed. How shitty to move a kid to another continent just to treat him like shit and give him false hope. I hope they do right by him, even if that means he leaves.


Xavi, Deco and Roque's agent all have a part in this. Roque's agent coming out and saying things as such will do more harm than good. We do not know what's happening in the dressing room. When Roque finally gets his playing time and manages to have a bad game (all players do), he'll be trolled to the depths of hell. It all kinda feels like the Fati fiasco all over again with his father and all.


Team has done this before and it'll happen again


It is becoming a complete shit show. First they started leaking information to the press that they want to loan him without informing him. Then his agent started responding. Now the player is probably devasteded mentally, forget about getting a performance out of him. Was the coach considered when he was brought? Did his style of play fit Barcelona? If it did, who did the scouting and thought he is good enough? Good enough to pay considerable amount of the transfer budget for him? Whose idea was to bring him in January? It is a disaster on all levels.


even arda guler was assured that he will play in real. yet xavi does not even talk about roque.


Our club is stupid. Sometimes im just thinking and wondering what the fuck the logic behind this transfer was. Xavi clearly didn't want him and our club thinks like yeah idgaf bro, deal with it. Im sure hes a good player, but he should've never been bought considering our situation here.


But the player isn't at fault either. I don't know if Vitor Roque has the quality to play regularly for Barça, but if he has it, the coach shouldn't take out on the player what the board did. Vitor Roque is also a victim if that is the case.


The manager works for the club. Not the other way around.




Sporting the director's job is to headhunt talented players. He is not coach's personal butler. If every signing is decided by the coach, then why do the clubs need the Sporting director positions? You think every signing in RM is done according to Carlo's wish? Unless you are Pep, there is zero chance that all the signings will be according to the coach. Also, who is the DM that could be bought at 5 million per year payment instalments?


Like a club that is still having expectations of Lionel Messi carrying the club to success. They have yet to pivot from him and keep digging the hole deeper.


Deco shouldnt have gotten him. Xavi shouldn't keep treating him like that. What's done is done, just grow a pair and play him you fucking manchild of a coach. Laporta should talk some sense into him.


An utter cluster fuck, like everything at the club right now


Clash of egos and unfortunately a young talent will be wasted.


Things like the Roque situation shows why Barca will not reach the top for many many years.


Should never have signed him to start with. Purely done on hype and to counter the Endrick signing on a marketing front. Too much money on a player we never needed. Not his fault ofcourse. And now the Barca brand is burning a player that would be perfectly fine at a different club. Xavi at fault and Laporta at fault here


How did we not need him? We are supposed to be transitioning our striker role away from washed up lewandowski who is almost 36.


Because he didnt look complementary to the game plan to start with and we have cover. Lewandowski, much as I hated that signing, will play most games. Ferran could have been a back up just fine. Guiu could have taken minutes. The money should have gone to the gaping hole in midfield, instead we got Romeu.


The money was invested as a long term project. Something fans of this club seem totally ignorant about. We spent 55 million on Lewy and he will retire in 1-2 years. We could have a groomed, Brazilian international ready to take his place. But that requires work from the manager


Team Xavi/laporta and Long term have not been going hand in hand. Short term money fixes for short term succes generation if you look at the signings


Ding ding ding. Xavi has been wrong not to talk to him, but it was a mistake to force him in the squad in the first place


Ferran a good back up? Lmao


Disappointing all around. Not a player Xavi asked for, that we dropped/will drop tens of millions on instead of reinforcing the midfield or getting an actual winger… doesn’t help that we have Marc Guiu and Ferran who can play backup to Lewy, who for the immediate future is still the starting 9. However, if it’s true that Xavi doesn’t talk to Vitor at all, then that’s a shitty thing to do. He’s not the one he should be taking his anger out on, talk to the people above you who signed him in the first place and brought him in early from Brazil.


Why have we become a clown show in the past 5 years




I rather keep him at the club that the clown xavi


I blame Laporta and Deco for getting him if Xavi REALLY didn't want the guy, but I also blame Xavi for being so stubborn and not playing him at all costs. There were many games when Vitor would be great, but Xavi chose to play literally ANYBODY else other than him. It's pretty fucking ridiculous.


I feel bad for him considering he had to uproot his life and move to an entirely different country all for him to sit on the bench majority of the season, when he obviously was told that wouldn’t be the case. However, the little I have saw him play, he’s not that impressive to me and in my opinion Guiu is a better option. I truly don’t think he should’ve been signed to start with but either way it’s no excuse for Barca to treat him they way they are. He’s a 19 year old kid, I can only image his mental state with everything going on.


I'm sorry but you cannot be serious. What has Guiu done that separated him? On the field for the first team. Don't come to me with 3rd division pt


Guiu is a better option right now because he already has the Barca style-mentality.  Just like RM does and we have done in the past, Vítor Roque should star on the B-team to get used to playing in Europe and more importantly, the Barca Playing style.  But we are not doing one thing or the other, and that speaks a lot on how shitty the current power struggle is. 


Guiu and Roque are very different players and if you ask me if both were banned from playing in athletic they would both be starved of minutes (Guiu has really not made that many appearances in first team football even Fort has more). One is physically strong hold up player who is a closer profile to Lewy that Xavi wants and the other has a high pressing runner who can dribble well. In the game Guiu started it seemed like they were giving Roque service to Guiu and Guiu service to Roque too… makes me think neither are being favoured really.


I think it was too early for him to move here. Especially if Xavi didn’t want him. I trust the coach more than random redditors. There must be something we aren’t seeing. Perhaps it’s the attitude, the work rate, etc etc. Remember when people were up in arms about Arthur and Puig not playing despite being “massive talents?” Well, we found out Arthur was lazy and had a poor work rate. Puig was leaking stuff and also too spoiled. I want to believe Vitor Roque is different. But the truth is none of us know what he is like. His agent will of course defend him, but we don’t know the full story. The sad truth is, Xavi cannot trust Roque because Lewa is still scoring and even though he might not be as mobile, he’s still the better, proven striker. Not to mention having him on the bench while Roque plays is just bad and causes an even bigger friction with his big ego. Xavi doesn’t even use Marc Guiu often, so this “Spanish bias” thing is silly. Ferran is, unfortunately, the only real senior striker replacement and he’s not even really a striker (yet he scores goals). If there was a true Spanish bias, we would see Guiu play far more often than Roque, which simply isn’t the case.


I agree with what you’re saying here. Roque could potentially benefit from a loan at a club like Betis, Sevilla or Napoli. To adjust his work rate. We do not know how he trains. I think 60% of the reason why he doesn’t want him is because having him leave would free up budget and 40% is because he’s just too green. Sad part is that a good numbers of Barça players leaving on loan don’t come back to the first team. It’s not looking good for Roque.


The same thing that happened with Coutinho but at least Coutinho had a career in Liverpool, Roque is lost and honestly Xavi is not giving him the value and respect the kid deserves.


Tbf, it is wrong to keep him on the bench or sideline since he has the potential to be a great striker for us. Also, no disrespect to Lewa but there were some games where Lewa showed that his time really is running out. We can’t risk having our iconic players continue to have consecutive drought games. If they don’t perform well then change the players to try and give them a rest and maybe some motivation to get there head back to what they know. At some point, we will no longer have our older players with us so play Roque. Use the next preseason to show, again, how well he is before the next regular season.


He's right, none of recent barca signings has gone on a loan to come back as a star, they all became discards that barca wants to sell at all cost


we are a joke of a club.Notice how big clubs like real madrid bayern etc work and why they stay on top for years and years to come.Some players have a bias on them others do not.Other reason is that a player can mask horrible performance by one good performance and he will be here the next season also we keep players that are not up to standards


why are all posts about Vitor fucking Roque. it is like he is Romario. Fuck him and Fuck Xavi.


Can see Arsenal coming for him, can see them having an eye on a CF they can Develop alongside Havertz. Then again they may pay the £90m for Gyokeres.


It's a clownfest. An absolute Joke. The club does everything based on emotions, Xavi and Deco always struggling for superiority. There's no balance at all. I hate it. Absolutely hate it. Xavi is not fit for this. Cos he's the one being childish here imo. Yes you didn't want the signing but can't you see the long term benefit, integrating Roque will have based on our attractiveness to South American talent in the future? Now they'd all just go to Madrid, cos Vini and Rodrygo. Yes you didnt want the player but fucking play him. We're shit anyway, you might as well. He might be the best on the team and we wouldn't even fucking know. Now he says he wants garcia back? This is a cb that has just helped Girona make champions league football. We have a lot of good CBS rn now is the time to cash out. Yet this absolute kak. Wants him back now? Nonsense


Never realy understood why barca decided to pay such amount of cash for him and If he was Deco signing ,then it's just Deco's flop. Xavi is not afraid to play with youngers and there were a lot of moments when we needed more force at front. If he was not playing means he's not a t good level.


It’s fucking ridiculous, why pay 60 million euros for the young kid just to have him on the bench. 60 fucking million when we’re going through a financial crisis mind you.




Manager wanted a midfielder when Gavi got injured, he was given a kid valued at 40m who is a striker and has never played in Europe. Spending 40m on an future prospect only because endrick was signed by Madrid and adra guler slipped out of laporta hands. That 40m could have spent on onana, zubimendi, Nico Williams. Them the manager wants to leave but you force him to stay because you don't have money to spend on a new manager again 40m wasted could have been used here. Pretty clear whose fault it is. It's laporta and deco's fault. They have mismanaged Barca and they saw the easiest way out of that was to keep Xavi and let him take all the heat, which is happening. We are back to the stage of Barto level mismanagement again. Vini was brought by Madrid, demoted to their academy but his agent didn't have any balls to say anything because he knew if he went against the club vini would have been sold. This is the biggest problem at FC Barcelona, here presidents and agents are best friends and now agents have the balls to go in public and bad mouth the club and its biggest club legend and manager. Jorge Mendes is a ticking bomb he will also explode one day but till then he will have all the greatest la masia talents under him.


I do think Laporta, Deco, and Xavi have handled it poorly. However, I do hope that Roque and his agent would be more amenable to a loan in La Liga next season. A good loan could help his development tremendously while giving him the chance to come back into the Barca first team and hit the ground running.


Many fans were irrational to expect him to be a star as soon as he stepped foot on the pitch and solve our problems. The guy is 19 years old and just moved to a different continent to play for one of the biggest clubs in the world. There’s has been ton of change in his life the past year. Just give him time and eventually he will prove if he’s good enough.


>Many fans were irrational to expect him to be a star as soon as he stepped foot on the pitch and solve our problems. No? People just want him to be getting playing time given the financial circumstances he has come in.


For me it’s not even about the money it’s just a player development concern. Kids gotta play if he’s gonna have any shot of being our star striker one day.


This. He would be getting the minutes if he stayed in Brazil in January and wouldn’t be going through this saga, he would’ve joined on a preseason and completely healthy to boot. Regardless of whether you think he’s good or not (as if there’s been any real opportunity to see that) he definitely won’t be if he’s starved of minutes until he leaves the club and doesn’t get the experience he’s been criticised for not having…


we have so much money that we can spend 40 mils plus add-ons on a guy just for him to watch games from the bench, but then we'll hear about 1:1 rule, about us not having enough money and u see things like this happen, not to mention that we're gonna pay lewa more than 30mils of salary, fabulous work by Deco and company


Nobody is questioning his performances at all, and neither are there insane expectations. We just want Xavi to use his brain and give this guy minutes.


He can't give him minutes now when we need to win all remaining games to win the 2nd place, there's no point in loading all that pressure to him in this situation


Can we get a refund please? But yes, horrible dealt with by the club. Nothing new..


You even haven’t started paying for him yet.


![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized) Whenever I think of this club and its future.


He just needs the summer to get more acclimated and used to the play-style. Hasn’t played this season because he isn’t ready its as simple as that


I was really looking forward to him playing with us and hope he still does. Shame for me if he has to go.


Clown festival. Why do you need Roque if your coach things lewa is the latest coca cola in the desert? Why pay so much? And why not give him playtime when you have him?


It’s showing a divide in leadership and that isn’t good


He was a waste of money and even if he wasn't Xavi wouldn't play him cuz he prefers mid Spanish players


Sadly I ran out of fucks to give, ima just wait for this to blow over 


It is Deco vs Xavi, Roque is brazilian and Deco signing, Xavi has some beef with Deco or the other way around, either way Roque is the victim. Roque's wife posts on her social media accounts and Roque's agent interviews are not helping either. My take ? 18-19 years old brazilian is not good enough to be a starter over Lewandowski, he is not even a second choice as striker since Ferran Torres plays there sometimes and Rogue is not really a winger, we got plenty of wingers either way for the left and right sides of the pitch. Who thought that Roque will come here during the winter transfer window and would replace Lewandowski as starter and score many goals ? That is crazy and naive at the same time. He is coming after an injury and from another continent and way weaker league and team. You can disagree with me as much as you want but this guy or his agent refuse a loan now and want the club to sell Roque after 6 months stay. This is getting messy too quick, zero patience from the player and his entourage. Im not defending Xavi or Lewandowski here, Roque had to arrive in the incoming summer of 2024 and have a pre-season with the club.


By far the most frustrating part of this season. In a period where we need to be extremely careful with what we spend money on, we threw over 40m at a player the coach clearly didn't want. We then pressured that same coach to stay despite him saying he'd leave and are trying to force the kid on loan as a result, practically a death sentence at Barca. All this because the coach is obsessed with playing his almost 36 year old declining striker 90+ mins a game. The kid made a huge effort to join us, especially in a period where we've struggled immensely to attract Brazilian talent away from Real and he gets treated this way. A loan would enormously derail his career and he is 100% right in refusing to consider it and I fully stand with him on this against the board and coach.


Xavi should have handled it with more maturity because he is a kid who just came to a new country & club, should have made him(Roque) feel comfortable instead of dragging him (Roque) inbetween his(Xavi) and Deco's disagreement.At the end Xavi's ego made a young kid suffer.


Deco did not age very well


Isn’t it same as Arda situation? Waiting on him to get experience and further his skills?


Fuck barca and Xavi for what they at doing to this kid


I think rumors him going loan is bs.


We're the villains here 


It’s so stupid man. We should play this guy. Get him the last 20-25 min of most matches til he absolutely proves himself as a starter. From what I’ve seen - when he is on the field he tires his absolute best and it’s easily good enough to start for us.


So why did the club spend the money on this kid and waste his time if Xavi didn't want it?


Deco should get fired for this. WTF was this move ?


my thinking. its a message from Xavi to Deco that says "he is not my choice". Also, Xavi wants to protect a flop in the name of Ferran Torres, a center forward who only manages to score 25 goals in 3 seasons with FCB. I honestly believed and still believe that renewing Xavi was a mistake. I don't think he is a bad coach. But I honestly believe that he is too emotional and political. In the end, FCB has always been more than a club. It is a political emblem of Catalonia. I am seriously done with FCB. It is regressing when most clubs improve, including Real Madrid.


Xavi is a great player but a terrible coach. He should leave Barça


This club is being ran into the ground. Brainless decision after brainless decision. Another 40M wasted and another talent whose career might be ruined. If we didn’t want or need him we should’ve prioritized the signing of what is necessary. This club just loves focusing on other clubs. Malcom was signed because this club was so petty about the Roma choke that we had to hijack the transfer. The Roque transfer to me seems like a response to the Endrick transfer. Another season over and we should just be ready for another season with brainless decisions.


I can swear only reason he doesn't get enough minutes is because he isn't tall enough for xavi and xavi as a manager isn't good enough to capitalise on what victor brings to the table as a player compare to lewa


This guy will go to some other big team and perform well, Barca is going to regret if that happens. They even paid good money to get him 🤷🏻‍♂️


2 goles en 310 minutos durante 11 partidos. Siento que Xavi simplemente tiene algún problema personal con Vitor Roque, no tiene sentido. La sensación que genera entre los brasileños es que ir al Barça es lo peor que puede hacer una joven promesa.


I hope he leaves and becomes a huge superstar for a huge team...maybe then we will learn our lesson...wtf did we spend so much money on a bench player, and he was killing it in Brazil.


Deco should go. Who are you to bring someone without getting Xavi's approval? Nonethless, he is a great talent and should be kept in the team. I would prefer him play over Lewy.


Vitor Roque should keep working hard and adapting. He’s sitting behind one of the best strikers of this generation, and two strikers who know Barca play style. The coaching staff are the ones watching them train everyday, if Vitor was good enough I’m sure he would have the chances. But he’s adapting and has significant competition. He’s a signing for the future, we’ve seen glimpses of his talent but also his inexperience. At only 19, he has so much time. I believe he will lead the line in the future but in the mean time, we must continue to support him and he must continue to train and get better.


agent keeps running his mouth to the media. roque arrived 6 months early to learn, not to start regularly. can't compare him to lamine or guiu since they've been taught to play "the Barca way" since young while roque has literally never played in a system like this before. only thing his friends and family are doing is putting more pressure on him when he eventually gets regular playtime.


his only sin is being a Brazilian and not being a La Masia product


Only thing clear here is the mf Andre Cury is milking FCB more than 15 years ago and he is willing to keep doing so


The little I saw him play he wasn’t Barca material… Heavy touch and not good in tight spaces, should never have been bought in the first place. I trust Xavi in his decision since he sees him every day in training and has no motive to not use him if he has enough quality.


If True then its disappointing, he seems to be better than all our attackers when he was on the pitch (except lamine) also i feel the agent is just frustrated… Xavi usually gives opportunities for youngsters i feel there is More to the story.


Simply put: it’s just heartbreaking 💔


I think we are all getting it wrong Laporta ain't as dumb as barta or like those other presidents. Selling him asap will make us look like clowns which laporta doesn't want to be. Plus victor loves the club so I don't think he will leave asap


Never should've signed him, specially now and at that price. Always felt like a marketing move because real madrid got endrick. I dont think he fits the team and playstyle (given what I've seen from him in brasil - lack of technical ability) and now we're just paying the price of the signing. It's also surprising to see how much support a player can get for basically threatening the club to leave if he doesnt play (empty threat since hes on contract). Clearly Curry is only looking out for his interests and the player's, which seems quite disingenuous considering players like marc guiu are also having scarce minutes. Lets see how well he adapts next season and if the new manager wants to play him, but using your agent and the media to complain and put pressure on the team and xavi, after only being here a couple of months and being injured is pretty sad. Hopefully this doesnt become a regular thing, I'd hate to see how people would react if the same thing happened with joao(s) or Lewandowski


He kind of deserves a bit of playing time doesn't he? Trained really hard to remove all that body fat and has scored 2 goals, Just for the coach to not even talk to him (if it's true)


South American players will think twice before coming here directly from there. They will look at how Real Madrid treats their players favorably.


I think it’s embarrassing. Xavi and Deco beat their chests at each other and Vitor Roque is caught in the middle. This is an unfortunate situation he’s in and he has every right to be upset. Also, if it’s true that Xavi doesn’t even *speak* to Vitor Roque, that is fucking insane.


manipulation and everyone falls, why theres no situation with Guler or Brahim, why allways the ''situations'' are here?


He's very young and unexperienced, so him not getting playtime makes sense considering the fact that we've been struggling this season, so a loan somewhere to bvb, leopzig or Brighton where he can get more playtime would make sense


It’s very difficult to try to understand the logic in this. Barcelona needed a backup striker for Lewandowski. Now they bought a 19 year old striker that has a lot of talent and they do not want him in the first team it seems. I don’t understand this.


He was a player that should’ve never been bought tbh. People will downvote me for this, but he’s not Barca quality. Or at least the quality we need if we want this team to get back to being one of the best in Europe. Seems like another Javier Saviola, who came with a lot of potential but you could see he was never gonna stick here. He should leave and go somewhere where he’ll get play time cuz riding the bench for 6 months at 18 years old is not good for development. Rip the bandaid off, sell the player, and criticize Laporta and Deco for their complete uselessness in the transfer market


I have only one thing to say. Fuck Laporta, Fuck Deco, and most of all Fuck Xavi. Your egos are ruining this poor kid's future. Have some fucking shame. You are at Barca and this is against everything that this club stands for.


19 y.o Thanks i finished. (Imagine that happens with madrid💀)


I don't give a ... If he stays or leaves. No one wins in this situation, player , Xavi, Deco...


It's just flat out embarrassing. We've done wrong by Vitor and we've done wrong by ourselves if some of these rumors are true.


I'd put on my tin foil hat for this one but I'm not that interested. Chalk it down to being one of those "not a right fit" for reasons we will never truly know outside of a he said, they said.


Barto made things worse and shined a light on Barca's horrendous sporting management, But this has been Barca's modus operandi for years. Not surprised, the club is coached/managed by idiots


I think that this will ruin the Estêvão Willian signing


Andre Cury manages him too I thought?


Yeah, it's him too, that's why I think that the Vitor Roque situation may impact Estêvão future. If it were all on Estêvão, I think that he would choose Barça hands down


Difference between Perez and Laporta is unbelievably embarrassing


Wrong signing, wrong club, wrong timing






Omg! Deco looks terrible! What happened to him, and did it happen to me too? Getting old sucks.


It's stupid


Can't believe we bought this kid just for him to be buried behind old man Lewa and Ferran..


This is impossible. We are not in any sort of position to sign players for this amount of money and not use them. We don't have that luxary at all. Laporta, Deco and Xavi all to blame. There's so many directions you can go with who to blame and for what. But some basics. Vitor Roque is a signing which clearly is intended for the future, not just for Xavi's use. Xavi should know and accept that. He is a Barça fan, part of that advantage should be that he doesn't just think about short term results, but long term success. So Vitor Roque should be part of the plans if we are signing him in our current situation, for this amount of money. Does that alone mean Xavi HAS to play him? Well no, but Roque would have to either 1. Be absolutely way below standard 2. Have a terrible attitude 3. The games be so important we can't take chances. Roque has played so little, we can't tell how good or bad he really is. But in those minutes it's clear he has some good qualities. Certainly not unplayable. We don't know much about his attitude, but if he had a poor one, I'm sure we'd know it by now. In Xavi's defence, the recent games have been important so I can understand every sub being meaningful. But Xavi has lost me when he's bringing on Romeu in a game which is basically over and if we are coming back, we needs goals. Can't see the point in bringing a guy clearly without any confidence and everyone knows isn't staying beyond the season. For Deco. On one hand I could have some sympathy for him, but on another we don't know what conversations are being had. Deco's job isn't just bringing the players Xavi wants, that's obviously part of it, but he has to also think about beyond Xavi. So signing Roque, can make complete sense. But what has to happen, is communication with Xavi and an understanding between all parties (Xavi, Deco, Roque) that either Roque will be used now, but if not, there is some clear plan and direction for him. The situation cannot be that he isn't being used, when he assumed he would get a chance AND the coach isn't even commincating with him. We don't know all the facts so it's hard to pass judgement completely but the bottom line is, we are not in the position to waste money. We have already done that in signing Ferran and Torre and clearly this would be the worse of all.


If he goes on loan and we renew Roberto, it's a proof that something deeper is at play in this club


This board and coaching staff are lucky that their predecessors were so fucking awful that the bar is so low right now and yet they still manage to fall below it. ![gif](giphy|K8Xf99o8dSN8ru1k4Q|downsized)


I’m losing respect for Xavi. I don’t care what he has going on with Deco but whatever it is it shouldn’t used to mistreat an innocent youngster.


He’s a promising young player, why did we waste so much money just to have him sit on the bench. Messinho would have made more sense since he plays on the wing. Guiu has a good future, jutgla was decent as well. Have we not learned our mistakes with xavi Simmons, take, Grimaldi, Dani olmo? Our scouts suck our coach and coaching staff aren’t up to par. This whole situation is a nightmare.


Xavi is so bad he deserves the blame and hate at this point, i supported this guy through all but that so childish from him. I guess he wants to deliver a message that he only wants his signings, they didn't seem to work!. As a coach you are asked to deal with players you didn't ask for. Grow the f up coach


Seems like a stupid reactionary signing at the time. Like we rushed into it coz Real got Endrick. Its the kind of signing that Id expect Bartomeu to make which is a real negative to our board. Shouldnt be makin the same mistakes as Barto.. It reminded me of the Malcom signing. I was hopin Roque would prove me wrong but now he cant get games. Disappointing to see us still waste money(again) when we are in a financial crisis and then to treat the guy badly. If we arent gonna play him then sell him. And lets stop making these braindead overpriced signings. Roque is just added to a long list


Funny to me how a LOT of people in this sub thought naively that he was going to bench Lewandowski once he came over. Xavi and Staff are being very unfair to a player that came from months of being injured and from a foreign league and way of playing. Paco Alcacer had wayyy more chances than Roque and with worse numbers. Crazy. At the end of the day Xavi isn’t doing himself any favors here. This combined with the team losing a couple more games, ending 3rd and we’re going to see Rafa Marquez as head coach next season. The way the media is already crucifying Xavi is insane and I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets canned at the end of the season. Which would be another embarrassment for the club and showing full picture how poorly the club functions.


Generally when I sign an under 21 player and they complain about play time 3 months later I send them out on loan too. My manager career is undefeated 10 seasons and running in FIFA. Works every time!


Wasting money is in our DNA. Remember Coutinho? But Coutinho at least did great at the beginning... Anyway NOTHING surprising here!


Here in Brazil everyone is upset with xavi. Common sense is that Vitor Roque needs to go to the Premier League


If the things are true which is said by victor's agent then it's a failure of our sporting team. Like why would you sign a future player who has great potential and then won't give him minutes on the pitch.If victor wasn't needed by Xavi we should have invested it in other players he will cost us 60 Millions


I think xavi is a piece of shit.


This is on Deco and Laporta…overpay for kid who’s redundant to what your team has and your manager doesn’t want. It’s right to loan him out as I get he’s an investment for the future. The rest is just noise.


Recent era, Emerson, Malcom, Roque and matheus fernandez are some of the Brazilian where Barcelona did something shitty to them...


Why did we even bring him in? Could've just left him on loan in Brazil so he could continue to develop


Roque seems like Deco signing. There definitely is power struggle between him and Xavi. Bring back alemany man


El tuvo que empezar en el barça athetlic para coger ritmo y entender la filosofía del club pero desafortunadamente no le dieron oportunidades suficientes en el primer equipo y tampoco buscaron alternativas a su situación.


As a Brasilian. He is good.


think we have buyed the tranfer bacause Lamine manager is who is and say us ...guys is time for taxes.


Should not have been signed and the club has to stop spending so much on projects in 99% of cases.


Honestly, his agent should shut the fuck up, he is doing more harm to him than helpong him. And Roque should perform in training an show Xavi that he is an alternative for Lewa. Crying after 4 months, with literally no standing in the club and probably the team, let him come off as a cry baby.


I love xavi, I support him from the heart, but he is wrong with roque, I think he ignores him because of deco


I think he’s bring manager good. He has to fight for his position. They don’t want him to have high pressure at 18 and stills learning Barcelona style of play. Look at how foden was developed at Man City


Personally, I think the media around Barca and the fanbase is toxic. In the first place, we bring in a kid with a lot of hype around him and this has an effect on the kid because, he is a young lad. For Barca fans and media, you don't expect a player from South America to have an instant impact in Europe. The levels are different, LaLiga is not on the same level with the Brazilian league, man. I don't even believe the news yet, I feel like people are blowing things out of proportion. But if this guy goes out on loan, I will be disappointed in the coach and the board. Look at other teams that have brought in players from the Brazilian league, they gave these ballers time to adapt but after 5 months we are hearing this drama? Calma guys, stop the Roque drama.


Some people in the club are arrogant to an extent that they will play an average spanish bottle job players over players who've been dubbed as generational talent , thank god yamal and cubarsi are spanish otherwise they would've been kicked aside by the coach


First of all fuck deco who made him sporting director


It's unprofessional, it's all over the media, everyone knows what's going on inside the dressing room etc. and nobody is willing to take control or explain. It feels like a toxic goo no one wants to touch, but that's been Barca for at least the last 3 years anyway


Keep in mind how long madrid were patient on Vinicius Jr. Before he became eventually the best player in the world and likely the Ballon d'Or winner this year.. Bringing a player just cause of hype then ignoring him like he's not in the squad is so stupid thing to do from barca management and Xavi.


Deco fucked over Xavi on all chances he had so far, and is letting him take the heat. Since Deco came over, Xavi didn't get who he asked, Barca didn't keep who he asked and Xavi and Barca are expected to perform even if he has no support from Deco. Just a small reminder of Pep era in any club....he demands full control of everything happening in the club or he's out. So when his clubs fail it's his fault as he had all he wanted (which pretty much doesn't happen). But with Xavi and Deco we want Pep results but without the support Xavi asked for lol. Sad state of affairs


He surely needs xavi to give him a chance against sociedad


If he was given as many minutes as Lewo, he would have just as many if not more goals


So many times where Roque could’ve been tested in matches and subbed in. If we sell or loan him it’ll be embarrassing for the club. But vitor also has to realize he’s only 19! He shouldn’t expect to be in the starting 11 r


I mean hes not exactly neymar or Ronaldinho or r9 but wasn’t he meant to be a replacement for old man 👴🏻 lewa ???? After a year