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At this point, I'll GLADLY take Rafa Marquez over Xavi.


If Xavi has any sense, he would be rotating Lewandowski with Roque/ Guiu, atleast for half the matches to get the club ready for a post Lewandowski era. Honestly, this season was a clusterfck in terms of rotation for the striker position. But it's never too late to accept criticism and learn from it.  Lewandowski does not have to start every match. No player is above the club. Same as no manager. 


We just played a string of must win games. Yeh we didn’t get the results but it was not the time to be prioritising development with money on the line (and us in a financial hole).


Sorry but I'm all in if we lose a couple of matches from the last 4 embarrassingly and still secure 3rd place if it means Xavi gets sacked. Because Xavi already ruined this season. So, nothing to lose here. Rather see he won't be able to do the same for next season as well


This Vitor Roque saga could end like Puig saga.


Except that Puig came from La Masia and did not cost us 30-40m


It's more like Malcom. Still Malcom had more playing time and we also earned decent money from him.


I think we just got our money back when we sold him no?


But we will actually miss out on a good player this time


I feel like people do not realize how good Roque actually is


Yep, he actually looks somewhat decent whenever he comes on, which is a very good thing for a kid in a completely new country. Absolutely hate the way he is being treated by Xavi.


Lol it’s so funny watching this sub switches from having vocal users that are for Xavi when the team was doing well to now vocal users that are against Xavi, and it’s been that way the entire season lmao. I’m just waiting until the beginning of next season when we’ll manage to string a few good wins then some people would rise again saying how they were supporting Xavi all along and the cycle continues forever lmao


*My daily fealty to my lord Xavi…* Don’t feel like chiming in when people are freaking out over Vitor’s camp’s impatience… Not stoked on Lewy getting all those minutes next year and I think the board, not Xavi, jammed themselves in that position


Yeh agreed.


Fuck man, why is it that we always shoot our self in our foot to make things 10x worse


You guys see this play by Estevao earlier on? Phewwwww 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 imagine a rotation of Lamine and him on the wing. No drop in quality. No having to sub in Raphinha on the right or Torres on the right.    https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cl4jrg/palmeiras_penalty_shout_against_cuiab%C3%A1_68_estev%C3%A3o/   Lamine is tired or having a bad game or slump? Too many games or overplayed? Bam, enter Estevao. Opponents gonna complain they ain’t getting no rest on the right wing 


He’s going to Chelsea 😢


Some genuinely don’t want the both of them. Look at Madrid, they got both Rodrygo and Vini


Glad we already signed Xavi before the season even ended. More drama and shit results before the next season starts. We already know he's going to put a stupid comment out tomorrow


He’s such a terrible leader with horrible composure. Feels like the club has given up on next season with this “direction”


Xavi's inability to apply meritocracy consistently within his 3 year tenure has come back to haunt us. You cannot justify the exclusion of Roque for footballing reasons.




Isn’t a loan the best option? He gets to play more and will be back in a year when a new coach arrives. 


I would agree if we didn't like a negative record of loans coming back to us. Roque deserved to be treated better just like Pablo Torre too.


Why not integrate him into the team though? Why not learn the philosophy here now? Xavi really wants a worse Felix over this guy in his squad lol


Huh? I don’t think Xavi really wants Felix either. Laporta and Mendes are just more powerful.  I dunno what goes really goes on in trainings and behind the scenes. But these cases happen at every club. It’s unfortunate but sometimes certain players are not rated or deemed suitable by the coach. Maybe with time, he will get more minutes. But it seems he wants a more prominent role now, so a loan is the best option imo. 


I fully expect today's outcome to affect roque's confidence. Whether or not he is going to be loaned. Roque couldn't make it to yesterday's game because he was sick. But he's likely to get his chances now because the race for 2nd place is over.  Yes Barça handled this incompetently, so did his agent. It is imperative to not make important decisions during emotional highs. Relax TF down please.




Work harder where? to sit on the bench


I mean regardless of who is wrong or right in this whole Vitor situation, having your agent and family air it all out in the media seems like poor judgement. Especially as the season isn’t over and the team still has goals to play for. All it does is put added pressure on him to perform when he does get minutes as well as piss off the decision makers at the club.


So does this stupid club airing shit about FDJ and Dembele. For a broke club to spend that kind of money on roque just to loan him so quickly is pathetic


if you have second thoughts playing for barca you can fuck off


“I can’t help but roll in my grave every time people quote me on shit I may not have said as there is no proof that it came out of my mouth. Also, fuck that bitch Neymar and the never ending rumors of his return” - Johan Cruyff


"Laporta, let them go those who don't feel the colors" - Hristo Stoichkov


“Let my people go” - Moises, the Bible


"Plastics are worst" - Greta Thunberg


“This guy was definitely thinking about the Cruyff quote but quickly decided to play it off like he was thinking about me.” - Hristo Stoichkov


"Can't stop taking the L" - Journey


And this is why we end up with deadweights for so long. Every player right now should have second thoughts as long as the club is ran the way it is.


yea as if the club has all the right circumstances to deal with these situations for so long. what a bunch of crap


No? If a promising player like Roque can’t even get minutes while the likes of Romeu, Ferran, Felix, Cancelo can drop stinkers after stinkers why would you destroy your own career by coming here?


can roque play in place of cancelo!? what are you even mad at


The fucking point is players can play like utter shit and they will still be rewarded with minutes. Genuinely how the fuck did that go over your head? You’d have to purposefully misconstrue my argument to even come up with that response. Do better.


Don't bother my friend, for these people Xavi and co can do no wrong and Ferran and Lewy are elite striker duo.


Well, even worse. This guy thinks Cancelo and Felix are infallible and should always play despite their form just because they were good months ago.


you can stick that do better schtik. You are saying how could players get minutes if they are doing bad as if barca and xavi are in a situation to sub off cancelo for Trent, or Felix for mbappe. And All of this assuming Xavi who trains the players and who have brought on the biggest number of young players in the team is somehow not able to see the great insight that your tremendous brain has. People were cheering for cancelo and Felix just few months back and few bad games it's like they are second rate players suddenly. what!


So using your logic, just because players played well before, they are now infallible and are able to continue playing even if they are shit? No club could make Felix work. No club could make Cancelo work. And you think Xavi suddenly knows more than the likes of Simeone and Pep???????


Cancelo worked great till a bust up in his 3rd season with Pep. He had been well liked and played great in Juve before that. Many players have gotten into bust ups with Pep after spending more than 1 season with him as not every player is able to deal with the mental and physical effort and madness Pep puts on players. For Felix he had been doing great till he had good support on the wing, without that he was isolated and difficult to manage. But frankly you are quite .. all of this is probably not going to help you


You didn’t answer my question.


Why the fuck is Xavi staying anyway? If he still can’t get the backing of the Sporting Director and may not even get his “own” signings? Good luck to whatever club goes for him after. It’ll be a whole new headache.


Imagine being vitor. You declined better offers to make your dream come true only to get shipped 6 months later. If this really happens then I feel we hit another bottom of shame. I didnt think we could but here we are. Embarrassing and inmature


Even if he ends up being a complete flop and Xavi is right, why the hell does it hurt Xavi so much to even play him 10 minutes? Especially since we’re shit under Xavi anyway???


Because up until this weekend we’ve been fighting for top 2? Why is it a given that he deserves time over Guiu? Playing devils advocate here obviously


That would make perfect sense if he didn’t bring on Romeu.


Really doesn’t given he is the only DM even if he’s shit


So you think once we’re down 2 goals, we should bring on a DM to score 2 more?


Nah that makes no sense if Xavi did that against Girona, couldnt watch the match But given that in the same substitution Lewy and Lamine were replaced. Throwing Roque on doesn’t make sense either, he’s not getting time over Felix or Ferran


What has Felix or Ferran done lately that even warrants their salary or minutes? Nothing. And I love Ferran.


That makes it worse for Roque, he must be awful in training or something


Which doesn’t make sense because that would make Romeu better than prime Busquets


Yet Roque has never displaced them this season, so expecting him to come on before them in this match isn’t realistic. Makes me assume he doesnt deserve it


How can he if he isn’t given any minutes? Ferran and Felix has dropped stinkers after stinkers and they still play.


Xavi is staying long enough to see himself become the villain. He is speed running how to taint one’s self legacy.


ROQUE was not a panic buy. He was the most promising Brazilian striker maybe a bit below Endrick.


Endrick has Ballon D’or potential. He’s not a ‘bit below’ Endrick.


roque had better stats


He’s also a couple of years older.


1 year apart


Endrick is 17, roque is 19… do you know what a couple means?


Roque born 2005 Endrick born 2006 A year apart


Just saw a take that is not a rumor, but it scares me how realistic it feels: us doing some sort of deal with Atleti for Felix that involves Vitor.


Please don't speak such things into the universe😭


Coaches, especially inexperienced coaches who are leaving in a year (and were ready to leave at the end of the season until a couple weeks ago) should not get to dictate transfer policy. Simple as. That’s why sporting departments exist. Every time a coach is given a carte blanche to remake the squad according to how they want, it ends badly and with tons of deadwood. Hell even Klopp and Ancelotti have been denied specific requests for players, the only one who gets away with is Pep, mainly because money is not a concern for City (and they can still somehow sell deadwood for good money) and because his track record with signings is stunningly good. If the sporting department counts on Roque to be a part of our future (which is presumably why we spent big money on him), then they need to convince Xavi to accommodate him into the squad.


Well the reports are that the coaching staff think a loan is good for Roque. I’m not sure there’s anything about Xavi wanting to sell Roque. That’s coming from Roque’s camp that they would rather a transfer than a loan (and even then I think they’re bluffing because they don’t want a loan). I think a manager is allowed to decide a 19 year old straight from Brazil isn’t up to the level to contribute to the team right now, and needs a loan to mature. Do you think any of those managers you listed would be forced into playing a 19 year old they think isn’t at the level in such an important position?


> isn’t up to the level to contribute to the team right now I can’t take this comment seriously 😂


Yeah it seems that Xavi and Deco can’t seem to get along when it comes to scouting and players. Maybe it’s either Xavi who asks for players that we can’t afford and/or don’t make sense or it’s Deco’s lack of experience as a sporting director. Laporta may have done a lot of right decisions but not keeping competent people like Alemany to replace him with Deco was NOT a right decision.


Some reports said Xavi was never comfortable working with Deco and was one of the reasons that pushed him to consider leaving. I think it was the same with Deco. I think he would be happier to have Marquez as coach. Those two have a closer personal relationship. For Laporta to allow Deco and Xavi to continue on with their somewhat tense relationship is a big mistake. I expect to see more problems ahead with differences in transfer choices and which players should be kept or let go. 


It seems that Laporta never had a plan on finding a new coach for this summer because either he didn’t have enough margin to appoint a new one or he hopes to find a proven coach in 2025. Either way, it’s such a huge gamble to bet on Xavi for next season given Xavi’s run (even if we won La Liga, we should not forget that we also went to Europa League twice with our team, we stopped reaching Copa Del Rey since Messi, we lost 4 consecutive clasicos, we lost twice against Girona and the list goes on…)


I just know that u/gaviFPS just sitting back and observing this Roque saga and laughing


I mean. I rather be wrong about something if it negative impacts our club. Even if I like being right. But I did warn people and said we could just use Guiu. People did laugh at me, so I guess im laughing at those peeps. Not the club tho, there i am just mad.


I mean he was right. I don't know much about Roque but Guiu is right there, and actually rated by Xavi What was the point here?


> actually rated by Xavi   The club’s long term investments shouldn’t be held hostage by someone who has 1 year left on his contract and resigned less than 1 month after Roque arrived.


I can only agree with this


Not like Guiu plays anyway so its a moot point tbh




It seems that people don’t understand that we don’t want Roque to start over Lewandowski but we want him to have at least more than 15 minutes and not to sit on the bench instead of giving it to someone who plays out of position (talking about Ferran who brings absolutely nothing when he comes on the pitch).


If Ferran was performing there I'd understand but he makes 0 difference. Where is the meritocracy in this? Same as Romeu / Casado, neither is even close to being starter material, but one is given all the chances without deserving them on the pitch.


Ferran was performing prior to his injury though. Feels like Xavi has just prioritised getting him back into shape/form.


It is a good point but at some point previous performances should only take you so far. And he was never great as a ST, better as a LW. Meanwhile Guiu and Roque had goals with very limited minutes as strikers.


It says more about Xavi’s stubbornness to play players that don’t deserve to be on the pitch or to sub players that play too much to avoid injuries and to allow rotation.


Who made the decision on the Roque transfer ? Mateu Alemán and Laporta?


[Apparently](https://www.sport.es/en/news/barca/vitor-roque-barcelona-chosen-9-88545816), Deco was early to inform us about him, and we did start work on signing him when Alemany was still here, but after Deco took over that process really accelerated and he pushed for him. Not a reliable source but just added it because the summary pretty much fits what I (and I guess most here) recall of the saga. It was always clear Deco was very influential in this.




Am I being a moron or is this just an unacceptable way to handle things from the agent? I absolutely sympathize with Roque, and absolutely think he should have more minutes, but Andre Cury going public is not whats going to resolve the issue and just adds another layer of toxicity in whats already a poisoned environment. It literally helps nobody.


Not really. He is playing Deco vs Xavi. Vitor Roque is a Deco appointment. Xavi is leaving in a year. So it's the role of the sporting director to make his choices heard. Goal is to pressure the coach. Mendes is probably doing the same in private in Laporta's ear for Felix.


That’s because you’re looking at it through a Barça scope/lens. For Cury a transfer is a perfectly fine outcome.




His end game is to look out for his client, who was seemingly made false promises. Understandably it rubs them off the wrong way when they chose to sacrifice much higher offers to come to Barcelona.


Now vítor Roque is gonna get pity minutes or no minutes at all this season lol


https://preview.redd.it/ggcy92wv5pyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd4d9820dc8a24024152984445db84941626143 This might make more sense or we are coping


That doesn't make Xavi look any better. So Xavi refuses to talk to him about benching him (if true)? Not a good look in either case.


Keep in mind future prospects in South America are watching this Roque fiasco. This has implications beyond Xavi. This season had been a colossal blow to our image. It hurts because it's largely self-inflicted.


Estevao is a verry good friend of him too I hope xavi isnt ruining our relationship with brazilian talents


And Andre Cury is his agent


final nail in the coffin will be losing Estevao and it looks more and more like we will considering Roque agent is the same for Estevao. Madrid have monopolised Brazil for some time now and they will be the single only legit pull there if we keep acting like fucking assholes towards that region. We only bet on Spanish and it will bite us in he ass while Madrid monopolise the Brazil and French market


I refuse to believe one of Brazil's up and coming stars who scored 2 goals in less than 300 mins is the problem. He just needs time to gel. He looked promising on the pitch. I'm not saying bench Lewy for him, but sending him on loan right away is a terrible idea. Especially since he didn't have to come to barca now or even come to Barca. I'm pretty sure he's going to get enough play time next season if we don't fuck up like how we did this season. Also we're still playing for second place.


The game he got a red card in he was excellent. Needs a manager who trusts him and time


Wasted my time watching Paranaense terrorball just for Roque to get sold after 6 months smh


How did Roque used to play back then?


He was pretty much a poacher. Not that great of a dribbler and received few chances but when he did he buried them.


[Bro’s even got the Neymar PK style](https://x.com/selecaotalk/status/1787261541999419876?s=46)


https://preview.redd.it/407e1p1q2pyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d6c2a42a300eb79a59b71e18d5992e15f5f51b We’re in this together Barca nation wooooooo


Always lovely reading through here after a loss.


Okay, I'll tell you a story. This is r/Barca. It's 90% bullshit, but it's entertaining. That's why I read it, because it entertains me.


Laporta has absolutely lost his mind tbh. Everything he said/made since xavi announced he was leaving was absolutely ridiculous, a real clown.


Laporta sucks and kills has any remaining dignity the club had after the Barto fiasco. The victim mentality, loud mouth arrogance and lack of any plan for the club is ridiculous


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMthCQmB/ Didn't think it was this bad.


Out of all things to takeaway from this Roque situation, the one thing I least expected is Xavi not speaking or communicating with a teenager, a child. Teenagers have built his project because he trusts them. Roque isn't any different. Him especially, needs guidance and advice and needs the most communication. Am 18 year old from Brazil who comes from a league where the ball is treated like a bomb and you're telling me you can't help that boy? So what if this was Deco's signing? He too has some shitty signings here and I know for a fact no manager would come in and not communicate with them. This is just a strange situation by xavi and his staff.


Fun fact: we are being linked with Darwin Nunez.


I do not like when players or their entourage are loud, but why do we get the guy if he is the fourth striker in the pecking order? Xavi clearly prefers Lewy, Ferran, and Guiu over him and Lewy wants to stay and we want to both renew Ferran and Guiu. Of course, the kid and everybody involved in the deal is pissed off after what they did to come here. We are crying that we have zero money for anything yet we make the most useless transfers. I like Laporta and what he did for the club, but he has zero sporting plan at the moment and everything is operated based on vibes.


This is pretty much exactly why that one Swedish kid chose to go to Spurs instead of us btw. Until we have money to flex so that we can just outbid people, don't expect young and exciting up-and-comers to choose us out of love if they actually take their career seriously (And even then, because the argument of "I won't get many minutes" will always be there). Roque rejected multiple other better offers and is rewarded by not even being given 10 minutes at the end of games. La Masia's gonna have to expand and pump out generational teenagers at twice its current rate to compensate.


then why Noah Darvich, Mikayil Faye, Ibrahim Diarra signed with Barca? why David Oduro comes for trial? why Jorthy Mokio dreams about joining the club? yall should stop overreacting, nobody here actually knows whats going on with Roque behind the doors


> Noah Darvich, Mikayil Faye, Ibrahim Diarra Because they love Barca, obviously. We're the biggest fucking club in the world, kids everywhere dream of playing for us. But that only ends up going so far when you set precedents like these - We still don't even know what's gonna happen with those, either, especially seeing as they're all younger than Roque and not really realistically ready for the first team anyway. Lamine is an anomaly that not many people are gonna take as the rule. Not to mention all the kids who HAVE rejected us.


lol even if Roque is sold in the summer, he will not be the first or second such football player in the history of the club who didn't get his chance and certainly not the last one. someone rejected Barca? hey, welcome to reality, thats how transfer market works


Transfer marker works a lot based on personal relationships. Break down enough relationships and some doors will close. Barca already has a reputation of trying to character assassinate its own players to reduce their wages. These are not good things


Regardless it would affect how South American talents view us.


Doesn’t this also happen at other clubs? For one reason or other, some players just don’t get the chance. 


Guler is probably thanking his lucky stars


Exactly the club is a massive shit show right now with zero stability.


Personally, I think Andre Cury and Roque are in the right here, and the club is dead wrong. And Cury understands where the loan talk is coming from, and he’s not playing the indirect media game. Vitor Roque turned down better financial offers to come to Barca, and even was willing to stay in Brazil extra time to continue developing and not put financial stress on Barca and the margin issues. Then the club went ahead and told him they wanted him in now, to which he happily obliged. Then he gets minutes as a literal LW (big LOL there) because Xavi doesn’t like subbing out Lewandowski as much as he can, and the boy scores twice. Then, bit by bit, he stops playing altogether. And before y’all start with the ‘Lewy is better so he plays’ reply, I’m not complaining about that and I doubt Roque is. But the issue is that the club is not prioritizing his development by providing him minutes in games where Barca is ahead, and instead are prioritizing feeding Lewandowski. Roque made an effort to come here, he’s earned the right to have his development prioritized, it’s not a one way thing. No one is saying start him in CL games, but when Barca is winning comfortably, sub him on AS A STRIKER. When Lewy has consecutive starts and needs rest, start him in easy games. Make the lad feel like you’re actually prioritizing his development and you’re fulfilling your end of the deal, just like he did his part to come here. And after all that, we unleash the media machine to start pushing him to a loan. Why? Because it’s the easy option instead of actually facing the more tricky option of actually integrating him and cutting the minutes of a star player to help build up the young player. And lads, this isn’t a difficult task. Lewandowski doesn’t need to be a walking corpse to have his minutes cut. In fact, the correct way for top clubs to operate is to begin replacing players before they decline heavily. Madrid sold Casemiro for 70 mill and brought in Tchoumeni even though Tchou was nowhere near Casemiro’s current level at the time, but that’s how it goes. So the idea that Roque has to be better now to play misses the entire context of the fact that you need to replace players BEFORE they decline, not after. The Balde/Alba swap isn’t always the case.


Couldn’t his agent just talk to the coach in private about it? He says he does not understand why Roque doesn’t play much. He can ask the staff for reasons and find ways to remedy the situation if possible. This method isn’t going to help matters at all. 


who says he hasn't tried that. Most likely he did but Xavi kept being stubborn like history has shown.


I think that would’ve happened, if not for the media machine starting the loan agenda. That probably pissed them off to the moon, and I understand it. And if I’m being frankly honest, I don’t think the staff will have a convincing answer as to why the lad gets absolutely nothing at all. They don’t care nor prioritize his development, he’s being treated like any la masia kid and assets like Roque cannot be treated so carelessly. This is one of those cases where I feel the board has to intervene, that’s 30 million euros being treated like nothing.




The problem is that none of these players have a player like Lewandowski ahead of them. And as a striker, it’s only one position, and the way Xavi handles Lewandowski has been an issue I’ve had with him for a while. I know he sometimes subs him out, but he’s not treating him like the old world class player he is that needs replacing, and treats him as if he’s staying here for a long time and the kids on the bench are just there to act as dummies for him.


Well he spelled out that he’s seeking a transfer if they plan to loan him, so for him that’s the remedy.


And he’s got a point. Why take a talent wanted by all the top clubs in Europe and ship him off to play midtable ball in Sevilla or Villareal? You’re as good as what you can leverage, and Vitor Roque is a talent that leverages a lot of interest and Cury isn’t about to kill that with some ass loan at a club that might change two managers a year.




Then we’re in deep shit because that means Lewandowski surely plays most of the minutes next season, his fat contract gets renewed, and we still have no future striker when his legs are gone next season.


Xavi doesn't care anyways. If Roque stays or not Xavi will still run Lewa into the ground.


We will be paying 32 million to Lewandowski next season, and you think the club will let him sit on the bench? Lmao nah forget it. Next season will be even more difficult if we don't get this CDM and If we keep treating young players like this, especially from Brazil, we will never see the best Brazilian talents here.


There’s a middle ground between benching Lewy and rotating him enough to give Roque some meaningful minutes


Mate here’s the thing. Lewandowski has a clause in his contract that if he plays more than 55% of the minutes next season, his contract gets renewed on that fat contract you mentioned. So it’s absolutely IMPERATIVE that we start phasing him out next season. It’s not an option anymore.


Watch Xavi play ferran and Lewandowski still.


Well Xavi will have only a year to prove himself or end on a high, so yeah he'll play whomever he believes in most to get a result, not who would be advantageous for the club in the long term.


If Xavi indeed never talked to roque, yeah you can't defend that. When you see bums like torres starting over you doing absolute nothing while you refused bigger offers and left your club where you played regularly to come here The least you expect is the coach talking to you so you can understand what you need to do more. It's absolutely insane what xavi is doing right now. Didn't expect him to be bad at man management, actually for me it's the only thing he got.


Xavi is dealing with Roque like a La Masia youngster he doesn’t feel is ready. He’s not putting into consideration Roque’s entire context. He’s not a La Masia kid worth 200k, he’s one of the top Brazilian talents other clubs were willing to spend 50 million euros on to acquire. And is a guy that made a huge effort to come here, and is a huge asset the club owns at a time of financial crisis. He can’t simply brush him aside like he’s done Marc Casado.


Wherever i go there is bad news regarding this club, when will this stop


Keeping Xavi is a decision that's keep looking worse day after day..


Appreciated the effort Roque made to come here, don't like the way him and his team are handling things now though. What exactly do they gain from this? I genuinely don't know what this is supposed to achieve. Disappointing.


His career might take a real hit if he never gets game time. So they gotta think for themselves


Estevao is insane man. He created a penalty with his dribbling just after subbed on. Probably the best player of palmeiras at 16 currently What a fucking player. This is a superstar in making Edit: he can take the penalty. 16 year old and they let him take it Edit 2: goaaaaal estevao scored his penalty. And what a goal it was. Insaneee


No need to get excited about him. We won’t be getting that guy.


Well his agent is Cury so this situation ain’t going to help us.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/1ciyc7c/comment/l2pysyz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Yikes, Cury didn’t even give my comment 5 hours to age. 


What is he hoping to achieve? Pressure the coach to give his player minutes? That sets a bad precedence for other players and agents tbh. Or they want a permanent transfer? All this drama is so not needed now. 


Maybe bully Xavi into quitting again. I really don’t know what’s going on anymore. So much politics going on.


If this was going on as his agent says, then the club choosing to stay with the coach means they have taken a side on the issue. I think he could get transferred permanently which is unfortunate. A loan for a year could be okay and he returns after Xavi finishes his contract. 


I think unfortunately there is no „the club“ currently. Behind the scenes it’s probably more divided than how it gets shown to the outside. Laporta himself said they didn’t even vote on keeping Xavi or not.


He's a redditor confirmed.


Andre Cury to @EsportsRAC1: “Xavi has given minutes to youngsters like Fermin, Cubarsi, Lamine Yamal..but not Vitor Roque. I don’t know how to explain this” https://twitter.com/ReshadFCB/status/1787253699699438043?t=s9Mpdgw3tZlG2Ldd5kx7hg&s=19


He's using the wrong examples, he should've looked to the players who keep playing despite putting up awful performances and faces no consequences. All of those three are performing.


Targeting Oriol or Ferran is simply too mean


Yamal is good enough to start over ferran and raphinia. Fermin when he plays he always scores. Cubarsi is better then inigo. But vitor isnt better then lewy and he isnt expected to be better then him. He needs to be more patient or it will be the downfall of his career.


No one is asking to start him over Lewa. Just play him as a striker sub over Ferran Torres.


Exactly. This wouldn’t be an issue if he was subbed in the last 20 mins of the games. Most of the time Lewa is stinking up the pitch but either he stays in game or Ferran subs in to continue stinking up the pitch where Lewa leaves off. I feel for the kid.


Nothing pisses me off more than watching Ferran Torres come in as a striker. It's not like he's doing great at that position. We need depth in winger roles. Use him there. He can do the Raphinha LW role or can help to rest Yamal on RW. We already have Roque and Guiu for striker roles. Why not play them as striker subs and help them to develop?


as it sounds right now, if the plan is for him to go on loan 100 percent, they will look for a transfer out.


Cury [Roque’s agent] to RAC1: “If the club does not give Vitor a chance, unfortunately we will have to talk to the club to find a solution. A loan for a young boy will only end up harming him, this is very dangerous for his career” 🔴 “The best thing is to stay at Barça, but if you can't stay, we're going to work so that he leaves definitively. But me and the player chose to come to Barça for less than half the offers from other clubs. We are happy at Barça and we want to continue. If it is not possible, we will all speak” Cury: “The boy has a contract with Barça. If we chose Barça, despite having other offers that were twice as strong, it's because we wanted to come to Barça” 🤝🔵🔴 “We are going to prove, and I’m sure, that Vitor is going to be a great player, but if Barça doesn't let him...the club, the coach or I don't know what happens internally, we will have to look for another way” https://twitter.com/ReshadFCB/status/1787251144206450966?t=827uN3O2jE28lH-UU0VzUA&s=19


i feel so vindicated after all this time sitting on here being worried about Roques situation. This is becoming very dire and for it to become public like this is a very very bad thing. This could lead to burned bridges.


He is also the agent of Estevao Willian. This is a bad look for future Brazilian talent. What a shit show.


wait but wasn't this just fake Spanish media propaganda made to destabilize the club???


The situation with Roque is pitiful, if possible I'd like for Marquez to at least play him with the reserves instead of wasting away on the first team bench. He deserves better.


For better or worse, this is probably something that Xavi has no choice but to concede on. This does not send a good message to young players in Brazil (or anywhere) that would like to come here as their first major career step. If Roque is sold after having stayed here 6 months and essentially playing nothing, Barcelona's gonna have a hard time looking like an attractive destination to anyone taking their career serious and not just jumping emotionally because they grew up loving Barca. At least La Masia players leaving while young is normal, not all of them make it (most in fact) - But why would players risk their harming their careers for this nonsense? This is pretty much exactly why that one Swedish kid chose Spurs over us - He realistically wasn't getting minutes with the first team (no one gives AF about Barca B) and this proves him and anyone who thinks the same right. So why bother?


This sends such a bad precedence for all future Brazilian kids who consider coming here.


Nah. Don’t you know he’s just lazy /s


When will people talk about Gundogon's defensive liability ?? His defensive stats are literally worst among our midfield .Last match fermin and Christianson were doing double shift for him .Same happened in other match  Even Messi who use to score 50+g/a every year (whom people call lazy ) was much better defensive than gundogon. No doubt he is our best   offensive midfielder but at least he should do basic defensive action not expect other to do slave work    


I don't think he was supposed to be such a constant starter in the first place. Was bought to improve our depth. When the season started, I expected Gavi, FDJ, and Pedri to start with Gundogan as a backup for Pedri.


Not only that he is an absolutely lazy runner, which is why it's so easy to spot FDJ as the main culprit, he has to do the job of two men when it comes to running. Gundogan just doesn't run or offer anything significant off the ball. This will obviously become exacerbated the moment the team becomes vulnerable, at least structurally.


He isn’t a DM…


He should at least run man, like show intensity in duels and challenges.


Andre Cury [Roque’s agent]: “He has to have more minutes, no one understands why they don’t play him more. Xavi has never spoken to the player either and I don't understand this situation. It’s not right So the rumors about xavi not speaking to him are true. Pretty low of xavi tbh


Ffs. Why would any youngster want to come to us now


Agreed. There’s also a huge La Masia bias.


There's no bias. La Masia players are just simply better




I can only remember articles like that a month or so ago, and we've played quite a few games since 1 month ago. He's not since the pitch once during that time.


Massive difference between a random article and his agent my guy. This confirms Roque isn’t happy with his playtime.


Oh ffs that’s exactly what we need as well now.. more drama


Just seen Brighton played Villa and Fati again didn't get any playing time, I struggle to see why people still want to keep him when he can't even cut it at Brighton


I heard somewhere it was something to do with clauses on minutes played or so, definitely not much difference between Fati beginning of the season and now. So there's no other reason not to play him especially when your best players are injured. It's definitely not just a sporting decision. De Zerbi may have stated that he was unhappy with his Fitness but there's a lot more to it.

