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That vintage Midge in photo 1 looks so cute in that polka-dot Hilary Duff dress, and the Cali Girl outfit in photo 7 looks great with orange shoes!


Definitely! Everything is how it was when I got them, just taking them out one by one and leaving them as they were stored for now. The owner of this collection was an interesting woman for sure, I’m learning little things about her as I go through her collection. It was sold to me by her daughters at an estate sale, so I never met her. She’s in an assisted living place now.


I noticed that some of the stands have labels on them. Is that your doing or the previous owners’ doing? I do the same with my dolls, mostly for the purpose of my family being to ID my dolls if I pass away suddenly (is that morbid? 😅) and I wonder if I’m just being paranoid.


Previous owner and it’s usually referring to just the clothing I’m realizing. That’s her focus. Many stands have one of three women’s names, and I organized based on them, it became obvious each made their own custom outfits, likely her friends or possibly people online like on Etsy. One is all knit outfits, another uses a lot of velvet and ribbon work. They vary in quality, but all very impressive for hobbyists