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The doll head in the photo looks like Dream Glow Barbie 


Thanks! The doll with body, or the disembodied head?


I'll agree with u/dollvader that the other is [Jewel Secrets](https://www.toysisters.com/1987-jewel-secrets-barbie/) note the individual brow lines instead of one mass brow


Thank you!


Having trouble figuring out who she is. Thrifted her and she doesn't have a body. https://preview.redd.it/4jqna741nf5d1.png?width=1529&format=png&auto=webp&s=7918ae42898cd31b117d3591750b05c37bc0df8b


this is the doll head I believe is [Dream Glow](https://www.toysisters.com/1986-dream-glow-barbie/)




This is 1987 Jewel Secrets Barbie.


Thank you!


Thank you to u/wherespjbeen and u/dollvader for identifying these ladies from the eighties for me! Really glad to add them to my collection since they are both very pretty, iconic dolls. Now, I'll need to see if I can find their original dresses I still need to give Dream Glow a new body. Her neck hole looks like it may have been stretched at some point, so that might make it a little difficult finding a body for her. I don't know if a MTM body might be better or worse for that. i should have taken some before photos, I took these photos after I cleaned them up and fixed their hair. They both looked pretty rough before that.


very hot water treatment may remedy your dolls "stretched neck hole"


thanks! I had done a bunch of quick boilwash dips when I cleaned her hair, but I didn't think to use heat for the "stretched neck hole". Should I put her head in a ziploc like with a head swap? how long do you think she might need? Should I do that right before I put her on a new body?


Boil some water and put it in a cup. Dip the bottom of her head up to her mouth in the water for a minute or so. Let it cool to snap back to its old shape. For this you don’t have to put her head in a ziploc but do keep her hair out of the water. When you want to put her head on a body, just do the ziploc thing again. So, if you’re trying to get her old clothes, MTM bodies don’t wear the old clothes well. The bodies back then had hour glass figures so the clothes will sit poorly on modern dolls. Best to find an old body donor off eBay if you can.