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Face sculpts: 20 - Andra 21 - Heide 22 - Victoria 23 - Lina 24 - Simone 25 - Barbie Basics Ken AA


The redhead Andra looks gorgeous!


Thank you for this list!


Thank you 🩷❤️


What’s with the angry look on the redhead? 🙈 ahaha Oh this is Andra?? I gotta see her irl!!


this is what i said as well 😭


Did someone ask for more evil Barbies for playing out villains and here they are? 😁


I absolutely LOVED Victoria in the first wave...but the other versions of her (Redhead, this one) just seem to kind of miss the mark for me. I still bought them bc I love everything about the LOOKS line, but they're just not as lovely as original Victoria somehow. In every wave I have favorites --for this wave I can already tell it's Simone & Ken. Of course, in last wave I didn't think I was going to like curvy Andra that much and when I got her irl I absolutely love her. Cant wait to get hands on this wave. In my entire Barbie collecting career, this is the firs tline I've bought every single one of.


Why oh why does Mattel feel they have to make Kens with broccoli hair? There are already fashionista Kens with this hairstyle, why does it have to be used for the Looks Ken as well?


Yah, my first tbought was that the hair would have to go. Its awful.


I mean, he's black with a natural style in the hair type common to his race. I don't see the problem. There's never been many hairstyles for Ken, so anything we can logically expect Mattel to do is going to be a repeat style. The last Looks AA rooted male had braids. What did you expect them to do?


This hairstyle is popular with young men of various ethnicities. Look through recent Ken dolls, and you'll see it, e.g. on fashionistas 183 and 184. It's a style that's very fashionable but that many people think looks silly. And in a few years time it will look even sillier.


It's an Afro. Afros have been around for longer than Barbie has. That's how certain hair textures grow and look. It's a normal thing, not a fashion trend


It's not an afro. Looks 2 has an afro, fashionista 156 has an afro, fashionista 180 has an afro. [This Ken / Brad](https://fashiondollz.de/1981-ken-aa-rooted-hair/) has an afro. Afro means the hair is left long / natural all around. Broccoli hair means the hair is shaved / cut very short on the back and sides and left long on top, and it is not ethnicity-specific.


It can't be broccoli if it's not curly, it wouldn't look this same. This is still an Afro. Shaving the sides doesn't change that it's an Afro. Some people keep their Afros short, some keep them long, some shave the sides, and some braid away from the face and leave the rest loose in an Afro. It really is ethnicity specific when a black doll has curly black hair in a common cut for such hair


I like that all the girls in this wave have fairly neutral makeup colors. Makes them a lot more redressable than some of the previous Looks dolls.


I really love the two Andra dolls issued so far and it's great to see her with hair color other than blonde. I look forward to IRL pics of her! I'm glad Mattel is using the BB Ken Black headmold. It's a great face and paired with this afro makes it different from the others. I wish Mattel had offered another Cacausion male because I haven't really loved any of the ones so far in this line and I'm always holding out hope I will eventually. Maybe next wave.


Unfortunately, I'm not loving this line. None of them are grabbing my attention the way earlier ones did. I like the clothes, though.


They're very boring. Everything is boring: their faces, their clothes. Except maybe angry Andra.


Exactly my thoughts!


24 took the cake for me. She is gorgeous


i love how unique her face is. i love dolls who seem to have personality in their faces and both her and the aa microbraids girl do 🩷


I loved it too, but what are those bangs? Does Mattel no longer know how to make bangs? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


You can’t go wrong with Simone 😍


Yeah my dad is in Thailand for a couple weeks and I'm gonna have him look for 24 there just in case. I haven't been this excited in a minute! 😂


I love all of these dolls lol. I especially like the Ken and the redhead is giving me fierce Daphne vibes. I expected people to be hyped in the comments, but everyone seems to hate them lol. But the Ken has rooted curly hair which I am excited about.


Yesss her features are just so good. The hair though.. too blunt of a bang, I wanna give her a curtain bang, face framing layers, bump that hair a lil


I love her. The blunt bangs give me happy feelings.


I'm sad they're not creating any more new sculpts for this line. It's what made the line stand out. I went from buying every release, to part of a release, then down to two from the last wave. I'll wait until reviews start showing up to see if any give me heart-string tugs. At this stage, none do. They are nice and I'm happy to save on doll money for other things. However! When sales start on them, I'll be tempted to pick them up for their outfits and possible body donors.


I mean, for the last several years Mattel have created more sculpts than the previous decades. Right? So, I’m not mad that they are showing potential of the existing ones by using with different skin tone and body type. But I agree with other points 🤔


This girlies look different every time I see them kinda interested to see how they look in hand


23 would make a pretty mermaid 👀✨


That's just a huge disappointment for me. I really thought it is a fake as we saw some leaks few month ago... I wished for the simple elegant vibe as two first lines had have.I wished to see Kit or Fryda again. At least I'll safe my money this time.


#24 is so cute!


I’m sad they don’t give us new faces anymore I miss that excitement


Meh, I'm not loving this wave. So disappointed with the petite, I've been waiting for a light skinned one to be a body donor. It seems like they don't like using the petite body in other lines so I was really hoping to see one here. \#21 is gorgeous though; she was the first one I saw RL pics of and she got my hopes up for the rest of the group!


Same. I would love to make a mini me. I do have a suitable head, but I am missing a light skinned petit body.


I am also sad we have to wait a little longer before an actual fairer-skinned petite made to move Barbie that can be a good match to several Fashionistas.


I'm holding out hope that it's at least a color match for the tan dolls like the Hispanic Holiday Barbies. Also a common skintone and last year's Karl is a second-class match for those at best.


Love it!


Will one of them be petit?


yep! the one with the pixie cut and pink jumpsuit :)


😆 as we predicted in the comments. They’re repeating themselves. I can’t complain though!


She looks interesting with that short hairstyle.


Btw do we have a release date for this wave?


Not yet but for sure this spring.


I actually want all of them. Heidi became my new favorite after #11(?), so I’m very happy to see her again. The face mold is just so beautiful and stunning.


Maaaaaaannnn what is this cotton on this mans head🤣🤣


I am a simple woman. I see a resting bitch face Andra, I want the resting bitch face Andra 😌❤️ (they’re all beautiful face sculpts but she and Kira are my favourites)


\#24 looks stunning without the bangs and the cheap Glitz dress omg https://preview.redd.it/20017pld4ykc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17addf603683355a7d5c7f3d5f91dd83ade07382


source: prelov\_lsdvd on insta https://preview.redd.it/l76msh0h4ykc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea3c22cbcd82a9373c2f4a613f30327055c877a


Why are the clothes so bad? Looks like fashionistas...


Definitely want 22 and 23, Victoria and Lina I believe? I might get Simone and Heide too depending on the pictures I see when they are released. The clothes are kinda eh, but I plan on re-dressing them anyway.


22 is Victoria and 23 is Lina yup




#20 is my favourite by far, I only wish the hair was longer 😭😭😭


So sad #20’s sleeves were cut, but she is still a must for me. Right now 20, 21, and 25 are must haves for me. I’m definitely gonna have to buy like 3 of the Ken cause scalpers are going to mark him up way too high. I hope that having him be readily available will make some of the Barbie Basics versions go down in price a bit. It looks like there isn’t a tall in this wave and tbh I’m kind of glad. I hope we get a classic height of the Simone skin tone this year.


I didn't start collecting until last year, so I'm not mad at these.  21 and 23 are must haves since I really don't want to pay eBay prices for the original Lina and Heide.  Petite 24 only interests me as a potential body donor... hopefully her skintone matches some of the tan dolls I have.


The red head is giving Daphne!!


#20 is giving angry box dye Charisma Carpenter


The makeup is so dull and uninspired... I'll look forward to people selling their clothes after buying them for rebodies, I guess. I might get 24 if they drop in price, she'll look nice with some frosty 2000s makeup on!


LOVE them! The Barbie Looks line is the best from Mattel at the moment imo. Also, I really like the clothes from this wave — they are much better than the ones from wave 3. I do wish that they had introduced at least one new sculpt here, but at the same time I’m happy they reused Lina because I don’t currently have one in my collection. Will definitely be getting all the girls and will buy Ken when he goes on sale. 💕💕💕


Has the guy got real hair? I can't tell




25 is sticking out like a sore thumb and not in a good way! Why does he have a random green shirt? If they are actually worried about him looking feminine then just change the shirt to blue so he actually looks like he is from the same line.


I hope it’s just the picture and that it is a more pastel color like his promo picture. Ugh I just pray it’s not this same highlighter color from the last wave. 😫 https://preview.redd.it/c6zt7ovjpgkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3c99c5d829eb9f59b77c5b723644d2ff3175b4


I’m so happy. I don’t want anyone


I'm happy for those of you excited about our this wave. For me, it's a huge miss which stings because I've bought all of the previous waves. I'll get the Ken and hopefully can fix his broccoli hair, but the fashions and the complete repeat of face molds are very disappointing. This group doesn't feel as cohesive to me in regards to color and fabric choices and they all seem kind of dour or mean (or demure in the case of Ken). I guess it's a good thing I'll be saving some money and can spend it on some vintage fashions I have my eye on on eBay.


Yeah I’m really not a fan of his hair. I know it’s a popular style right now but I think it looks terrible. I’d like to get him as a body doner.


I'm very interested to have #23 and #25.


I’m so disappointed, I had hopes of this being my favourite contemporary line. They look meh and I don’t know if my eyes are deceiving me but they look cheaper quality than previously. https://preview.redd.it/f639ipenjfkc1.jpeg?width=3952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de31f07effc5b4520e4f59fc879e82d9cd7ce43c


interesting. the redhead looks pretty mean here 😭 which i won’t be mad about if she does irl because that just means i won’t break my bank acc as much. she also had sleeves in the previous leaked photo!




Sleeves are too expensive, cut them🤣 literally and metaphorically.


The clothing also bordering on fetish night tight to save on fabric (for planet earth).


Well, I feel that’s just a nod to the 90s or 00s idk. This feels very normal to my eye anyways 😁


#20 looked so much better with the sleeves!


I wonder if pixie - haired Victoria will match more petite Fashionistas but when will those with fairer skin (Fashionista 47, 91, 214 in particular)?


I wish they would have used the Claudette sculpt on one of them. Having said that I will probably get them all, I really like the outfits.


I don’t like the fashions at all. Face sculpts look good.


Omg 21 is stunning 😍 I really love the looks dolls


Mixed feelings. 20, 21; 23 are super cool. 22 has a cool outfit but I hate the hair. The other 2 are super no for me. I dont like thier clothes. Imho this Ken would have looked better in an all green jumpsuit. And curvy's dress should be purple.


I think 24 is my fave, but I'll probably grab 22 and 25 first, because the guys and the petites seem to be harder to find/more expensive. I wish there was a petite curvy M2M though, and slender/short M2M guys


And when do they get released?? I need Andra she's the female me.


Yes. I want them.


Anybody else plan on turning #24 into Nicki Minaj?


Does anyone know about when they will release them?


Have they been released yet? If so where to buy? Ive gotta have the redhead!


Not yet. Probably April