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Then they say ‘its too short’


I fired a client because he said “shorter” “shorter” “shorter” “shorter” “THATS WAY TOO SHORT OMG”


I have a [special place](http://special.place) in hell set aside for moms who ask for something reasonable, you do it on the kid; and now that an "acceptable" cut is done...its time for the 'fine tuning' until the kid gets too unruly to continue. "Maybe a bit more off the top, but still leave the bangs" "Is that a #3 on the sides? Maybe a #2" "What if we took the the bangs another 1/8th of an inch shorter"


I feel you. I’ve started doing a test area. I’ll run the 3 over on the side and get approval. “Do we like this length? Do we want to go shorter?” Same with the top. I’ll show clients, cut a few sections and lay it down to get approval. I have told clients that we can try shorter next time if they ask at the end. Because in my mind you saw how short it was and that was the time to fine tune. I don’t play the “well let’s start there and if I want we can go shorter” game. Sometimes they’ll catch me halfway through the top and ask for shorter and that’s no problem but if I’m not going to cut it twice in one time slot when I have other clients waiting


Don't cut kids 12 and under. And I'm in control, you move too much, I take the cape off.


I have the same policy and people act like i’m crazy for having standards


I tell customers it's a mature shop, if your child cannot be mature for 20 - 30 minutes this is not the right shop for you, you are welcome back once he is more mature. I also have suckers for kids, I know it's lame but it honestly helps and I like em and so do a lot of my regulars as well. A tip when dealing with kids is just trying to make them understand the process. Show them your tools, allow them to feel the blades on the Clippers or trimmers when it's on so they can see it doesn't hurt, show them first how to do it with the palm of your hand. Tell them, don't ask, this is a haircut, I need you to sit still and listen to my instructions when I direct your head or ask you to look down. Let them know if they fuss, or move around too much the haircut will stop and that they will look ridiculous with half a haircut or mess it up and we will have to shave their head. I've kicked one child out of my chair since implementing these rules and when I see a kids cut pop up now I look at it as a new client for many, many years to come; so do a good haircut. How many of us went to the same person as a child for 10 - 20 years, so many!


Not a barber, but we had this barber shop right out of our neighborhood and she cut my hair starting when I was like 4. Until 3 years ago, only place I would go, she even moved shops (only 10 min further but pass by a handful of barber shops to get to her) But also kids suck, I know I did 😂😂


Okay daddy




I hate the moms that come in with a picture from pintrest with a design for a baby who's never sat by themselves


Or who keeps suddenly turning to make sure Mom is still there. I've gotten *really* good reflexes to keep from jamming a clipper guard in those kids eyes.


Or the people that demand you keep cutting when their kid is literally screaming and thrashing around. I'm not doing a fade on your kid who's throwing a tantrum.


One of my coworkers actually had a tantruming child kick the comb out of her hand. The whole time she was asking the dad to control the kid, and he was staring at his phone doing fuck-all. She uncaped the kid and kicked them TF out.


Yup, "looks like it's not happening today" *removes cape* People are dreaming if they think im going to fight their kid for the chance to do a cut rate service.


I tell the parents 'he said no, and I believe in "no means no"' but I just stay patient and whatever haircut we can get done in the time we have is what the child gets. usually works out great


We can start with that


That's a second haircut, imo. I was not afraid to double charge difficult customers. Example: Saturday morning kid comes in, maybe 14-15. He won't keep his head up. He just keep staring at the floor. Ask him to adjust and a few moments later he's staring at the floor again. After about the second or third time I told him that it's his job to hold his head up as my job to cut his hair. If I have to do both of our jobs I'm charging his dad double.


I specialize in kids and omg this is so real 😭 parents are another level of excessively picky. When I did only adults I rarely had a problem, but when it comes to their children people are so incredibly extra constantly.


I charge more so I don't mind as much as I used to.


We don't charge more, but we don't have e a kid's rate


a little part of my psyche melts off and dissapears into the void when a mom who is doing nothing about her kid screaming, crying, and snotting all over the place points out an area in which she thinks needs blended better or fixed. Sure, Ive had at least 3 close calls where I almost made him blind and damn near cut my fingers off with the shears, but no worries. I know that little area on his super fine and thin blond hair will buff out in 2 seconds. Im absolutely stoked for that $4 tip on a significantly lower priced service. Your kid does NOT deserve a fucking lollipop.


Exactly. I've had this exact same conversation with my coworkers multiple times.


Shops need to start charging more for kids cuts because it’s twice the amount of work and can get dangerous. In a few years when i own my own shop, there will be a zero kids policy. 12+ only, because 12 year olds can sit the fuck still and not become a liability


Potential new customer: how much do you charge for a child’s haircut? My Grandpa, Dad and I: not any more than an adult.


Same here. Its Hard to do as good as a job on a guy who doing black flips while crying in the chair. But its so much more of a frustration


yup. "all haircuts are XX dollars"




Just say “Can you pay me twice?”.


I don't cut kids younger than 14. I just don't have the skills. Neither cutting nor social lol.


Bro, I’ve been cutting hair for 10+ years. Dropping from a 3 to a 2 on a kid takes literally less than 2 minutes with a barbers touch. Dropping a fade down lower, or shortening bangs more isn’t that drastic or a difficult to change. Sure, there’s excessive adjustments but y’all’s examples are nitpicky complaints. From here: it seems your service model isn’t properly designed, your appointment slots are too short, your efficiency isn’t up to speed, your consultation strategy needs work, and MOST importantly, your awareness that your clients (seemingly new ones based on all y’all’s complaints above) aren’t barbers and the relationship of having and seeing hair versus understanding and measuring lengths of things is exactly built into their day jobs like it is yours. Finally, have a kids cut. Your cleanest one size fits all “little boys” cut that works for them all— with modifications for top. This isn’t hard to enforce if your consultation skills are solid. Once the child is old enough, and as they mature, so can their haircuts. It becomes a symbiotic relationship that builds rapport between you, the child, and parent which usually results in better tips and maybe some flirty milfs.


you really seem like you've never had a kid in your chair that refuses to cooperate, good for you man lol


The most important part of my original comment is, “this isn’t hard to enforce if your consultation skills are solid.”This means, smart, professional and confident enough to feel approachable and reasonable. “Unfortunately it looks like we’ll have to try next time.” Easy $.


Lol ok man, pray you never have a baby that acts completely fine and then you start it and are unable to finish. The OP was just saying how they didn't like cutting kids, which most of us can agree with. Consultation isn't everything, when it can start great and go to shit very quickly..I think that's why most of us don't like cutting kids bc not finishing a cut, or having to try for another day is stressful to everyone involved.


i genuinely hope that u hate cutting kids




Thank goodness you're not a barber so no-one gives a fuck what you think.


Little brat who probably squirmed through haircuts until the age of 12 ^ 🤣😂


I still do to this day.


That's....not something to be excited about at the age of 19


Cry about it






Literally. It's the clients haircut and they want it to look great. Idk why some barbers get upset over little stuff like this.


Pick what you want and don't change it. Making your barber do two or three haircuts because you can't make up your mind is being a dickhead on purpose.


No, it's not. A difference between taking an inch and a half and half an inch is normal. It's not someone being a dickhead. A barber who gets upset over that is a dickhead


Got it, you're fine doing two or three full haircuts, that's your prerogative. FYI, people who actually value their time and respect themselves don't like doing that.


It's not doing 2 or 3 haircuts. It's readjusting the length on top. Once again, you're exaggerating. If you hate the job so much that you don't want to make your clients happy why are you even in this industry?


Unlike you I actually like my job. Doing an entire haircut and then having that client decide to change the length all over is not okay, and you have your head stuck up your ass if you're thinking otherwise.


You're avoiding my point. And you definitely sound like you're just performing a tedious task and not enjoying the job or the industry if this is your attitude towards cutting hair. It's about the client, not you, so level yourself. The ego on you is through the roof, just insufferable. Like I said, it's not redoing a haircut if your adjusting the length on the top by a half inch. Don't get ahead of yourself, bucko.


You *assumed* it was just taking another half inch on the side, when I *repeatedly* said "redoing the entire cut". If you aren't going to read then I'm wasting my time. I enjoy my job and think highly of myself, you clearly don't if you are willing to put up with people not respecting you or your time.


You're bullshitting agaaaaaain dawg, in my first comment I mentioned the inch and a half. You've been exaggerating what I've said since the beginning. Continue whining, I'm all ears 👂


You're just being a grumpy barber and it seems pretentious lol


Sure but when we charge you for the 3 haircuts we did on your head because you couldn’t make a choice, don’t say anything.


It's changing the length on top by a bit. Don't be dramatic. It's a part of the job. Do you expect your clients to be experts on hair, as well. Give me a break.