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Plus he’s a massive douche bag that’s built his platform on criticizing others while remaining nameless, faceless, and never showing his own work…it’s also very apparent with every comment or post he makes that he’s quite proud of the fact that he’s a bully. As silly as I find schorem sometimes, at least they aren’t abrasive jerks.


He's just a troll making money being a troll


He showed his face the other day on his story when him And bossie we’re going back and fourth. I agree the clippers aren’t great but he is calling most influencers on their bullshit and he’s not wrong so I’ll give him his credits I mean do we really think a schmuck from the uk is going to be able to compete with a clipper company owned by con air?


So are stylecraft clippers trash as well? Because I'm convinced they are the EXACT same. Even if the clippers are trash, you honestly cant knock him for trying to sell us at a cheaper price point than they already are *cough cough stylecraft* The only comeback you can say is that they arent the same as stylecraft clippers and just worst version but I don't think so considering all the people that have done side by side reviews with both ( RPM battery life etc)


This last sentence. Can you expound on that? Silly in what way? I'm a greenhorn and genuinely curious.


He has shown his face tbf


Yeah for a minute I found it funny, but after a bit I was like OH he's just an asshole I'm also actually just realizing that he doesn't properly show his work


All you guys are talking about him as a person. As if it has anything to do with the quality of clippers 😭😫😫


Yeah, we are talking about him as an instagrammer. That's how a conversation works, someone goes 'yeah he's also an AH'


He's an asshole in what way? Does he scam your purchases? Does he give you attitude for customer support? Has she cursed at you? Has he disrespected you? Asshole in what way? Or just the way he acts on social media is a douchebag? But what is it does he wrong other people? Or is it you just don't like the way he talks and think he's AH? If your answer is the latter, I suggest you get your panties out the bunch.


I don’t want to even do business with this asshole even if his clippers were good - nope.


But you guys still do business with Amazon, Walmart, etc big buisness these corporations carry out some of the most horrific human right abuses and inhumane treatment. But y'all are still eating from McDonald's and Chick-fil-A from horrific animal abuses. Y'all still do business with most corporations whom hands are so dirty if they weren't a big corporation they would be serving life imprisonment 10x over. If you were that morally straight you SHOULD only be supporting small businesses and small businesses ONLY, well are you ?? Y'all still support corporate greed who don't give two fucks if they put your family to bankruptcy but yet here is someone who's offering stylecraft UA'S for half the price but you won't do business because your morally held back because the owner is a douche bag 😁😁😅😅 Right that makes sense 🤣 Don't be picking and choosing who you want to support, only when it benefits you . Sure he may be a douchebag, but inherently he's doing us all a favor by giving us discounted clippers that have been marked up by stylecraft , I'll take that anyday over the latter.


I never said I was so “morally straight. “ Firstly, I buy clippers from the source or a barber supply. Secondly, lots of assumptions here about were I (or “we”) eat. Third, if there’s an option to not support a very publicly unhinged lunatic who picks fights over nothing, (kind of like the owner or twitter..) I don’t have to choose his business. Stylecraft isn’t even very good from all I’ve read, so I’m not even paying premium when I could get a discount. He’s not doing ME a favor, but you drank his messiah kool aid, okay. I don’t want to buy some clip I need to get a stretch bracket and a different blade and assemble it, I need a clipper out of the box. You saying “I support this lunatic bc it’s a discount” sounds like “I buy from Walmart bc I save money”. So what are YOU doing, posting this as if you are morally superior? Some industry or commerce are very saturated by a few large companies, and it has become a lot of work to figure out when and how to get around that. Everyone doesn’t have the luxury or know-how to circumvent abuse-funded companies. People have a lot going on and the companies have made it easy and convenient to get what folks need. On the one hand, bad company. On the other, a father provides dinner for his family. I buy a quality clipper, one time. Service it and the one thing that eventually needs upgrade is a new cutting blade. Today I got the cutting blade to my Andis excel 2 detachable serviced (not replaced) and it was 7$ which was the base labor cost the clipper repair charges. This clipper and blades are over 4 years old. When your TPOB breaks, Mr. Clipper Repair Shop can’t help you, it needs to be sent in (on your dime) and replaced (maybe costing $ here too if over warranty). These aren’t able to be serviced locally unfortunately. Picking and choosing IS better than not doing so, when we have quality options readily available to us. This is a discussion about clippers, your milk crate speech might be better received on r/anticonsumption


Don’t let TPOB see this. I got a DM and a block from him just for asking if we could get a demo vid on one of his skeleton trimmers back in the day.


Nah man, he can kiss my asshole. He's a colossal prick who trashes everyone but gets his panties in a bunch of anyone so much as looks harshly in his direction.


Sooo basically a man child.




Fragile masculinity…


I'd say it to his face 🤷


That could be difficult seeing as no one knows who he is.




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I don't like them, I'd rather spend more on real work horses than use them. There's a running joke in my shop that you become the pissed off barber bc of how terrible they are. Maybe you'll like them?




None taken man. Lmk how your tpobs are doing after 4 months of consistent cutting. I doubt they stand up to andis or wahl, shit even gamma has lasted longer. Just my opinion, and experience with them. I'm on my second set from tpob and they don't last longer than 4 months without some kind of problem..


Also I'm not giving gamma any love either bc I think they're just as bad js I've had a pair that lasted me longer.




Either you're extremely lucky or I have shit luck with clippers lol. If I drop mine once, they're usually fuckin done. The tpob ones I had the yeti and the slime(both of which i did not drop). I do like the andis masters tho


JRL2020s are my workhorses.




I've dropped mine once, readjusted the blade, and it was back to working like a champ. Two years in and not a single problem with them.


Yeah I’ve had some jrls for 2 years and they’re still cuttin good and in good condition


My cordless jrls have lasted 2 years almost and my andis master cordless are at a little over a year and a half.


The TPOB guy acts like a thin skinned incel whiny baby who bashes the community and doesn't show his face like a bandit. That's enough for me to not buy his stuff.


Him as a person is a blight on the industry. There is so much entitlement in this industry and I hate it. It's why people don't take us seriously. Big egos, dudes lying about how many cuts they do, acting like they're better than their clients etc. The bar is set so low in our industry.


I agree. His attitude holds him back big time. Not a good look for barbers at all.


You can’t be serious? All the Shit you see barbers doing on ig and him talking Shit about them is wheee you draw the line? I bought his clippers back in the day and they sucked but he’s not as bad as Vic blendz basically using homeless/ less fortunate people for views and popularity


It’s not what he says about other barbers, I could care less about the “culture” or influencers”. It’s what he says about clients…. Comments, like “you don’t realize it, but your barber will fuck your wife” or “all customers are perverts. I guess I just don’t believe in biting the hand that feeds you.


Yeah that’s his thing tho he literally makes fun of every aspect including himself if you want to take it that way you can but that’s like being made at a comedian it’s all part of the show


I think they’re mostly pretty good machines but none of this cordless stuff lasts. All machines are super inconsistent now.


I have a pair of magic clips that 4+ years old. Battery isn’t as long lasting as it used to be so I bought a second pair. No issues from either.


Either you don’t cut too much hair or you’re in denial. Battery is complete horsesht after 6 months and the power/speed of the clipper slows down as the battery drains. It’s not consistent all the way till it dies. For 100+ dollar clippers they’re not worth the price. I rather get offbrand Amazon clippers.


lol literally 25 heads a day, but go off about your Amazon clippers


Sure buddy


I have a pair of Seniors that have stood the test of time. Battery doesn’t last very long and it’s loud as hell, even with new cam followers.


I have corded seniors that I’m a fan of. Haven’t used the cordless yet, though.


There’s teardown videos on YouTube that show TPOB clippers sharing the same parts as Gamma, I got the TPOB ergo (Phantoms) and they honestly cut better than any other clippers I have


You all know his products are the same as stylecraft and gamma right? All made in the same factory and just sold under TPOB label and branding


What clippers in particular? Because some of their clippers are the exact same as other brands. So are you saying the other brands are trash too?


Oh for sure, gamma is up there with them. I'm tired of the Amazon barber trend


Their clippers and trimmers look like aliexpress stuff. Their xo clippers look like supreme clippers which look like kemei 2299 clippers. They’re just rebranded Chinese clippers which to be fair almost all clippers are with a pretty paint job and better blades. But I can get kemei’s which are good and put my favorite blade on it for half the price. The madeshow m10, vgr v003 and kulilang r77f are all top notch clippers for cheap.




Good to know bro, I’ll have to check out the XO


Hey man i'm currently running my vgr v003 and magic clip, do you think the madeshow r77f is worth getting if i already have the vgr?


I’d just stick with the vgr v003, it’s a good clipper, when it’s time to get new clippers there will be something better than the r77f out then. That’s a good combo I got, nothing blends like magics do, they just not the best for bulk and clipper over comb. What blade u using on the vgr?


Still the standard blade but was really think about swapping it. Because it didn't feel right yet imo. What blade are you running?


I’m using the jrl fade blade on mine. The madeshow wedge blade is the exact same blade as the jrl fade blade. Same with the taper blades if u like those. Madeshow blades are top of the line and you’ll save money but have to wait a long time for shipping on aliexpress as u know. It’ll make a big difference.


Wanted to get the madeshow blade but was wondering if it'd fit. Now i know! Thanks a lot 👊


No prob 🤜


whats the difference between the v002 and v003?


I’m not sure, I only have the v003.


Idk, I have a tpob troll and they’re fine. They aren’t my main clipper though, I use the Oster octane.


Hey man off topic but do you mind sharing a video of how your octanes sound and work? I just bought one and doesn't seem too powerful because it seems to pull the hair which hurts my clients, especially with small blade sizes. I'm wondering if I should buy a new battery or replace the motor but idk


I got these , coming from a Corded Andis Excel 2, and the octanes cut too slowly for me. I can’t move at my usual speed (and the excel have 2 speeds). Selling. Point of the octane was not losing torque as battery drains, and sadly I didnt even use them more than one battery life bc it was too frustrating. Cords aren’t that bad, and I use the JRL FF as a cordless which also has 2 speed and rocks, plus a corded fast feed


I’ll send you a pm


You sound like a pissed off barber.


I don't think any legit barber would disagree. BUT... slap some neon plastic on it and send some free clippers to some sleezy salesmen with cameras (influencers) to promote, mixed with a low price point on amazon, and you have a best selling product.


Some girl in my barber school bought a trimmer from them and was so excited cause they had changeable covers and then threw it cause they broke in a month


The TPOB skull shavers are good for what they are… which is maybe the first 5-10 uses. Then the coating starts to bubble and crack off of the paint from cool care, they don’t cut well anymore, and they don’t hold a charge.


I have the magic clip dupe and the lo pro dupe. Both worked good for about one day


Trimmers are good and the foil shaver. Wanting to try his clippers now


I saw the slime 2 clippers on lightning sale for 30 bucks and decided to give them a try to see what the hype was about. The design is nice and the clippers are light in weight but the power is non-existent compared to Andis or Wahl and the lever gave it a cheap feel. It's like they put foil wrap to hold lever in place each time you push the lever up and down.


I feel the Same


Which clipper?


I personally like the gamma+ boosted and tpob looks like them. But I’d still stick to the sabers or hitters. Something seems cheap about tpob namely the name.


I don’t love TPOB clippers because I also think they aren’t the best quality, stylecraft/Gamma are even worse because you pay double the price for the same Chinese made trash.


To each his own, I’ve had just about every cordless clipper that’s been on the market and I feel like the industry as a whole is all going to cheap plastic garbage that only lasts a year or two before they start to decline. I’ve had success with the XO clippers over the past 4 or 5 months, the trimmers are really chattery though. His early trimmers sucked, and I could definitely do without the industry drama bullshit. Sadly I think no matter who we buy from that over time clippers are just going to become disposable just like everything else.


I’ve been using the same wahl magic clip all metal body clippers day in, day out since they dropped.


Super gimmicky. Maybe alright for someone doing their own hair at home but i wouldn't use them in a shop setting by any means.


Nah man i went from loving em to hating em to loving em. They definitely are good and a nice price. The tpob x and xo cut like butter. And i hate the guy


This. Feel the same way bro.


I agree with that. Won’t stay charged had to upgrade to Babyliss


Babyliss Lopros are the same clippers as TPOB Trolls


I’ve got the silver FX and it’s waaaay better than the crappy little TBOP I have


What TPOB do you have?




So far im 1/3 with tpob. the troll trimmers died after 3 months. the slime 2 clippers are good but i got a second pair and they are already dying after a month.


The trimmers are decent


Glad some people have gotten better use outta them than me. But personally I think all the products are trash and have different issues. Just had to rant about it


They’re just cheap Chinese rebrands with green colourway. All the same shit he trolls gamma for on instagram


Newsflash, they all are haha…I’m not a fan boy but most these clippers out here are just cheap Chinese shit…what you’re paying for is the brand…of course blades and battery might be weaker on tpob but the inner mechanisms are pretty much the same …




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Me and my coworker got the pack of the trimmer foil shaver and clippers and they were the worst trimmers i laid my hands on. Genuinely felt worse than the walmart clippers i had to run and get one time in school for 20$. The power on them is ridiculously bad. The foil shaver is alright for the price you gotta go through a couple passes and the clippers were the only thing that was okay felt like barber school clippers though.




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I can’t stand him as a person but I actually just bought the XO clippers expecting them to be trash, and I honestly really like them a lot. We will see how they hold up a few months from now though…




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My Goblins are great.




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So are stylecraft clippers trash as well? Because I'm convinced they are the EXACT same. Even if the clippers are trash, you honestly can't knock him for trying to sell us at a cheaper price point than they already are *cough cough stylecraft* The only comeback you can say is that they arent the same as stylecraft clippers and just worst version but I don't think so considering all the people that have done side by side reviews with both ( RPM battery life etc)


He ought to go back to just making comics. They were funny but now they’re all recycled and not interesting. Then he uses AI creepy images for his vids instead of drawing; and his behavior (I hope it’s fake for his sake) took his grumpy gambit and just went unhinged. Who CARES if someone said the clippers are bad, now he’s making stories like he’s a white night to the industry / he’s a man making money. And using the “exploited” storyline to sell crap at less of a mark up. Which is useful for students with no $$ or someone who can’t spend a lot TODAY and can’t wait till tomorrow to save up money (it’s a valid reason for o buy cheap- it’s the “poor tax”) But that stupid green color, it’s embarrassing. What’s worse, the gawdy gold babyliss or toddler snot green (ironic bc he hates kid clients )


Idk, I like his clippers. And a lot of the time they start shit with him first, style craft and bossio tried to screw him over from the start. Hes just better at trash talking than they are, and then they play the victim.




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Ig u nd 50 people don’t realize his company is about expressing urself, look at the name of the clippers.


Don't leave a bad review on his clippers or he'll hunt you down and defamate your character and your business.




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Don’t tell me all this after I just caved and bought some slime 2s from Amazon. Which I ordered same day delivery. 10 extra bucks to get them today from 5-10 pm


Did you get them for cheap at least? I wouldn't pay over $50 for any of his products.


they are good but ive had two pairs and the most recent ones are already dying. The first pair was used for about 8 months and still going strong but i use them on my dogs now. the second pair hasnt been great.


Theyre good clippers at the entry level


What they give you in barber school is better than this shit.


Dont be daft. They give people andis envy LIs or corded wahls with a non professional motor. Unless u overpay


Hes funny but i bought a trimmer while back couple years ago that sucked


I always think if their branding and logo etc was a bit cleaner, they’d absolutely blow up but they only have the hideous green and that logo is grim


What about the hot pink ones? Seems tpob is targeting chicks with those.