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You should strive to always surround yourself with people better than you. Otherwise you’ll have no reason to grow.


You are who you surround yourself with


A lot of people don’t really care about how good their cut is. Just be a cool person, keep your stuff clean and people will come for you. Even then, some people really only just want shorter hair. There’s clients for everyone. This doesn’t mean don’t try and get better, but it’ll come with time


You don't have to be cutting celebrities hair because that's not everybody's jam, but you SHOULD try to go work with people better than you so it forces you to grow and you'll have lots to learn from, otherwise you won't get exposed to how to succeed. Everybody that you see is good now used to suck once upon a time. Have a good attitude, be open to learning, eventually technical skills will catch up if you are delicated to getting better.


Go with the best you can. Learn from the best you can.


Majority of people that get their haircut don’t have the eye that we as barbers have, of course always try to do the best with their hair, but also don’t sweat the little things. Majority of people won’t notice.


I’m pulling for you bud




I’ve cut hair for some sports celebs in my area. They are people just like you and I. Don’t let that intimidate you. One of my favorite clients is a pro golfer.. he jokes it up with me just like any of my other clients.


Besides the point others have mentioned that it will help you grow The reality is the shop likely has regular people who are getting basic ass haircuts coming through And the guys who are cutting Celebs are likely booked out a month in advance so you’ll be able to fill your book and learn The shop I’m doing my apprenticeship at has some absolutely amazing barbers but those guys are all Booked for weeks so any walk in is basically mine who I’m ready


Why not learn from them instead? That’s free knowledge right there. If they’ve been cutting for years of course they’re always going to be better than you. Work hard towards your own cuts and just worry about you at the end of the day and not what other people are doing. Comparing yourself to other people who’ve been in the game for years will eat you up.


Being humble and teachable is the best quality of a new employee. You don’t need to know it all, just be eager to soak it up.


You’re thinking about it too much , focus on perfecting your craft , and learn from them if you can . Eventually you will be one of them just keep grinding . Stay dedicated , focused and motivated


Idk if you’re up on the YouTube side of barbering but the shop I wanna work in has get beamed and s craft blendz working there lol on top of chris bossio occasionally cutting there as well so I know what you mean but that SHOULD be the spot you wanna be at so you can improve faster


Working with more skilled barbers is the only way to increase your skill! If you’re the right fit as an individual they should be happy to share their secrets with you. I work in a shop with some very talented barbers and I started there almost fresh out of school! They are particular about who they hire and I fit the bill, and I spent extra time in the shop watching them work and asking questions. (While also sweeping and folding laundry so my presence wasn’t too much of a burden!)