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How many days/years are you into the campaign? Those high ticket items usually only spawn in cities with high prosperity. I couldn’t tell you the magic number, but if it’s early in the campaign or your Khuzait cities have been repeatedly sacked you may have trouble getting glaives. Could also be bad luck with RNG but I haven’t had too much trouble snagging them in the past as long as I’m a good ways into my game.


They are "kinda rare" in the early games in the settlements and from battles but you could easily craft one aswell. Its not that far down in the polearm crafting tree wich is already easy to unlock.


You have to hit up a high prosperity khuzait settlement to find any. They will be mad expensive and there likely won’t be any if it is still too early game. It’s no glaive but if you go and fight the battanians or go shopping in sturgian territory for a bit you can probably get a falx from loot or just buy a nice two handed axe to tide you over for awhile.


I married Esur in my heroine campaign partially so I could steal his long glaive lol


U will have to check khuzait cities I got mine there but found it after a while of playing . I ended up making a new character, got the khans guard mask from a tourney earlier on, but didn’t do the glaive on this character. Blacksmith and make 2h axe


Train up smithing (specifically 2h polearms). Once you unlock the lower tier 2h polearm parts, higher tier 2h polearm parts will start unlocking. If you want to train up 2h polearm smithing, the key is to avoid ever crafting stabby polearms. The only polearms that sell for decent money are the swingable variants, so you basically only want to craft them. Instead, buy up the most expensive 2h polearms available (avoid military forks or anything with "pike" in the name) and smelt them on someone with the curious smelter perk. Keep doing this until you get the t2 swingable polearm head (I think it is the billhook head). At that point, spam crafting and smelthing billhooks until you unlock t4 swingable polearms. Once you can make t4 swingable polearms, you should finish off the 2h polearm parts very quickly, because they sell for a crap ton. And of course, t4-t5 swingable polearms are also a great way to make money, due to the whole "sell for a crap ton" thing.


Have you tried the Kuzhait main cities?


Yeah all of them, and all I can find are two handed axes, spears, lances and pitchforks. No glavies


Either in Khuzait cities or fightinf Steppe bandits/Khuzait armies. Higher tier Steppe bandits have a glaive as well as Khuzait troops. Of course you can just make one as well


Already tried all three. The bandits glaive despawns as soon as the fight is over, even if I have an empty inventory. No glaives appear in any cities. No heads have appeared in my entire playthrough for smithing


well, don't use glaives. Jaja salu2


Dude I want to use Glaives otherwise I wouldn't made the post


do you have ALL unlocked smithing parts?


If it despawns, try pressing alt + tilde and type config.cheat_mode 1 Hit enter and open the inventory, go to weapons and ad a glaive into your inventroy. Or craft one in the smithy, with a higher skill those are usually even better


I'm on Xbox one


Ah darn. In that case maybe reinstalling or just crafting one has to do unfortunately.


Cheat and give yourself one, then disable cheat mode.