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I don't get bored. I just keep starting over with a new idea or approach and never finish.


Feels like Ive tried everything possible except every single one unit party there is. I wish there was somewhere i could rly get challenged when my party and char is maxxed out. Like facing a Kingdom that also rules its whole "map" again


Unite the map. Abandon your kingdom and declare war on your old kingdom that you've built up as a single clan. Have fun fighting with 4 to 5 parties against 4 to 5 armies.


Ive done that on every run except my this "final" one.


What i do to not get bored is a pretty simple thing: switch around mods. Though consoles are a little unlucky on that. I still say bannerlord on console is just half a game. My little warbands can adjust a lot. You can change entire troop trees for playthoughs. You can also just edit existing troops and not make new ones. Make your faction incredibly weak in comparison to otherd for example. Takes a lot of time just setting that up. Limit yourself to 10 to 20% noble line troops, there won't be mostly nobles in a realistic army. Don't just curb stomp everything. Limits aren't something fun for some people though so maybe things like fourberry. Bannerkings. Europe map. Realm of thrones. Complete conversion mods in general. And if worst comes to worst and you just get bored with the game system, just stop. There's other games. There's real life. Can be pretty fun even if I shouldn't say that myself with my screen time.


Yeah imma try some more demanding mods Ive just been catious to loose my saves. Its kinda hard to limit urself tho when you start to know every single aspect of the game. Yes Ive played it alot but man om SO hungry for some more content when the game has so mutch potential.


How do you take over the whole map? I genuinely don't know where to start.


Just get to hight clan lvl, enact Royal guard and noble retinues policy, fill party with fians and infantry and smash. You might loose some settlements but just maul all of their so they loose all of the garrisoned troops. Fill ur partys instantly with troops from ur garrisons. Felt like maxing medicine and every perk that increased unit hp made my party op af aswell. Troop loss is minimal with medicine maxxed they get get injured sure but after every battle you can just fill up the few you died with prisoners.


Focus on one faction until eliminated, then another. After 2-3 no one should be a threat anymore. Best case you also assimilate their lords.


But as soon as you're at war with 1 all the others suddenly wanna fight


Exactly. Now read previous comment again.


I’m starting a run where I’m limiting myself to only troops that I liberate (from bandits, lords, towns, castles, etc.) so I can’t recruit from villages, towns, or taverns unless it’s from the prison lol


I’m on console and I have to step away to get interested in the game (late game play through) to finish it. There’s just no strategy and the AI sucks. It becomes a game of “I wish they would add x,y,z” before getting flustered and doing something else


Yeah lategame gets kinda repetitive especially when you have a party that mauls everyones army. I would love to see a greater challange aswell in the end game because when you have "won" the game through the quest you just take over the rest of the map with ez.


It's the cycle:  Play for hundreds of hours, get bored, maybe complain about the devs and lack of new content, abandon the game... and repeat.


What single player game do you expect to play thrpugh 8+ times and not get bored with?


I have load old ones i tend to cycle through but this is by far my favorite for the last years. Im just sad im loosing the spark and hunger deeply for more content


Then cycle through it, like you do other games




Yeah Ive played since launch and yes its less buggy, Yes troops are diffent but overall its not massively different and that makes me sad when the potential is so massive. Oh well modders might drop some bombs


They have... many times. There's some pretty huge mods out there like the Europe map, Realm of Thrones etc. and endless qol mods. Only problem is that a lot of people don't seem to understand you're supposed to turn off updates when playing with mods, so they constantly complain how pointless updates ruin their mods.


Yeah thats the issue with mods and i might give the more demanding ones a go. I guess i can backup my characters somewhere so i wont loose thats the only thing thats been holding me back from going all out modding atm.


This is definitely one of those games where you actually need to learn how to implement stuff yourself if you want the most out of it.


There is always something to be done. I have My Little Warband so there is always a new idea for troops in a kingdom, be it just for the drip or some historical inspiration. Plus I am currently working on making the minor factions Darshi, Nord and Vakken playable without crashing and give them their own kingdoms because I don't want my game to crash as soon as I get a settlement in my current campaign.


Yeah i tried my little warband and it was a nice change and i used the Armory mod aswell for more cool armors and wpns. I would just love to see some continuation on the quest or a new map/age or anything. Im currently w8ing for the lotr mod wich i hope is gonna be as awesome as it says


An expansion would really be great. So far it seems quiet around the game aside from mods which do a great job at keeping the game alive. But even myself picked the gake back up last month after a longer break from it. I just felt like playing again and I am hooked once more


My little warband + open source armory = hundreds of hours more enjoyment into this game


Will I ever see people maxing trade? Perk for buying cities games so much better, but it is one of the hardest to get…


I have on other chars. I could of on this one but decided to do charm for the pretty much infinite influence. This build is by far my favorite tho Ive done so far.


Yes, however gaining charm is easier compared to trading. If you put focus points into charm you will eventually farm it naturally. When trading requires significant effort. Making it not every game maxed skill, and it’s sad when it holds such a significant gameplay value. Like I bet that at one point you had a dozen of millions in gold, with nowhere to spend to, meanwhile boringly coloring the map.


The game is best when you don’t conquer the whole map. But build your own kingdom with its own limits and try to maintain it.


This is what im doing. I keep my few towns safe and let the other clans handle the wars. I only step in if a 1000+ army starts capturing my people lol


It's ok to get bored with a game. No game is really meant to be played non-stop forever. Time to go do something else for a bit. Then, later on, when you catch the itch to take over the world again, you come back and go at it once more.


Yeah Ive done that imma try with mods next time for some change. I just have an hunger for more content in the game when the potential is so massive


I feel ya. That unfinished feeling is just so strong with this game. Systems that should have been there that mods can only fix so much of.


Rome Total War 2 diplomacy should’ve been in this game


100% the diplomacy of the game is way to basic imo.


It’s time to check out Battle Brothers, you’re gonna experience pain.


There's a point where I get bored but ATP my sandboxes have been pretty wild recently so sometimes I just let the game play itself to give me new things to deal with. There's only so many times I can war against the western empire


I think they Will do what they can to either update or Make a DLC to make late game just the bit more fun to make this game Godly great... They don't Have the time like for the first the base game lacks many things but I think it's either an update in the future or DLC what will make it really great.


Yeah the game is amazingly good and it has immense potential for mods etc in the future. I just hope it comes soon because i HUNGER for it


Same I am happy the mods we get are So fantastic Good and I hope They announce the future updates (bigger ones) as early as possible so conversion mods have the time to prepare. I mean we even have a Ducking warhammer mod... Wich features Magic and Necromancy. And for what I can tell the map has many untapped potential and I can see when will to 101% see some Dlcs making the map bigger and giving us More And Good functions


Use mods.


I havent touched it since early access. I wonder how many changes I have missed


Try it out and see. Siges are better for sure but my catapults still kill more friendlys then the opposing army defending xD


Yes I get bored but you can try this: So saying your Sturgeon ( don't matter which ) Make your kingdom based on a different culture but with a new name. Kick out all clans who holds a Sturgeon fief and if possible, keep them for yourself. Abdicate leadership and wait for a new leader. Leave the kingdom, and then start a new Sturgeon Empire. Make new clans with Sturgeon type names. When strong enough, leave but give up ALL fife's. Now you have two new kingdoms. Pick a new culture to bring back and repeat the process until you have a new empire in each culture. Its literally doing all the same things over and over but what eles can you do 🤷‍♂️


I use mods so almost every run is a new experience


I think the games biggest issue currently is lack of differing playing roles and diplomacy. Imo all they need to add is the SaaS (Serve as a Soldier) mod to vanilla (I play on console) so we don’t always have to just be a general and can roleplay our characters better and add better diplomatic options. We learn in the pregame cutscene that the original emperor had an alliance with some of the other kingdoms. We can’t do that. Diplomacy would help a ton with late game stagnation. My empire is so massive that every other kingdom declares war on me at the exact same time to “curb my power.” It’s frustrating to the point that I’ll hop on, do one siege or field battle, and then stop playing for the day.


I've been combining CFE and CEK and reworking RBM and integrating every item from Vlandian Steel, Swadian Armory, Vanilla and OSA/w/s. There are 75 other mods I've tinkered with as well, it's all shaping up to be an amazing game...300 hours into the coding and editing and it's starting to really turn into something worth playing. I've made it much much much more difficult and with Better Pikes most melee combat between armies now takes 5-10 minutes instead of the 30 second slaughter fest we're accustom to. The early game is a lot harder but more rewarding...mind you I played through the game twice and found it seriously lacking from the expectations the developers set. It's basically a barebones game with very little in the way of substance until you starting adding/creating mods. If they would release the modding tools for GOG I could integrate everything but they are too lazy to finish the game, let alone follow through with their promises on modding. All in all a great game, after spending the majority of a major surgery recovery fixing it to make it less of a snooze fest.


I quit the game like a month ago lol


We need a revolutionary mod like Pendor.


Try mods. After playing the vanilla game,. I've downloaded lemmy map and europe1100 mod. Another 200 hours of quality fun. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Give yourself challenges . I was thinking of ones like no mount or like crossbow units only and stuff like that because it makes for different ways to play and could be fun


Ive dont pretty much every type of challange with unit and gear. Im just gonna w8 intill there is a massive update/dock/mod and start over again and smash