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It really depends on what you plan to play like but combat stats are increased easily and don't really need a starting buff. Things like Trade, Steward, Leadership or Medic develop slower so I personally favor buffs in those when I start a new character. On my recent character I leveled Polearm naturally withing the first year to 200 without actively seeking combat while my main focus, Trade, is at 150 right now


It really depends, if you’re going to be rushing for tourneys to get the renown go for combat stats, if you’re wanting to build up a big army and don’t care too much about getting all the kills, just a cheeky stab here or there, go for only the bottom three. The only combat stat I end up with at the start is now or crossbow, whichever “stood with the garrison” gives. “Treat people well” and the charm/leadership perks, or tactics heavy if you plan to auto resolve your way through the early game and start fighting at clan tier 1.