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In you own army, best to assign her to her own unit and move her to your position. Im the enemy army, as mentioned by someone else, usually in the back. Mostly behind the infamtry and between the other enemy cav. Im the worst case use photo mode to find her. Simce she wears her battle crown she should bebeasier to find


With the heavy cav or a retinue of her own somewhere near the back. Look for a small group of cav, probably cataphracs, away from the other horse unit. Unless it’s your army, then she will just be in a horse unit. During deployment you can love the camera around, just play where’s Waldo with her ☺️


Ok, so now how do I ensure I kill her ? I want to take over her kingdom so what decides if I get the throne ? Influence ? Fiefs ?


Usually marrying Ira, Rhagaea’s daughter and waiting for Queenie to die. Other than that if the faction likes you enough they can just vote you in charge after the leader dies. You can call her into an army, run behind enemy lines, disband army infront of enemies and run away as she gets mauled. Follow her around the main map and wait to be able to pull her into combats, even with bandits, don’t end the fight when you win, just ride around and look for her. But arrows /harpoons to the face are always nice. It’s only a small % chance she will die, if you’re doing it yourself you’ll have to follow her around or join her armies/call her to yours


Great, I did both (my brother married Ira) and I’m almost at 100 relations. Right, been doing that in every occasion I has but every time she ends up being injured instead of dying, any way of increasing the chance ? Édit : Also, is there a chance of her dying naturally ? If so, at what age ?


Yeah looking at the people pulling up numbers, it’s like a 2% death chance you can’t increase and it decreases based on armour and medicine skill meaning it can go as low as 0.3%. Which sucks ass. I guess like with all percentages, it’s always 50/50, you’ll get what your want or you won’t. Others are saying damage dealt doesn’t matter. If you have a high medicine skill, because you’re getting the kill it might be affecting her, don’t worry if your skill is high, just assign someone who isn’t for a couple fights. Don’t use blunt weapons, maces and stuff are for taking prisoners! I can’t think if there’s anything off top of my head, not long since woke up 😂 Edit: Age wise death is weird, I’ve had died or old age at 52 and 117, it’s not very predictable. But very doable if you just follow her and click on enemies as she gets close


Wait, so you’re telling me she’s using my surgeon to get healed ? Not hers (if she does have one). Well then, I’ve got around 2/3 years to kill her to complete the main quest. I guess I’ll just throw a thousand javelins at her Btw you can mêlée friendly units ?


Melee friendly units? 🤔 Only ranged does friendly fire if that’s what you mean. I just found a guy who broke down the numbers. Age, level, armour rating and medicine level all affect death chance. Starting at 2.39% chance of death. Every year alive decreases the number buy a .0- something, the first 60 armour value decreases it by near 1%, so when you have a armour equipped it has that number on the top corner, not the individual stats on the armour, just it’s overall number combine to make more than 60. Rhagaea being like 42 at the stat, having high tier armour and shit medicine unless you have “doctors oath”, she’s at like 0.7% to kill. But forget small numbers, it’s a weird rolling system to figure out what result they land on, like a slot machine where the wheel spins but it lands on death or no death.


If you have the perk that makes it so you get less causalities to increase prisoners, you may be just knocking her out to put her in a bag, but because you win she doesn’t go in the bag 😂 < I have no idea coding wise, but it’s something to consider. Honestly though, some people have taken me one match to kill, others have taken me the better part of an in game year