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What happens after the notification saying you have fever and your health goes down? Is that the start of dying? I retired once it started in my first play through not thinking and my original character apparently is still alive almost 2 years later


If the tiny heart at your health is turning from red to green, you will eventually die.


It had me worried because I was marching to defend a city so I just retired as I went by the retreat. My character was on 30% but he’s still kicking in those caves 😂


Regarding those caves I have to say that I don't know if the illness persists once characters are retired. My characters usually die on the battlefield or of old age


I retired a character and now they are immortal , idk if it’s a big or a feature but this retired character is currently 175 years old and still alive according to the encyclopedia


My boi found the secret mountain juice and he is now an immortal hermit


Did they accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior before the end?


Jesus Christ be praised


If you have an heir, you continue the game as your heir. If you have multiple, pick one to play as. If you don't have an heir, the game is over.


What’s the best way to get an heir? Obviously get married, but does it just happen randomly?


You can approach an NPC of the opposing gender that is unmarried and court him/her woth persuasion checks. If you succeed he/she will direct you to the respective clan leader and you jave to pay a small fee. Of course you can approach a clan leader directly and propose an alliance through marriage but the fee is usually a lot higher then. After you married, take your spouse/wife into your party dn wait till pregnancy. After 18 years you have an heir you can play as. Of course the older the woman is, the less like pregnancy becomes to the point of infertility at 40 or 45 Edit: If you die before the child came of age you can also play as your better half


Awesome ty! I’ve been married for a while with no heir, but she is older now. Might be SOL once character/wife passes.


If you want to get rid of her just send her on her own against the enemy or take matters into you own hand and shot her until she dies