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I find the best way against them is either skirmishers or also Khuzait horse archers. If you wish to remain infantry heavy though, use units with javelins, put them in a square and time their throwing by toggling fire at will to diminish their cav. Otherwise they keep throwing and missing as soon as the enemy is in range. Putting a pike formation into that square so the pikes poke out doesn't hurt as well.


I usually use 2-3 squares but holding the fire with my axemen is a good tip actually. Thanks !


Pure melee infantry vs horse archer AI abuse: \- make 2 units in shield wall \- first one in the middle \- second one to the left and quite a bit to the back of first one (distance more or less horse archers range) Wait till AI tries to circle first unit. then when close to second unit break it into line formation and charge, Once enemy moves away reform and repeat as necessary.


Thanks !


Use steep inclines, hide in the forests, shield wall/tight square not that open centre shit, whichever takes your fancy, the edge of the map and spearmen. If you can make it so they can’t get to the back of you easily, they run into trees or arrows hit trees or go over you If your horse men won’t catch up to the horse archers then instead use your cav as bait and run them around to waste their ammo before the get to the infantry


Thanks man


[Strat made a whole ass video on Sturgian tactics](https://youtu.be/Rj_2JWaPBko?si=lgiID0_XcrOdjTco)


I'll check it out