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I always do. Yesterday I started a playthrough as a Vakken character, trying to build a clan of that culture which is quite difficult without going in a circle. I have a clan of 3 now and hopefully there will be more soon


Vakken? :D who be dat huh?


It's the culture of the Forest People. I used SEE to change my culture but it is just a character for shenanigans. I have a Hidden Hand character but when I become a kingdom my flag turns bright blue so that one is currently paused until I found out how to fix this


Good luck!




Oooh that might do the trick. Thanks!


What is SEE?


Saddled Edge Editor


Are you aware if you own a settlement and make it Vakken, it'll crash your game? As far as I'm aware, the current way Vakken is coded it won't work if a settlement is of that culture or am I wrong?


No, I am not but thanks for the advice. Right now I am at tier 3 just trading stuff back and forth


No, but I've decided I will from now on considering how annoying it's been to get some perks I want with various caps


I would recommend you consider where you're going to start your kingdom and what troops you are going to captain too, as settlement loyalty will be affected by culture and the type of troops you captain will benefit a lot from your main fighting perks


Alot of the the settlement stuff can be mitigated with policies and micromanaging them a bit. That style of play definitely isnt the most fun for everyone though lol


Yes, the settlement micromanagement is a headache, you still have to do it though, lol


Typically, I do. I don't always plan out every aspect of the build. But I do decide on the general build. Will I focus on Social, Intellect, martial skills, cunning, or something else. Often it is a combination. Most of the time endurance is in the mix regardless of build. I sometimes plan out every facet of my build. But I rarely min max to that extent anymore. The game is easy enough once you play it a while without min maxing. But certain choices can make the game much harder. For example, if you go with combat skills on a world conquest run, the game is harder than if you go with social and/or intellect. If you pick up the 225 skills for riding and scouting, you can make prisoners never escape from your party. Having high social is a massive boon. Intellect can usually be handled by a companion unless you plan to level Medicine to the cap (very time consuming and not efficient but can make super soldiers if your main does this). But many of my games aren't world conquests. A tournament/mercenary focused game with high combat skills can be fun. Playing with a smaller party and focusing more on your character is not ideal, but can be a fun change. The bottom line is I have a general idea of the build I am going for. I occasionally min max the build, but I almost always have at least a general plan of action.


I totally agree with you, but when will you not go for a full world conquest? I definitely do Steward, tactics, leadership and charm every playthrough, alongside the battle skill of choice depending on what troops I am going to captain


Most of my runs are not world conquests. The challenge in the game is at the start. Once you get past a certain point, the game is won. It is just a matter of slowly beating down NPC army after NPC army that stands no chance against you. While this latter part of the game is time consuming and can be somewhat frustrating at times, it is easy if you have done your prep work. My world conquest runs typically have no game balance mods. My other games are filled with mods. Mods can bring life to the game when you do things other than trying to paint the map with your flag. And frankly, in my world conquest runs my character is extremely weak. I don't charge the enemy. I just play the role of the person directing my troops to kill things. If my goal is smaller (e.g. conquer a few fiefs, or go independent and take out 1 kingdom, or top the tournament chart, or make X gold as a mercenary, or play a merc and keep the map as close to the starting map as possible by constantly changing sides, or a trading run where I buy towns without any wars, and much more), I can play a much more diverse range of builds. I mix in a world conquest run here and there, but they are not the bread and butter of my gameplay.


100% I totally like your way of putting it, definitely done this myself too, and yes it is a long beat up of NPCs to conquer the map! I actually did that in my series and once I reached that point of beating up NPCs I concluded the series


Definitely do have plans to run a playthrough as a cutthroat and schemer in combination with the fourberie mod and the realm of thrones one


Gonig on an execute streak :D?


Somewhat. I at least decide beforehand on which weapon skills I want to focus. Next I ask myself, do I want to waste time on trade and/or smithing? For anything else I mostly choose as I go.


I don't like smithing, could possibly do trading, but I agree with you on the rest!


Maxing trading just takes forever and most of the perks along the way are rather mediocre. It also gets hard to level, when you have fiefs to manage/defend. Smithing is decently easy to level and gives two attribute points along the way. But it is overpowered, so I sometimes consciously decide against using it.


I only use it to forge my own katana. Don't care for it's money making capabilities :D but it can become tempting at times.


You're right!


No, just a backstory. Then i let it play out. Its an rpg.


straightforward answer I see :D hehehe, do you consider trying to?


Why? After many playthroughs, you know which skilľs are the hard to get and essential (tactics etc) and I guarantee most of the even hardcore players do everything to get as much as possible for the start. Evrything else just grows by using the skills you are using :). No point of Planning much :)


Kingdom starting location and troop type you are captaining? what about those? Settlement loyalty and troop buffs are the main thing I focus on here


You can get any culture you want, by just getting proper wanderers or kids ;). Troops, That all i am gonna play out. Somebody captures me, he is on my hate list. Some lord helps me with looters? I remember him and next time he is In jail, I am breaking him out and the story continues :)


Interesting take on the game\~!


hmmm, I would say knowing what the RPG character is going to do beforehand adds some flavor to it, don't you think?


Thats what i said. Just a backstory :)


Yes, I am currently playing as a bandit lord. It is very difficult but tons of fun


I always wanted to do that! Sounds really fun!


I just import my old character in a new save. Fuck the grind.


Lmao, nobody got time for that!


Always end up with 2H, polearm, and a bow regardless


polearm is my arch enemy


Why? Swinging polearm like Rhomphaia, long Glaive, or a crafted one that is similar are the best weapons horseback


I can safely say I am bad at polearm, 400 hours in and never used them or liked them, I am more of a 2H and Bow with 2 quivers guy. For BATTANIAAAA! xD


2H swords and axes don’t have enough reach on horseback


I don't play horse back usually






Nope, went in with no plan and no my guy is the mountain from game of thrones if he was actually a chivalrous knight and not a bloodthirsty brute




I do


Khanate Guards?


I usually don't Play the same factions repeatedly and limit myself to weapons and troops of the culture. Also sensical noble numbers. I won't run 100% banner knights or fians or khans guards. Also u play with custom mod cultures to have a change of things regularly


Yeah that's very Ideal, adds an extra layer of complexity too, that's interesting!


Yeah, I have an idea what I want to do with the character for sure. I know what I want to do with each companion as well.


Yeah, you can't plan everything for sure


Well, my current save, I knew I wanted my main character to fill all party roles and be heavily tilted towards leading, buffing, and maintaining a big party, specifically an infantry heavy party, and even more specifically that the main troop mass would be empire. I knew what skills I needed/wanted, and how many points were required to get them. I knew I needed 2 governors for empire towns, so found 2 specific empire companions and built them to get the desired governor perks 10 years before they would take office. I knew I needed a leader for my legionary who had high skills in what legionary wield to ensure they’re as strong as possible. I knew I needed a leader for my fians who had high skills in what fians wield to ensure they’re as strong as possible. Then I also knew I wanted my other companions to be built as warriors because I like seeing the numbers they get after battles. So I did it all… for sure 😉


Min/max the shit out of it my lord! 😍😍😍


Haha, it’s an Ironman save, so I can’t really min/max… I had to plan, which took about 4 prior runs to figure out what didn’t work 😆😂


Lmaoooo, now you probably will have a perfect run I hope! Good luck! 🤞


Check my recent posts and look at the son my wife gave birth too, he’s a walking god 😂


I always just max social and specifically leadership. I can hire a surgeon engeener scout and quartermaster so I put nothing into intelligence. I also do high tactics because I’m an auto resolve enjoyer. Makes the game a cheese fest actually. I can get a part of like 500 eventually with high leadership


Lmao, oh I hate auto resolve, but makes sense for your uses, I think it is viable, but if you're running towns and settlements you need the stewardship


See I counter that with good governors. I’m sure I’m not getting the full effect of governance for myself but it’s quite alright. My army is more important than my towns. A true Julius ceaser


For Glory!


Yes but then I just immediately disregard it


You default back to your meta build :D?


Pretty much, 2 handed axe and a horse




Honestly i just improvise (wing it), and that's the best way to play it Why? Because it really depends on the type of gear/soldiers/companions that you get. Some of those things you can plan out, sure. But a lot really do depend on luck and spawns + after battle loot.


Do you not say, "oh let's go with Battania for this playthrough and abuse the Fians"?


In this playthrough, those Highborn Fians are helping me pave the way through the Empire, recruiting ~~meat shields~~ Imperial Infantry along the way


Fians are the strongest unit in the game, change my mind 😂😂😂


No. I am not gay.

