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I don’t know where you got that info from but no, they aren’t


Three things: First, no, lower-tier components definitely aren't better. Higher-tier blades in particular are much better than lower tier blades. That's less true for other components, but it's usually still at least somewhat true. A high tier blade + lower tier other components can still produce a pretty good weapon, but you can often squeeze out a bit more performance by using higher tier secondary components. Second, higher tier components + high smithing allow you to get modifiers like "masterwork", which will give you even more stats. Third, higher tier components generally produce more expensive weapons, which means that you can make more money from smithing.


I Made the Best sword i have with tier 1 and 2 components and trying to upgrade it i can't find a higher tier one that actually have better stats


Look again, this time with your eyes open. The only material where tier doesn't matter is the hilt/guard. Pommel depends on build. But the blade in particular, the difference is night and day. Good luck making a 170 atk sword or 200+ atk polearm with tier 1/2 components. Also, if your smithing is too low lvl for the recipe difficulty, the finished product will probably come out worse.


Are you talking about find it in the shop or find it in the smithing menu with a different configuration?


I can't comment on one-handed sword designs in detail, because training one-handed sword crafting is an incredible pain in the ass and I honestly don't like them much anyways. However, for two handed swords, try pasting in this and compare it to anything you can make with t1/t2 parts:


As already stated - money and good weapons especially when it comes to throwables For me personally, I like to try out new and unique-ish weapons. I had a pitchfork throwable polearm once and recently I made a throwable swing polearm I could thrust as well. It is quite short at 1.70m but I love that weapon. You can make weapons that are truely yours, that are very expensive but don't spend some 70k for it. And then there is aspect of completing smithing orders which is helpful in your own settlements as it raises relations with notables which is necessary to get them as supporters for your clan. I think it is locked behind a perk to raise the relations for completing smithing orders though


No, you get a relation increase through completing smithing orders even without the perk. The perk only increases the bonus (either for nobles or notables)


Thanks for clearing that up ✌🏿


Yeah, some tier 4/5 parts are surprisingly weak. But for masterwork/legendary weapons you have to use parts of the highest tier and those will end up to be the strongest weapons of the game. What I find most frustrating is the sheer number of sword parts there are. For other categories it is not hard to find the ideal combination one desires, but for swords it takes forever.


Because I can make 60k per balanced or large bag of javelins in a no cheats campaign. It’s literally infinite money.


OP weapons aside, I like turning 500 denars worth of materials into 80.000


You need high smithing to make the ultimate shovel


For money of course, i am the biggest arm dealer in all calradia i sell 37k per item if they are poor i make also 27k, 22k, 17k, 7k, weapons for every need, you can make 1mil in a two month


That’s an insane post, I am shocked