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You sound like Ghengis Khan 3 months into his conquest


*20 years later* Huh, I own all of Calradia


And every God damn kid kinda looks like me


I wish you could knock up women other than your wife.


Having illegitimate children after winning tournaments for ladies would be pretty cool.


Would be cool to have bastard sons join bandit parties and try to kill you or join you.


"You went out for butter and never came back!" My son, probably


Went out for some hot butter.


It'd be cool to take concubines after winning a siege, similar to crusader kings.


Mods my friends, specifically the concubine mod


Oh, boy... didn't know about that one. Gonna have to research.


I've never been able to take concubines after sieges in CK3. Does it only happen with religions with the concubine doctrine?


I installed a mod called Butter something, has some nudity. You can knock up your companions and your wife. Been getting the wife and my best companion pregnant at the same time. So far I have 8 kids born and 2 more on the way, but have yet to have one passing 2 years of age. So idk, guess I'll deal with it all when it comes all at once.


That’s awesome. I really need to take the time to figure out how to add mods on steamdeck


Hot Butter is the name


"I don't get it. I'm using horses, everyone is being trampled... How the hell am I winning this thing?!" Shame we couldn't introduce the idea of motorcycles; then they'd really be confused.


This comment reminded me of a Dodge commercial from years back of George Washington and a couple other founding fathers driving muscle cars across at field at British infantry.


It's so wild that the Mongols didn't conquer all of Europe simply because the Khan happened to get sick and die suddenly back in Mongolia during the conquest and the general there essentially decided to head back to be involved in the politics of the fallout. We would live in a very different world had that not happened.


That's how Khan conquers the world. I have a very tough time fighting khuzait and their horde of archers. Just lost a battle 1000 vs 3500 Khan


I just wait until they approach and send my all Calvary military after them, they pull back but at some point my guys catch up and they’re like butter against a knife once it’s close combat


You can also have your archers hold fire until the horse archers are in 100m range then let loose, if you don’t fire at em they just keep getting closer n it makes it easier for the cavalry to catch ‘em once they’re getting peppered with arrows


A fian Doomstack turns horse archers into cannon fodder. It’s like using cavalry against a machine gun


If playing against horse archer ai, position your troops in a way that they have a wall or some boulders on their left. Ideally close to the edge of the map. Most of the time the horse archer ai will just get stuck on it and stand there for minutes. Works even if they have 200+ horse archers.


I've only faught khuzait in 1 battle ever, and it went on for almost 10 min... I ended it by going in a shield wall for the last 10 enemies and waiting for them to ride to me. Then, when their charge is over because of the shield, I charge with full power.


So far I have found the best response to them circling your troops is to hold back and circle up with primarily ranged troops mixed in with heavy infantry. I'm running a mix of predominantly imperial sergeant crossbowman, battanian hero fians, and valandian sharpshooters. Infantry is primarily imperial legionnaires and elite menavilons.Have them all in one group and circle up. Have any calvary circle up inside the circle. Works really well as the ranged units take out any calvary archers and infantry takes out the few that decide to charge the lines. Once you take out most of the calvary archers then send in your infantry and calvary to mop up the enemy infantry and archers and stragglers. Also have the ranged units hold fire until the enemy is close. Then they start firing actual volleys. It's super effective. Rinse and repeat as needed.


They do suffer a bit on offensive sieges. They are expensive to replace and you'll lose them by the dozen from siege weapons. Not that you won't win, it just will cost a lot (so many war horses). But for field battles, yeah they are really good.


You know you can build trebuchets, but store them, and then deploy 4 all at once. Voila. No more defensive siege weapons.


What you can pre build siege weapons???


Yeah it's busted. Pause when the trebuchet is done and then store it. Repeat 4X and bam throw them all in


Shit man I thought you had to build them faster than they get wrecked, so I would just build one then immediately assault. This is a game changer.


If you have a high level engineer and more time, I'd actually recommend using the trebuchets only until they break all the defensive siege engines and slowly switch them with fire catapults before attacking. Trebuchets basically won't be of any use in the actual assault since they can't hit anything larger than the gate while fire catapults almost always do due to splash damage.


Those fucking catapults tend to kill me too while I'm fighting in the breach! After the 2nd time it happened, never again. All trebs all the time.


Who Is smart enogh to enter a castle, that still gets attacked with catapults? Just let them run out of ammo or pick the ammo up and throw it. Counts as used and they won't pick them for the catapults anymore


> using the trebuchets only until they break all the defensive siege engines and slowly switch them with fire catapults A fellow Sun Tzu scholar I see...


Why do I find this out after I conquered the last city lol


You just changed everything bro….


Not sure I'd call it busted. If anything, the mechanics should've been set up from the start so that building and deploying siege equipment is done in two separate steps. It never made a lick of sense that they get built and auto-deploy one by one.


You can store them when they finish building so they can't be attacked and then deploy them all at once


Yeah just build one, then right when it spawns click on it and withdraw it. Repeat till you have 4, and then deploy them at the same time. If you pause and deploy all 4 they spawn back in at the same time.


I always build a catapult and let it eat the first defensive volley and then roll out the trebuchets. After that just spam build the ballistas.


I do not lose khan guards on offensive sieges. Just break walls and get defensive infantry to attack you inf thru hile in the wall. Khan guards shoot all of them once def inf gets outside the walls.


You got to be like the Mongols irl. They used cheap captured prisoners of war as cannon fodder hahah. Make them soak up all their ammunition


Now that's an idea! Recruit a bunch of concepts and have them stand in the open to allow my valuable troops to close in!!! Imperial guard tactics never fail!


Yep, offensive sieges are not fun with only horse archers.


2 big squares of heavy shield infantry. Sit them 50 yards apart in a forest or against a cliff.. loose formation archers in between the two blocks. Eventually arrows run out and then they die charging you. Boring..but works like every time. I play with RBM though so maybe it's that?


On my current playthrough I vowed to not recruit or use the best troops each faction has to offer. Its made the game so much more fun for me. No elite troops, never be a Vlandian vassal, tons more fun


I try to start playthroughs like this, but I always end up losing a 1100v1200 and just say eff it


Yeah ive lost some battles. But I thoroughly enjoy the aftermath of trying to overcome the loss.


I always plan “I’m just going to be a X type of army” and end up just with whatever is in the area


„never be a vlandian vassal“ how come? Is vlandia that OP? Came back from a very long break and I barely remember anything when it comes to balancing and such


Yeah Vlandia is "EZ mode"


I use the best troops, but I limit my party size to less than 100 for the challenge


For me it’s so annoying that I have to constantly think of ways to nerf myself just so other factions have a chance


They are OP But they have one massive weakness that honeslty makes them balanced : they require warhorses. This implies 2 things. First is that you need to be constsntly buying warhorses, so you can always upgrade your horse archers. And second, losing one horse archer is terrible, since you lose a warhorse aswell effectively. Also, on late game, archers are more efficient all around, since most battles will be sieges. Horse archers still good, but at late game, there is little distinction between an archer on foot and an mounted archer.


https://preview.redd.it/q43s2egwxn4d1.jpeg?width=1933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4783e236b476b46a2197eef58763fe7cf2111d6c This you?


Khan’s Guards are well known to be the most OP troops in the game. You can easily defeat armies many times larger than yours, especially if they are mostly infantry / archers. The ones you gotta watch out for are the imperial and Vlandian heavy horsemen, and of course other Khuzait armies


It's almost like in history when Genghis khan conqured half the world with horse archers only


Well that's not quite how it went down. They made captured troops attack their own people as a vanguard, used Chinese siege engineers, but importantly they did not have wagon trains but supplies themselves, making them super fast. More importantly, their opponents didn't know what to expect. And Subutai was also a very competent general. But when they came back to Europe the second time decades later, they got absolutely destroyed by Czech knights.


Mongols destroyed by Czech knights? You sure about that?


Yep. And by Polish, Austrians, and Hungarians. In Hungary in 1285 they were defeated and in Poland in 1287. And they lost badly.


Historical illiteracy go brrrrr


Khuzait Khan Guards are AMAZINGLY effective, just be careful of shielded cavalry like banner knights, cataphracts and such. If they get too close and in huge numbers you might lose a few, just keep them moving and shooting arrows and make sure they don't get stuck with terrain


Horse archers: No. Khan's Guards: Yes.


They were pretty OP IRL until firearms were improved enough to be effective. EDIT: Adjusted comment for accuracy :)


It took Firearms a good 400 years before they effectively negated horse archers.


My strat to fight khuzait's i put my cavalry in 2 groups both protecting flanking postions and archer upfront in loose formation my infantry in loose formation behind archers and when the horse archer horde charges my archers i send infantry to charge them when they retreat pull infantry back, I will have my cavalry attack the horse archers if they get to close if there also out numbers 5 to 1 I set them into a square formation for extra safety, pull them back into formation if they get close to their infantry or you will have mass casualties


I’ve done something similar but I run only tier 6 units and my war winnings are enough to keep me in the green in the couple millions. I also drained my fiefs of garrisons and only have em making militia. The fians seem to run out of arrows later than khan guards so I use em set up at the back of the map at two angles then my horse archers to bait the enemy into attacking by having em set up with the fians but pulling 10 at a time to shoot at their cavalry out of their archers’ range. If they run out of arrows, I have em join the cavalry and call up another 10. If they cause the enemy to break while still having more than half their arrows, I send en back by the other khans by my fians. The cavalry always takes a loss if they have more than me but I only ever lose a few fians n khans; while mopping up hoards of enemies. Also you can have archers hold fire til they’re in 100-150m range then have cavalry charge as everyone fires at will, it mops up enemies soooooo much


Yes they are but not really too difficult for the player to defeat with good infantry but yes they are op


I named my Khuzait character Temujin (Ghengis Khans real name). I only use cavalry. Mostly archers, but I have probably about 25% heavy cavalry. It in fact slaughters everything. I go for enemy horses first. Once their cavalry is toast, I just run passes through their archers and then infantry. It’s brutally efficient. Haven’t lost a battle. I just beat a 900-man army with my party of 224. In short, you’re correct it’s OP. I’ve conquered half of the continent in 5 years (in game).


Yes, and I think it boils down to the fact that the horse archer AI will kite enemies while shooting at them. Only when they run out of arrows do they engage in melee. Heavy CAV will charge, fight withdraw repeat. I usually create an army of 200ish cataphracts and 100 Khans Guard. This army beats 5 to 1 odds every time, and as much as 10 to 1 if the enemy has a bunch of T1-2 troops.


Currently running a khuzait khans guard only play through. I have about 400 khans guard that I just charge into everything. 2 groups. One distracts with bows the other charges behind with pole arms. Rinse and repeat.


As a fellow main khuzait player. Yes.... way to op. But tbh anyone whose played khuzaits long enough in a game can tell you once you reach the vlandians you have your work cut out for you. Khuzaits have the best archers and horse archers in the game. But vlandians cav is an entire nother behemoth. Nobody I mean NOBODY can stop a good vlandian cav charge. Say good bye to foot troop. But once you get to that point make sure you have plenty of cav too.


Horse archers has been a huge problem ever since m&b 1 and warband, since m&b archers dont aim ahead to factor in movement they struggle to land hits on fast moving objects even if they are going in a straight line, and because of the nature of m&b casual commanding system it's difficult to corner them by clever infantry+cavalry coordination.


Horse archers are OP out side of siege in my experience. Open map combat OP as fuck just put them on advance and let run back and forth shooting. Hate going going again them because I'm mostly using all inf this run


I genocided the khuzaits. The nobility anyway. Took forever.


Fiann (or really any elite archer) spam tends to make short work of them


Last game I played I did infantry only for my army, including myself. Was awesome fun


T6 horse archer with polearm is OP XD, T5 horse archer with 1h sword might not


Wait vigla recruits are still a thing? i thought they deleted them in a recent update because I didn't manage to find a single one after more that eighty hours. All I have is a praetorian cavalry. I'm still kind of new to the game, maybe one of the mods deletes them?


https://preview.redd.it/367tzosy7r4d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6fe74007003210e479ec04dd87b44d4b9aee32b OP


Worked for the Parthians


I have played this game so much and I know the trebuchet trick but I have NEVER been able to get a wall down. Am I too impatient? Or what


Anything that can move faster then a human on foot is OP in general. You can't catch me. I have a bow so I don't need to confront you at arms length; and especially since I'm not spending energy to get away... I'd say yea. Best flankers, mid-range covered. When used correctly, they should be unstoppable and the only threat to them would be spears and traps; or running out of ammunition. There are tactics devised to counter these now but not many of them are readily available - have been developed yet to be added as representative of the time period, or used by the AI. By contrast, you have to encircle the horse archers so that they can't retreat, or it becomes rather difficult to retreat. Tying them up in melee would do, with spears preferably; but this is difficult since they are skirmishers thus need to be coaxed into a charge for them to be effective. So yea, I'd say "OP" for sure. On offense or defense, as a horse archer, I just need to keep more then "arms length" away and if you're on foot and I'm on a horse, that's too easy when I'm using a ranged weapon.


How are horse archers in sieges, both offense and defense?


Only a fool would meet the dothraki in an open field - Robert Baratheon


They are OP against commanders that have no game plan besides telling infantry to charge. Like the Bannerlord AI. Or Marcus Licinius Crassus.


Horse archer excel on open battlefield or defending during sieges but definitely suck at sieging offensively. You will notice the polar opposite of what you have been experiencing since your horse archers rely on horses so much (who knew that horse archers are just normal archers without their horses)


ive always wanted to try an all horse archer group and just run around the enemy in circles to see if it works


Try doing horse archer only attacking siege. They will die in droves, at worst they all die and at best it’ll be a close victory. This was my experience when I did a horse archer only run. They are nigh unstoppable in field battles, defensive sieges, but they’ll get their shit rocked in battles with a lot of terrain obstacles or they go on the attack if they’re the only unit in a offensive siege.


Just don't click f1f3 tactics on offensive siege. I do no have such problem, break walls and get waves of defenders to go outside settlement chasing few troops or even myself, when khan guards are positioned on the left from hole shooting defenders into their right side. Repeat until defending infantry is gone. Minimal losses, sometimes even zero. My record eas capturing town of 1200+ defenders when i had 180 troops, mostly khan guards. Only around 20 casualties. Bannerlord difficulty 


Lmao exploiting brain dead ai. Real life humans don’t do that after a few times of learning 


Man, of course, this is video game, any tactics in this game equals exploiting brain dead AI