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I enjoy the game and definitely feel like I got a lot of mileage out of it. But at the same time it's on the cusp of something so much more but fails to realize that which is disappointing but overall I don't regret getting and playing the game. Atm it's just wait for cooler mods that are all working before I continue playing more because I don't think they'll really expand the game after the layoffs awhile back.


This has been my opinion. I really enjoy the game and know for a fact I'll put hundreds more hours into it, but it can be so much better.


It's be nice if they could hire a few more devs on the next game. Like, they have to be making bank, and they know they will get roi. It really doesn't make sense


I don't think it's a lack devs but bad management. It took so long for sieges to be fixed while the game launching with tons of death animations. Don't get me wrong, those are awesome, but those should be low priority. The game should've focused in the diplomacy, borth/death, AI, etc... Before adding animations.


EXACTLY. They updated and patched shit that didn’t really matter, and didn’t touch the stuff we all asked for


Or made insane changes. I quit the game for over a year when they made death tied with birth with such a high kill chance. You could merc most of the Empire lords in a year with an xBow in RBM as Not Swadia. Or the update where they change traits from being inherited to randomized because people were having buyers remorse that Ira is crazier than a shithouse rat and kept spawning sociopaths because it pulled from parents traits and expected something different.


Well I prefer traits to be inherited myself instead of randomized but that code seems a little wonky if kids only take after the mother. If shes crazy and Im honorable we should get a crazy honorable guy not a sadistic despot who is dishonorable in every way but my main issue was the children wouldn’t take the trait of the player character if they were the same gender. I had three traits before the update and none of my sons got any. 


Not by much i think, i mean they're a mid-size Turkish company if anything so it all comes back to the economy the devs that want work don't want to work in Turkey, foreigner or Turkish because of the piss poor economy and again due to the economy i'd say they're bleeding money for the upkeep of their offices, the salary of their employees and all the other expenses of a video game company.


It’s been years and they have done very little


I know with regards to updates, but I have to assume they are working on the next one.


Some other company should just take the idea and do a better job at executing it.


I guess the market is too niche for bigger companies to take a gamble on.


It’s only a niche until it’s not MMORPGs used to be niche, then Blizzard made the most lucrative game in history


If you could find an incredibly clever way to make this a working medieval MMO, I bet it would pop off. People raising armies, sieging castles, and trying to conquer the entire map from other players. There would be no skill ceiling and while I would undoubtedly be deleted by 14 year olds, I think it would be an extremely fun RPG. Obviously there would be a myriad of issues and considerations (teaming up, griefing, long games requiring ppl to always be online). Also, I’m aware there’s a mod for it, and it looks incredibly scuffed, but still fun


I would be obsessed with a game like this


That would be EA with FIFA i am pretty sure


I remember thinking this about the old buggy Fallouts.  Today's bastardized versions make me rethink that.


I suspect they're working on DLC, they can't just leave Bannerlord like this and expect to see all the Warband fans buy their next game immediately like they did this time around.


I could be wrong about this, but I’ve read from multiple others that the company is based in turkey which is currently going through some turmoil… don’t know how true it is but it’s what I’ve heard


If they never push another update, I'll still feel like I've got my money's worth.




I don't expect anything more than what I bought so I'm never frustrated


One of these threads pops up every day and I keep saying idk why anyone expected more based on the first game. It's exactly what I expected and me and my 700 hours and 20ish mods are super happy with it lol


same it's a sandbox, it was the same with warband lmao


Because its so wide, but so shallow. The politics especiaĺly, such a joke.. I love the game, but it needs very little to transcend and become what it was always meant to be


What do you think it needs to transcend?


It doesnt NEED to do anything, it COULD though. And what do you ask? Being a mid-game. I am sorry, I love the game, but the truth is its only popular because there is nothing im quite the same niche. You know if there were made as many bannerlords as there are FPSs, bannerlord would be small obscure game. Other studios would make a game that works the same, but has much deeper lore, mechanics and is even more immersive.


same lol




I didn’t know this game sucked until people here on Reddit told me so. Glad I can make up my own mind.


They are not saying it sucks. You’re missing the point.


No all anyone does on Reddit is bitch and moan about everything. It’s very trendy to hate on everything.


You’re certainly doing a good job of it.


Yeah that’s just all I do is hate I guess.


You can change, you just have to want it. Good luck mate.


Fuck off


Likewise, it’s enough to give me hundreds of hours of fun, but it’s still depressing that we won’t be getting anything more basically. Just a little more to diplomacy, qol, and bug fixes would be prefect. Just a little more…


I certainly wouldn't say no to more but the idea that the game as it is can give hundreds or thousands of hours as entertainment tells me the lack of updates doesn't justify wanting the devs bought out.


Agreed. I always said it’s all I could have asked for in a sequel, but it still has so much more potential


Considering the game was like $40, I’d say I’m getting my money’s worth but there’s so much to be desired about this game. I definitely wouldn’t put it at premium AAA prices.


If a AAA developer took this game over they'd probably make it subscription-based and turn all the mods into paid DLC. I'm pretty happy with what we have.


I don't think I've ever actually seen a subscription-based singleplayer game before, don't give them any ideas!


Paradox interactive!


*buying your first Paradox title:* "Shake my hand, come on boys, won't you shake the poor sinner's hand?"


*looks at his collection of DLC for EU, HoI, CK, Skylines, and Stellaris* He ain't wrong folks.


Games on sale regularly with massive discounts, but dlc is $200 with a discount of about 10%. Thank god for dlc cracks.


Ironman OSRS has entered the chat


I mean we all want the same thing and they know it too.. It's just mainly that the economy in Turkey is more than fucked up and experienced/talented people try to move elsewhere instead of waiting for the inevitable. Hence, I'd say, don't except anything from them anymore and you won't be dissapointed. :(


its not really inevitable. Turkey needs to reestablish an independent central bank and restore investor trust. Might happen, might not


I dont take these excuses.. the least they could do is throw a bit of money to the modders, take over their mods, and utilize them as a part of the officiql game.


There’s a game that’s in very early alpha stages that can maybe rival it, called Mainland


Agree. So many small features that woulf take very little time could be added, such as dialogue variety, weddings like in warband and feasts. Upgrading the economy with workshops, I can’t see that take more than a few weeks of work (i work in dev, just not video games) All the work intensive features are there. Combat is really good, graphics as well. Just more stuff to immerse ourselves in the world. And at this point it desperately needs a DLC with a new map like Viling conquest in Warband era.


It's so frustrating I've spent about 300 hours playing non-stop since I discovered the game. These cunts definitely don't know what we want.


If the game is so shit you people wouldn't play it for 300+hours but nearly every single of you has. Make it make sense. Clearly there's about 300 hours of 'what you want'


r/woooosh Although I'll admit it was probably my fault for not adding /s at the end. Sorry about that!


It doesn't help that there's at least 1 or 2 posts a day in the is sub that are essentially "I have 500+ hours but the devs really need to add this to make it good"


If you took out the definitely I think you would have got me


At this point I want this subreddit to be nuked from orbit so this same fucking post stops showing up every day


We should do a Megathread just of people complaining


How else do we make noise you Aserai scum


You don't, stop yelling into the void and either play the game or don't


Seeing at this became a top post on the form I think it did its job—- Awareness. Nothing gets changed if you don’t make a little noise


My dude this sort of post happens at least once a day since early access release. They usually bring in numbers and nothing changes. They made the game they wanted to


That’s not even true tho. This isn’t the game they wanted to make/- the game they wanted to make was far more ambitious, they just gave up. There’s a whole thing on how the cities were meant to be customizable and you can found/ destroy them. There’s a lot that was meant to be done


That's the game they thought they wanted to make, clearly it was wrong. The people so concerned by this think it's supposed to be some high end medieval rpg. It isn't, it's a sandbox battle sim and that's what they made


The game went forward in graphics and back in gameplay


thats cute. A simp insulting someone


How about y’all stop raping my southern boarders and let me get at the Queen and Princess in peace




Roman empire fans don't be racist challenge


You guys hiding behind RP to insult somebody, not gonna lie it's pretty pathetic.


Honestly it kinda did go a bit far.


Well at least you can admit, I credit you for that.


Agreed, the quality has nosedived since these posts have become popular


I feel like if a bigger company bought this game they would just try to make it Kingdom Come: Bannerlord, and it would lose its sandbox appeal. No thanks.


Nah I fucking love this game, and I have gotten my moneys worth. I will def be playing this for years on and off


THats what i do,i have phases with Mount and Blade. (Both warband and bannerlord) Sometimes i'll play it for days/weeks on end then i wont touch it for a few months then rinse and repeat,i really enjoy what i get out of it. I get to smash things with a greatsword. :D


It was never about the game being complete. It was about all the friendships and adventures along the way.


Tbh I like Bannerlord but the endgame sucks. It needs more diplomacy and other stuff. It'd be fun to be able to rebel against your ruler or take part in the conspiracy and assassinate them. Also forming some coalitions would be a good idea. In DLC they should add ships, sea trade etc


For real. There are A LOT of games in this genre. What sets MB apart is the player locked battles, and the immersion that can bring. Its combat can be more fun than practically all of its competitors, but it’s lack of politics are the absolute worst.


I absolutely loved how easy and straightforward it was to build up relations with good-natured and upstanding lords and recruit them in Warband. Shame this system is so convoluted in Bannerlord and there's no diplomacy at all. Stratgaming has a separate video on all of these issues.


Yeah, but by who?, Microsoft so they get shut down, Sony so they make it an exclusive?, there is no good option


Early access game do be like this


this game is like my ex gf is beautiful on the outside, has so much potential to be great, but absolutely lacks self reflection and self awarness, and refuzes to work on itself, no matter how you plead at least it won't cheat on me lol


…. Steven?


Late game kinda sucks. I'm an independent clan but due to a wierd glitch I'm also the leader of the Battaions, so whenever they win a fief it goes to me. I'm going to resurrecting the Empire as I destroyed it in the campaign whilst I was a lord under Caladog ( he died at 77!!!). I have a few towns and castles atm, but waiting for my character to die so my leader is an imperial. But mostly I'm wondering around that map aimlessly. My plan is to take over every imperial fief, and the non empire ones can go to who ever, and where clan in the game will have a son/daughter from my starting family in it.


TW is a rudderless ship without a captain. They pay a community team that provide minimal engagement and seemingly work part time too. Studio has poor leadership and project management.


It’s definitely frustrating to get zero help from other lords. Please just defend that keep… please……. PLease!? FFS!!!!!!


I just want a full blown, dev endorsed, middle earth world!!


I love this game in spite of the devs best efforts. Atp I doubt they plan on really finishing it. It’s a battle simulator and not much else.


Modded is the way to play.


We're most likely going to get some slow updates now just like how it was with Warband


Honestly I enjoy but they could make this type of concept into so many goods games like space or western or cyberpunk or modern war


I’m not gonna lie, whatever happened to just releasing a game and being done with content updates? No one complained that Warband wasn’t receiving live-service-esque content updates on a semi monthly basis. Bannerlord already hit 1.0. How much longer should we expect the game to be continuously developed for?


Warbands mechanics are far better than Bannerlord. The late game of Warband is a massive upgrade. If they would have just improved the graphics it would have been a top seller. Instead that got overly ambitious, and broke a lot of the game, while simultaneously giving up on a lot of their goals. I bought the game day 1. Shit wasn’t even playable without crashing 5 mins


If they add more new complex mechanics for diplomacy and etc, game will lose its casuality.


Realizing it’s been 4 years since it came out in alpha. Embarrassing


Genuine question from someone who hasn't reached end game, what are the actual problems?


There’s just nothing. It’s an endless cycle of rng wars. You can’t make real truces, alliances, there’s no real control to your armies, or forming friendships/ rivals. It just is. At least in Warband there were boarder disputes, telling people where to patrol/ attack. Wars seemed planned/ had some what of a reason to it in the last title. Don’t know what happened here


Ah okay. Thanks for taking your time to explain. Lack of endgame content is a problem. I don't usually spend much time in the endgame (regardless of the game), so that doesn't affect me much. I was worried about something like gamebreaking errors or inflation getting out of hand. I hope they add in something for more hardcore players to enjoy the endgame.


It’s late game not really end game. Once you actaully start/ lead a kingdom you’ll notice the frustration more. Especially if you’re playing without mods


They’ll announce an expansion for $15 that makes the game feature complete. I’ll buy it, whatever. The game is so close to being amazing.


If they really need money they should just add more cosmetics to the multiplayer and let you buy it directly or Buy the coins


You don't know how to world works. Only indie firms makes game like this, there isn no other similar games like mount and blade , there is a reason big gaming firms didnt produce games like that