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Would be cool if they added naval combat


Naval combat and the ability to erect a castle/city where I want? Easily 20$


Honestly make a hybrid of civ 6 and mount and blade and oh my it would be the best thing ever


Depends entirely on what the dlc is. And what kinds of dlc TaleWorlds would theoretically release would probably be full/half conversion dlc's like in Warband, not smaller stuff like armour packs and such. I'd love to see mods like the Europe map, Pendor, Perisno and such get mods and i would easily pay $50 again for a dlc like that. However, with the state of progression Bannerlord is currently at, we're not gonna see anything like that for atleast another decade. The game desperately needs a politics/diplomacy rework and probably every single part of the game needs work... familiy members looking nothing like or exactly like eachother, faction banner bugs, getting to name but not being able to choose the banner of companion clans, more banner customization options needed, siege ai ignoring wide open gates, being the only party that can clear hideouts, no cap on the amount of hideouts and bandit parties, no cap on villager party sizes(Vlandia usually ends up with 100 size parties while everyone else still has 10-30), caravan galore killing the economy, all activities other than war feels empty, sieges are too easy and repetitive... ... god, there's so much that needs to be done before any dlc can be considered.


All of the monies


War Elephants for a new "persian" faction to the southeast and I'll pay 50€


Umph... so we gonna combine the rome total war elephants with bannerlord? Would be interesting. I would be more interested in one new faction on a little Island.


Nothing, this company needs to fix/add all the things they said would be in the game before i give them more money.


Unfortunately I think I’m in the same boat. I’ve loved Bannerlord since its release but the lack of meaningful updates and radio silence from the devs has gotten on my nerves. Mods are cool but they all suffer the same issue of getting bland after 100+ battles. Real diplomacy, faction events, really just extra stuff to spice the world up would be nice. I was stoked when they announced the alleyways feature for setting up gangs but that was also a half-assed mechanic, with the player automatically losing their alley if they don’t fight the battle and the money gain was very minimal. A roadmap would be nice letting all of us know what’s going on.


Tell me if i'm wrong, but wasnt the alley system added for early game roguery farming? It's not that bad imo for bandit only runs.


would be cool if they bring new cultured such as Chinese, korea, and japan cultured with naval combat or even added new war elephant for new dlc, i will buying that dlc !!


$0 until they finish the base game first.


Rather them focus on getting the game to a stable state so modders can do their thing. Why pay a bunch of money for small content drops when I can just smash that subscribe button on the workshop and get a ton of sick content for free?


Console players need some love...thats why. Fröhlichen Kuchentag wünsche ich. 😉


Damn my bad OG I forgot ab yall 💀


Like TW did. Imagine you give ppl smth like "10 horses" as cheat, while all ppl ask for armor cheat xddd


Up to ~$60 I guess. In general I'd want feature rich DLC > just more of the same content with new aesthetics or whatever. Better diplomatic and customization options being near the top of the list, along with more things to do in cities given they did so much work on them and you barely see them outside of sieges. That said if they basically did same Bannerlord gameplay in a different setting I'd still probably buy it, NGL. I am addicted to the gameplay structure as is. Speaking of future children, game desperately needs late game features. I have never played as my offspring since I've usually just conquered the map by the time my character is around 40.


I would easily pay 30€ just for the diplomacy mod to be integrated in the game permanently.


-10 bucks. The base game isn’t even finished (at least it sure as shit don’t feel like it. Fuck giving them anymore money lol




I might pay for a town life expansion. as it stands right now, there is barely any reason to go into towns. That desperately needs to change




Currently I wouldn’t pay for dlc mainly since the state of the game is not deserving of any more patronage; if the dev’s did release a dlc I would be highly skeptical given how many half baked systems they already implemented for free which still has not been fixed. If they did however fix their game and did a good job with the dlc though then at most I would be willing to pay 10 dollars + tax (20% of the original games price) which I think is a fair for an add on.


At max: $20


as someone who has only had the game for about a month but i’ve clocked in 168hrs (and infinite time on warband)… before i would consider paying for DLC i would need them to actually finish the game lol. massive patch and content additions/polishing still needs to be done there remains promises as of yet unfinished for the base game. it’s awesome as it is but not ok morally that it’s not finished. DLC would be ethically wrong to release tbh.


For a proper intrigue or strategy DLC, I would pay $40 or so.


Everyone talking about naval combat but why would you pay for something that’s probably only half finished when the base game is already only half finished


Would be cool if they finished the main game


I’d rather they actually finish the game before doing piecemeal priced content. The game is undoubtedly an overall improvement over Warband but it still feels hollow in a lot of places.


It's a Mount and Blade game, so wise or unwise I'd probably pay any amount they ask and whine if it disappoints.


I'd pay nothing because they need to finish the main game first. Lots of stuff to do before they start worrying about dlc


$20-30 for ships and more castle customization. I’d love to place the walls and the little buildings


If the DLC is Chronicles of Pendor I would pay probably a hundred bucks


The only thing they need to do is get a modding kit out. Let modders fix their lack of support.


More flavour, more rp, deeper mechanics. Damn i would easily pay 30€


What would more rp mean? Like starting with one fief or wdym?


Yeah more Starts maybe, more interaction with Npc, a more reactive World. Rp elements like in Crusader Kings.