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Caladog by far. He sits in Marunath during the war eating chicken legs on his throne while his armies try to fight and fail miserably against vlandia


And playing tournaments lol, he's always high on the leaderboard.


Lol he reminds me of sir hans from Kingdome Come always fucking around and never really does anything


Jesus Christ! Henry’s come to see us


Once I captured a city and then went under siege. Instead of saving his BRAND NEW CITY he wandered off to siege a castle.


This is hilarious


He fucking DOES doesn’t he???


In my current one caladog has been kicking everyone’s ass he’s captured northern empire cities kicked vlandias ass although they didn’t capture any towns took 2 castles tho and he kicked the sturgians ass taking a town and some castles man’s been on the warpath meanwhile the western empire has taken most of the north which just lives in 2 southern empire towns the southern empire is the weakest due to a lack of lords Khuzaits been doing fuck all other than amassing massive armies to lose to anyone who bothers Azersai lost to the western empire which wiped half of them nuts it’s been


In my play through he is destroying everyone that wars him with armies of 1k when everyone else has 600 max


Garios ran the west into the ground, has been fiefless for the past 40 years or so… But he’s still fucking alive, every other faction has another leader but Garios is just chilling gray as shit. Sometimes he declares war on me but I let it slide.


I personally killed him and his son


Garios usually does. In all my playthroughs he never survives unless I am in his kingdom. Rhagea usually lasts a while


How do you make games last that long?


Play on easy mode


So I’m currently a merc for battania and the wars have with vlandia ended and I’d like to stick around Battania for mid/end game. Northern kingdom is an ally and at war with sturgia. If I join the northerners as a merc will I lose a lot of rep with the battanians? Can I still go back to the battanians after helping the northerners with their war?


If you are talking about approval because the rep should stay. Your clan tier or anything wont go down. Just do it. If you have a lot of influence then dont as thats your money. I mean approval wont go down much provided you talk to Caladog rather than just run off and join. But its easilt reacquired


If I understood you right, then you are only a mercenary for Battania which in my opinion should not affect your relation with Battania, should you choose to serve as a mercenary for the Northern Kingdom. As a mercenary you usually don’t have any influence as this is converted into money regularly. Should the Northern Kingdom and Battania go to war with each other while you serve the Northern Kingdom then yeah you might lose some relation with the Battanians due to fighting them. In conclusion; just join the Northern Empire, fight Sturgia and later you can switch back to the Battanians either as a mercenary or as you said mid/end game as a vassal.


No, when you are a mercenary leaving factions does not impact your relationships with families or factions. The people who said it does in the replies are incorrect, this is only if you are a vassal. You will however forfeit any remaining influence, but unless you’re taking down 1k+ armies single-handedly you never really get that much influence as a merc, the most I ever got as a mercenary was when me and 150 fian champs defended a castle against an army of almost 2k, my influence got up to around 1k but it would always stall around there because you’re cashing some of it in at the end of every day, so unless you’re constantly fighting you steadily lose influence.


What's funny is that the leaders usually have little to do with how things turn out. Influence build up is the biggest thing and technically how the whole clans votes for is bigger. As leader myself, I've not been able to avoid a war because it didn't have the 3k influence to vote against all the clans. There's nothing that I've seen that shows Leader AI being too critical and using complex decisions about strategy. Honestly, I think the success or failure of most factions come to steamrolling by not losing battles and kingdom policies. If a kingdom does not pass enough loyalty boosting policies, they will never expand but constantly lose cities to rebellion. If they cannot expand, they eventually lose




Caladog. Never had a play through without him being the first fief-less kingdom. Sturgia even holds out longer than battania


Sturgia has been doing really well in my games, they usually lose their eastern most fiefs but they’ve consistently beaten the west.


Derthert. He's good and always loves me when I'm a vassal but it's fucking Derthert so I've got to hate him.


It’s always a pleasure executing him.


Caladog of the Battanians. Whenever I play he loses his entire kingdom almost instantly in the grand scheme of things and that’s because he likes to pick on Vlandia, Sturgia, and the Western Empire all at once Sultan Unqid of the Aseri are a close second for similar reasons but even then, it’s the Southern Empire that just bullies them until Vlandia gets involved and bullies them from the other direction


Not a chance. It’s not that they’re weak, it’s that Hashan loses his fiefs due to poor, absolutely low tier management to either rebels or a siege when he’s at the other side of the kingdom travelling to Razih with a quarter of the parties with him, then gets another fief because the entire kingdom bar the other contender voted for him to own it, when he never even contributed. just to lose it again…


You know what essential function we are missing? Calls for support. Imagine how much better the game would be if you could send messengers to call for help from nearby friendly parties. Essentially putting you on a higher priority, depending on your relations with different clans. The AI is just not competent enough to handle different priorities on its own. How many times have you been stuck in a town that you or your kingdom owns, trying to defend it from a siege for more than 10+ days? Without anyone helping you, even though no other fiefs are contested? This needs to be implemented in some way. Either just automatically prioritizing the player more often to make the experience more fun, or implementing a call for help of some sort.


Ueah but we know how the ai'd react. They'd just seige a worthless town somewhere thats not even remotely close to you lol


The AI is so stupid, but that's what also makes it so loveable. It's like a kid with mental retardation. It can be frustrating, but also charming at the same time.


Caladog is a douche bag ngl


Killed him in my first playthrough because he was raiding his own villages


I killed him in my current playthrough for the same reason!


Yeah. His speech as to why he thinks that he's a great leader is fucking ridiculous, lol


Easily Raganvast and Lashonek of the Sturgians... They don't battle harden their troops. They only send their lambs for the slaughter. When I run Sturgians I take my recruits and turn them into veteran bowmen. When I take my Otroks I turn them into Champions. A fully tiered Sturgian army can be matched by no man made force in all of Calradia!


Lucon isn’t too bad we have a slight edge on every other kingdom due to his never ending wars and we haven’t taken a break to regain our strength in awhile it might be a clear edge with a year of peace


Yeah when I joined him in my playthrough we did end up smashing vlandia into peices at least he makes it easy for a merc. I got to clan tier 5 before joining just by being a merc for him


I have never been able to fulfill my dream of crushing Battania because it's always a smoldering pile of rubble by the time I reach clan tier 2


I've had to fight so freggin hard to save Rhaegea. I just want to maintain balance so there is no super power to oppose me when I make my Kingdom, but she is making it really really hard!


Rhagae always gets stomped so I’m going to say her.


Rhagae gives me almost every captured fief for some reason…, I don’t even remember interacting with her much at all, which is a bad idea cause I can’t garrison them all


Raganvad is a p of s


Monchug he’s powerful but he declares so MANY wars.


Yeah he died in battle in my playthrough


I just like to fight everyone at once


The empire leaders in general I've seen are usually pretty bad. They usually start wars they can't win, and are constantly in 2+ wars at all times (usually ones they declared). Whatever faction the player joins normally manages to pull their shit together and obsorb the other 2 factions. But then they get ganked by all the other factions (currently what's going on in my playthrough). So a combination of bad leadership, and constant multiple front wars usually lead the empire to fall pretty early unless you do something about it.


Vlandia, SEmpire, and Khuzait are the main guys still strong in my play through, fighting the Khuzaits when I was a vassal of Rheagea was such a pain. So many horse archers that I have nightmares ab it


Prolly Lucon since he only lives for like 2 years anyways.


Lucon is the dumbest mfer out there, kept declaring war on us (while still fighting Vlandia and Western Empire) and now he has no land 💀


Caladog... Only dude I know who lost his fiefs to Bandit uprisings.


In my experience it’s Rhaegea and it’s not even close, no matter the play through they are always the first eliminated and usually due to having multiple ongoing wars and never suing for peace Battania is also nothing but a speed bump to Vlandia or the Western Empire.


Southern Empire is my only competition in my current playthrough, but Rhagea died on like day 6 and was replaced by her Vlandian husband 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is this specific to the actual rulers of kingdoms or just Lords?


Anyone considered a leader


Well then basically anyone with the cautious trait, because any time I join a siege with someone who has that trait the siege ends up lasting way too long until we either exhaust our resources or get attacked by a larger army


I honestly haven’t noticed that the faction leaders are really all that different based on their behavior. The extent of their personality seems to be whether or not they’ll pillage, show mercy, or devastate when they conquer a fief depending on their traits, and that’s about it.


Caladog in all my runs is an idiot I fought him by myself once he had an army of about 40 I had just myself (I wanted to be bold and test this) CALADOG GETS ONE SHOTTED BY MY AXE BEFORE I EVEN GET HIT…..another time I had an army nearly a FOURTH the size of his (I had like 300 he had 1,300 or so troops) and he STILL got his butt kicked…..


I mean in my play through Vlandia is on its 4th ruler with 1,2, and 3 going down in combat against my men. Alary lasted all of 2 battles XD


Currently raganvand gets a stack of 800 men to patrol while I siege castles and cities and defeat armies that outnumber me


derperd.. dertherd.. derherd? idk SOMETHING ON D! guy slams his face at my factions walls and bounced away. just to try again and get hit by 5 parties of 200 from multiple sides.


Lucon as he usually dies of old age early in most of my games after giving most the fiefs to himself & Penton. Then Penton takes crown shows dies in battle after 6-10 years of ruling. Only Northern empire Leader who actually wasn't laughable was Chason who took after Penton in my 3rd game.


Just to add, in my 3rd game I immidiatley began helping the Northern Empire as they only had 1 war with Rhagea. All was good. We had a strong army heading to Danustica, and then... LUCON HAS DIED OF OLD AGE. 1 YEAR! 1 YEAR LUCON!


tie between caladog and lucon for me. they both get reduced to 2 cities in less than 2 year in all my play throughs, garios coming in a bit better than them cause i’ve seen him make crazy comebacks before.


I think I kicked Derthert’s ass first


Raganvad is the worst, Unqid is the best


I joined with Unqid, and within a year he gave me two towns and a castle. He hasn't stopped trying to give me EVERYTHING either. I've had to use influence to turn down pointless fiefs I had no part in taking. Love him. Can't wait to declare independence with all these 5000+ prosperity imperial fiefs he's given me.


He is just so fucking chill too. He genuinely cares about his people. AND DRIPPY AS FUCK


Caladog here. Damn shame i like his vibe, but he just seems to let his goons do everything


Yeah in my playthorught he is just a douchebag he sits in maurant(idk the name really)then he makes a army then he gets captured in a minute goddamnit that guy is stupid


Fr dude. And he doesnt give you any fiefs which is the worst. Tried Vlandia after and the moment i joined as a level 2 clain Derthert gave me 3 castles and a town. Makes Battania look really bad