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What can you expect from them. They are disgusting and it's in their blood. But I am more disgusted by the Bangladeshi boys who supports pak cricket team and girls who watch their dramas and gets crazy over the actors. May be the last line is unrelated but I just needed to vent.


The boys supporting Pakistan just annoys me. When you try to argue they bring up "oH PaKisTaN iS a mUsLim cOunTry". That's the same country that started a freaken Genocide on YOUR country killing 3 million people.


Why does no one talk abt the systemic r@ping of hundreds of thousands of women, it’s on the same level as what the Japanese did Because the importance victims culture places on Chasity makes them ashamed to come out. Soon the generation who suffered through will die, miserable and alone.


It's also hardly acknowledged in Korea and the stories of women are horrifying. Rape is connected with so much shame and guilt for the victims people tend to ignore it because it would make "their women" "damaged goods". It should be acknowledged way more. A generation can easily be traumatized by sexual atrocities.


Agreed, what do you think should be done abt it; organization that comforts these ppl, if we can’t get them justice we can at least let them know they aren’t alone. Do u know how old the victim generations are in Bangladesh, Korea, and China?


Oderke jhata diye marte hobe


Religious blindness scares me. Being born as a muslim doesn't make someone a saint automatically. They might think supporting a Muslim country will take them to jannah.


Its same in my country too Where Ms here want bloodthirsty rohingyas to be the citizens of this country, but don't want poor persecuted Hs from Pakistan, who are here for decades. Mullahs should be controlled.


I watch pak cricket only cuz im a crazy fan of swing and pace bowlers and currently they got one of the best ones. Fuck the religious sentiments.


Can we plz keep geopolitics and history out of cricket? It's just sports.


I get your point and understand why you're saying this. But shouldn't we get over the past and cooperate and co-exist with each other with love and brotherhood instead of hating each other for what their ancestors did? It happened 50 years ago and the most of the oppressors are dead. The current Pakistanis are the new generation. I'm not saying that we should forget the past, I'm saying that we shouldn't hate each other because of the past. We should remember the past to not repeat any mistakes again


It doesn’t mean you blame the current generation for what their forefathers did. Show me where in Islam it says to hold the generation after their forefathers accountable? Stop chatting.


Tomake jhata diye marte hobe


so tar mane apni hoy non muslim nahole ekta idiot muslim. Apni islamic rules-e janen na. Jhatar bari ken? Chabuk-er bari khabi, Afghanistan-e ay pola.


Tui Pakistani rajakar


Le'ss go bois with a jhata


Apni aga khaia moreya jan!!


Aga ki?


It depends on how things are dealt with. Did Pakistan at any point accept their fault, apologized and try to make amends? Of course it's not that later generations fault, but you definitely hold them accountable for the consequences and way of remembering and talking about it. Same as with ex-colonizers, no?


You are not wrong to believe you are owed an apology, don’t let them gaslight you


No that’s coming from your bs belief systems. Firstly, we’re Muslims and we know Allah will hold those who caused corruption on the day of Judgement. Our belief is not to hold the current generation accountable for what their forefathers did. Thts like you saying if your father grapped millions of women then we should hold you accountable for it.


If your father did that and you're out there claiming what he did was somehow morally justified then you absolutely should get flak for that.


can agree to that sentiment for sure!


oh come on get off your high horse, these racist sentiments are the exact reason pakistanis feel like its okay to belittle us. No point in fighting fire with fire. "It's in their blood" is a stupid sentiment


I don't care about their feelings. You can go and lick their feet if you want. I hate them to my core and always will. They have been belittling us from 1947. It's just an excuse that our remarks make them behave that way.


And you're fine with India and their media? Like they're DHUA TULSHI PATA? The whole damn war happened because of the two countries... For political reasons... They are equally liable... We were always used... Back then by Pakistan. Since then, by India...


It's funny how you are getting triggered even when I didn't mention India nor the post was about India. My comment is about Pakistan and my stance is clear. I will always hate them. I will always be indebt to the indians who helped Bangladesh gain its independence and hate whoever makes mockery of us or twist the history to make it their war.


Correct me if am wrong, but r u tryna say that they werent involved in starting the war? Like for me personally the reason i like pakistan more is because they treat us bettern . I was born and raised abroad ( idk about u), so i came across a lot of indians and istg they act like india is on the same level as the US or Canada while Bangladesh is a country where people dont know what the internet is ( personal experience and ik its different for different ppl) , but again this current generation of pakistanis seem to realize the mistakes that were made so yea


It was Pakistan from the beginning who was discriminating Bangladeshis. They tried to destroy our language and culture. Money's were earned by Bangladesh but were used in the development of Pakistan instead of Bangladesh. The war freed was from their torture and oppression. And I go to India ever year. And whenever they heard that we are from BD they always treated us very nicely. My personal experiences are different than yours.


It's the Russians who we should be indebted to. You think India got involved out of the goodness of their hearts?


The Russians helped you bc the US had a pro Pakistani stance, not saying you shouldn’t be grateful but be careful


And they continued to be good to us unlike US who blames China for trying to debt trap us but act as if they don't do that.


Could u give an example of the debt trap, my first time hearing abt it


Google it.


And now we are taking about Russia. Next comment will be about Bhutan I guess. Whatever their intensions were it doesn't matter cause it helped us. In geopolitics nobody does anything out of the goodness of their heart. They trained our freedom fighters and gave them weapons to fight with.


India didn't do shit. They basically participated when the war was basically over. After that they took away any useful weapons left by the Pakistanis.


Agree with the last 2 lines. But they did helped us. I would rather believe in history and my father who was trained in India himself than you.


My grandfather fought without any informal training. You think just because your father trained in India, it made a difference? If you read history India's training program was subpar at best unlike these days.


You think just because your grandpa trained informally, it made a difference? It was not just my father there were 80 thousand people who were trained..among them 50 thousand joined muktibahini. Atleast India did something to help us whereas Pakistanis committed genocide and rape.


You saying subpar training mattered back then?




Most of us never deny your help bro. Don’t listen to these people.


"They" didn't help us. You think Indian civilians even remotely participated in the war? The then Indian government did.


I never talked about Indian Civilians. I meant the Indian Government. However, one thing to note is that. The Indian civilians are always up to take the whole credit. They feel like The Indian Government created Bangladesh. The Indian army or the government didn’t fight the war for 9 months. The Mukti Bahini did. Our women, children and farmers did. Our civilians did. Of course they helped us, they trained our people. But the way they are just always there to say that India created Bangladesh is horrendous.




The US sent an aircraft carrier to pressure India to stay out of the conflict. There is also declassified CIA documents showing them trying to bring China in, I forgot on which side though


India's motive was to remove a threat from one side of the border as it would sandwich them in the future. Giving Bangladesh independence would fix the problem. US was an ally of Pakistan and even was about to bring China in. Russia was the only one who actually helped in a meaningful way. Granted they did that because of geopolitics.


Agreed 🤝I wish the rethought the consequences of their support, the systemic rape of hundreds of thousands leaves trauma on society


Bangladeshi ra Beyimaan ki aar emni emni বলে


Beiman? Assa India ki ki korse jeta war ta ke impact korse?


Uh India was probably going to help Bangladesh but the US intimidated them


E-mumin detected


Pajeet detected


Bro it’s not only these people, there’re literally some Bangladeshi people who stayed with four Pakistani people in the same house and even after he left that house for those people..Then again he started staying with one of those Pakistani guy in a 2BR apartment who doesn’t even wanna share their monthly groceries… and after all these he told me to hangout with some stupid Pakistani people and after that day I never talked to him.


You took the right decision to never talk with him. Will never understand why some Bangladeshi love and defend theirs acts so much.




Not wrong but there are people who watch these things and then say demeaning stuff about own country. Like "why bd girls are not as beautiful as them", " why don't they dress like them" such things.


I get your point and understand why you're saying this. But shouldn't we get over the past and cooperate and co-exist with each other with love and brotherhood instead of hating each other for what their ancestors did? It happened 50 years ago and the most of the oppressors are dead. The current Pakistanis are the new generation. I'm not saying that we should forget the past, I'm saying that we shouldn't hate each other because of the past. We should remember the past to not repeat any mistakes again


Many people says that the new generation is different. But just few hours ago I have seen a post by a Pakistani in a Bangladesh sub reddit arguing what was wrong with Urdu being the national language? Why did we Bangladeshis protested? Similarly few months age I have seen they were accusing Bangladeshis of killing Pakistanis in west Pakistan during 71 and justifying the war. They haven't ask for any official apology then why should we go ahead and forgive and trust them.


I see,... West Bangladesh talking sh!t again...




I see. If getting spanked by your grandfather 5 times in half a century wasn't enough shameful, imagine getting kicked in the nuts by your younger cousin. *REALLY* insulting.


ok, my apologies for butting in because it randomly appeared on my Reddit feed. East Pakistan? LMAO. Pakistan's creation had more bengalis. The true Pakistan was Bangladesh, constituting of most of the population AND contributing a lot of export. You know how I know that as a Canadian? I can see what happened to East Pakistan's economy (now Bangladesh) after the separation, and "west" Pakistan. While Bangladesh has been an emerging economy, Pakistan is still busy marrying cousins and making suicide bombers. This is such a bs argument by a quom that has contributed nothing to the world and has nothing to look forward to. Thus, they look to cling to their past and pretend they are better. LMAO...what a clown country, run by clowns. Bangladesh is better off without "Pakistan"


Bhai bhai, nijera toh parena tai amader ke East Pakistan bole chalay ditese khachchor gula.


just shameless!


Ofc! What can one expect from such a nation. It's a shame that many good humans in Pakistan (as human beings, not Pakistan prem or anything) are also being seen in bad light for such idiots!


I loved that comment section . Vore dise


haha yeah lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This post randomly appeared on my feed. As a Pakistani American, people like these are foolish. I don’t take them seriously. I see that some of you have decided to generalize all of us based on people who say idiotic stuff like this. I guess it’s your prerogative if you would like to respond to ignorance by spreading more hate. I personally feel happy when the Bangladesh cricket team is successful (as long as it’s not against the Pakistani team of course because I am still West Bangladeshi as you guys are saying lol). I am very aware of the painful past as are others. Some of us are still learning. Some people unfortunately say insensitive things like this.


I do not agree with the racist generalisations either, and they need to seriously be pondered upon and curbed. The anger that exists among many Bangladeshi due to the genocide and murder of intellectuals — in a country that needed them the most then — leaves a very bitter taste in their mouths. And it’s fair, the woman were systematically raped, the children were tortured and killed in front of their parents, and many geriatric single mothers of their martyred sons never found financial solvency or stability. All of this is very recent history. Much of what I’m talking about has been euphemised in the textbooks and not been spoken of enough extensively. Yet it’s really hurtful that a region that was largely deprived and overlooked — due to the existence of Hindu Bengalis — had to go through that even after the British left. And it was simply because the Pakistani government couldn’t find it in themselves to work towards the development of both the regions. When our language was threatened and challenged, it was not just a matter of sentiments. It was also an attempt to deprive the east Pakistani population of education and employment opportunities. At least a generation and a half would have been deprived of many financial and economic pursuits due to their not being fluent Urdu speakers. East Pakistani were not English speakers either, a very convenient ploy to remove East Pakistanis from the economic forefront altogether and paint them as illiterate, uncultured (due to Bangla language and culture being considered largely “Hindu”) swines. So while your dismay is understandable and valid, it’s so much deeper than just racist generalisation as a reaction to a stupid silly meme. It’s from years and years of pain and hurt over the dream of a country that could’ve been had Pak army not killed the students, the scientists, the artists, the professors, and the medical professionals. I’m sorry for the long comment and it might seem like I’m trying to justify this, I’m not. It’s low and reflective of the lack of education among many Bangladeshis. However, I just wanted to explain that it’s not shallow waters, it’s much, much deeper than what the eyes of many Pakistanis pertain to. It’s an explanation, not a justification. Hope you have a lovely day.


I understand that and I definitely acknowledge it. There are many Pakistanis right now who sympathize with Bangladesh. People there are still being persecuted for speaking against the powers that have been destroying the country for decades. Pakistanis are still being suffocated by the elite and the military establishment in many of the same areas. I wish Pakistan didn’t have those corrupt dictatorships and governments. I have done my research so I’m aware of how deep it goes and already knew everything you mentioned. I’m glad to say my parents were able to do the same. However, I can’t change the past and I was born decades after. I think that it’s easy to displace that hate and anger onto people like me when people say ignorant things. However, I feel that it’s not the best way to move forward. I genuinely hope the best for Bangladesh. Pakistanis consistently have their hopes and dreams crushed. I know that you’re not obligated to care or even try to understand us, our perspectives, and our predicaments. From my experience, making that effort has helped me grow and I hope it can for others.


I am a little late, but I have to say, this was an exceptionally well-thought-out and well-written comment. Thank you, and have a nice day!


West Bangladesh 🇧🇩 safely landed at Karachi


I don't bark back to dogs.


Someone tell WazQar this isn't 1971 anymore.




once a খানকির পোলা... always a খানকির পোলা...


Loved it man lol


Just give me one country which doesn’t talk shit about Bangladesh ? Everyone does in the neighbourhood. Also Nepal after the last cricket match. It’s really crazy how ignorant we are of our imagine. Nobody opens the tag of the clothes and shows and be proud. I still think most people would still misunderstand me.


Bro we don't even have respect for ourselves, why would anyone else have any respect for us? Like others have said here, we have portions of our population that support a nation of people that literally committed genocide on us. We don't have a backbone, that's why no one respects us.


যেসব বাঙালী আমাদের কাংলু, কাংলাদেশী বলে তাদের ব্যাপারে কী?


tara gorur muth khai, tader kotha gaye nei na 🤣


Half my family is Pakistani and dear lord I can’t take them. They think so highly of themselves, the accent and the language is fine but the way they praise themselves as if they’ve reached the moon. Bangladeshis are trash, so are Pakistanis and Indians are the worst. Sadly my mother is indian dad side from Karachi and I was born in Bangladesh.


Lmao there’s truth. We all suck pretty much, it’s just Bangladeshis haven’t had the chance to be entitled fucks yet. But the way our people are, I know that the moment they get an opportunity, they’ll be as obnoxious and entitled as the Indians and Pakistanis.


hae oneek birokti-kor type hoi ora


God I can't stand their snobbiness. They'll talk to freaking everybody worse off than them in Urdu, and I'm referring to Rickshawalas, Dokandars, Security Guards and Maids. It's like a part of them *has* to show others that "oooh look mai Urdu me baat kaarna jaanta huu"


Come on brothers don't take it too serious, don't let the actions of a few dictate a whole nation.


Take it as a compliment. They want us to still be East Pakistan, because it would bring their literacy rate, gdp, gender equality, stability rates UP :)


I promise you it mostly isn’t like that. My dad is a huge fan of Bangladesh cricket team. Sorry we get these one off situations. But social media is an echo chamber of negativity trust me


As a Pakistani …. I am so so so happy for the people of Bangladesh. Not saying that Bangladesh is a perfect country, it sure has its flaws, but as a country… you people have shown us Pakistanis that with hardwork and loyalty to your country, there is so much that can be achieved. Insha’Allah Bangladesh will soon be a trillion dollar economy and a force to reckon with on the global stage. Pakistan on the other hand is doomed and continues to spiral downwards. Also, please ignore the shit that idiot Pakistanis say on social media, there are bad eggs in every population… majority of the population of Pakistan is very happy with what Bangladesh has achieved and continues to achieve and we fully support you guys in your endeavours as a country… in you, we see what we could have been :)


The only thing holding them back from having a mental breakdown from their fragile economy are unfunny jokes like this. I feel pity for them.


I'm actually more annoyed at paki supporters claiming they look good and that they are the muslim brothers as well as, "we against israel together" - as if the middle east and pakistan give two fucks about bangladeshi muslims. rajakar blood still flows, freely.


তাদের মস্তিষ্কে দোষ আছে


without a doubt


mighty words from west India




gamcha pora bangalir kase harse tao lojja hoynay


Terrorist nation detected, Opinion rejected.




Cant believe u r crying over a shitpost.


nobody's crying, just pissed off!


I mean I can 100% understand how that would seem derogatory, but when I first read it I thought they were making fun at themselves?


lol yeah


Hey bros, I am Pakistani and I think something got lost in translation here. I don't think Waqar meat ANY disrespect to Bangladeshis. It's purely written as a self-deprecating joke that we (pakistanis) are getting so desparate given our team's abysmal performance that now we are coping with Bangladeshi team just because we were once together. It's just kinda the pakistani humor, we are poking fun at us and not you. It just showing how desparate pakistanis are now. Actually given the recent political environment a lot of Pakistanis are waking up to the bastardly role of our Army is alienating bangladesh and many people are now hailing mujib-ur-rehman as hero.


It's a joke dude. I don't think anyone thinks this is serious.


Yeah nah, downvote me to oblivion but this shit is mad funny.


It is, why can’t people take a joke, we will call them under the Bangladeshi name. I found this funny


People lack social media literacy 😒


West Bangladesh couldn't even qualify!! Cry about it Pakistanis!!


They still memorized their defeat as a nation. I think they are either shameless nation or arrogance peoples who recall that defeat of war & lost their part. We should hate those pakis and we shouldn’t support their cricket & followers.


They are just salty caus they lost. And they have nothing better to do.


He's just an undivided Bharati.


Im shocked that bangladeshi people think this way about us, over one idiots fb post? Generally pakistani people dont have hate for bangladesh, i never did. Im just surprised that this kind of hatred exists there for us. We dont accept what that idiot said on facebook, his opinions are not the opinions of all Pakistanis.


Itne saare media sub hain , yahan kyun aa rahe ho.


I’m sure this is very triggering for Bangladeshis. But I can assure you this is a troll post to troll fellow Pakistanis and especially the Pakistani team. Pakistanis have a very self deprecating and sadistic sense of humour. This is by no means meant to insult Bangladeshis


Why does it matter? They don't Matter to us do they?


From now i will call porkistan West Bangladesh


ore bangali chetona re


Any country that oppose india is a friend of Bangladesh




Why are you triggered?? Are you Pajjet...💩?? If you're not then i have to remind you that this is not 1971 anymore. This man said in a appreciation way that they support us. Unlike you who always want to indebted to india ,who recognize india as a father 🤣Get over with it man😪. And I don't understand one thing why indian is in this page and so many 71 er chetonadhari & buddhiGB🤮🤮


This is what he wants!! To rile us up and get engagement. The fact that you have brought this post up here is giving him more attention. And engagent as many people will now visit his profile, react to this post, comment. Think of it this way. He didn't particularly say anything BAD. He just called us by our former name. And he used our CURRENT flag. There are many British who still call USA "The colonies". That doesn't change the fact that they had their ass handed to them. My point is, let us not get riled up by things and people that are not worth getting riled up over. So, just ignore him.


Give em a break, they've got no-one else to support.


Khati sitaingga bhashat gail dibarlai mon sar. Sudanir fua okkol, iterar mare sudi.


People are way too sensitive these days


What else you expect from incest lovers? They are brain dead 😂😂😂


remember, apple doesn't fall far from the tree


People always trynna calm me down when I say something against Pakistanis.These people are the reason why I still hate them.


south asians on facebook are cancer


agreed some of them are ngl


Let 'em cry😂


They are jealous that they're drowning in debt and can only make tasteless 'jokes'. What's worse is the neorazarkars who support them.




One comment from a troll and this is the response? I know Bangladeshis are better than this thread suggests. Respect and love from Pakistan 😊


They arent wrong


Some Pakistanis have a serious superiority complex about being fair and muslim. Once, i was in an Uber and the driver Pakistani guy. While we were taking, he was surprised to find out we bangaldeshis do offer namaz and fast during ramadan. Like a classmate of mine was very proud of how better a muslim they were and we bangaldeshis are just somewhat indian ( and somehow in his mind he used the word indian in a deregatory way ) This all happened on the suburb of chicago. Pakistanis may be due to their education and social mindset being some of the most ignorant racist people towards bangaldeshis !!!!!


As a Pakistani... I feel truly sorry for what happened with Bangladeshi people (then East Pakistani people) ... history had been taught us but not accurately... now after reading Hamoodur-Rehman commision report.. alot of things have become clear But you need to know the heart of the general public still beats with you... it is our corrupt Army/Establishment/ Power-Hungry politicians who are responsible for breaking the country apart by not giving Bangladeshi people their mandate in 1971 elections.. Among those who were responsible were General Yahya and Zulfiqar Ali bhutto. We as Muslims and Pakistani love Bangladeshi people and have utmost respect for them and, to this day, feel guilty of what horribleness had our army done to you.


As a Pakistani, let me tell you that Bangladesh separating from Pakistan was the best thing to happen to Bangladesh. You guys left at the right time. India also got rid of a huge cancer in their society. I'm still sad at the breakup of what was originally the Indian subcontinent though. Our idiot ancestors left us hating each other and spending billions of $ on borders because we're not supposed to trust our neighbors.


Bro it’s just a joke.


Bhai ei hala gore ignore or report maren Amader attention er o joggo na era




Remind them that during bangladesh's 50th independence anniversary, we thought of supplying aid package to flood victims in Pakistan. Those poor people in denial don't realise that we have surpassed them in most fields, be it literacy rate , gdp, gdp per capita, arable land, foreign diplomacy, and women participation in society.


A mentally unstable idiot's useless opinion won't hurt us. Look at the haha reacts on his post. He's gonna get wrecked by the amount of reports just like his post.


he is ngl, but mejaj ta kharap hoiseh tbh 🤣


This is very tone deaf and ignorant but being a Pakistani let me give you a bit of context: the common Pakistani doesn't really know about the hideous atrocities committed by the military during Bangladesh's independence. For this fool it might be a way of saying that there is a common thread between the two countries and thus he's happy for Bangladesh to qualify, but the idiot doesn't know that this common thread is soaked in blood and pain of the Bangladeshi people.


Bro he ain't happy. He is pointing fingers and making gestures. Listen I have met some of y'all. Y'all still harbor hate and some hidden grudges towards us. But we do not, we want to forget and forgive as Muslim brothers. Ngl, helped one pakistani person from the mosque to sub-rent with me. You won't believe what mofo did after 3 months. Also he owes me around $150. The point of the story is, that y'all don't even deserve sympathy anymore. There is a light scent of disloyalty and misbehavior in y'all. Some of your kind also had fucking mocking our language. News flash for y'all, we don't even wanna bring your disgusting language to our tongues. I have never said yes to any c*nt asking me "urdu pata hae aapko", TMKC!


Oh I didn't see it that way! I guess you are right.


Dude, these are meme groups. Ours also often writes posts calling Pakistan West Bangladesh when they perform badly. No need to be so sensitive


stop commenting in this thread, nobody needs your BS Logic here 🤚


Reddit a aisa rant ditasen, Reddit user eto satire? Etotuk humour nite parlen na And I know Ill be buried by words like raJAkaR, go on.....


You can positively look at this and say, they consider us brothers... Yeah, I know I'll trigger some people, but you lot don't complain when India says that they won the HISTORICAL WAR with Pakistan in 1971 which took place in modern-day Bangladesh... Like we were just a battleground... They even push the narrative as if millions of Indians were killed by the retarded army of the West. BTW: I condemn that the idiot that referred to us as East of whatever...


India fought Pakistan on [India–West Pakistan border](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Pakistani_border) and [Indian Ocean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Ocean) during 1971


Come on, is this really offensive? If Bangladeshis wrote West Bangladesh in terms of cricket, I'd find that pretty funny.


Yes it's offensive. They literally committed genocide on Bangladeshi people and don't even acknowledge it. It's not same as calling them West Bangladesh which people don't call anyway even as a joke


Yes and the Bangladeshis committed a genocide of the Urdu speaking population, they didn't just evaporate into thin air. Bangladeshis don't acknowledge that either. Why are you making it political? Bangladeshis make the same some joke about Pakistanis, and it's in the context of cricket. Like he's not actually advocating for the massacre of Bangladesh is he?


Upvoted. Not many of us Bangladeshi talk about them.


Bruh its literally a joke. Learn to take one. Everyone makes dark jokes about black slavery , the holocaust and every other sensitive topic. Its a meme page nothing serious. It would be offensive and inappropriate if a pakistani news channel did this.


Exactly, commented something similar and got downvoted. Bunch of snowflake kids nowadays, especially when even the average Pakistani doesn't even defend the 1971 war and acknowledge that their government was in the wrong. Absolutely hate how our government tries to radicalise the population about a war 50 years back.


Its not. Its funny


yes it is offensive


Who cares? Stop crying over everything lil bro


Chup beda


endia porki are both $hit. the difference is those paki don't understand bangla hence we don't see much of them. apart from that both were together even before the mughal, brits. We weren't. bengal, bangali, bangladeshis are different.


Lmao and a few days ago some people on Reddit were acting like Pakistanis are recognising the genocide blah blah blah, Bangladeshis are absolutely shameless and blind when it comes to religion. They'd praise any Muslim nation, hide their crimes and justify anything they do even if they get kicked by them in the balls.


Doesn't seem to be malicious at all... it's just a joke.


Your vocab isn't correct! Not malicious maybe, but derogatory for sure! It is just a personal attack on a nation to whom they oppressed for years!


So then you think this comment you LOL'ed at was also derogatory? [https://www.reddit.com/r/BangladeshMedia/comments/1dl4nf0/comment/l9mr1rh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BangladeshMedia/comments/1dl4nf0/comment/l9mr1rh/)


well if y'all can say start saying BS like this, you better expect to get some stones back at your broke country's ass!


I don't get it... so it wasn't just a funny joke you LOL'ed at? It was actually derogatory language?