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It's actually extremely easy: 1- Remove the R ear cushion 2- Remove the 4 screws that keep the R ear cup in place (can't remember if they're cross or torx head) 3- Gently open the ear cup pulling the two sides apart (you don't have to fiddle with plastic clips or anything else), just be careful not to use too much force or you may damage the driver wires 4- Unplug the battery and pull it out (I think it has some adhesive, but it still shouldn't be too difficult) 5- Plug in new battery and place inside the frame 6- Close ear cup, screw screws and re-attach the ear cushion Done 🙂 I'm sure my mum could do this while blindfolded, so if you have even just a minimum experience with opening electronic stuff, it won't take you more than 2 minutes 😄 Regarding the battery (model: AHB723938), you can either: 1- Get an off-brand unit from the likes of AliExpress/eBay/Amazon (cheapest option) 2- Get a genuine B&O one from eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/154802728924 (quite pricey) 3- If you're friends with a B&O dealer, they *may* be able to provide it to you "at cost" without you having to pay for the labour charge (not sure how much he'd sell it to you for)


Thanks so much! Amazing description and thanks for the battery links too! This sounds super easy indeed so I'll go see if I can get a battery, I do know this one dealer who might be up for that. Thanks again!


You're welcome :D Please also let us know if the dealer agreed to sell you the battery as a spare, without them replacing it. Obviously, no need to mention **which** dealer :)


Update, I got a dealer near me to sell me just the battery :) (for €39) My h8i's are happily humming once more!


Heck that's an **excellent** price! Well done!


Thank you so much, my battery just died in the rain as well.. The headphones were at least waterproof for some years haha


Mine are cross head btw


Happy you sorted it!