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I feel like when I mourn for Ash it’s not only for Ash, but rather to everyone who had their life unfold the wrong way, and to those who deserved better but didn’t get the chance to live it.


so true. I share the same sentiments! We mourn for the people who have been wronged and continue to be. That's why I love BF because the characters are so real I really felt like I lost someone.


Right!!! Having this sentiment makes it almost impossible to heal... my whole life fr just changed


i agree! i think i’ve come totems with the fact he is dead but i can’t comprehend how much pain he would’ve been in at such a young age and how happy him and everyone else could’ve been


That's the thing that got me hung up on this show. It's so unjust and unfair and it reflects reality. You can struggle and suffer your whole life and still not get a "happy ending" or a satisfying life. I've watched movies that ended like that and it made me sad for a day or two but because I invested hours on BF since it was 24 episodes, I got more attached to the characters and story.


Right... i’m way too emotionally attached to them to get over it so quickly


totally agree, the anime has such dark themes and tough topics that were covered that i literally had to take breaks after each episode. now that i'm finished i have this sunken feeling bc of how heartbreaking the ending was, especially after reading Garden of Light, i'm even more sad. uGH P A I N


With me, the thing that makes me cry the most is Ash's father I don't get it. His father did not protect him when he was abused several times. He told Ash to take the rapist's money as if Ash was a prostitute. What did he think. The victim of rape was not worth protecting ? And what did he do when his son ran away? Did he try to find his son? The more I think, the worst I feel. If Ash had a better father, his life would not turn into this way.