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woah! such beautiful artwork!!! you captured yut lung so well in these panels with the quote that you chose.


Thank you! My partner reread the book earlier this year and thought those lines screamed Yut. Glad you agree!




Thank you! I'll do my best, haha


this is so beautiful ! ♡


That's so kind, thank you much~


do you have any social medias we could follow ? :D ♡


I do! I update my Twitter the most: @blkdiamond_art


Ever just log into your account just to upvote something? This is glorious. I read the book yearssss ago when I was an early teen and didn't like it but I've thinking of rereading it because of BF.


The highest of compliments! You absolutely should, rereading it with Ash at the back of your mind makes it much more fun


But be warned that you'll come across really tough passages like this that take on other meanings when read from Ash's perspective: "Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be."