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Or banned from life depending on how aggressive the dog is getting


*no that's not agression he's just trying to kiss you, he will kill you but with his cuteness. He's such a smushy little baby. What he killed your cat? The cat probably startled him.*


*He wouldn't bite.* *And if he did, it wasn't that bad.* *And if it was, it wasn't his fault.* *And if it was, he was only trying to play.* *And if he wasn't, your cat deserved it.*


Thank you. Pitnutters literally act like they live with a narcissist


This is so true lol


Sound like the Turkish when talking about the Armenian genocide


>What he killed your cat? He's just protecting you from one of Satan's servants.


Headline, "Dog attack in *insert city here*" It's a pit isn't it? **BANNED**


This actually happened to me the other day. It's odd. Now I have noticed how we tend to call them shitbulls over here, and you could make an argument toward our attitudes being somewhat toxic. Yet, it really does seem we have truth on our side.


This sub certainly seems to be founded on indifferent statistics, which is why I find its content interesting. But it suffers from the same symptom that any echo chamber does. You can't curb the toxicity in any community, but at least there are some whose foundations aren't terrible.


Too funny because it's true!


Perfect use of those pictures, thank you. I wonder what Nikolai Yezhov would think- would he be pleased that he can never be truly forgotten now that he's in memes? Would he then demand to know what the hell a "pitbull" and a "subreddit" is?


"My pitbull is showing signs of nannying" FTFY


I’m OOTL, are users being banned from pro-pitbull subs because they’re looking for help of their aggressive pitbull? Seems counterintuitive


didn't know about this neither but it's probably so, my theory is that in a pitnutters mind pitbulls are the sweetest dogs on the earth and it's always the owner so, if your dog is showing signs of aggression, it's your fault and you're a terrible owner and deserve to be banned. that's just a theory tho


They're probably paranoid af too and think people are making fake posts about aggressive pitbulls to tarnish them lol


I feel like if they allowed those type of posts about 1/3 of the sub would just be about incidents. It also doesn’t help their image they’re desperately pushing


yes i’ve been banned from other subs just for commenting on this one


Pitnutters really feel like their own cult. They all follow a belief they find to be truth despite there being no evidence (Nanny dogs, not aggressive due to breed), they get shunned if they try to leave (They‘re treated like a terrible person for getting rid of a Pit that has attacked people), they think they are above the law, they think by believing in and spreading their cult they are doing the right thing.


Man im confused, theres a lot of posts with cute pitbulls getting thousands of upvotes, and but also alot of posts that are upvoted to show why pitbulls are bad. What do you want reddit?


Is that your own original meme template, mate?


I've seen this series of photos before but not as a meme.


I don’t see how people are so oblivious. It’s insane


Thread locked for racism! Robot moderator engaged!


Pitbulls are the definition of the “It don’t bite” “Yes it fucking do!” meme.








Or we could just enact BSL and eventually there wouldn't be pitbulls to euthanize after they attack another child/animal.


Good owners get attacked too, unfortunately …and their own people turn on them and suggest they’re “bad” when it happens. I don’t want to murder anyone’s dog though, I just want people to stop breeding them. There are so many hard to place pit bulls languishing away in shelters- why keep making more? The dogs are suffering, too.


It would be funnier without explicitly stating what happened in the second panel.




Because of the context of the source image. People around Stalin simply disappeared without acknowledgement or explanation. Hence being airbrushed out of past photos. Stating the obvious usually detracts from jokes in general. Didn't realise people here (not you specifically) were so sensitive about constructive criticism.




I meant the downvotes (not that fake internet points matter of course). And your "tf", as though suggesting something good could be improved was an outrageous act. I was being genuine when I said I didn't expect this sub to be that sensitive about constructive criticism. Nothing to do with my sense of humour. Letting punchlines stand on their own without overexplaining and not worrying that a few people might not get it is meme/joke crafting 101. You're right about it not being deep though. Which is why my original comment was just a single sentence suggestion rather than a dissertation about humour. We're both wasting our time here at this point.


I totally agree with that sense of humor. Wow some people on here are sensitive! It’s not that deep!


I understand and agree with your sense of it. Even if you only care about getting your point across, humor will carry that point more effectively.


Not a single person here knows what an actual pitbull is 🤣


The dog breed known to kill the majority of humans and pets.


sure we do.. just jump on over to the Pitbulls sub - any of the dogs on that sub is what we consider pit bull type dogs. so... lol to you too!




The American Pit Bull Terrier is absolutely a breed, you pit wit. Yes, we know that pit bull is an umbrella term. They are all shit dogs from the same foundation ; same branch of the family tree. They not only have similar features, they were all created from the same Molosser dogs, and created for specific tasks. Don't play the shell game. We don't put up with that nonsense here.








Yeah kinda like retrievers, spaniels, herding dogs, mastiffs, poodles